protected override void OnVisibleChanged(EventArgs e) { base.OnVisibleChanged(e); if (this.Visible) { statusTextBox.Text = ""; this.initCall = false; //Query Parms Source_QueryParms queryParms = new Source_QueryParms( ); queryParms.load(LakeChabotReader.MANAGED_ACCESS, reader.ReaderHandle); externalQueryParamsMod = true; algorithmComboBox.SelectedIndex = algorithmComboBox.Items.IndexOf ( queryParms.SingulationAlgorithm ); externalQueryParamsMod = false; } }
protected override void OnVisibleChanged(EventArgs e) { base.OnVisibleChanged(e); if (this.Visible) { statusTextBox.Text = ""; this.initCall = true; //Region if (rfid.Constants.Result.OK != macRegion.load(LakeChabotReader.MANAGED_ACCESS, this.reader.ReaderHandle) ) { this.macRegion.MacRegion = rfid.Constants.MacRegion.UNKNOWN; } //clark 2011.4.26 Check range. if (macRegion.MacRegion > 0 && (uint)macRegion.MacRegion < RegionCount) { regionComboBox.SelectedIndex = (int)this.macRegion.MacRegion; } this.initCall = false; //Query Parms Source_QueryParms queryParms = new Source_QueryParms( ); queryParms.load(LakeChabotReader.MANAGED_ACCESS, reader.ReaderHandle); externalQueryParamsMod = true; algorithmComboBox.SelectedIndex = algorithmComboBox.Items.IndexOf ( queryParms.SingulationAlgorithm ); externalQueryParamsMod = false; } }
public ConfigureSettingsControl(LakeChabotReader reader) { if (reader == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("reader", "Null reader passed to ConfigureGeneral CTOR()"); } if (reader.Mode != rfidReader.OperationMode.BoundToReader) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("reader", "Unbound reader passed to ConfigureGeneral()"); } InitializeComponent( ); this.reader = reader; _timer = new Timer( ); _timer.Interval = 5000; _timer.Tick += new EventHandler(timer_Tick); string startupPowerState = Properties.Settings.Default.startupPowerState; string startupOpMode = Properties.Settings.Default.startupOperationalMode; int startupAlgorithmNumber = Properties.Settings.Default.startupInventoryAlgorithm; rfid.Constants.Result result = rfid.Constants.Result.OK; //Interface radiobutton============================================================= UInt32 oemData = 0; rfid.Constants.Result status = reader.MacReadOemData((ushort)enumOEM_ADDR.HOST_IF_SEL, ref oemData); if (oemData == (uint)enumPORT.ENUM_PORT_USB) { rBtn_USB.Checked = true; rBtn_UART.Checked = false; } else { rBtn_USB.Checked = false; rBtn_UART.Checked = true; } // regionComboBox============================================================= ENUM_REGION_RESULT enumMatch = ENUM_REGION_RESULT.FAIL; this.macRegion = new Source_MacRegion(); result = macRegion.load(LakeChabotReader.MANAGED_ACCESS, this.reader.ReaderHandle); do { if (rfid.Constants.Result.OK != result) { enumMatch = ENUM_REGION_RESULT.FAIL; break; } UInt32 shift = 1; foreach (rfid.Constants.MacRegion item in Enum.GetValues(typeof(rfid.Constants.MacRegion))) { do { if ((this.macRegion.MacRegionSupport & shift) <= 0) { break; } //Add support region to regionComboBox. if (item == rfid.Constants.MacRegion.CUSTOMER)//Customer region uses string. { result = reader.API_MacGetCustomerRegion(ref strCustomerRegion); switch (result) { case rfid.Constants.Result.OK: regionComboBox.Items.Add(strCustomerRegion); if (item == this.macRegion.MacRegion) { enumMatch = ENUM_REGION_RESULT.CUSTOMER_OK; } break; case rfid.Constants.Result.NOT_SUPPORTED: //Only hide the option. if (item == this.macRegion.MacRegion) { enumMatch = ENUM_REGION_RESULT.CUSTOMER_NON_SUPPORTED; } break; case rfid.Constants.Result.FAILURE: default: enumMatch = ENUM_REGION_RESULT.CUSTOMER_FAIL; break; } } else { //Other region uses enum. regionComboBox.Items.Add(item); //Check match region between support and current region setting. if (item == this.macRegion.MacRegion) { enumMatch = ENUM_REGION_RESULT.OK; } } }while(false); shift <<= 0x01; } }while(false); switch (enumMatch) { case ENUM_REGION_RESULT.OK: regionComboBox.SelectedIndex = regionComboBox.Items.IndexOf(this.macRegion.MacRegion); break; case ENUM_REGION_RESULT.FAIL: RegionError("Read region unsuccessfully"); break; case ENUM_REGION_RESULT.CUSTOMER_OK: //Customer region uses string. regionComboBox.SelectedIndex = regionComboBox.Items.IndexOf(strCustomerRegion); break; case ENUM_REGION_RESULT.CUSTOMER_NON_SUPPORTED: RegionError("Not support customer region"); break; case ENUM_REGION_RESULT.CUSTOMER_FAIL: RegionError("Get customer region fail"); break; case ENUM_REGION_RESULT.NOT_MATCH: RegionError("Region deosn't match \"RegionSupport\"."); break; } // profileComboBox============================================================= this.profileList = new Source_LinkProfileList(LakeChabotReader.MANAGED_ACCESS, this.reader.ReaderHandle); this.profileList.load( ); int count = 0; foreach (Source_LinkProfile linkProfile in profileList) { profileComboBox.Items.Add(count + " : " + linkProfile.ToString( )); ++count; } profileComboBox.SelectedIndex = ( int )profileList.getActiveProfileIndex( ); this.profileComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.profileComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged); // Currently out of sync with 'new' model ~ no explicit read done // here or source provided ~ done via reader call... foreach (rfid.Constants.SingulationAlgorithm item in Enum.GetValues(typeof(rfid.Constants.SingulationAlgorithm))) { algorithmComboBox.Items.Add(item); } algorithmComboBox.Items.Remove(rfid.Constants.SingulationAlgorithm.UNKNOWN); // skipping err checking on these shortcut methods... Source_QueryParms queryParms = new Source_QueryParms( ); queryParms.load(LakeChabotReader.MANAGED_ACCESS, reader.ReaderHandle); algorithmComboBox.SelectedIndex = algorithmComboBox.Items.IndexOf ( queryParms.SingulationAlgorithm ); algorithmComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.algorithmComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged); }
public ConfigureSettingsControl(LakeChabotReader reader) { if (reader == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("reader", "Null reader passed to ConfigureGeneral CTOR()"); } if (reader.Mode != rfidReader.OperationMode.BoundToReader) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("reader", "Unbound reader passed to ConfigureGeneral()"); } InitializeComponent( ); this.reader = reader; _timer = new Timer( ); _timer.Interval = 5000; _timer.Tick += new EventHandler(timer_Tick); string startupPowerState = Properties.Settings.Default.startupPowerState; string startupOpMode = Properties.Settings.Default.startupOperationalMode; int startupAlgorithmNumber = Properties.Settings.Default.startupInventoryAlgorithm; //Interface radiobutton============================================================= //Mod by FJ for model name judgement, 2015-01-22 do { string strModule = string.Empty; if (rfid.Constants.Result.OK != reader.result_major) { btn_Update.Enabled = false; break; } strModule = String.Format("RU-{0}{1}{2}", (char)((reader.uiModelNameMAJOR >> 16) & 0xFF), (char)((reader.uiModelNameMAJOR >> 8) & 0xFF), (char)(reader.uiModelNameMAJOR & 0xFF)); if (strModule == "RU-824") { rBtn_USB.Checked = true; btn_Update.Enabled = false; rBtn_UART.Enabled = false; break; } if (reader.uiModelNameMAJOR == 0x4D303258)//0x4D303258==M02X { rBtn_UART.Checked = true; btn_Update.Enabled = false; rBtn_USB.Enabled = false; break; } //Add by Wayne for enable link profile selection function for HP SiP, 2014-08-12 else if (reader.uiModelNameMAJOR == 0x4D303358) //0x4D303358==M03X { profileComboBox.Enabled = true; //Add by Wayne for disable USB interface at M03X model, 2014-08-28 rBtn_USB.Enabled = false; btn_Update.Enabled = false; //End by Wayne for disable USB interface at M03X model, 2014-08-28 //Mod by Wayne for enable functions to fit M06 requirement, 2016-10-21 rBtn_UART.Checked = true; } else if (reader.uiModelNameMAJOR == 0x4D303658) { profileComboBox.Enabled = true; rBtn_UART.Enabled = false; btn_Update.Enabled = false; rBtn_USB.Checked = true; } //End by Wayne for enable functions to fit M06 requirement, 2016-10-21 /* * UInt32 uiModelNameMajor = 0; * string strModule = string.Empty; * rfid.Constants.Result result = rfid.Constants.Result.OK; * * //Get Model Name * result = reader.MacReadOemData((ushort)((int)enumOEM_ADDR.MODEL_NAME_MAIN), ref uiModelNameMajor); * if (rfid.Constants.Result.OK != result) * { * btn_Update.Enabled = false; * break; * } * * strModule= String.Format( "RU-{0}{1}{2}", * (char)((uiModelNameMajor >> 16) & 0xFF), * (char)((uiModelNameMajor >> 8) & 0xFF), * (char)( uiModelNameMajor & 0xFF) ); * * * * if (strModule == "RU-824") * { * rBtn_USB.Checked = true; * btn_Update.Enabled = false; * rBtn_UART.Enabled = false; * break; * } * * if (uiModelNameMajor == 0x4D303258)//0x4D303258==M02X * { * rBtn_UART.Checked = true; * btn_Update.Enabled = false; * rBtn_USB.Enabled = false; * break; * } * //Add by Wayne for enable link profile selection function for HP SiP, 2014-08-12 * else if (uiModelNameMajor == 0x4D303358) //0x4D303358==M03X * { * profileComboBox.Enabled = true; * //Add by Wayne for disable USB interface at M03X model, 2014-08-28 * rBtn_USB.Enabled = false; * btn_Update.Enabled = false; * //End by Wayne for disable USB interface at M03X model, 2014-08-28 * } * //End by Wayne for enable link profile selection function for HP SiP, 2014-08-12 */ //End by FJ for model name judgement, 2015-01-22 //Mod by FJ for model name judgement, 2015-01-22 if (rfid.Constants.Result.OK != reader.result_sel) { btn_Update.Enabled = false; break; } if (reader.uiModelNameSEL == (uint)enumPORT.ENUM_PORT_USB) { rBtn_USB.Checked = true; rBtn_UART.Checked = false; } else { rBtn_USB.Checked = false; rBtn_UART.Checked = true; } /* * UInt32 oemData = 0; * result = reader.MacReadOemData((ushort)enumOEM_ADDR.HOST_IF_SEL, ref oemData); * if (rfid.Constants.Result.OK != result) * { * btn_Update.Enabled = false; * break; * } * * if (oemData == (uint)enumPORT.ENUM_PORT_USB) * { * rBtn_USB.Checked = true; * rBtn_UART.Checked = false; * } * else * { * rBtn_USB.Checked = false; * rBtn_UART.Checked = true; * } */ //End by FJ for model name judgement, 2015-01-22 }while(false); //regionComboBox============================================================= LoadRegion(); // profileComboBox============================================================= this.profileList = new Source_LinkProfileList(LakeChabotReader.MANAGED_ACCESS, this.reader.ReaderHandle); this.profileList.load( ); int count = 0; foreach (Source_LinkProfile linkProfile in profileList) { profileComboBox.Items.Add(count + " : " + linkProfile.ToString( )); ++count; } profileComboBox.SelectedIndex = ( int )profileList.getActiveProfileIndex( ); this.profileComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.profileComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged); // Currently out of sync with 'new' model ~ no explicit read done // here or source provided ~ done via reader call... foreach (rfid.Constants.SingulationAlgorithm item in Enum.GetValues(typeof(rfid.Constants.SingulationAlgorithm))) { algorithmComboBox.Items.Add(item); } algorithmComboBox.Items.Remove(rfid.Constants.SingulationAlgorithm.UNKNOWN); // skipping err checking on these shortcut methods... Source_QueryParms queryParms = new Source_QueryParms( ); queryParms.load(LakeChabotReader.MANAGED_ACCESS, reader.ReaderHandle); algorithmComboBox.SelectedIndex = algorithmComboBox.Items.IndexOf ( queryParms.SingulationAlgorithm ); algorithmComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.algorithmComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged); }