/// <summary>
        /// This method will return list of software allocated to selected system
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objSoftware">Object containing SystemAllocationId</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a list of software details</returns>

        public List <SoftwareDetailsVm> ShowEmployeeSoftwareDetails(SoftwareDetailsVm objSoftware)
            using (Data.Model.LicenseManagementMVCEntities DbContext = new LicenseManagementMVCEntities())
                var results = from s in DbContext.Softwares
                              st in DbContext.SoftwareTypes on s.SoftwareTypeId equals st.SoftwareTypeId
                              p in DbContext.Products on s.ProductId equals p.ProductId
                              l in DbContext.Licenses on s.SoftwareId equals l.SoftwareId
                              si in DbContext.SystemInstallations on l.LicenseId equals si.LicenseId
                              sa in DbContext.SystemAllocations on si.SystemAllocationId equals sa.SystemAllocationId
                              where sa.SystemAllocationId == objSoftware.SystemAllocationId
                              select new
                    product              = p.ProductName,
                    software             = s.SoftwareName,
                    type                 = st.SoftwareTypeName,
                    allotedDate          = si.InstallationDate,
                    releaseDate          = si.ReleaseDate,
                    softwareId           = s.SoftwareId,
                    systemInstallationId = si.SystemInstallationId

                SoftwareDetailsVm        objSoftwareDetails = new SoftwareDetailsVm();
                List <SoftwareDetailsVm> softwareList       = new List <SoftwareDetailsVm>();
                foreach (var s in results)
                    objSoftwareDetails = new SoftwareDetailsVm()
                        ProductName          = s.product,
                        SoftwareName         = s.software,
                        AllotedDate          = s.allotedDate,
                        SoftwareType         = s.type,
                        ReleaseDate          = s.releaseDate,
                        SoftwareId           = s.softwareId,
                        SystemInstallationId = s.systemInstallationId
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will accept the SoftwareId as paramter and displays the respective software details
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objSoftware">Object holding SoftwareId of selected software</param>
        /// <returns>The object holding all the details to be displayed on screen</returns>
        public SoftwareDetailsVm ShowSoftwareDetails(BusinessEntities.Software objSoftware)
            using (Data.Model.LicenseManagementMVCEntities DbContext = new LicenseManagementMVCEntities())
                var result = (from s in DbContext.Softwares
                              p in DbContext.Products
                              on s.ProductId equals p.ProductId
                              st in DbContext.SoftwareTypes
                              on s.SoftwareTypeId equals st.SoftwareTypeId
                              where s.SoftwareId == objSoftware.SoftwareId
                              select new
                    ProductName = p.ProductName,
                    ProductId = p.ProductId,
                    SoftwareName = s.SoftwareName,
                    SoftwareId = s.SoftwareId,
                    SoftwareType = st.SoftwareTypeName,
                    SoftwareTypeId = st.SoftwareTypeId

                SoftwareDetailsVm objSoft = new SoftwareDetailsVm();

                if (result != null)
                    objSoft.SoftwareId     = result.SoftwareId;
                    objSoft.ProductName    = result.ProductName;
                    objSoft.SoftwareType   = result.SoftwareType;
                    objSoft.SoftwareName   = result.SoftwareName;
                    objSoft.SoftwareTypeId = result.SoftwareTypeId;
                    objSoft.ProductId      = result.ProductId;

                var totalLicense = from l in DbContext.Licenses
                                   where l.SoftwareId == objSoftware.SoftwareId
                                   group l by l.SoftwareId into grp
                                   select new
                    totalCount = grp.Sum(x => x.LicenseCount)

                foreach (var q in totalLicense)
                    objSoft.TotalCount = q.totalCount;

                int allocatedCount = (from l in DbContext.Licenses
                                      join si in DbContext.SystemInstallations
                                      on l.LicenseId equals si.LicenseId
                                      where l.SoftwareId == objSoftware.SoftwareId
                                      select l).Count();

                objSoft.AllocatedCount = allocatedCount;

                var lastAllocation = (from l in DbContext.Licenses
                                      join si in DbContext.SystemInstallations
                                      on l.LicenseId equals si.LicenseId
                                      join sa in DbContext.SystemAllocations
                                      on si.SystemAllocationId equals sa.SystemAllocationId
                                      join e in DbContext.Employees
                                      on sa.EmployeeId equals e.EmployeeId
                                      where l.SoftwareId == objSoftware.SoftwareId
                                      select new
                    firstName = e.FirstName,
                    lastName = e.LastName,
                    empNo = e.EmployeeId

                foreach (var la in lastAllocation)
                    objSoft.EmployeeName = la.firstName + " " + la.lastName;
                    objSoft.EmployeeId   = la.empNo;