public AudioStreamModifier(ISampleProvider sample, double rateMult, int pitchDelta)
            _sample = sample;
            WaveFormat = _sample.WaveFormat;

            _soundTouch = new SoundTouch<float, double>();

            channelCount = sample.WaveFormat.Channels;

            rateMult = (rateMult - 1) * 100;

            _soundTouch.SetSetting(SettingId.UseQuickseek, 1);
            _soundTouch.SetSetting(SettingId.UseAntiAliasFilter, 1);

            _soundTouch.SetSetting(SettingId.SequenceDurationMs, 40);
            _soundTouch.SetSetting(SettingId.SeekwindowDurationMs, 15);
            _soundTouch.SetSetting(SettingId.OverlapDurationMs, 8);

            sourceReadBuffer = new float[(WaveFormat.SampleRate * channelCount * readDurationMilliseconds) / 1000];
            soundTouchReadBuffer = new float[sourceReadBuffer.Length * 10]; // support down to 0.1 speed
        public AudioStreamModifier(ISampleProvider sample, double rateMult, int pitchDelta)
            _sample    = sample;
            WaveFormat = _sample.WaveFormat;

            _soundTouch = new SoundTouch <float, double>();

            channelCount = sample.WaveFormat.Channels;

            rateMult = (rateMult - 1) * 100;
            _soundTouch.SetPitchSemiTones(pitchDelta * 0.25f);

            _soundTouch.SetSetting(SettingId.UseQuickseek, 1);
            _soundTouch.SetSetting(SettingId.UseAntiAliasFilter, 1);

            _soundTouch.SetSetting(SettingId.SequenceDurationMs, 40);
            _soundTouch.SetSetting(SettingId.SeekwindowDurationMs, 15);
            _soundTouch.SetSetting(SettingId.OverlapDurationMs, 8);

            sourceReadBuffer     = new float[(WaveFormat.SampleRate * channelCount * readDurationMilliseconds) / 1000];
            soundTouchReadBuffer = new float[sourceReadBuffer.Length * 10];             // support down to 0.1 speed
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the <c>SoundTouch</c> object up according to input file sound format & command line parameters
        /// </summary>
        private static void Setup(SoundTouch <TSampleType, TLongSampleType> pSoundTouch, WavInFile inFile, RunParameters parameters)
            int sampleRate = inFile.GetSampleRate();
            int channels   = inFile.GetNumChannels();



            pSoundTouch.SetSetting(SettingId.UseQuickseek, parameters.Quick);
            pSoundTouch.SetSetting(SettingId.UseAntiAliasFilter, (parameters.NoAntiAlias == 1) ? 0 : 1);

            if (parameters.Speech)
                // use settings for speech processing
                pSoundTouch.SetSetting(SettingId.SequenceDurationMs, 40);
                pSoundTouch.SetSetting(SettingId.SeekwindowDurationMs, 15);
                pSoundTouch.SetSetting(SettingId.OverlapDurationMs, 8);
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Tune processing parameters for speech processing.");

            // print processing information
            if (parameters.OutFileName != null)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Uses 16bit integer sample type in processing.\n");
    #error "Sampletype not defined"
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Uses 32bit floating point sample type in processing.\n");
                // print processing information only if outFileName given i.e. some processing will happen
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Processing the file with the following changes:");
                Console.Error.WriteLine("  tempo change = {0:0.00} %", parameters.TempoDelta);
                Console.Error.WriteLine("  pitch change = {0} semitones", parameters.PitchDelta);
                Console.Error.WriteLine("  rate change  = {0:0.00} %\n", parameters.RateDelta);
                // outFileName not given
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Warning: output file name missing, won't output anything.\n");
        //private static int Main(string[] args)
        //	var parameters = new RunParameters();
        //	parameters.TempoDelta = 50;
        //	parameters.PitchDelta = 5;
        //	parameters.Speech = true;
        //	var inBytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("Test.wav");
        //	var inStream = new MemoryStream(inBytes);
        //	var outStream = new MemoryStream();
        //	Process(inStream, outStream, parameters);
        //	var outBytes = outStream.ToArray();
        //	File.WriteAllBytes("Test_Pith_Tempo_ms.wav", outBytes);
        //	return 0;

        public static void Process(Stream inStream, Stream outStream, RunParameters parameters)
            var soundTouch = new SoundTouch <TSampleType, TLongSampleType>();
            // Open Input file.
            var inFile = new WavInFile(inStream);

            //var inFile = new WavInFile("Test.wav");
            int bits       = inFile.GetNumBits();
            int samplerate = inFile.GetSampleRate();
            int channels   = inFile.GetNumChannels();
            // Open output file.
            var outFile = new WavOutFile(outStream, samplerate, bits, channels);

            //var outFile = new WavOutFile("Test_Pith_Tempo.wav", samplerate, bits, channels);
            if (parameters.DetectBpm)
                // detect sound BPM (and adjust processing parameters
                //  accordingly if necessary)
                DetectBpm(inFile, parameters);
            // Setup the 'SoundTouch' object for processing the sound
            int sampleRate = inFile.GetSampleRate();

            soundTouch.SetSetting(SettingId.UseQuickseek, parameters.Quick);
            soundTouch.SetSetting(SettingId.UseAntiAliasFilter, (parameters.NoAntiAlias == 1) ? 0 : 1);
            if (parameters.Speech)
                // use settings for speech processing
                soundTouch.SetSetting(SettingId.SequenceDurationMs, 40);
                soundTouch.SetSetting(SettingId.SeekwindowDurationMs, 15);
                soundTouch.SetSetting(SettingId.OverlapDurationMs, 8);
            // Process the sound
            Process(soundTouch, inFile, outFile);
            if (inFile != null)
            if (outFile != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Stretches audio, keeps channels and samplerate.
        /// negatief value slowsdown (makes longer) the audio
        /// Positief value speedsup (make shorter) the audio
        /// </summary>
        public AudioSamples TimeStretch(float[] inputAudioSamples, int inputSampleRate = 44100, int inputChannels = 2, float rateFactor = 0.0f)
            // calculate total milliseconds to read
            int totalmilliseconds = Int32.MaxValue;

            float[] data = null;

            int stream = Bass.BASS_StreamCreatePush(inputSampleRate, inputChannels, BASSFlag.BASS_STREAM_DECODE | BASSFlag.BASS_SAMPLE_FLOAT, IntPtr.Zero);

            BASS_CHANNELINFO channelInfo = Bass.BASS_ChannelGetInfo(stream);

            Bass.BASS_StreamPutData(stream, inputAudioSamples, inputAudioSamples.Length * 4);

            SoundTouch <Single, Double> soundTouch = new SoundTouch <Single, Double>();

            soundTouch.SetRateChange(rateFactor); // -1.4f = Radio 538 setting
            soundTouch.SetSetting(SettingId.UseQuickseek, 0);
            soundTouch.SetSetting(SettingId.UseAntiAliasFilter, 0);

            int bufferSize = 2048;

            float[]        buffer   = new float[bufferSize];
            List <float[]> chunks   = new List <float[]>();
            int            size     = 0;
            int            nSamples = 0;

            while ((float)(size) / channelInfo.freq * 1000 < totalmilliseconds)
                // get re-sampled data
                int bytesRead = Bass.BASS_ChannelGetData(stream, buffer, bufferSize);
                if (bytesRead <= 0)
                nSamples = (bytesRead / 4) / channelInfo.chans;
                // Feed the samples into SoundTouch processor
                soundTouch.PutSamples(buffer, nSamples);

                // Read ready samples from SoundTouch processor & write them output file.
                // NOTES:
                // - 'receiveSamples' doesn't necessarily return any samples at all
                //   during some rounds!
                // - On the other hand, during some round 'receiveSamples' may have more
                //   ready samples than would fit into 'sampleBuffer', and for this reason
                //   the 'receiveSamples' call is iterated for as many times as it
                //   outputs samples.
                    nSamples = soundTouch.ReceiveSamples(buffer, (bufferSize / channelInfo.chans));
                    if (nSamples > 0)
                        float[] chunk = new float[nSamples * channelInfo.chans];
                        Array.Copy(buffer, chunk, nSamples * channelInfo.chans);
                        size += nSamples * channelInfo.chans; //size of the data
                } while (nSamples != 0);
            } //while

            // Now the input file is processed, yet 'flush' few last samples that are
            // hiding in the SoundTouch's internal processing pipeline.
                nSamples = soundTouch.ReceiveSamples(buffer, (bufferSize / channelInfo.chans));
                if (nSamples > 0)
                    float[] chunk = new float[nSamples * channelInfo.chans];
                    Array.Copy(buffer, chunk, nSamples * channelInfo.chans);
                    size += nSamples * channelInfo.chans; //size of the data
            } while (nSamples != 0);

            if (size <= 0)
                // not enough samples to return the requested data

            // Do bass cleanup

            int start = 0;
            int end   = size;

            data = new float[size];
            int index = 0;

            // Concatenate
            foreach (float[] chunk in chunks)
                Array.Copy(chunk, 0, data, index, chunk.Length);
                index += chunk.Length;

            // Select specific part of the song
            if (start != 0 || end != size)
                float[] temp = new float[end - start];
                Array.Copy(data, start, temp, 0, end - start);
                data = temp;

            // Create audiosamples object
            AudioSamples audioSamples = new AudioSamples();

            audioSamples.Origin       = "MEMORY";
            audioSamples.Channels     = channelInfo.chans;
            audioSamples.SampleRate   = channelInfo.freq;
            audioSamples.StartInMS    = start;
            audioSamples.DurationInMS = end;
            audioSamples.Samples      = data;

Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Overridden Read function that returns samples processed with SoundTouch. Returns data in same format as
        /// WaveChannel32 i.e. stereo float samples.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">Buffer where to return sample data</param>
        /// <param name="offset">Offset from beginning of the buffer</param>
        /// <param name="count">Number of bytes to return</param>
        /// <returns>Number of bytes copied to buffer</returns>
        public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
            var normalb4 = normal;

                // Iterate until enough samples available for output:
                // - read samples from input stream
                // - put samples to SoundStretch processor
                while (st.AvailableSamples < count)
                    int nbytes;
                    if (inputWC32 != null)
                        nbytes = inputWC32.Read(bytebuffer, 0, bytebuffer.Length);
                        nbytes = inputAFR.Read(bytebuffer, 0, bytebuffer.Length);

                    if (nbytes == 0)
                        // end of stream. flush final samples from SoundTouch buffers to output
                        if (EndReached == false)
                            EndReached = true;  // do only once to avoid continuous flushing

                    // binary copy data from "byte[]" to "float[]" buffer
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(bytebuffer, 0, floatbuffer, 0, nbytes);
                    var max = GetMaxVolume(floatbuffer);

                    if (max >= options.silent_threshold)
                        normal = true;
                        st.SetTempoChange((options.sounded_speed - 1) * 100);
                        normal = false;
                        st.SetTempoChange((options.silent_speed - 1) * 100);

                    st.PutSamples(floatbuffer, (nbytes / 8));

                // ensure that buffer is large enough to receive desired amount of data out
                if (floatbuffer.Length < count / 4)
                    floatbuffer = new float[count / 4];
                // get processed output samples from SoundTouch
                int numsamples = st.ReceiveSamples(floatbuffer, (count / 8));
                // binary copy data from "float[]" to "byte[]" buffer
                Buffer.BlockCopy(floatbuffer, 0, buffer, offset, numsamples * 8);

                if (normal != normalb4)

                return(numsamples * 8);  // number of bytes
            catch (Exception) {