Example #1
        private static bool TopLevelChanged(SyntaxTree oldTree, SourceText oldText, SyntaxTree newTree, SourceText newText)
            // ** currently, it doesn't do any text based quick check. we can add them later if current logic is not performant enough for typing case.
            var change = newText.GetEncompassingTextChangeRange(oldText);

            if (change == default)
                // nothing has changed

            // if texts are small enough, just use the equivalent to find out whether there was top level edits
            if (oldText.Length < MaxTextChangeRangeLength && newText.Length < MaxTextChangeRangeLength)
                var topLevel = !newTree.IsEquivalentTo(oldTree, topLevel: true);

            // okay, text is not small and whole text is changed, then we always treat it as top level edit
            if (change.NewLength == newText.Length)

            // if changes are small enough, we use IsEquivalentTo to find out whether there was a top level edit
            if (change.Span.Length < MaxTextChangeRangeLength && change.NewLength < MaxTextChangeRangeLength)
                var topLevel = !newTree.IsEquivalentTo(oldTree, topLevel: true);

            // otherwise, we always consider top level change
        // Returns the minimal TextSpan that encompasses all the differences between the old and the new text.
        protected static void TrackEncompassingChange(SourceText oldText, SourceText newText, out TextSpan spanBeforeChange, out TextSpan spanAfterChange)
            if (oldText is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(oldText));

            if (newText is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(newText));

            var affectedRange = newText.GetEncompassingTextChangeRange(oldText);

            spanBeforeChange = affectedRange.Span;
            spanAfterChange  = new TextSpan(spanBeforeChange.Start, affectedRange.NewLength);
Example #3
        private void TrackChangeInSpan(SourceText oldText, TextSpan originalSpan, SourceText newText, out TextSpan changedSpan, out TextSpan changeEncompassingSpan)
            var affectedRange = newText.GetEncompassingTextChangeRange(oldText);

            // The span of text before the edit which is being changed
            changeEncompassingSpan = affectedRange.Span;

            if (!originalSpan.Contains(changeEncompassingSpan))
                _logger.LogDebug($"The changed region {changeEncompassingSpan} was not a subset of the span {originalSpan} being tracked. This is unexpected.");

            // We now know what was the range that changed and the length of that span after the change.
            // Let's now compute what the original span looks like after the change.
            // We know it still starts from the same location but could have grown or shrunk in length.
            // Compute the change in length and then update the original span.
            var changeInOriginalSpanLength = affectedRange.NewLength - changeEncompassingSpan.Length;

            changedSpan = TextSpan.FromBounds(originalSpan.Start, originalSpan.End + changeInOriginalSpanLength);