public string GetThreadUrl() { if (_currentRow == null) { return(null); } var forumId = _currentRow["ForumID"].ToString(); var topicId = _currentRow["TopicId"].ToString(); var @params = new List <string> { ParamKeys.ForumId + "=" + forumId, ParamKeys.ViewType + "=" + Views.Topic, ParamKeys.TopicId + "=" + topicId }; if (SocialGroupId > 0) { @params = new List <string> { ParamKeys.TopicId + "=" + topicId } } ; @params.Add("GroupId=" + SocialGroupId.ToString()); return(NavigateUrl(TabId, string.Empty, @params.ToArray())); }
private string GetLastPostSubject(int LastPostID, int ParentPostID, int ForumID, int TabID, string Subject, int Length, int PageSize, Forum fi) { //TODO: Verify that this will still jump to topics on page 2 var sb = new StringBuilder(); int PostId = LastPostID; Subject = Utilities.StripHTMLTag(Subject); Subject = Subject.Replace("[", "["); Subject = Subject.Replace("]", "]"); if (Subject.Length > Length & Length > 0) { Subject = Subject.Substring(0, Length) + "..."; } if (LastPostID != 0) { string sTopicURL; var ctlUtils = new ControlUtils(); sTopicURL = ctlUtils.BuildUrl(ForumTabId, ForumModuleId, fi.ForumGroup.PrefixURL, fi.PrefixURL, fi.ForumGroupId, ForumID, ParentPostID, fi.TopicUrl, -1, -1, string.Empty, 1, -1, SocialGroupId); string sURL; if (ParentPostID == 0 || LastPostID == ParentPostID) { sURL = sTopicURL; //If UseShortUrls Then // sURL = Utilities.NavigateUrl(TabID, "", New String() {ParamKeys.TopicId & "=" & PostId}) //Else // sURL = Utilities.NavigateUrl(TabID, "", New String() {ParamKeys.ForumId & "=" & ForumID, ParamKeys.ViewType & "=" & Views.Topic, ParamKeys.TopicId & "=" & PostId}) //End If } else { if (sTopicURL.EndsWith("/")) { sURL = sTopicURL + "?" + ParamKeys.ContentJumpId + "=" + PostId; } else { var @params = new List <string> { ParamKeys.TopicId + "=" + ParentPostID, ParamKeys.ContentJumpId + "=" + PostId }; if (SocialGroupId > 0) { @params.Add("GroupId=" + SocialGroupId.ToString()); } sURL = Utilities.NavigateUrl(TabID, "", @params.ToArray()); } } sb.Append("<a href=\"" + sURL + "\">" + Utilities.HTMLEncode(Subject) + "</a>"); } return(sb.ToString()); }
public string GetProperty(string propertyName, string format, System.Globalization.CultureInfo formatProvider, Entities.Users.UserInfo accessingUser, Scope accessLevel, ref bool propertyNotFound) { string OutputFormat = string.Empty; if (format == string.Empty) { OutputFormat = "g"; } else { OutputFormat = format; } propertyName = propertyName.ToLowerInvariant(); switch (propertyName) { case "journalid": return(PropertyAccess.FormatString(JournalId.ToString(), format)); case "journaltypeid": return(PropertyAccess.FormatString(JournalTypeId.ToString(), format)); case "profileid": return(PropertyAccess.FormatString(ProfileId.ToString(), format)); case "socialgroupid": return(PropertyAccess.FormatString(SocialGroupId.ToString(), format)); case "datecreated": return(PropertyAccess.FormatString(DateCreated.ToString(), format)); case "title": return(PropertyAccess.FormatString(Title, format)); case "summary": return(PropertyAccess.FormatString(Summary, format)); case "body": return(PropertyAccess.FormatString(Body, format)); case "timeframe": return(PropertyAccess.FormatString(TimeFrame, format)); case "isdeleted": return(IsDeleted.ToString()); } propertyNotFound = true; return(string.Empty); }
public string GetSearchUrl() { var @params = new List <string> { ParamKeys.ViewType + "=searchadvanced" }; @params.AddRange(Parameters); if (SocialGroupId > 0) { @params.Add("GroupId=" + SocialGroupId.ToString()); } return(NavigateUrl(TabId, string.Empty, @params.ToArray())); }
private void lnkSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtSearch.Text.Trim() != "") { var @params = new List <string> { ParamKeys.ViewType + "=search", ParamKeys.ForumId + "=" + ForumId, "q=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(txtSearch.Text.Trim()) }; if (SocialGroupId > 0) { @params.Add("GroupId=" + SocialGroupId.ToString()); } Response.Redirect(NavigateUrl(TabId, "", @params.ToArray())); } }
public string GetMiniPager() { if (_currentRow == null) { return(null); } var replyCount = Convert.ToInt32(_currentRow["ReplyCount"]); var pageCount = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling((double)(replyCount + 1) / _pageSize)); var forumId = _currentRow["ForumId"].ToString(); var topicId = _currentRow["TopicId"].ToString(); // No pager if there is only one page. if (pageCount <= 1) { return(null); } List <string> @params; var result = string.Empty; if (pageCount <= 5) { for (var i = 1; i <= pageCount; i++) { @params = new List <string> { ParamKeys.ForumId + "=" + forumId, ParamKeys.TopicId + "=" + topicId, ParamKeys.ViewType + "=" + Views.Topic, ParamKeys.PageId + "=" + i }; if (SocialGroupId > 0) { @params.Add("GroupId=" + SocialGroupId.ToString()); } result += "<a href=\"" + NavigateUrl(TabId, string.Empty, @params.ToArray()) + "\">" + i + "</a>"; } return(result); } // 1 2 3 ... N for (var i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { @params = new List <string> { ParamKeys.ForumId + "=" + forumId, ParamKeys.TopicId + "=" + topicId, ParamKeys.ViewType + "=" + Views.Topic, ParamKeys.PageId + "=" + i }; if (SocialGroupId > 0) { @params.Add("GroupId=" + SocialGroupId.ToString()); } result += "<a href=\"" + NavigateUrl(TabId, string.Empty, @params.ToArray()) + "\">" + i + "</a>"; } result += "<span>...</span>"; @params = new List <string> { ParamKeys.ForumId + "=" + forumId, ParamKeys.TopicId + "=" + topicId, ParamKeys.ViewType + "=" + Views.Topic, ParamKeys.PageId + "=" + pageCount }; if (SocialGroupId > 0) { @params.Add("GroupId=" + SocialGroupId.ToString()); } result += "<a href=\"" + NavigateUrl(TabId, string.Empty, @params.ToArray()) + "\">" + pageCount + "</a>"; return(result); }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var searchText = txtSearch.Text; var authorUsername = txtUserName.Text; var tags = txtTags.Text; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchText) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(authorUsername) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tags)) { return; } // Query if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchText)) { searchText = Utilities.XSSFilter(searchText); searchText = Utilities.StripHTMLTag(searchText); searchText = Utilities.CheckSqlString(searchText); searchText = searchText.Trim(); } // Author Name if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(authorUsername)) { authorUsername = txtUserName.Text; authorUsername = Utilities.CheckSqlString(authorUsername); authorUsername = Utilities.XSSFilter(authorUsername); authorUsername = authorUsername.Trim(); } // Tags if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tags)) { tags = Utilities.XSSFilter(tags); tags = Utilities.StripHTMLTag(tags); tags = Utilities.CheckSqlString(tags); tags = tags.Trim(); } // Search Type, Search Column & Search Days var searchType = Convert.ToInt32(drpSearchType.SelectedItem.Value); var searchColumns = Convert.ToInt32(drpSearchColumns.SelectedItem.Value); var searchDays = Convert.ToInt32(drpSearchDays.SelectedItem.Value); var resultType = Convert.ToInt32(drpResultType.SelectedItem.Value); var sort = Convert.ToInt32(drpSort.SelectedValue); // Selected Forums var forums = string.Empty; // If the "All" item is selected, we don't need pass the forums parameter if (!lbForums.Items[0].Selected) { var forumId = 0; foreach (var item in lbForums.Items.Cast <ListItem>().Where(item => item.Selected && int.TryParse(Regex.Replace(item.Value, @"F(\d+)G\d+", "$1"), out forumId))) { if (forums != string.Empty) { forums += ":"; } forums += forumId; } } var @params = new List <string> { ParamKeys.ViewType + "=search" }; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchText)) { @params.Add("q=" + Server.UrlEncode(searchText)); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tags)) { @params.Add("tg=" + Server.UrlEncode(tags)); } if (searchType > 0) { @params.Add("k=" + searchType); } if (searchColumns > 0) { @params.Add("c=" + searchColumns); } if (searchDays > 0) { @params.Add("ts=" + searchDays); } if (resultType > 0) { @params.Add("rt=" + resultType); } if (sort > 0) { @params.Add("srt=" + sort); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(authorUsername)) { @params.Add("author=" + Server.UrlEncode(authorUsername)); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(forums)) { @params.Add("f=" + Server.UrlEncode(forums)); } if (SocialGroupId > 0) { @params.Add("GroupId=" + SocialGroupId.ToString()); } Response.Redirect(NavigateUrl(TabId, string.Empty, @params.ToArray())); }