Example #1
        //max memory to use for memcached items in megabytes, default is 64 MB
        public MemCache(int memorySize)
            //the goal is copy memcached.exe to %windir% folder, then from there, install memcached windows service so that the executable path of the service is %windir%\memcached.exe. Thus, PBS folder could be moved to anywhere else.
            string strCmdResult;

                //check if memcached.exe,msvcr71.dll exists in PBS folder
                if (!File.Exists("memcached.exe"))
                    throw new Exception("memcached.exe doesn't exists!");
                if (!File.Exists("msvcr71.dll"))
                    throw new Exception("msvcr71.dll doesn't exists!");
                _memcachedInWinFolder = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%SystemRoot%") + "\\memcached.exe";
                //check if memcached.exe,pthreadGC2.dll exists in windows path
                if (!File.Exists(_memcachedInWinFolder))
                    File.Copy("memcached.exe", _memcachedInWinFolder, true);
                if (!File.Exists(Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%SystemRoot%") + "\\msvcr71.dll"))
                    File.Copy("msvcr71.dll", Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%SystemRoot%") + "\\msvcr71.dll", true);
                //if windows service exists, check if the exe path of the service is in windows directory
                if (Utility.IsWindowsServiceExisted("memcached Server"))
                    Utility.Cmd("sc qc \"memcached Server\"", false, out strCmdResult);
                    if (!strCmdResult.Contains("\\Windows\\"))
                        Utility.Cmd("sc delete \"memcached Server\"", false, out strCmdResult);//try to uninstall windows service
                //check if windows service exists
                if (!Utility.IsWindowsServiceExisted("memcached Server"))
                    Utility.Cmd(_memcachedInWinFolder + " -d install", false, out strCmdResult);          //install memcached windows service
                    Utility.Cmd("sc config \"memcached Server\" start= demand", false, out strCmdResult); //set to 手动启动
                Utility.Cmd(_memcachedInWinFolder + " -d stop", false, out strCmdResult);
                _cmdMemcachedProcess = Utility.Cmd(_memcachedInWinFolder + " -m " + memorySize + " -d start", true, out strCmdResult);
                string[] serverlist = { "" };

                // initialize the pool for memcache servers
                _pool = SockIOPool.GetInstance();

                _pool.InitConnections = 3;
                _pool.MinConnections  = 3;
                _pool.MaxConnections  = 5;

                _pool.SocketConnectTimeout = 1000;
                _pool.SocketTimeout        = 3000;

                _pool.MaintenanceSleep = 30;
                _pool.Failover         = true;

                _pool.Nagle = false;
                if (_pool.GetConnection(serverlist[0]) == null)
                    Utility.Cmd("sc delete \"memcached Server\"", false, out strCmdResult);//try to uninstall windows service
                    throw new Exception("Can not managed to run 'memcached -d start' on your machine.");

                MC = new MemcachedClient()
                    EnableCompression = false
                //try to cache one object in memory to ensure memcached ability can be used
                if (!MC.Set("test", DateTime.Now.ToString()))
                    throw new Exception("Can't managed to set key-value in memched!");
                IsActived = true;
            catch (Exception e)
                IsActived = false;
                //copy error:"Access to the path 'C:\Windows\system32\memcached.exe' is denied."
                if (e.Message.Contains("Access") && e.Message.Contains("denied"))
                    throw new Exception("Copy memcached.exe to '%windir%' failed.\r\nPlease reopen PortableBasemapServer by right clicking and select 'Run as Administrator'.");
                throw new Exception(e.Message);