Example #1
        public override void Init()
            Content.ContentPath = "Data";

            Instance = this;

            Scene        = new Scene();
            Scene.View   = this;
            Scene.Camera = new LookatCartesianCamera()
                Position    = new Vector3(10, 10, 10),
                Lookat      = Vector3.Zero,
                ZFar        = 100,
                AspectRatio = AspectRatio
            sceneQuadtree = new Common.Quadtree <Entity>(0, 0, 100, 100, 10);
            sbau          = new SceneBVHAutoSyncer(Scene, sceneQuadtree);

            StateManager = new Device9StateManager(Device9);

            Graphics.Renderer.IRenderer Renderer = new Graphics.Renderer.Renderer(Device9)
                Scene        = Scene,
                StateManager = StateManager,
                Settings     = new Graphics.Renderer.Settings()
                    FogDistance = 100,
                    WaterLevel  = -55

            SRC = new SortedTestSceneRendererConnector
                Scene    = Scene,
                Renderer = Renderer,


            Scene.Add(exquemelin = new Entity
                MainGraphic = new Graphics.Content.MetaModel
                    SkinnedMesh = new Graphics.Content.SkinnedMeshFromFile("Models/Units/MainCharacter1.x"),
                    Texture     = new Graphics.Content.TextureFromFile("Models/Units/MainCharacter1.png"),
                    World       = Matrix.Scaling(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f) * Graphics.Content.SkinnedMesh.InitSkinnedMeshFromMaya * Matrix.Translation(0, 0, -4f),
                VisibilityLocalBounding = new Common.Bounding.NonfittableBounding(Vector3.Zero, false, true)

            InputHandler = new WalkaroundCameraInputHandler
                Camera = (LookatCartesianCamera)Scene.Camera,
        public override void Init()
            Content.ContentPath = "Data";

            Scene        = new Scene();
            Scene.View   = this;
            Scene.Camera = new LookatCartesianCamera()
                Position    = new Vector3(10, 10, 10),
                Lookat      = Vector3.Zero,
                ZFar        = 100,
                AspectRatio = AspectRatio
            sceneQuadtree = new Common.Quadtree <Entity>(10);
            sbau          = new SceneBVHAutoSyncer(Scene, sceneQuadtree);

            StateManager = new Device9StateManager(Device9);

            Renderer = new Graphics.Renderer.Renderer(Device9)
                Scene = Scene, StateManager = StateManager, Settings = new Graphics.Renderer.Settings {
                    ShadowQuality = Graphics.Renderer.Settings.ShadowQualities.NoShadows
            sceneRendererConnector = new SortedTestSceneRendererConnector
                Scene    = Scene,
                Renderer = Renderer

            Scene.Add(exquemelin = new Entity
                MainGraphic = new Graphics.Content.MetaModel
                    SkinnedMesh = new Graphics.Content.SkinnedMeshFromFile("Models/Units/Zombie1.x"),
                    Texture     = new Graphics.Content.TextureFromFile("Models/Units/Zombie1.png"),
                    World       = Graphics.Content.SkinnedMesh.InitSkinnedMeshFromMaya * Matrix.Scaling(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f),
                    HasAlpha    = false,
                VisibilityLocalBounding = new Common.Bounding.NonfittableBounding(Vector3.Zero, false, true)

            Graphics.Renderer.Renderer.EntityAnimation ea = Scene.View.Content.Peek <Graphics.Renderer.Renderer.EntityAnimation>(exquemelin.MetaEntityAnimation);

            ea.PlayAnimation(new AnimationPlayParameters("Idle1", true));

            InputHandler = new WalkaroundCameraInputHandler
                Camera = (LookatCartesianCamera)Scene.Camera,
        public override void Init()
            Content.ContentPath = "Data";
            Instance            = this;

            scene            = new Scene();
            scene.DesignMode = true;
            scene.View       = this;
            scene.Camera     = new LookatCartesianCamera()
                ZFar        = 100,
                AspectRatio = AspectRatio
            ((LookatCamera)scene.Camera).Lookat   = new Vector3(SceneSize.Width / 2f, SceneSize.Height / 2f, 0);
            ((LookatCamera)scene.Camera).Position = ((LookatCamera)scene.Camera).Lookat + new Vector3(10, 10, 10);
            scene.EntityAdded   += new Action <Entity>(scene_EntityAdded);
            scene.EntityRemoved += new Action <Entity>(scene_EntityRemoved);
            sceneQuadtree        = new Common.Quadtree <Entity>(0, 0, SceneSize.Width, SceneSize.Height, 10);
            sbau = new SceneBVHAutoSyncer(scene, sceneQuadtree);

            renderer = new Graphics.Renderer.Renderer(Device9)
                Scene = scene, StateManager = new Device9StateManager(Device9)
            sceneRendererConnector = new SortedTestSceneRendererConnector
                Scene    = scene,
                Renderer = renderer

            InputHandler = new WalkaroundCameraInputHandler
                Camera       = (LookatCartesianCamera)scene.Camera,
                InputHandler = new Graphics.InteractiveSceneManager {
                    Scene = scene

            timer          = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer();
            timer.Tick    += new EventHandler(timer_Tick);
            timer.Interval = 1;
            timer.Enabled  = true;

            RedGate.Profiler.UserEvents.ProfilerEvent.SignalEvent("Starting to add initial objects");
            for (int i = 0; i < nInitialEntities; i++)
            RedGate.Profiler.UserEvents.ProfilerEvent.SignalEvent("Starting CRUSHING!");
Example #4
        public override void Init()
            Content.ContentPath = "Data";
            Instance            = this;

            scene        = new Scene();
            scene.View   = this;
            scene.Camera = new LookatCartesianCamera()
                Position    = new Vector3(10, 10, 10),
                Lookat      = Vector3.Zero,
                ZFar        = 100,
                AspectRatio = AspectRatio
            sceneQuadtree = new Common.Quadtree <Entity>(0, 0, 100, 100, 10);
            sbau          = new SceneBVHAutoSyncer(scene, sceneQuadtree);
            //heightmap = TextureUtil.ToHeightmap(Content.Peek<Texture>(new TextureFromFile("testheightmap.png")), 100);
            heightmap = new Graphics.Software.Texel.R32F[250, 250];
            texture   = new Graphics.Software.Texture <Graphics.Software.Texel.R32F>(heightmap);

            renderer = new Graphics.Renderer.Renderer(Device9)
                Scene = scene, StateManager = new Device9StateManager(Device9)
            renderer.Settings.ShadowQuality = Settings.ShadowQualities.NoShadows;

            sceneRendererConnector = new SortedTestSceneRendererConnector
                Renderer = renderer,
                Scene    = scene

            scene.Add(ground = new TestGround
                Size      = new SizeF(100, 100),
                Heightmap = heightmap,
                NPieces   = new Size(20, 20),
                Height    = 1

            InputHandler = new WalkaroundCameraInputHandler
                Camera = (LookatCartesianCamera)scene.Camera
        public override void Init()
            Content.ContentPath = "Data";

            scene      = new Scene();
            scene.View = this;

            scene.Camera = new LookatCartesianCamera()
                Lookat      = new Vector3(size.Width / 2f, size.Height / 2f, 0),
                Position    = new Vector3(10, 10, 10),
                FOV         = 0.5f,
                ZFar        = 100,
                AspectRatio = AspectRatio

            InputHandler = new WalkaroundCameraInputHandler
                Camera = (LookatCartesianCamera)scene.Camera

            renderer = new Graphics.Renderer.Renderer(Device9)
                Scene = scene, StateManager = new Graphics.GraphicsDevice.Device9StateManager(Device9), Settings = new Graphics.Renderer.Settings {
                    WaterEnable = false

            sceneRendererConnector = new SortedTestSceneRendererConnector
                Renderer = renderer,
                Scene    = scene

            motionSimulation = new Common.Motion.Simulation();

            scene.EntityAdded += new Action <Entity>(scene_EntityAdded);
            scene.EntityAdded -= new Action <Entity>(scene_EntityAdded);
        public override void Init()
            if (DesignMode)

            Content.ContentPath = "Data";

            scene      = new Scene();
            scene.View = this;

            scene.Camera = new LookatCartesianCamera()
                Lookat      = Vector3.Zero,
                Position    = new Vector3(-15, 15, 15),
                FOV         = 0.5f,
                ZFar        = 400,
                AspectRatio = AspectRatio

            renderer = new Graphics.Renderer.Renderer(Device9)
                Scene        = scene,
                Settings     = new Graphics.Renderer.Settings(),
                StateManager = new Graphics.GraphicsDevice.Device9StateManager(Device9)
            sceneQuadtree          = new Common.Quadtree <Entity>(10);
            sbau                   = new SceneBVHAutoSyncer(scene, sceneQuadtree);
            sceneRendererConnector = new SortedTestSceneRendererConnector
                Renderer = renderer,
                Scene    = scene

            navMesh = new Common.Pathing.NavMesh();

            worldViewProbe = new Graphics.WorldViewProbe(this, scene.Camera);
            editor         = new Graphics.Editors.BoundingRegionEditor(this, worldViewProbe);
            editor.Region  = navMesh.BoundingRegion;

            editorRenderer = new Graphics.Editors.BoundingRegionEditor.Renderer9(editor)
                StateManager = new Graphics.GraphicsDevice.Device9StateManager(Device9),
                Camera       = scene.Camera
            InputHandler = editor;
            inputHandlers.Add(new WalkaroundCameraInputHandler
                Camera       = (LookatCartesianCamera)scene.Camera,
                InputHandler = new InteractiveSceneManager {
                    Scene = scene
                //FilteredMessages = new MessageType[] { }

            var sim = new Common.Motion.Simulation(navMesh);

            ((Common.Motion.Simulation)sim).SetHeightMap(new float[][] { new float[] { 0.5f } }, new Vector2(400, 400), new Vector2(-200, -200));
            motionSimulation = sim;
            //motionSimulation = new Common.Motion.ThreadSimulationProxy(sim);

            var ground = CreateBlock(new Vector3(-200, -200, -0.5f), new Vector3(400, 400, 1), "Models/GroundTextures/Grass1.png");


            npc = CreateNPC(new Vector2(-2, -2));
            ((Common.IMotion.IUnit)npc.MotionObject).VelocityImpulse(new Vector3(0, 0, 0.1f));
            ((Common.IMotion.INPC)npc.MotionObject).Weight = 10000000f;
            //((Common.Motion.NPC)npc.MotionObject).DebugSolidAsARock = true;

            int     amount = 25;
            Vector2 offset = new Vector2(-4, -4);

            for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++)
                int x = i / (int)System.Math.Sqrt(amount);
                int y = i % (int)System.Math.Sqrt(amount);
                var n = CreateNPC(new Vector2(x, y));
                ((Common.IMotion.IUnit)n.MotionObject).VelocityImpulse(new Vector3(0, 0, 0.1f));
Example #7
        public override void Init()
            Content.ContentPath = "Data";

            scene        = new Scene();
            scene.View   = this;
            scene.Camera = new LookatCartesianCamera()
                Position    = new Vector3(10, 10, 10),
                Lookat      = Vector3.Zero,
                ZFar        = 100,
                AspectRatio = AspectRatio
            //heightmap = TextureUtil.ToHeightmap(Content.Peek<Texture>(new TextureFromFile("testheightmap.png")), 100);
            texture = new Graphics.Software.Texture <Graphics.Software.Texel.A8R8G8B8>(
                new Graphics.Software.Texel.A8R8G8B8[250, 250]);

            var r = new Random();

            for (int y = 0; y < texture.Size.Height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < texture.Size.Width; x++)
                    texture[y, x] =
                        new Graphics.Software.Texel.A8R8G8B8
                        //R = 1f,//(float)r.NextDouble(),
                        //G = (float)r.NextDouble(),
                        //B = (float)r.NextDouble(),
                        A = 1f,

            scene.Add(ground = new TestGround
                Size = new SizeF(100, 100),
                //Texture = new SingleColorTexture(Color.Orange),
                NPieces = new Size(20, 20),

            dxTexture = texture.ToTexture9(Device9);

            groundTextureEditor = new Graphics.Editors.GroundTextureEditor
                Camera          = scene.Camera,
                Viewport        = Viewport,
                SoftwareTexture = new ITexture[] { texture },
                Texture9        = new[] { dxTexture },
                Position        = ground.Translation,
                Size            = ground.Size,
                GroundIntersect = new WorldViewProbe(this, scene.Camera)
                    WorldProbe = new GroundProbe()
                Pencil = new Graphics.Editors.GroundTexturePencil
                    Color  = new Vector4(1, 0, 0, 0),
                    Radius = 30,
                    Type   = Graphics.Editors.GroundTexturePencilType.Add
            groundTextureEditor.TextureValuesChanged += new Graphics.Editors.TextureValuesChangedEventHandler((o, e) =>
                foreach (var v in ground.Children)
            InputHandler = new WalkaroundCameraInputHandler
                Camera       = (LookatCartesianCamera)scene.Camera,
                InputHandler = groundTextureEditor

            renderer = new Graphics.Renderer.Renderer(Device9)
                Scene        = scene,
                StateManager = new Device9StateManager(Device9)

            sceneRendererConnector = new SortedTestSceneRendererConnector
                Scene    = scene,
                Renderer = renderer
Example #8
        public override void Init()
            Content.ContentPath = "Data";

            StateManager = new Device9StateManager(Device9);

            Scene.View = this;

            Renderer = new Graphics.Renderer.Renderer(Device9)
                Scene = Scene, StateManager = StateManager

            sceneRendererConnector = new SortedTestSceneRendererConnector
                Renderer = Renderer,
                Scene    = Scene

            Scene.Camera = new LookatCartesianCamera()
                Position    = new Vector3(10, 10, 10),
                Lookat      = Vector3.Zero,
                AspectRatio = AspectRatio
            Scene.Add(donutEntity = new Entity
                MainGraphic = new Graphics.Content.MetaModel
                    SkinnedMesh = new SkinnedMeshFromFile("Models/Props/Palmtree1.x"),
                    Texture     = new TextureFromFile("Models/Props/Palmtree1.png"),
                    World       = Graphics.Content.SkinnedMesh.InitSkinnedMeshFromMaya
            Scene.Add(goblinEntity = new Entity
                MainGraphic = new Graphics.Content.MetaModel
                    SkinnedMesh = new Graphics.Content.SkinnedMeshFromFile("Models/Units/Brute1.x"),
                    Texture     = new Graphics.Content.TextureFromFile("Models/Units/Brute1.png"),
                    World       = Graphics.Content.SkinnedMesh.InitSkinnedMeshFromMaya * Matrix.Translation(4, 4, 0),
            InputHandler = new WalkaroundCameraInputHandler
                Camera = (LookatCartesianCamera)Scene.Camera,

            //donutEntity.PlayAnimation("idle1", 1, true, 0);


            System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid p1;
            System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid p2;

            System.Windows.Forms.Form form1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Form();
            System.Windows.Forms.Form form2 = new System.Windows.Forms.Form();
            form1.Controls.Add(p1 = new System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid {
                SelectedObject = Renderer.Settings, Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill
            form2.Controls.Add(p2 = new System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid {
                SelectedObject = GraphicsDevice.Settings, Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill

        public override void Init()
            if (DesignMode)

            Content.ContentPath = "Data(.kel)";
            Client.Game.Map.GameEntity.ContentPool = Content;

            Scene.View   = this;
            Scene.Camera = new LookatSphericalCamera()
                FOV  = 0.5f,
                ZFar = 50,
                SphericalCoordinates = Program.ClientDefaultSettings.CameraSphericalCoordinates,
                AspectRatio          = this.AspectRatio
            Controller = new InteractiveSceneManager {
                Scene = Scene
            StateManager = new DummyDevice9StateManager(Device9);
            InputHandler = inputHandlersRoot;

            cameraInputHandler = new CameraInputHandler
                Camera = (LookatSphericalCamera)Scene.Camera,
                View   = this,
            Scene.Camera.ZFar = 50;
            cameraInputHandler.InputHandler = Controller;

            if (Program.Settings.UseDummyRenderer)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Dummy renderer is no longer supported.");
                //Renderer = new Graphics.DummyRenderer.Renderer { Scene = Scene, StateManager = StateManager };
                Renderer = new Graphics.Renderer.Renderer(Device9)
                    Scene        = Scene,
                    StateManager = StateManager,
                    Settings     = new Graphics.Renderer.Settings
                        ShadowQuality   = Graphics.Renderer.Settings.ShadowQualities.Medium,
                        LightingQuality = Graphics.Renderer.Settings.LightingQualities.High
                SceneRendererConnector = new SortedTestSceneRendererConnector
                    Scene    = Scene,
                    Renderer = Renderer

            Renderer.Settings.TerrainQuality  = Graphics.Renderer.Settings.TerrainQualities.High;
            Renderer.Settings.LightingQuality = Graphics.Renderer.Settings.LightingQualities.High;
            Renderer.Settings.ShadowQuality   = Graphics.Renderer.Settings.ShadowQualities.Low;


            if (Program.Settings.DeveloperSettings)
                p1 = new System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid {
                    SelectedObject = Renderer.Settings, Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill

            bvRenderer = new BoundingVolumesRenderer
                StateManager = StateManager,
                View         = this

            tooltip = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip();

Example #10
        public override void Init()
            Content.ContentPath = "Data";
            Instance            = this;

            scene        = new Scene();
            scene.View   = this;
            scene.Camera = new LookatCartesianCamera()
                Position    = new Vector3(10, 10, 10),
                Lookat      = Vector3.Zero,
                ZFar        = 100,
                AspectRatio = AspectRatio
            //heightmap = TextureUtil.ToHeightmap(Content.Peek<Texture>(new TextureFromFile("testheightmap.png")), 100);
            texture = new Graphics.Software.Texture <Graphics.Software.Texel.A8R8G8B8>(new Graphics.Software.Texel.A8R8G8B8[250, 250]);

            scene.Add(ground = new TestGround
                Size = new SizeF(100, 100),
                //Texture = new SingleColorTexture(Color.Orange),
                NPieces = new Size(20, 20),

            dxTexture = texture.ToTexture9(Device9);

            ground.Texture = new UnmanagedResource <SlimDX.Direct3D9.Texture, SlimDX.Direct3D10.Texture2D> {
                Resource9 = dxTexture

            groundTextureEditor = new Graphics.Editors.GroundTextureEditor
                Camera          = scene.Camera,
                Viewport        = Viewport,
                SoftwareTexture = new[] { texture },
                Texture9        = new[] { dxTexture },
                Position        = ground.Translation,
                Size            = ground.Size,
                GroundIntersect = new WorldViewProbe(this, scene.Camera)
                    WorldProbe = new GroundProbe()
                Pencil = new Graphics.Editors.GroundTexturePencil
                    Color  = new Vector4(0, 0, 1, 0),
                    Radius = 5,
                    Type   = Graphics.Editors.GroundTexturePencilType.AddSaturate
            groundTextureEditor.TextureValuesChanged += new Graphics.Editors.TextureValuesChangedEventHandler((o, e) =>
            InputHandler = new WalkaroundCameraInputHandler
                Camera       = (LookatCartesianCamera)scene.Camera,
                InputHandler = groundTextureEditor,

            renderer = new Graphics.Renderer.Renderer(Device9)
                Scene = scene, StateManager = new Device9StateManager(Device9)

            sceneRendererConnector = new SortedTestSceneRendererConnector
                Renderer = renderer,
                Scene    = scene
        public override void Init()
            Content.ContentPath = "Data";

            Instance = this;

            Scene        = new Scene();
            Scene.View   = this;
            Scene.Camera = new LookatCartesianCamera()
                Position    = new Vector3(10, 10, 10),
                Lookat      = Vector3.Zero,
                ZFar        = 10000,
                AspectRatio = AspectRatio
            sceneQuadtree = new Common.Quadtree <Entity>(-1, -1, 100, 100, 10);
            sbau          = new SceneBVHAutoSyncer(Scene, sceneQuadtree);

            StateManager = new Device9StateManager(Device9);

            arrow = new MetaModel
                HasAlpha         = true,
                IsAxialBillboard = true,
                AxialDirection   = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0),
                XMesh            = new Graphics.Content.MeshFromFile("Arrow.x"),
                Texture          = new TextureFromFile("green.png"),
                Visible          = Priority.High,
                World            = Matrix.Identity,

            direction = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);

            axialBillboard = new MetaModel
                HasAlpha         = true,
                IsAxialBillboard = true,
                AxialDirection   = direction,
                XMesh            = new MeshConcretize
                    MeshDescription = new Graphics.Software.Meshes.IndexedPlane
                        Facings  = Facings.Frontside | Facings.Backside,
                        Position = new Vector3(-0.5f, -0.5f, 0),
                        Size     = new Vector2(1, 1),
                        UVMin    = Vector2.Zero,
                        UVMax    = new Vector2(1, 1)
                    Layout = global::Graphics.Software.Vertex.PositionNormalTexcoord.Instance
                Texture = new TextureFromFile("Models/Effects/MuzzleFlash1.png"),
                World   = Matrix.RotationX((float)Math.PI / 2.0f) * Matrix.RotationY((float)Math.PI / 2.0f) * Matrix.Translation(direction * 0.5f)

            rand = new Random();


            nBillboards = 1;
            billboards  = new Entity[nBillboards];
            directions  = new Vector3[nBillboards];

            for (int i = 0; i < nBillboards; i++)
                directions[i] = new Vector3((float)rand.NextDouble() * 2 - 1, (float)rand.NextDouble() * 2 - 1, (float)rand.NextDouble() * 2 - 1);

            InputHandler = new WalkaroundCameraInputHandler
                Camera = (LookatCartesianCamera)Scene.Camera

            Renderer = new Graphics.Renderer.Renderer(Device9)
                Scene = Scene, StateManager = StateManager, Settings = new Graphics.Renderer.Settings {
                    FogDistance = 50000, WaterLevel = 0

            sceneRendererConnector = new SortedTestSceneRendererConnector
                Renderer = Renderer,
                Scene    = Scene

            for (int i = 0; i < nBillboards; i++)
                Scene.Add(billboards[i] = new Entity
                    MainGraphic             = axialBillboard,
                    VisibilityLocalBounding = Vector3.Zero,
                    WorldMatrix             = Matrix.Identity
Example #12
        public override void Init()
            Content.ContentPath = "Data";

            scene        = new Scene();
            scene.View   = this;
            scene.Camera = new LookatCartesianCamera
                Position = new Vector3(-5, 5, 5),

            foreach (var v in scene.AllEntities)
                v.VisibilityLocalBounding = Content.Acquire <Graphics.Content.StructBoxer <BoundingBox> >(v.MainGraphic).Value;

            var stateManager = new Device9StateManager(Device9);

            renderer = new Graphics.Renderer.Renderer(Device9)
                Scene = scene, StateManager = stateManager

            sceneRendererConnector = new SortedTestSceneRendererConnector
                Scene    = scene,
                Renderer = renderer

            editor = new Graphics.Editors.SceneEditor {
                Scene = scene
            editorRenderer = new Graphics.Editors.SceneEditor.Renderer9(editor)
                BoundingVolumesRenderer = new BoundingVolumesRenderer
                    StateManager = stateManager,
                    View         = this

            InputHandler = editor;

            Entity e;

            scene.Add(e = new Entity
                MainGraphic = new MetaModel
                    XMesh   = new MeshFromFile("Models/Props/Barrel1.x"),
                    Texture = new TextureFromFile("Models/Props/Barrel1.png"),
                    World   = Matrix.Scaling(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f) * SkinnedMesh.InitSkinnedMeshFromMaya * Matrix.Translation(1, 0, 0)
            e.VisibilityLocalBounding = CreateBoundingBoxFromModel((MetaModel)e.MainGraphic);
            e.PickingLocalBounding    = CreateBoundingMeshFromModel(e, (MetaModel)e.MainGraphic);

            scene.Add(e = new Entity
                MainGraphic = new MetaModel
                    SkinnedMesh = new SkinnedMeshFromFile("Models/Props/Bridge1.x"),
                    Texture     = new TextureFromFile("Models/Props/Bridge1.png"),
                    World       = Matrix.Scaling(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f) * SkinnedMesh.InitSkinnedMeshFromMaya *
                                  Matrix.Translation(3, 0, 0)
            e.VisibilityLocalBounding = CreateBoundingBoxFromModel((MetaModel)e.MainGraphic);
            e.PickingLocalBounding    = CreateBoundingMeshFromModel(e, (MetaModel)e.MainGraphic);
Example #13
        public override void Init()
            Content.ContentPath = "Data";

            scene        = new Scene();
            scene.View   = this;
            scene.Camera = new LookatCartesianCamera()
                Position    = new Vector3(-5, 5, 5),
                AspectRatio = AspectRatio

            foreach (var v in scene.AllEntities)
                v.VisibilityLocalBounding = Vector3.Zero;

            Device9StateManager sm = new Device9StateManager(Device9);

            renderer = new Graphics.Renderer.Renderer(Device9)
                Scene = scene, StateManager = sm
            sceneRendererConnector = new SortedTestSceneRendererConnector
                Scene    = scene,
                Renderer = renderer

            bvr = new BoundingVolumesRenderer
                View         = this,
                StateManager = sm

            BVEntity t;

            scene.Add(t = new BVEntity
                MainGraphic = new MetaModel
                    XMesh   = new MeshFromFile("Models/Props/Barrel1.x"),
                    Texture = new TextureFromFile("Models/Props/Barrel1.png"),
                    World   = Matrix.Scaling(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f) * SkinnedMesh.InitSkinnedMeshFromMaya,
                WorldMatrix = Matrix.Translation(1, 0, 0)
            t.BoundingVolume = Graphics.Boundings.Transform(new Graphics.MetaBoundingBox {
                Mesh = ((MetaModel)t.MainGraphic).XMesh
            scene.Add(t = new BVEntity
                MainGraphic = new MetaModel
                    SkinnedMesh = new SkinnedMeshFromFile("Models/Props/Bridge1.x"),
                    Texture     = new TextureFromFile("Models/Props/Bridge1.png"),
                    World       = Matrix.Scaling(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f) * SkinnedMesh.InitSkinnedMeshFromMaya
                WorldMatrix = Matrix.Translation(3, 0, 0)
            scene.Add(t = new BVEntity
                MainGraphic = new MetaModel
                    SkinnedMesh = new SkinnedMeshFromFile("Models/Props/Bridge1.x"),
                    Texture     = new TextureFromFile("Models/Props/Bridge1.png"),
                    World       = Matrix.Scaling(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f) * SkinnedMesh.InitSkinnedMeshFromMaya
                WorldMatrix = Matrix.Translation(-3, -3, 0)
            t.BoundingVolume = Vector3.Zero;
Example #14
        public override void Init()
            Content.ContentPath = "Data";

            Instance = this;

            Scene        = new Scene();
            Scene.View   = this;
            Scene.Camera = new LookatCartesianCamera()
                Position    = new Vector3(10, 10, 10),
                Lookat      = Vector3.Zero,
                ZFar        = 10000,
                AspectRatio = AspectRatio
            sceneQuadtree = new Common.Quadtree <Entity>(0, 0, 100, 100, 10);
            sbau          = new SceneBVHAutoSyncer(Scene, sceneQuadtree);

            StateManager = new Device9StateManager(Device9);

            int nVertices = 10;
            int nFaces    = nVertices * 2 - 4;
            int nIndices  = nFaces * 3;

            List <int> indices = new List <int>();
            List <Graphics.Software.Vertex.Position3Normal3Texcoord3> vertices = new List <Graphics.Software.Vertex.Position3Normal3Texcoord3>();

            for (int i = 0; i < (nVertices / 2) - 1; i++)
                indices.Add(i * 2);
                indices.Add(i * 2 + 2);
                indices.Add(i * 2 + 1);

                indices.Add(i * 2 + 1);
                indices.Add(i * 2 + 2);
                indices.Add(i * 2 + 3);

                indices.Add(i * 2 + 0);
                indices.Add(i * 2 + 1);
                indices.Add(i * 2 + 3);

                indices.Add(i * 2 + 0);
                indices.Add(i * 2 + 3);
                indices.Add(i * 2 + 2);

            for (int i = 0; i < nVertices / 2; i++)
                float texturecoord = 1 - ((float)i / (float)nVertices);

                if (texturecoord > 0.99f)
                    texturecoord = 0.99f;

                vertices.Add(new Graphics.Software.Vertex.Position3Normal3Texcoord3(Vector3.UnitX * i, Vector3.Zero, new Vector3(texturecoord, 1, 0)));
                vertices.Add(new Graphics.Software.Vertex.Position3Normal3Texcoord3(Vector3.UnitX * i + Vector3.UnitY * 4.0f, Vector3.Zero, new Vector3(texturecoord, 0, 0)));

            arrow = new MetaModel
                HasAlpha = true,
                Opacity  = 0.4f,
                XMesh    = new MeshConcretize
                    Mesh = new Graphics.Software.Mesh
                        IndexBuffer        = new Graphics.Software.IndexBuffer(indices.ToArray()),
                        VertexBuffer       = new VertexBuffer <Graphics.Software.Vertex.Position3Normal3Texcoord3>(vertices.ToArray()),
                        NVertices          = nVertices,
                        NFaces             = nFaces,
                        VertexStreamLayout = global::Graphics.Software.Vertex.Position3Normal3Texcoord3.Instance,
                    Layout = global::Graphics.Software.Vertex.PositionNormalTexcoord.Instance
                Texture = new TextureFromFile("green.png"),

            InputHandler = new WalkaroundCameraInputHandler
                Camera = (LookatCartesianCamera)Scene.Camera

            Renderer = new Graphics.Renderer.Renderer(Device9)
                Scene = Scene, StateManager = StateManager, Settings = new Graphics.Renderer.Settings {
                    FogDistance = 50000, WaterLevel = 0

            sceneRendererConnector = new SortedTestSceneRendererConnector
                Renderer = Renderer,
                Scene    = Scene

            Scene.Add(new Entity
                MainGraphic             = arrow,
                VisibilityLocalBounding = Vector3.Zero,
        public override void Init()
            Content.ContentPath = "Data";

            Instance   = this;
            nParticles = 0;

            scene = new Scene
                View   = this,
                Camera = new LookatCartesianCamera
                    Position    = new Vector3(10, 10, 10),
                    Lookat      = Vector3.Zero,
                    ZFar        = 600,
                    AspectRatio = AspectRatio
            sceneQuadtree = new Common.Quadtree <Entity>(10);
            new SceneBVHAutoSyncer(scene, sceneQuadtree);

            stateManager = new DummyDevice9StateManager(Device9);

            renderer = new Graphics.Renderer.Renderer(Device9)
                Scene        = scene,
                StateManager = stateManager,
                Settings     = new Graphics.Renderer.Settings
                    CullMode    = Cull.Counterclockwise,
                    FogDistance = 1500,

            sceneRendererConnector = new SortedTestSceneRendererConnector
                Renderer = renderer,
                Scene    = scene

            InputHandler = new WalkaroundCameraInputHandler
                Camera       = (LookatCartesianCamera)scene.Camera,
                InputHandler = new InteractiveSceneManager
                    Scene = scene

            ground = new MetaModel
                AlphaRef = 0,
                HasAlpha = false,
                Texture  = new TextureFromFile("Models/GroundTextures/Grass1.png"),
                XMesh    = new MeshConcretize
                    MeshDescription = new Graphics.Software.Meshes.IndexedPlane
                        Position = new Vector3(-5f, -5f, -1),
                        Size     = new Vector2(10, 10),
                        UVMin    = Vector2.Zero,
                        UVMax    = new Vector2(1, 1),
                        Facings  = Facings.Frontside
                    Layout = Graphics.Software.Vertex.PositionNormalTexcoord.Instance

            scene.Add(new Entity
                MainGraphic             = ground,
                VisibilityLocalBounding = new Common.Bounding.NonfittableBounding(Vector3.Zero, false, true),
                Translation             = Vector3.UnitZ
Example #16
        public override void Init()
            Content.ContentPath = "Data";

            scene      = new Scene();
            scene.View = this;

            scene.Camera = new LookatCartesianCamera()
                Lookat      = new Vector3(size.Width / 2f, size.Height / 2f, 0),
                Position    = new Vector3(10, 10, 10),
                FOV         = 0.5f,
                ZFar        = 100,
                AspectRatio = AspectRatio

            sceneQuadtree = new Common.Quadtree <Entity>(10);
            sbau          = new SceneBVHAutoSyncer(scene, sceneQuadtree);

            InputHandler = new WalkaroundCameraInputHandler
                Camera       = (LookatCartesianCamera)scene.Camera,
                InputHandler = new InteractiveSceneManager {
                    Scene = scene

            renderer = new Graphics.Renderer.Renderer(Device9)
                Scene = scene, StateManager = new Graphics.GraphicsDevice.Device9StateManager(Device9), Settings = new Graphics.Renderer.Settings {
                    WaterEnable = false, FogDistance = float.MaxValue, ShadowQuality = Graphics.Renderer.Settings.ShadowQualities.Lowest

            sceneRendererConnector = new SortedTestSceneRendererConnector
                Renderer = renderer,
                Scene    = scene

            motionSimulation = new Common.Motion.Simulation();
            //motionSimulation = new Common.Motion.ThreadSimulationProxy(new Common.Motion.Simulation());
            //System.Windows.Forms.Application.ApplicationExit += ((sender, o) => { ((Common.Motion.ThreadSimulationProxy)motionSimulation).Shutdown(); });

            scene.EntityAdded   += new Action <Entity>(scene_EntityAdded);
            scene.EntityRemoved += new Action <Entity>(scene_EntityRemoved);

            heightMap = CreateGround();

            //((Common.Motion.Simulation)((Common.Motion.ThreadSimulationProxy)motionSimulation).InnerSimulation).SetHeightMap(heightMap, new Vector2(size.Width, size.Height), Vector2.Zero);
            //scene.Add(CreateBlock(-Vector3.UnitZ, new Vector3(size.Width, size.Height, 1), "grass1.png"));

            Random r = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < 0; i++)
            //var unit = CreateUnit(new Vector3(size.Width/2f, size.Height/2f, -5f));
            foreach (var u in units)
                ((Common.IMotion.IUnit)u.MotionObject).VelocityImpulse(new Vector3(0, 0, 0.00001f));
Example #17
        public override void Init()
            Content.ContentPath = "Data";

            scene        = new Scene();
            scene.View   = this;
            scene.Camera = new LookatCartesianCamera()
                Position    = new Vector3(10, 10, 10),
                Lookat      = Vector3.Zero,
                ZFar        = 100,
                AspectRatio = AspectRatio

            InputHandler = new WalkaroundCameraInputHandler
                Camera = (LookatCartesianCamera)scene.Camera

            //heightmap = TextureUtil.ToHeightmap(Content.Peek<Texture>(new TextureFromFile("testheightmap.png")), 100);
            Random r = new Random();

            heightmap = new Graphics.Software.Texel.R32F[64, 64];
            for (int y = 0; y < 64; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < 64; x++)
                    heightmap[y, x] = new Graphics.Software.Texel.R32F((float)r.NextDouble());

            renderer = new Graphics.Renderer.Renderer(Device9)
                Scene = scene, StateManager = new Device9StateManager(Device9)

            sceneRendererConnector = new SortedTestSceneRendererConnector
                Scene    = scene,
                Renderer = renderer

            SizeF patches    = new SizeF(20, 20);
            SizeF patchSize  = new SizeF(1f / 20f, 1f / 20f);
            SizeF groundSize = new SizeF(100, 100);

            for (int y = 0; y < patches.Height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < patches.Width; x++)
                    scene.Add(e = new Entity
                        MainGraphic = new MetaModel
                            XMesh = new MeshConcretize
                                MeshDescription = new Graphics.Software.Meshes.MeshFromHeightmap
                                    Grid = new Graphics.Software.Meshes.Grid
                                        Position = Vector3.Zero,
                                        MeshType = MeshType.Indexed,
                                        Size     = new Vector2(patchSize.Width * groundSize.Width, patchSize.Height * groundSize.Height),
                                        NWidth   = (int)((heightmap.GetLength(1) - 1) * patchSize.Width),
                                        NHeight  = (int)((heightmap.GetLength(0) - 1) * patchSize.Height),
                                        UVMin    = new Vector2(0, 0),
                                        UVMax    = new Vector2(1, 1)
                                    Height      = 5,
                                    Heightmap   = heightmap,
                                    Rectangle   = new RectangleF(x * patchSize.Width, y * patchSize.Height, patchSize.Width, patchSize.Height),
                                    PointSample = true
                                Layout = global::Graphics.Software.Vertex.PositionNormalTexcoord.Instance
                            Texture = new TextureFromFile("Models/GroundTextures/Grass1.png")
                        Translation             = new Vector3(x * groundSize.Width / patches.Width, y * groundSize.Height / patches.Height, 0),
                        VisibilityLocalBounding = Vector3.Zero
        public override void Init()
            Content.ContentPath = "Data";

            scene      = new Scene();
            scene.View = this;

            scene.Camera = new LookatCartesianCamera()
                Lookat      = new Vector3(size.Width / 2f, size.Height / 2f, 0),
                Position    = new Vector3(10, 10, 10),
                FOV         = 0.5f,
                ZFar        = 100,
                AspectRatio = AspectRatio

            viewport = new Graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport(Device9.Viewport);

            InputHandler = new WalkaroundCameraInputHandler
                Camera       = (LookatCartesianCamera)scene.Camera,
                InputHandler = new InteractiveSceneManager {
                    Scene = scene

            renderer = new Graphics.Renderer.Renderer(Device9)
                Scene = scene, StateManager = new Graphics.GraphicsDevice.Device9StateManager(Device9), Settings = new Graphics.Renderer.Settings {
                    WaterEnable = false
            //renderer = new Graphics.DummyRenderer.Renderer { Scene = scene, StateManager = new Graphics.GraphicsDevice.Device9StateManager(Device9), Settings = new Graphics.Renderer.Settings { WaterEnable = false } };

            sceneRendererConnector = new SortedTestSceneRendererConnector
                Renderer = renderer,
                Scene    = scene

            motionSimulation = new Common.Motion.Simulation();

            scene.EntityAdded   += new Action <Entity>(scene_EntityAdded);
            scene.EntityRemoved += new Action <Entity>(scene_EntityRemoved);

            var sim = (Common.Motion.Simulation)motionSimulation;

            npcs = new List <Common.IMotion.INPC>();
            Vector2 startingPosition = new Vector2(size.Width / 2f, size.Height / 2f);

            scene.Add(controlledUnit = CreateUnit(startingPosition));
            scene.Add(CreateBlock(Common.Math.ToVector3(startingPosition + new Vector2(2, -2)), new Vector3(1, 1, 1.5f)));
            scene.Add(CreateBlock(Common.Math.ToVector3(startingPosition + new Vector2(-4, 2)), new Vector3(1, 1, 1.5f)));
            scene.Add(CreateBlock(Common.Math.ToVector3(startingPosition + new Vector2(4, -2)), new Vector3(1, 1, 1.5f)));
            scene.Add(CreateBlock(Common.Math.ToVector3(startingPosition + new Vector2(7, -1)), new Vector3(1, 1, 1.5f)));
            //scene.Add(CreateNPC(startingPosition + new Vector2(3, 3)));
            scene.Add(CreateNPC(startingPosition + new Vector2(3, -1)));
            scene.Add(CreateNPC(startingPosition + new Vector2(-5, 3)));
            scene.Add(CreateNPC(startingPosition + new Vector2(-2, 1)));
            Vector2 unitGroupStartingPosition = startingPosition + new Vector2(3, 3);

            for (int y = 0; y < 5; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++)
                    scene.Add(CreateNPC(unitGroupStartingPosition + new Vector2(x, y)));

            BulletCreation = (() =>
                scene.Add(CreateBullet(controlledUnit.Translation + Vector3.UnitZ,

            foreach (var npc in npcs)
                npc.Pursue(controlledUnit.MotionObject, 1f);
        public override void Init()
            Content.ContentPath = "Data";
            Instance            = this;

            scene        = new Scene();
            scene.View   = this;
            scene.Camera = new LookatCartesianCamera
                Position = new Vector3(10, 10, 10),
                Lookat   = Vector3.Zero,
                ZFar     = 100
            //heightmap = TextureUtil.ToHeightmap(Content.Peek<Texture>(new TextureFromFile("testheightmap.png")), 100);
            heightmap = new Graphics.Software.Texel.R32F[250, 250];
            texture   = new Graphics.Software.Texture <Graphics.Software.Texel.R32F>(heightmap);

            scene.Add(ground = new TestGround
                Size      = new SizeF(100, 100),
                Heightmap = heightmap,
                NPieces   = new Size(20, 20),
                Height    = 1

            heightmapEditor = new Graphics.Editors.GroundTextureEditor
                Camera          = scene.Camera,
                Viewport        = Viewport,
                SoftwareTexture = new[] { texture },
                Position        = ground.Translation,
                Size            = ground.Size,
                GroundIntersect = new WorldViewProbe(this, scene.Camera)
                    WorldProbe = new GroundProbe()
            heightmapEditor.TextureValuesChanged += new Graphics.Editors.TextureValuesChangedEventHandler((o, e) =>
            InputHandler = new WalkaroundCameraInputHandler
                Camera       = (LookatCartesianCamera)scene.Camera,
                InputHandler = heightmapEditor

            renderer = new Graphics.Renderer.Renderer(Device9)
                Scene = scene, StateManager = new Device9StateManager(Device9)

            sceneRendererConnector = new SortedTestSceneRendererConnector
                Scene    = scene,
                Renderer = renderer
Example #20
        public override void Init()
            Content.ContentPath = "Data";

            Instance = this;

            Scene        = new Scene();
            Scene.View   = this;
            Scene.Camera = new LookatCartesianCamera()
                Position    = new Vector3(10, 10, 10),
                Lookat      = Vector3.Zero,
                ZFar        = 100,
                AspectRatio = AspectRatio
            sceneQuadtree = new Common.Quadtree <Entity>(-1, -1, 100, 100, 10);
            sbau          = new SceneBVHAutoSyncer(Scene, sceneQuadtree);

            StateManager = new Device9StateManager(Device9);

            rand = new Random();

            nBillboards = 2000;
            billboards  = new Entity[nBillboards];
            directions  = new Vector3[nBillboards];

            for (int i = 0; i < nBillboards; i++)
                directions[i] = new Vector3((float)rand.NextDouble() * 2 - 1, (float)rand.NextDouble() * 2 - 1, (float)rand.NextDouble() * 2 - 1);

            InputHandler = new WalkaroundCameraInputHandler
                Camera = (LookatCartesianCamera)Scene.Camera

            Renderer = new Graphics.Renderer.Renderer(Device9)
                Scene = Scene, StateManager = StateManager, Settings = new Graphics.Renderer.Settings {
                    FogDistance = 500

            sceneRendererConnector = new SortedTestSceneRendererConnector
                Renderer = Renderer,
                Scene    = Scene

            for (int i = 0; i < nBillboards; i++)
                Scene.Add(billboards[i] = new Entity
                    MainGraphic = new MetaModel
                        AlphaRef             = 0,
                        BaseTexture          = null,
                        CastShadows          = Priority.Never,
                        HasAlpha             = true,
                        IsBillboard          = true,
                        IsWater              = false,
                        MaterialTexture      = null,
                        Mesh                 = null,
                        ReceivesAmbientLight = Priority.Never,
                        ReceivesDiffuseLight = Priority.Never,
                        ReceivesShadows      = Priority.Never,
                        SkinnedMesh          = null,
                        SplatMapped          = false,
                        SplatTexutre         = null,
                        Texture              = new TextureFromFile("checker.png"),
                        Visible              = Priority.High,
                        World                = Matrix.Identity,
                        XMesh                = new MeshConcretize
                            MeshDescription = new Meshes.IndexedPlane
                                Facings  = Facings.Backside | Facings.Frontside,
                                Position = Vector3.Zero,
                                Size     = new Vector2(5, 5),
                                UVMin    = Vector2.Zero,
                                UVMax    = new Vector2(1, 1)
                            Layout = global::Graphics.Software.Vertex.PositionNormalTexcoord.Instance
                    VisibilityLocalBounding = Vector3.Zero,
                    WorldMatrix             = Matrix.Identity
Example #21
        public override void Init()
            Content.ContentPath = "Data";

            Instance = this;

            //splatTexture = Content.Peek<Texture>(new TextureFromFile("splatting.png"));
            //grassTexture = Content.Peek<Texture>(new TextureFromFile(""));
            //soilTexture = Content.Peek<Texture>(new TextureFromFile(""));
            //grass2Texture = Content.Peek<Texture>(new TextureFromFile(""));
            //stoneTexture = Content.Peek<Texture>(new TextureFromFile(""));

            Scene        = new Scene();
            Scene.View   = this;
            Scene.Camera = new LookatCartesianCamera()
                Position    = new Vector3(10, 10, 10),
                Lookat      = Vector3.Zero,
                ZFar        = 100,
                ZNear       = 0.1f,
                AspectRatio = AspectRatio
            sceneQuadtree = new Common.Quadtree <Entity>(0, 0, 100, 100, 10);
            sbau          = new SceneBVHAutoSyncer(Scene, sceneQuadtree);

            StateManager = new Device9StateManager(Device9);
            Renderer     = new Graphics.Renderer.Renderer(Device9)
                Scene = Scene, StateManager = StateManager

            sceneRendererConnector = new SortedTestSceneRendererConnector
                Renderer = Renderer,
                Scene    = Scene

            heightmap = TextureUtil.ToHeightmap(Content.Peek <Texture>(new TextureFromFile("heightmap.png")), 100);

            Scene.Add(ground = new Entity
                MainGraphic = new MetaModel
                    XMesh = new MeshConcretize
                        MeshDescription = new Graphics.Software.Meshes.MeshFromHeightmap
                            Grid = new Graphics.Software.Meshes.Grid
                                Position = Vector3.Zero,
                                MeshType = MeshType.Indexed,
                                Size     = new Vector2(100, 100),
                                NWidth   = heightmap.GetLength(1) - 1,
                                NHeight  = heightmap.GetLength(0) - 1,
                                UVMax    = new Vector2(1, 1),
                                UVMin    = new Vector2(0, 0)
                            Height      = 20,
                            Heightmap   = heightmap,
                            Rectangle   = new RectangleF(0, 0, 1, 1),
                            PointSample = true
                        Layout = Graphics.Software.Vertex.PositionNormalTexcoord.Instance
                    SplatMapped  = true,
                    Texture      = new TextureFromFile("splatting.png"),
                    SplatTexutre = new MetaResource <Texture, SlimDX.Direct3D10.Texture2D>[1] {
                        new TextureFromFile("splattingtest.png")
                    MaterialTexture = new MetaResource <Texture, SlimDX.Direct3D10.Texture2D>[4] {
                        new TextureFromFile("grass.png")
                        , new TextureFromFile("pebbles.png"), new TextureFromFile("vines.png"), new TextureFromFile("rock.png")
                VisibilityLocalBounding = Vector3.Zero

            InputHandler = new WalkaroundCameraInputHandler
                Camera = (LookatCartesianCamera)Scene.Camera,
                //InputHandler = groundTextureEditor,
                //FilteredMessages = new MessageType[] { }
Example #22
        void Setup()
            Scene                = new Scene();
            GameState            = GameState.Playing;
            InterfaceIngameScene = new Scene();
            Scene.View           = InterfaceIngameScene.View = Program.Instance;
            Scene.Camera         = InterfaceIngameScene.Camera = new LookatSphericalCamera()
                Lookat      = new Vector3(0, 0, 0),
                Position    = new Vector3(10, 10, 10),
                FOV         = Program.Settings.CameraFOV,
                ZFar        = 20,
                ZNear       = Program.Settings.CameraZNear,
                AspectRatio = Program.Instance.AspectRatio
            CameraController = new CameraController {
                Camera = (LookatSphericalCamera)Scene.Camera
            Scene.EntityAdded += scene_EntityAdded;

                SceneControl = new GameSceneControl
                InnerScene = Scene,
                Size       = Program.Instance.Interface.Size

            InterfaceIngameRenderer = new Graphics.Interface.InterfaceRenderer9(Program.Instance.Device9)
                Scene        = InterfaceIngameScene,
                StateManager = Program.Instance.StateManager,

            if (Program.Settings.OutputPNGSequence)

            if (Program.Settings.UseDummyRenderer)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Dummy renderer is no longer supported.");
                Renderer = new Graphics.Renderer.Renderer(Program.Instance.Device9)
                    Scene        = Scene,
                    StateManager = Program.Instance.StateManager,
                    Settings     = Program.Settings.RendererSettings,
                SceneRendererConnector = new SortedTestSceneRendererConnector
                    Scene    = Scene,
                    Renderer = Renderer

            Graphics.Renderer.Results result = Renderer.Initialize(Scene.View);
            if (result == Graphics.Renderer.Results.OutOfVideoMemory)
                Application.Log("User ran out of video memory according to renderer. This is probably due to having too high shadow quality.");

            RendererSettingsController = new RendererSettingsController();

            var s = Program.Settings.GraphicsDeviceSettings.Resolution;

            Program.Instance.Interface.Layer1.AddChild(Interface = new Interface.Interface
                Size    = new Vector2(s.Width, s.Height),
                Visible = false