Example #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Sort function which takes the sorting function to use and sorts the entry list.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sort"></param>
 public void Sort(SortingFunction sort)
     entries.Sort((x, y) => sort(x, y));
     for (int i = 0; i < entries.Count; i++)
Example #2
        public void Test(SortingMethodDelegate SortingMethod, Series serie, string sSortingMethod)
            int[] iTempArray = new int[iArray.Length];
            iArray.CopyTo(iTempArray, 0);

            SortingFunction SortingFunction = new SortingFunction();

            SortingFunction.iArray         = iTempArray;
            SortingFunction.SortingMethod  = SortingMethod;
            SortingFunction.sSortingMethod = sSortingMethod;

            Thread thread = new Thread(SortingFunction.Sorting);

            thread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest;

            Color randomColor = Color.FromArgb(rnd.Next(256), rnd.Next(256), rnd.Next(256));

            if (!thread.Join((int)numericUpDown4.Value))

                serie.Points.AddXY(sSortingMethod, (double)numericUpDown4.Value);
                serie.Points[serie.Points.Count - 1].Label = "more than " + numericUpDown4.Value.ToString();
                serie.Points[serie.Points.Count - 1].Color = randomColor;
                chart1.Legends["Legend"].CustomItems.Add(randomColor, sSortingMethod);

                Thread OutputThread2 = new Thread(SortingFunction.OutputToFile);
                OutputThread2.Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal;
            else if (isCorrectlySorted(iTempArray))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Array isn't sorted!");
            Thread OutputThread = new Thread(SortingFunction.OutputToFile);

            OutputThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal;

            serie.Points.AddXY(sSortingMethod, SortingFunction.Time);
            serie.Points[serie.Points.Count - 1].Label = SortingFunction.Time.ToString();
            serie.Points[serie.Points.Count - 1].Color = randomColor;
            chart1.Legends["Legend"].CustomItems.Add(randomColor, sSortingMethod);
Example #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // declare the unsorted and sorted arrays
            int[] aUnsorted;
            int[] aSorted;

            SortingFunction processLowHigh;

            // a label to allow us to easily loop back to the start if there are input issues
            Console.WriteLine("Enter a list of space-separated numbers");

            // read the space-separated string of numbers
            string sNumbers = Console.ReadLine();

            // split the string into the an array of strings which are the individual numbers
            string[] sNumber = sNumbers.Split(' ');

            // initialize the size of the unsorted array to 0
            int nUnsortedLength = 0;

            // a double used for parsing the current array element
            int nThisNumber;

            // iterate through the array of number strings
            foreach (string sThisNumber in sNumber)
                // if the length of this string is 0 (ie. they typed 2 spaces in a row)
                if (sThisNumber.Length == 0)
                    // skip it

                    // try to parse the current string into a double
                    nThisNumber = int.Parse(sThisNumber);

                    // if it's successful, increment the number of unsorted numbers
                    // if an exception occurs
                    // indicate which number is invalid
                    Console.WriteLine($"Number #{nUnsortedLength + 1} is not a valid number.");

                    // loop back to the start
                    goto start;

            // now we know how many unsorted numbers there are
            // allocate the size of the unsorted array
            aUnsorted = new int[nUnsortedLength];

            // reset nUnsortedLength back to 0 to use as the index to store the numbers in the unsorted array
            nUnsortedLength = 0;
            foreach (string sThisNumber in sNumber)
                // still skip the blank strings
                if (sThisNumber.Length == 0)

                // parse it into a double (we know they are all valid now)
                nThisNumber = int.Parse(sThisNumber);

                // store the value into the array
                aUnsorted[nUnsortedLength] = nThisNumber;

                // increment the array index

            // allocate the size of the sorted array
            aSorted = new int[nUnsortedLength];

            // start the sorted length at 0 to use as sorted index element
            int nSortedLength = 0;

            Console.Write("Sort in <a>scending or <d>escending order: ");
            string sAscDesc = Console.ReadLine();

            /// delegate steps
            /// 1. define the delegate method data type
            ///         delegate double MathFunction(double n1, double n2);
            /// 2. allocate the delegate method variable
            ///         MathFunction processDivMult;
            /// 3. point the variable to the method that it should call
            ///         processDivMult = new MathFunction(Multiply);
            /// 4. call the delegate method
            ///         nAnswer = processDivMult(n1, n2);

            // 1. Create FindHighestValue() based on FindLowestValue()
            // 2. define the delegate method data type
            //    called SortingFunction with the correct method signature

            // 3. declare a delegate method variable of type SortingFunction

            if (sAscDesc.ToLower().StartsWith("a"))
                // 4. if ascending, then set the delegate variable to FindLowestValue
                processLowHigh = new SortingFunction(FindLowestValue);
                // 5. else set the delegate variable to FindHighestValue
                processLowHigh = new SortingFunction(FindHighestValue);

            // while there are unsorted values to sort
            while (aUnsorted.Length > 0)
                // 6. call the delegate method
                aSorted[nSortedLength] = processLowHigh(aUnsorted);

                RemoveUnsortedValue(aSorted[nSortedLength], ref aUnsorted);


            // write the sorted array of numbers
            Console.WriteLine("The sorted list is: ");
            foreach (double thisNum in aSorted)
                Console.Write($"{thisNum} ");

        private bool SortringFunctionTest(SortingFunction sortingFunction, int length)
            long[] actual = Program.GenerateRandomNumbersArray(length, length);

            var expected = new long[actual.Length];
            actual.CopyTo(expected, 0);


            return AreArraysEqual(expected, actual);