public void UnlockTrophy(int nextTrophyId)
            Sony.NP.Trophies.UnlockTrophyRequest request = new Sony.NP.Trophies.UnlockTrophyRequest();

            request.TrophyId = nextTrophyId;

            request.UserId = loggedInUser.userId;

            Sony.NP.Core.EmptyResponse response = new Sony.NP.Core.EmptyResponse();

            // Make the async call which returns the Request Id

            int requestId = Sony.NP.Trophies.UnlockTrophy(request, response);

            Debug.LogError("GetUnlockedTrophies Async : Request Id = " + requestId);

        catch (Sony.NP.NpToolkitException e)
            Debug.LogError("Exception : " + e.ExtendedMessage);
    public void RegisterTrophyPack()
            Sony.NP.Trophies.RegisterTrophyPackRequest request = new Sony.NP.Trophies.RegisterTrophyPackRequest();
            request.UserId = loggedInUser.userId;

            Sony.NP.Core.EmptyResponse response = new Sony.NP.Core.EmptyResponse();

            // Make the async call which returns the Request Id

            int requestId = Sony.NP.Trophies.RegisterTrophyPack(request, response);

            Debug.LogError("RegisterTrophyPack Async : Request Id = " + requestId + " userId = " + loggedInUser.userId);

        catch (Sony.NP.NpToolkitException e)
            Debug.LogError("Exception : " + e.ExtendedMessage);