Example #1
        static int Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length < 1 || args.Length > 2)
                Console.WriteLine("Use: LinearEquationSolver.exe <matrix.csv> [<number-of-iterations>]");

            Table table = Table.Load(args[0], new ReadSettings(Delimiter.Comma, false, false, FSharpOption <int> .None, ReadSettings.Default.ColumnTypes));

            if (table.Count <= 1)
                throw new Exception("Expecting 2 or more columns");

            var n = args.Length >= 2 ? int.Parse(args[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : 1;

            var columns = table.Select(column => column.Rows.AsReal as IEnumerable <double>);
            var A       = Matrix <double> .Build.DenseOfColumns(columns.Where((_, i) => i < table.Count - 1));

            var b = Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfEnumerable(columns.Last());

            var iterationCountStopCriterion = new IterationCountStopCriterion <double>(1000);
            var residualStopCriterion       = new ResidualStopCriterion <double>(1e-10);
            var monitor = new Iterator <double>(iterationCountStopCriterion, residualStopCriterion);
            var solver  = new CompositeSolver(SolverSetup <double> .LoadFromAssembly(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()));

            Vector <double> x = null;

            for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
                //x = A.Solve(b);
                x = A.SolveIterative(b, solver, monitor);

            Table result = Table.OfColumns(new[] { Column.Create("x", x.ToArray(), FSharpOption <int> .None) });

            Table.Save(result, "result.csv");

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Run example
        /// </summary>
        public void Run()
            // Format matrix output to console
            var formatProvider = (CultureInfo)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.Clone();

            formatProvider.TextInfo.ListSeparator = " ";

            // Solve next system of linear equations (Ax=b):
            // 5*x + 2*y - 4*z = -7
            // 3*x - 7*y + 6*z = 38
            // 4*x + 1*y + 5*z = 43

            // Create matrix "A" with coefficients
            var matrixA = DenseMatrix.OfArray(new[, ] {
                { 5.00, 2.00, -4.00 }, { 3.00, -7.00, 6.00 }, { 4.00, 1.00, 5.00 }

            Console.WriteLine(@"Matrix 'A' with coefficients");
            Console.WriteLine(matrixA.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // Create vector "b" with the constant terms.
            var vectorB = new DenseVector(new[] { -7.0, 38.0, 43.0 });

            Console.WriteLine(@"Vector 'b' with the constant terms");
            Console.WriteLine(vectorB.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // Create stop criteria to monitor an iterative calculation. There are next available stop criteria:
            // - DivergenceStopCriterion: monitors an iterative calculation for signs of divergence;
            // - FailureStopCriterion: monitors residuals for NaN's;
            // - IterationCountStopCriterion: monitors the numbers of iteration steps;
            // - ResidualStopCriterion: monitors residuals if calculation is considered converged;

            // Stop calculation if 1000 iterations reached during calculation
            var iterationCountStopCriterion = new IterationCountStopCriterion <double>(1000);

            // Stop calculation if residuals are below 1E-10 --> the calculation is considered converged
            var residualStopCriterion = new ResidualStopCriterion <double>(1e-10);

            // Create monitor with defined stop criteria
            var monitor = new Iterator <double>(iterationCountStopCriterion, residualStopCriterion);

            // Load all suitable solvers from current assembly. Below in this example, there is user-defined solver
            // "class UserBiCgStab : IIterativeSolverSetup<double>" which uses regular BiCgStab solver. But user may create any other solver
            // and solver setup classes which implement IIterativeSolverSetup<T> and pass assembly to next function:
            var solver = new CompositeSolver(SolverSetup <double> .LoadFromAssembly(typeof(CompositeSolver).Assembly));

            // 1. Solve the matrix equation
            var resultX = matrixA.SolveIterative(vectorB, solver, monitor);

            Console.WriteLine(@"1. Solve the matrix equation");

            // 2. Check solver status of the iterations.
            // Solver has property IterationResult which contains the status of the iteration once the calculation is finished.
            // Possible values are:
            // - CalculationCancelled: calculation was cancelled by the user;
            // - CalculationConverged: calculation has converged to the desired convergence levels;
            // - CalculationDiverged: calculation diverged;
            // - CalculationFailure: calculation has failed for some reason;
            // - CalculationIndetermined: calculation is indetermined, not started or stopped;
            // - CalculationRunning: calculation is running and no results are yet known;
            // - CalculationStoppedWithoutConvergence: calculation has been stopped due to reaching the stopping limits, but that convergence was not achieved;
            Console.WriteLine(@"2. Solver status of the iterations");

            // 3. Solution result vector of the matrix equation
            Console.WriteLine(@"3. Solution result vector of the matrix equation");
            Console.WriteLine(resultX.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // 4. Verify result. Multiply coefficient matrix "A" by result vector "x"
            var reconstructVecorB = matrixA * resultX;

            Console.WriteLine(@"4. Multiply coefficient matrix 'A' by result vector 'x'");
            Console.WriteLine(reconstructVecorB.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));
        public override void ExecuteExample()
            // <seealso cref="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biconjugate_gradient_stabilized_method">Biconjugate gradient stabilized method</seealso>
            MathDisplay.WriteLine("<b>Biconjugate gradient stabilised iterative solver</b>");

            // Format matrix output to console
            var formatProvider = (CultureInfo)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.Clone();

            formatProvider.TextInfo.ListSeparator = " ";

            // Solve next system of linear equations (Ax=b):
            // 5*x + 2*y - 4*z = -7
            // 3*x - 7*y + 6*z = 38
            // 4*x + 1*y + 5*z = 43

            // Create matrix "A" with coefficients
            var matrixA = DenseMatrix.OfArray(new[, ] {
                { 5.00, 2.00, -4.00 }, { 3.00, -7.00, 6.00 }, { 4.00, 1.00, 5.00 }

            MathDisplay.WriteLine(@"Matrix 'A' with coefficients");
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(matrixA.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // Create vector "b" with the constant terms.
            var vectorB = new DenseVector(new[] { -7.0, 38.0, 43.0 });

            MathDisplay.WriteLine(@"Vector 'b' with the constant terms");
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(vectorB.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // Create stop criteria to monitor an iterative calculation. There are next available stop criteria:
            // - DivergenceStopCriterion: monitors an iterative calculation for signs of divergence;
            // - FailureStopCriterion: monitors residuals for NaN's;
            // - IterationCountStopCriterion: monitors the numbers of iteration steps;
            // - ResidualStopCriterion: monitors residuals if calculation is considered converged;

            // Stop calculation if 1000 iterations reached during calculation
            var iterationCountStopCriterion = new IterationCountStopCriterion <double>(1000);

            // Stop calculation if residuals are below 1E-10 --> the calculation is considered converged
            var residualStopCriterion = new ResidualStopCriterion <double>(1e-10);

            // Create monitor with defined stop criteria
            var monitor = new Iterator <double>(iterationCountStopCriterion, residualStopCriterion);

            // Create Bi-Conjugate Gradient Stabilized solver
            var solverBiCgStab = new BiCgStab();

            // 1. Solve the matrix equation
            var resultX = matrixA.SolveIterative(vectorB, solverBiCgStab, monitor);

            MathDisplay.WriteLine(@"1. Solve the matrix equation");

            // 2. Check solver status of the iterations.
            // Solver has property IterationResult which contains the status of the iteration once the calculation is finished.
            // Possible values are:
            // - CalculationCancelled: calculation was cancelled by the user;
            // - CalculationConverged: calculation has converged to the desired convergence levels;
            // - CalculationDiverged: calculation diverged;
            // - CalculationFailure: calculation has failed for some reason;
            // - CalculationIndetermined: calculation is indetermined, not started or stopped;
            // - CalculationRunning: calculation is running and no results are yet known;
            // - CalculationStoppedWithoutConvergence: calculation has been stopped due to reaching the stopping limits, but that convergence was not achieved;
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(@"2. Solver status of the iterations");

            // 3. Solution result vector of the matrix equation
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(@"3. Solution result vector of the matrix equation");
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(resultX.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // 4. Verify result. Multiply coefficient matrix "A" by result vector "x"
            var reconstructVecorB = matrixA * resultX;

            MathDisplay.WriteLine(@"4. Multiply coefficient matrix 'A' by result vector 'x'");
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(reconstructVecorB.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            MathDisplay.WriteLine("<b>Generalized product biconjugate gradient solver</b>");

            // Solve next system of linear equations (Ax=b):
            // 5*x + 2*y - 4*z = -7
            // 3*x - 7*y + 6*z = 38
            // 4*x + 1*y + 5*z = 43

            // Create matrix "A" with coefficients
            matrixA = DenseMatrix.OfArray(new[, ] {
                { 5.00, 2.00, -4.00 }, { 3.00, -7.00, 6.00 }, { 4.00, 1.00, 5.00 }
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(@"Matrix 'A' with coefficients");
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(matrixA.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // Create vector "b" with the constant terms.
            vectorB = new DenseVector(new[] { -7.0, 38.0, 43.0 });
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(@"Vector 'b' with the constant terms");
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(vectorB.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // Create stop criteria to monitor an iterative calculation. There are next available stop criteria:
            // - DivergenceStopCriterion: monitors an iterative calculation for signs of divergence;
            // - FailureStopCriterion: monitors residuals for NaN's;
            // - IterationCountStopCriterion: monitors the numbers of iteration steps;
            // - ResidualStopCriterion: monitors residuals if calculation is considered converged;

            // Stop calculation if 1000 iterations reached during calculation
            iterationCountStopCriterion = new IterationCountStopCriterion <double>(1000);

            // Stop calculation if residuals are below 1E-10 --> the calculation is considered converged
            residualStopCriterion = new ResidualStopCriterion <double>(1e-10);

            // Create monitor with defined stop criteria
            monitor = new Iterator <double>(iterationCountStopCriterion, residualStopCriterion);

            // Create Generalized Product Bi-Conjugate Gradient solver
            var solverGpBiCg = new GpBiCg();

            // 1. Solve the matrix equation
            resultX = matrixA.SolveIterative(vectorB, solverGpBiCg, monitor);
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(@"1. Solve the matrix equation");

            // 2. Check solver status of the iterations.
            // Solver has property IterationResult which contains the status of the iteration once the calculation is finished.
            // Possible values are:
            // - CalculationCancelled: calculation was cancelled by the user;
            // - CalculationConverged: calculation has converged to the desired convergence levels;
            // - CalculationDiverged: calculation diverged;
            // - CalculationFailure: calculation has failed for some reason;
            // - CalculationIndetermined: calculation is indetermined, not started or stopped;
            // - CalculationRunning: calculation is running and no results are yet known;
            // - CalculationStoppedWithoutConvergence: calculation has been stopped due to reaching the stopping limits, but that convergence was not achieved;
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(@"2. Solver status of the iterations");

            // 3. Solution result vector of the matrix equation
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(@"3. Solution result vector of the matrix equation");
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(resultX.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // 4. Verify result. Multiply coefficient matrix "A" by result vector "x"
            reconstructVecorB = matrixA * resultX;
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(@"4. Multiply coefficient matrix 'A' by result vector 'x'");
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(reconstructVecorB.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            MathDisplay.WriteLine("<b>Composite linear equation solver</b>");

            // Solve next system of linear equations (Ax=b):
            // 5*x + 2*y - 4*z = -7
            // 3*x - 7*y + 6*z = 38
            // 4*x + 1*y + 5*z = 43

            // Create matrix "A" with coefficients
            matrixA = DenseMatrix.OfArray(new[, ] {
                { 5.00, 2.00, -4.00 }, { 3.00, -7.00, 6.00 }, { 4.00, 1.00, 5.00 }
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(@"Matrix 'A' with coefficients");
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(matrixA.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // Create vector "b" with the constant terms.
            vectorB = new DenseVector(new[] { -7.0, 38.0, 43.0 });
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(@"Vector 'b' with the constant terms");
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(vectorB.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // Create stop criteria to monitor an iterative calculation. There are next available stop criteria:
            // - DivergenceStopCriterion: monitors an iterative calculation for signs of divergence;
            // - FailureStopCriterion: monitors residuals for NaN's;
            // - IterationCountStopCriterion: monitors the numbers of iteration steps;
            // - ResidualStopCriterion: monitors residuals if calculation is considered converged;

            // Stop calculation if 1000 iterations reached during calculation
            iterationCountStopCriterion = new IterationCountStopCriterion <double>(1000);

            // Stop calculation if residuals are below 1E-10 --> the calculation is considered converged
            residualStopCriterion = new ResidualStopCriterion <double>(1e-10);

            // Create monitor with defined stop criteria
            monitor = new Iterator <double>(iterationCountStopCriterion, residualStopCriterion);

            // Load all suitable solvers from current assembly. Below (see UserBiCgStab) there is a custom user-defined solver
            // "class UserBiCgStab : IIterativeSolverSetup<double>" which derives from the regular BiCgStab solver. However users can
            // create any other solver and solver setup classes that implement IIterativeSolverSetup<T> and load the assembly that
            // contains them using the following function:
            var solverComp = new CompositeSolver(SolverSetup <double> .LoadFromAssembly(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()));

            // 1. Solve the linear system
            resultX = matrixA.SolveIterative(vectorB, solverComp, monitor);
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(@"1. Solve the matrix equation");

            // 2. Check solver status of the iterations.
            // Solver has property IterationResult which contains the status of the iteration once the calculation is finished.
            // Possible values are:
            // - CalculationCancelled: calculation was cancelled by the user;
            // - CalculationConverged: calculation has converged to the desired convergence levels;
            // - CalculationDiverged: calculation diverged;
            // - CalculationFailure: calculation has failed for some reason;
            // - CalculationIndetermined: calculation is indetermined, not started or stopped;
            // - CalculationRunning: calculation is running and no results are yet known;
            // - CalculationStoppedWithoutConvergence: calculation has been stopped due to reaching the stopping limits, but that convergence was not achieved;
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(@"2. Solver status of the iterations");

            // 3. Solution result vector of the matrix equation
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(@"3. Solution result vector of the matrix equation");
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(resultX.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // 4. Verify result. Multiply coefficient matrix "A" by result vector "x"
            reconstructVecorB = matrixA * resultX;
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(@"4. Multiply coefficient matrix 'A' by result vector 'x'");
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(reconstructVecorB.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            MathDisplay.WriteLine("<b>Multiple-Lanczos biconjugate gradient stabilised iterative solver</b>");

            // Solve next system of linear equations (Ax=b):
            // 5*x + 2*y - 4*z = -7
            // 3*x - 7*y + 6*z = 38
            // 4*x + 1*y + 5*z = 43

            // Create matrix "A" with coefficients
            matrixA = DenseMatrix.OfArray(new[, ] {
                { 5.00, 2.00, -4.00 }, { 3.00, -7.00, 6.00 }, { 4.00, 1.00, 5.00 }
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(@"Matrix 'A' with coefficients");
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(matrixA.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // Create vector "b" with the constant terms.
            vectorB = new DenseVector(new[] { -7.0, 38.0, 43.0 });
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(@"Vector 'b' with the constant terms");
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(vectorB.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // Create stop criteria to monitor an iterative calculation. There are next available stop criteria:
            // - DivergenceStopCriterion: monitors an iterative calculation for signs of divergence;
            // - FailureStopCriterion: monitors residuals for NaN's;
            // - IterationCountStopCriterion: monitors the numbers of iteration steps;
            // - ResidualStopCriterion: monitors residuals if calculation is considered converged;

            // Stop calculation if 1000 iterations reached during calculation
            iterationCountStopCriterion = new IterationCountStopCriterion <double>(1000);

            // Stop calculation if residuals are below 1E-10 --> the calculation is considered converged
            residualStopCriterion = new ResidualStopCriterion <double>(1e-10);

            // Create monitor with defined stop criteria
            monitor = new Iterator <double>(iterationCountStopCriterion, residualStopCriterion);

            // Create Multiple-Lanczos Bi-Conjugate Gradient Stabilized solver
            var solverLanczos = new MlkBiCgStab();

            // 1. Solve the matrix equation
            resultX = matrixA.SolveIterative(vectorB, solverLanczos, monitor);
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(@"1. Solve the matrix equation");

            // 2. Check solver status of the iterations.
            // Solver has property IterationResult which contains the status of the iteration once the calculation is finished.
            // Possible values are:
            // - CalculationCancelled: calculation was cancelled by the user;
            // - CalculationConverged: calculation has converged to the desired convergence levels;
            // - CalculationDiverged: calculation diverged;
            // - CalculationFailure: calculation has failed for some reason;
            // - CalculationIndetermined: calculation is indetermined, not started or stopped;
            // - CalculationRunning: calculation is running and no results are yet known;
            // - CalculationStoppedWithoutConvergence: calculation has been stopped due to reaching the stopping limits, but that convergence was not achieved;
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(@"2. Solver status of the iterations");

            // 3. Solution result vector of the matrix equation
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(@"3. Solution result vector of the matrix equation");
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(resultX.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // 4. Verify result. Multiply coefficient matrix "A" by result vector "x"
            reconstructVecorB = matrixA * resultX;
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(@"4. Multiply coefficient matrix 'A' by result vector 'x'");
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(reconstructVecorB.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            MathDisplay.WriteLine("<b>Transpose freee quasi-minimal residual iterative solver</b>");

            // Solve next system of linear equations (Ax=b):
            // 5*x + 2*y - 4*z = -7
            // 3*x - 7*y + 6*z = 38
            // 4*x + 1*y + 5*z = 43

            // Create matrix "A" with coefficients
            matrixA = DenseMatrix.OfArray(new[, ] {
                { 5.00, 2.00, -4.00 }, { 3.00, -7.00, 6.00 }, { 4.00, 1.00, 5.00 }
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(@"Matrix 'A' with coefficients");
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(matrixA.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // Create vector "b" with the constant terms.
            vectorB = new DenseVector(new[] { -7.0, 38.0, 43.0 });
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(@"Vector 'b' with the constant terms");
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(vectorB.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // Create stop criteria to monitor an iterative calculation. There are next available stop criteria:
            // - DivergenceStopCriterion: monitors an iterative calculation for signs of divergence;
            // - FailureStopCriterion: monitors residuals for NaN's;
            // - IterationCountStopCriterion: monitors the numbers of iteration steps;
            // - ResidualStopCriterion: monitors residuals if calculation is considered converged;

            // Stop calculation if 1000 iterations reached during calculation
            iterationCountStopCriterion = new IterationCountStopCriterion <double>(1000);

            // Stop calculation if residuals are below 1E-10 --> the calculation is considered converged
            residualStopCriterion = new ResidualStopCriterion <double>(1e-10);

            // Create monitor with defined stop criteria
            monitor = new Iterator <double>(iterationCountStopCriterion, residualStopCriterion);

            // Create Transpose Free Quasi-Minimal Residual solver
            var solverTFQMR = new TFQMR();

            // 1. Solve the matrix equation
            resultX = matrixA.SolveIterative(vectorB, solverTFQMR, monitor);
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(@"1. Solve the matrix equation");

            // 2. Check solver status of the iterations.
            // Solver has property IterationResult which contains the status of the iteration once the calculation is finished.
            // Possible values are:
            // - CalculationCancelled: calculation was cancelled by the user;
            // - CalculationConverged: calculation has converged to the desired convergence levels;
            // - CalculationDiverged: calculation diverged;
            // - CalculationFailure: calculation has failed for some reason;
            // - CalculationIndetermined: calculation is indetermined, not started or stopped;
            // - CalculationRunning: calculation is running and no results are yet known;
            // - CalculationStoppedWithoutConvergence: calculation has been stopped due to reaching the stopping limits, but that convergence was not achieved;
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(@"2. Solver status of the iterations");

            // 3. Solution result vector of the matrix equation
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(@"3. Solution result vector of the matrix equation");
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(resultX.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // 4. Verify result. Multiply coefficient matrix "A" by result vector "x"
            reconstructVecorB = matrixA * resultX;
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(@"4. Multiply coefficient matrix 'A' by result vector 'x'");
            MathDisplay.WriteLine(reconstructVecorB.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));