Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute positions in the target document corresponding to a list of tokens.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tokens">The list of token to compute positions</param>
        /// <param name="from">Output of the from position</param>
        /// <param name="to">Output of the to position</param>
        public Tuple <int, int, int, List <int>, List <int> > ComputePositions(IList <Token> tokens, out Position from, out Position to)
            Tuple <int, int, int, List <int>, List <int> > positions = FromToPositions(tokens);

            SourceDocument.SourceLine firstLine = TargetDocument[positions.Item4[0] - 1];
            SourceDocument.SourceLine lastLine  = TargetDocument[positions.Item4[positions.Item4.Count - 1] - 1];
            from = new Position(firstLine.From + positions.Item1 - 1);
            to   = new Position(lastLine.From + positions.Item2);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Try to determine what can be erased after a copy instruction
        /// </summary>
        public Position ComputeErasureAfterCopyInstructionAction(TypeCobol.Compiler.Scanner.Token copyToken, TypeCobol.Compiler.Scanner.Token lastToken, out bool bAddNewLine)
            bAddNewLine = false;
            Position cfrom = null;
            Position cto   = null;
            Tuple <int, int, int, List <int>, List <int> > positions = ComputePositions(new List <TypeCobol.Compiler.Scanner.Token>()
                copyToken, lastToken
            }, out cfrom, out cto);

            TargetDocument.Source.AddPosition(cfrom);//from position
            if (this.Layout == ColumnsLayout.FreeTextFormat)

            SourceDocument.SourceLine sourceLine = TargetDocument[positions.Item4[positions.Item4.Count - 1] - 1];
            int lineLen         = -1;
            int lineStartOffset = -1;
            int lineEndOffset   = -1;
            int from            = sourceLine.From;
            int to = sourceLine.To;

            lineLen = TargetDocument.Source.GetLineInfo(from, out lineStartOffset, out lineEndOffset);
            if (lineLen > LEGAL_COBOL_LINE_LENGTH)
            {   //Delete all characters in column 72-80
                int      replace_len = lineLen - LEGAL_COBOL_LINE_LENGTH;
                Position efrom       = new Position(from + LEGAL_COBOL_LINE_LENGTH);
                Position eto         = new Position(from + lineLen);
                Compiler.Source.StringSourceText del_buffer = new Compiler.Source.StringSourceText(new string(' ', replace_len));
                Action action = new Action()
                    Kind = ActionKind.Insert, From = efrom, To = eto, Text = del_buffer
            bAddNewLine = true;
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the From and To Positions of this Node based on the consumed Token, if no ConsumedTokens the return value is NULL.
 /// In the consumed tokens span over several lines then the size of the newline sequence is included for each line.
 /// The method also calculate the ending span offset from the beginning of the last line.
 /// It also get the list of Line numbers occupated by this node, and the offset of each line.
 /// </summary>
 public Tuple <int, int, int, List <int>, List <int> > FromToPositions(Node node)
     if (node.CodeElement == null || node.CodeElement.ConsumedTokens == null || node is ParameterEntry)
     if (node.CodeElement.ConsumedTokens.Count > 0)
         int        ln_size     = System.Environment.NewLine.Length;
         int        from        = -1;
         int        to          = 0;
         int        i           = 0;
         int        span        = 0;
         List <int> lineNumbers = new List <int>();
         List <int> lineOffsets = new List <int>();
         SourceDocument.SourceLine srcFirstLine = null;
             var token = node.CodeElement.ConsumedTokens[i];
             if (!(token is TypeCobol.Compiler.Preprocessor.ImportedToken))
             {//Don't take in account imported tokens -> This avoid including lines that come from COPYs files.
                 int curLineIndex = node.CodeElement.ConsumedTokens[i].Line;
                 if (curLineIndex == 0)
                 {   //Very bizarre ??? It happens with some COBOL85 samples like:
                     //CCC1B045.PGM, CCTF0011.PGM, CCTZ015B, CCTZ0300B, etc..
                 if (lineNumbers.Count > 0)
                 {//Add lines between
                     int lastLine = lineNumbers[lineNumbers.Count - 1];
                     while (++lastLine < curLineIndex)
                         SourceDocument.SourceLine srcLine = TargetDocument[lastLine - 1];
                         if (srcFirstLine != null)
                             lineOffsets.Add(srcLine.From - srcFirstLine.From);
                 SourceDocument.SourceLine curLine = TargetDocument[curLineIndex - 1];
                 if (srcFirstLine == null)
                     srcFirstLine = curLine;
                 lineOffsets.Add(curLine.From - srcFirstLine.From);
                 span = 0;
                 while ((i < node.CodeElement.ConsumedTokens.Count) && ((curLineIndex == node.CodeElement.ConsumedTokens[i].Line) ||
                                                                        (node.CodeElement.ConsumedTokens[i] is TypeCobol.Compiler.Preprocessor.ImportedToken)))
                     if (!(node.CodeElement.ConsumedTokens[i] is TypeCobol.Compiler.Preprocessor.ImportedToken))
                         if (from == -1)
                             from = node.CodeElement.ConsumedTokens[i].Column;
                         span = node.CodeElement.ConsumedTokens[i].EndColumn;
                 to = (curLine.From + span) - srcFirstLine.From;
         } while (i < node.CodeElement.ConsumedTokens.Count);
         return(new Tuple <int, int, int, List <int>, List <int> >(from, to, span, lineNumbers, lineOffsets));
Example #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the From and To Positions of this Node based on the consumed Token, if no ConsumedTokens the return value is NULL.
 /// In the consumed tokens span over several lines then the size of the newline sequence is included for each line.
 /// The method also calculate the ending span offset from the beginning of the last line.
 /// It also get the list of Line numbers occupated by this node, and the offset of each line.
 /// Item1 is the start column
 /// Item2 is the en column
 /// Item3 is the span
 /// Item4 is the list of line numbers
 /// Item5 is the list of offset inside the line numbers.
 /// </summary>
 public Tuple <int, int, int, List <int>, List <int> > FromToPositions(IList <Token> ConsumedTokens)
     if (ConsumedTokens.Count > 0)
         int        ln_size     = System.Environment.NewLine.Length;
         int        from        = -1;
         int        to          = 0;
         int        i           = 0;
         int        span        = 0;
         List <int> lineNumbers = new List <int>();
         List <int> lineOffsets = new List <int>();
         SourceDocument.SourceLine srcFirstLine = null;
             var token = ConsumedTokens[i];
             if (!(token is TypeCobol.Compiler.Preprocessor.ImportedToken))
             {//Don't take in account imported tokens -> This avoid including lines that come from COPYs files.
                 int curLineIndex = ConsumedTokens[i].Line;
                 if (curLineIndex == 0)
                 if (lineNumbers.Count > 0)
                 {//Add lines between
                     int lastLine = lineNumbers[lineNumbers.Count - 1];
                     while (++lastLine < curLineIndex)
                         SourceDocument.SourceLine srcLine = TargetDocument[lastLine - 1];
                         if (srcFirstLine != null)
                             lineOffsets.Add(srcLine.From - srcFirstLine.From);
                 SourceDocument.SourceLine curLine = TargetDocument[curLineIndex - 1];
                 if (srcFirstLine == null)
                     srcFirstLine = curLine;
                 lineOffsets.Add(curLine.From - srcFirstLine.From);
                 span = 0;
                 while ((i < ConsumedTokens.Count) && ((curLineIndex == ConsumedTokens[i].Line) ||
                                                       (ConsumedTokens[i] is TypeCobol.Compiler.Preprocessor.ImportedToken)))
                     if (!(ConsumedTokens[i] is TypeCobol.Compiler.Preprocessor.ImportedToken))
                         if (from == -1)
                             from = ConsumedTokens[i].Column;
                         span = ConsumedTokens[i].EndColumn;
                 to = (curLine.From + span) - srcFirstLine.From;
         } while (i < ConsumedTokens.Count);
         return(new Tuple <int, int, int, List <int>, List <int> >(from, to, span, lineNumbers, lineOffsets));