Example #1
        public static void UpdateFrom(this Soa dbSoa, Contracts.Soa.SoaChapter soa, RAAPEntities db)
            dbSoa.Compliance           = soa.Compliance;
            dbSoa.ComplianceDate       = soa.ComplianceDate;
            dbSoa.Contractual          = soa.Contractual;
            dbSoa.ControlDescription   = soa.ControlDescription;
            dbSoa.CurrentControl       = soa.CurrentControl;
            dbSoa.DataProtectionLaw    = soa.DataProtectionLaw;
            dbSoa.ImplementationDate   = soa.ImplementationDate;
            dbSoa.ImplementationUserId = soa.ImplementationUser?.UserId;
            dbSoa.ResponsibleUserId    = soa.ResponsibleUser?.UserId;
            dbSoa.Reason          = (int)soa.Reason;
            dbSoa.Relevance       = soa.Relevance;
            dbSoa.RiskAssessments = soa.RiskAssessments;
            dbSoa.SourceReference = soa.SourceReference;
            dbSoa.Confidenciality = soa.Confidenciality;
            dbSoa.Availability    = soa.Availability;
            dbSoa.Authenticity    = soa.Authenticity;
            dbSoa.Integrity       = soa.Integrity;
            soa.SoaLinks.ForEach(l => dbSoa.SoaLinks.Add(l.ToDataModel(dbSoa)));
            var errors = dbSoa.SoaLinks.Where(s => s.Soa == null).ToList();

            if (errors.Count > 0)
                string errormsg = "F**k shit shit!";
Example #2
        public void OpenXMLFile()
            dao = new SOA_DataAccess();

            System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog dlg = new System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog();
            dlg.CheckFileExists = true;
            dlg.Filter          = "XML Files (*.xml)|*.xml|All Files(*.*)|*.*";
            dlg.Multiselect     = false;
            //string path = dlg.FileName;
                if (dlg.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)

                FullPath = dlg.FileName;
                SampleSOA = dao.SOADataMaster;
                Helper.LoadCompanyInfoFromSoaObjectToOpen(SampleSOA, CompanyM); // assigns info extracted from XML to the Company info form
                CompanyInfoVM.LoadCompanyInfo();                                // copies info into local parameters to be shown in the view
            catch (Exception)
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("The data file is invalid!");
Example #3
        private void btn_save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //SOA_DataAccess dao = new SOA_DataAccess();

            XDocument doc       = new XDocument();
            Soa       SampleSOA = new Soa();

            SampleSOA.CapabilityScope.Activities[0].ProcessTypes[0].name = "myPT";
            SampleSOA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].Address.Street        = "myStreet";
            SampleSOA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].Address.City          = "myCity";
            SampleSOA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].Address.State         = "myState";
            SampleSOA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].Address.Zip           = "myZip";
            SampleSOA.Ab_ID             = "myAB_ID";
            SampleSOA.Ab_Logo_Signature = "myaAB_Logo_Sign";
            SampleSOA.Scope_ID_Number   = "myScopeIdNo";
            SampleSOA.Criteria          = "myCriteria";
            SampleSOA.EffectiveDate     = "myDate";
            SampleSOA.ExpirationDate    = "myExprDate";
            SampleSOA.Statement         = "myStatement";

            SampleSOA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].ContactName = "myContact";
            SampleSOA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].id          = "myID";


Example #4
        private void LogEdit(Soa entity)
            var creator = new LogCreatorApi(this, ActivityLogTypeEnum.ModifySoa);

Example #5
        private void LogDelete(Soa entity)
            var creator = new LogCreatorApi(this, ActivityLogTypeEnum.DeleteSoa);

Example #6
        private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            XDocument doc       = new XDocument();
            Soa       SampleSOA = new Soa();

            SampleSOA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].Address.Street = "myStreet";
            SampleSOA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].Address.City   = "myCity";
            SampleSOA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].Address.State  = "myState";
            SampleSOA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].Address.Zip    = "myZip";
            SampleSOA.Ab_ID             = "myAB_ID";
            SampleSOA.Ab_Logo_Signature = "myaAB_Logo_Sign";
            SampleSOA.Scope_ID_Number   = "myScopeIdNo";
            SampleSOA.Criteria          = "myCriteria";
            SampleSOA.EffectiveDate     = "myDate";
            SampleSOA.ExpirationDate    = "myExprDate";
            SampleSOA.Statement         = "myStatement";

            SampleSOA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].ContactName = "myContact";
            SampleSOA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].id          = "myID";

            SampleSOA.CapabilityScope.Activities[0].ProcessTypes[0].name             = "myProcessType";
            SampleSOA.CapabilityScope.Activities[0].ProcessTypes[0].ProcessType.Name = "myProcessType";


Example #7
        private void LogAdd(Soa entity)
            var creator = new LogCreatorApi(this, ActivityLogTypeEnum.AddSoa);

Example #8
        private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //txt1.Text = "Button is Clicked";
            XDocument doc       = new XDocument();
            Soa       SampleSOA = new Soa();

            SampleSOA.CapabilityScope.Activities[0].ProcessTypes[0].name = "myPT";
            SampleSOA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].Address.Street        = "myStreet";
            SampleSOA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].Address.City          = "myCity";
            SampleSOA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].Address.State         = "myState";
            SampleSOA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].Address.Zip           = "myZip";
            SampleSOA.Ab_ID             = "myAB_ID";
            SampleSOA.Ab_Logo_Signature = "myaAB_Logo_Sign";
            SampleSOA.Scope_ID_Number   = "myScopeIdNo";
            SampleSOA.Criteria          = "myCriteria";
            SampleSOA.EffectiveDate     = "myDate";
            SampleSOA.ExpirationDate    = "myExprDate";
            SampleSOA.Statement         = "myStatement";

            SampleSOA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].ContactName = "myContact";
            SampleSOA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].id          = "myID";


            // comment added
            //mahdi comment-updated
            //new comment - update

Example #9
 public static void Fill(this Contracts.Soa.SoaChapter soaChapter, Soa dbSoa, UserService userService)
     soaChapter.Compliance         = dbSoa.Compliance;
     soaChapter.ComplianceDate     = dbSoa.ComplianceDate;
     soaChapter.Contractual        = dbSoa.Contractual;
     soaChapter.ControlDescription = dbSoa.ControlDescription;
     soaChapter.CurrentControl     = dbSoa.CurrentControl;
     soaChapter.DataProtectionLaw  = dbSoa.DataProtectionLaw;
     soaChapter.ImplementationDate = dbSoa.ImplementationDate;
     if (dbSoa.ImplementationUserId.HasValue)
         soaChapter.ImplementationUser = userService.GetUserByUserId(dbSoa.ImplementationUserId.Value, false);
     if (dbSoa.ResponsibleUserId.HasValue)
         soaChapter.ResponsibleUser = userService.GetUserByUserId(dbSoa.ResponsibleUserId.Value, false);
     soaChapter.Reason          = dbSoa.Reason;
     soaChapter.Relevance       = dbSoa.Relevance;
     soaChapter.RiskAssessments = dbSoa.RiskAssessments;
     soaChapter.SourceReference = dbSoa.SourceReference;
     soaChapter.SoaId           = dbSoa.SoaId;
     soaChapter.Integrity       = dbSoa.Integrity;
     soaChapter.Availability    = dbSoa.Availability;
     soaChapter.Authenticity    = dbSoa.Authenticity;
     soaChapter.Confidenciality = dbSoa.Confidenciality;
     soaChapter.SoaType         = dbSoa.SoaType;
     soaChapter.SoaLinks        = dbSoa.SoaLinks.Select(l => l.ToContract()).ToList();
Example #10
 public static SoaLink ToDataModel(this Contracts.Soa.SoaLink soaLink, Soa dbSoa)
     return(new SoaLink()
         Name = soaLink.Name,
         URL = soaLink.Url,
         Soa = dbSoa,
Example #11
        static void Main(string[] args)
            SOA_DataAccess dao = new SOA_DataAccess();

            dao.load("http://schema.metrology.net/SOA_AC-1498_TableIV_Time Interval - Measure.xml");
            Soa       SampleSOA = dao.SOADataMaster;
            XDocument doc       = new XDocument();

Example #12
        public ShellViewModel()
            CompanyInfoM   = new CompanyInfoModel();
            TaxonomyInfoM  = new TaxonomyInfoModel();
            CompanyM       = new CompanyModel(CompanyInfoM, TaxonomyInfoM);
            CompanyInfoVM  = new CompanyInfoViewModel(CompanyInfoM);
            TaxonomyInfoVM = new TaxonomyInfoViewModel();

            SampleSOA = new Soa();
Example #13
        public ViewModel()
            //instanciate objects
            doc       = new XDocument();
            SampleSOA = new Soa();

            //load taxonomies into combobox. To be used by the View
            MeasureTaxonomies = createTaxonomyList("measure");
            SourceTaxonomies  = createTaxonomyList("source");
Example #14
        static void Main(string[] args)
            SOA_DataAccess dao = new SOA_DataAccess();

            //dao.load("http://schema.metrology.net/SOA_AC-1498_TableIV_Time Interval - Measure.xml");
            dao.load(@"D:\Dropbox\Mahdi-Çağrı\SoAEditor\Metrology.NET_Public-master\Data Files\simpleSample.xml");
            Soa SampleSOA = dao.SOADataMaster;

            XDocument doc = new XDocument();

Example #15
        public static void LoadCompanyInfoToSoaObjectToSave(Soa SampleSoA, CompanyModel CompanyM)
            SampleSoA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].Address.Street = CompanyM.CompanyInfo.Street;
            SampleSoA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].Address.City   = CompanyM.CompanyInfo.City;
            SampleSoA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].Address.State  = CompanyM.CompanyInfo.State;
            SampleSoA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].Address.Zip    = CompanyM.CompanyInfo.Zip;

            SampleSoA.Ab_ID             = "a";
            SampleSoA.Ab_Logo_Signature = "a";
            SampleSoA.Scope_ID_Number   = "a";
            SampleSoA.Criteria          = "a";
            SampleSoA.EffectiveDate     = "a";
            SampleSoA.ExpirationDate    = "a";
            SampleSoA.Statement         = "a";
            SampleSoA.CapabilityScope.MeasuringEntity          = "a";
            SampleSoA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].id          = "a";
            SampleSoA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].ContactName = "a";
            //SampleSoA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].ContactInfo = Contact_info;
Example #16
        private void openAction()
            dao = new SOA_DataAccess();

            OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog();

            dlg.CheckFileExists = true;
            dlg.Filter          = "XML Files (*.xml)|*.xml|All Files(*.*)|*.*";
            dlg.Multiselect     = false;
                if (dlg.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)

                SampleSOA = dao.SOADataMaster;

                AB_ID           = SampleSOA.Ab_ID;
                AB_logo_sign    = SampleSOA.Ab_Logo_Signature;
                Scope_ID        = SampleSOA.Scope_ID_Number;
                Criteria        = SampleSOA.Criteria;
                Effective_date  = SampleSOA.EffectiveDate;
                Expiration_date = SampleSOA.ExpirationDate;
                //Statement = SampleSOA.Statement;
                Name         = SampleSOA.CapabilityScope.MeasuringEntity.ToString();
                Location_ID  = SampleSOA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].id;
                Contact_name = SampleSOA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].ContactName;
                Contact_info = SampleSOA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].ContactInfo.ToString();
                Street       = SampleSOA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].Address.Street;
                City         = SampleSOA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].Address.City;
                State        = SampleSOA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].Address.State;
                Zip          = SampleSOA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].Address.Zip;
            catch (Exception)
                MessageBox.Show("The data file is invalid!");
Example #17
        public static void LoadCompanyInfoFromSoaObjectToOpen(Soa SampleSoA, CompanyModel CompanyM)
            //SampleSoA = aSampleSoA;

             * AB_ID = SampleSoA.Ab_ID;
             * AB_logo_sign = SampleSoA.Ab_Logo_Signature;
             * Scope_ID = SampleSoA.Scope_ID_Number;
             * Criteria = SampleSoA.Criteria;
             * Effective_date = SampleSoA.EffectiveDate;
             * Expiration_date = SampleSoA.ExpirationDate;
             * //Statement = SampleSoA.Statement;
             * Name = SampleSOA.CapabilityScope.MeasuringEntity.ToString();
             * Location_ID = SampleSoA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].id;
             * Contact_name = SampleSoA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].ContactName;
             * Contact_info = SampleSoA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].ContactInfo.ToString(); */

            CompanyM.CompanyInfo.Street = SampleSoA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].Address.Street;
            CompanyM.CompanyInfo.City   = SampleSoA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].Address.City;
            CompanyM.CompanyInfo.State  = SampleSoA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].Address.State;
            CompanyM.CompanyInfo.Zip    = SampleSoA.CapabilityScope.Locations[0].Address.Zip;
Example #18
 public ViewModel()
     //instanciate objects
     doc       = new XDocument();
     SampleSOA = new Soa();
        public void TestLoad()
            SOA_DataAccess dao = new SOA_DataAccess();
            OpResult       op;

            // An SOA_DataAccess object can be loaded from a string, stream, local file, or remote file

            // uncomment next 5 lines if using local files
            //string binDebugPath = new Uri(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase)).LocalPath;
            //string DataFilesPath = binDebugPath.Replace(@"\Source\SOA_DataAccessLib\UnitTestLoad\bin\Debug", @"\Data Files\");
            //UomDataSource.DatabasePath = DataFilesPath + "UOM_Database.xml";
            //op = dao.load( DataFilesPath + "SOASample_TwoParameter_SixCases_TwoAssertions_ComplexFormula.xml");
            //Assert.IsTrue(op.Success, "local files test " + op.Error);

            //uncomment next 2 lines if using remote files
            op = dao.load("http://schema.metrology.net/SOASample_TwoParameter_SixCases_TwoAssertions_ComplexFormula.xml");
            Assert.IsTrue(op.Success, "remote file test " + op.Error);

            // Once the SOA_DataAccess object is loaded, the Object Model is accessed via the SOA_DataAccess object's SOADataMaster property
            Soa SampleSOA = dao.SOADataMaster;

            // This will often be the first query performed on an SOA (Does it deal at all with a measurement quantity that is of interest?)
            bool supportsResultType = SampleSOA.ResultTypes.Contains("voltage");

            // Looping through a SOA's ProcessTypes looking for known ProcessType Names will also be very common search refinement
            // A ProcessType specifies the measurement quantity sourced or measured as a result of performing the ProcessType,
            //   as well as a minimal list of input parameters required.
            var process_name1 = SampleSOA.CapabilityScope.Activities[0].ProcessTypes[0].ProcessType.Name;

            Assert.AreEqual <string>("Measure.Voltage.AC", process_name1, "Failed MtcTechnique MtcProcessType");

            // Looping through a SOA's Technique Names will also be very common search refinement
            // A Technique is a specific implementation of a ProcessType.
            var technique_name1 = SampleSOA.CapabilityScope.Activities[0].Techniques[0].Technique.Name;

            Assert.AreEqual <string>("Measure.Voltage.AC.LowVoltage", technique_name1, "Failed TemplateTechnique Name");

            // Once a Technique is found, the numeric bounds of its results can be found
            // In this case, the Technique is verified to have one result, the result is voltage,
            //    and it is within a range starting at 0 volts and ending at 110 volts.
            var Technique = SampleSOA.CapabilityScope.Activities[0].Techniques[0].Technique;

            Assert.IsTrue(Technique.ProcessType.ResultTypes.Contains("voltage"), "Failed Result Types");
            Assert.IsTrue(Technique.ProcessType.ResultTypes.Count == 1, "Failed Result Types");
            var result_range = SampleSOA.CapabilityScope.Activities[0].Techniques[0].Technique.ResultRanges[0];
            var result_start = result_range.Start;
            var result_end   = result_range.End;

            Assert.AreEqual <string>("at", result_start.test, "Failed Result Start Type");
            Assert.AreEqual <double>(0.0, (double)result_start.BaseValue, "Failed Result Start Value");
            Assert.AreEqual <string>("at", result_end.test, "Failed Result End Type");
            Assert.AreEqual <double>(110, (double)result_end.BaseValue, "Failed Result End Value");

            // A template is the primary structure that holds the atomic CMC informational elements in an SOA.
            // Once a template is selected a great deal of information is made readily available.
            var template = SampleSOA.CapabilityScope.Activities[0].CMCs[0].Templates[0];

            // a CMC Function Name provides a linkage between the template a CMC Uncertainty Function contained in a Technique
            string functionName = template.CMCUncertaintyFunctions[0].name;

            Assert.AreEqual <string>("Measure.Voltage.AC.LowVoltage.Uncertainty.Certified", functionName, "Failed CMCFunction Name");

            // A CMC Uncertainty Function is used to calculate a CMC uncertainty value at the value of a specific test point.
            // Units of Measurement for all values in the function are unambiguously specified by specifying the measurement quantity
            //   of each value, in a CMC Parameter definition for each value.  These definitions are contained within the Technique.
            // All values utilize the base Unit of Measurement for the value's specified measurement quantity
            string functionExpression = template.getCMCUncertaintyFunctionExpression(functionName);

            Assert.AreEqual <string>("k_nominal * nominal + k_range * range", functionExpression, "Failed CMCFunction By Name");

            // "k_nominal", "nominal", "k_range", and "range" are the function Symbols.
            //  These symbols come directly from parsing a CMC Uncertainty Function's text.
            //  Once the values for all of these symbols have been set, the function may be evaluated.
            var functionSymbols = template.getCMCUncertaintyFunctionSymbols(functionName);

            Assert.AreEqual <int>(4, functionSymbols.Count, "Failed Function Symbols");

            // "frequency" and "nominal" are the Range Variables.
            //  The values of these variables will be used in the selection a Range subordinate to this template.
            //  The values from these variables must come from a source external to the SOA.
            var rangeVariables = template.getCMCFunctionRangeVariables(functionName);

            Assert.AreEqual <int>(2, rangeVariables.Count, "Failed Distinct Range Variables");

            // "nominal" and "range" are the function variables.
            //  The values from these variables must come from a source external to the SOA.
            //  These variables should also appear in function symbols.
            //  The function symbols with same name must have their values set before the function may be evaluated.
            var functionVariables = template.getCMCFunctionVariables(functionName);

            Assert.AreEqual <int>(2, functionVariables.Count, "Failed Distinct Function Variables");

            // "k_nominal" and "k_range" are the function constants.
            //  The values for these constants are contained in the SOA in a Range Element that is subordinate to this template.
            //  These constants should also appear in function symbols.
            //  The function symbols with same name must have their values set before the function may be evaluated.
            var functionConstants = template.getCMCFunctionConstants(functionName);

            Assert.AreEqual <int>(2, functionConstants.Count, "Failed Distinct Function Constants");

            // "Resolution" and "Connection" are the Assertion Names
            // The values of these assertions will be used in the selection a Range subordinate to this template
            var assertionNames = template.getCMCFunctionAssertionNames(functionName);

            Assert.AreEqual <int>(2, assertionNames.Count, "Failed Distinct AssertionNames");
            Assert.IsTrue(assertionNames.Contains("Resolution") && assertionNames.Contains("Connection"), "Failed Get AssertionNames");

            // "2 Wire" and "4 Wire" are the set of expected values for the Assertion named "Connection".
            var assertionValues2 = template.getCMCFunctionAssertionValues(functionName, "Connection");

            Assert.AreEqual <int>(2, assertionValues2.Count, "Failed Distinct Assertion Values");
            Assert.IsTrue(assertionValues2.Contains("2 Wire") && assertionValues2.Contains("4 Wire"), "Failed Get AssertionValues By Assertion Name");

            // "6-1/2 digit", "5-1/2 digit", and "4-1/2 digit" are the set expected values for the Assertion named "Resolution".
            var assertionValues1 = template.getCMCFunctionAssertionValues(functionName, "Resolution");

            Assert.AreEqual <int>(3, assertionValues1.Count, "Failed Distinct Assertion Values");

            // Once a range that is subordinate to this template is selected, the values of Constants may be retrieved from the range.
            var range1         = template.CMCUncertaintyFunctions[0].Cases[0].Ranges[0].Ranges[0];
            var constantValue1 = range1.ConstantValues[0];

            Assert.AreEqual <string>("k_nominal", constantValue1.const_parameter_name, "Failed ConstantValue Const_parameter_name");
            Assert.AreEqual <string>("0.0001", constantValue1.ValueString, "Failed Get ConstantValue Value");
            Assert.AreEqual <string>("ratio", constantValue1.Quantity, "Failed Get ConstantValue Quantity");
            Assert.AreEqual <string>("percent", constantValue1.uom_alternative, "Failed Get ConstantValue UOM Alternative");

            // All numeric uses of values are performed in the base Unit Of Measurement for the value's measurement quantity
            // A values's BaseValue property contains this numeric value of a Value in its base Unit Of Measurement.
            // It is derived with knowledge of the Value's uom_alternative property.
            // In this case the Value's quantity is "ratio" and its uom_alternative is "percent".
            // Therefor the BaseValue = the specified value (0.0001) divided by 100, which is 0.000001
            double baseValue = (double)constantValue1.BaseValue;

            Assert.AreEqual <double>(0.000001, baseValue, "Failed Converting a ConstantValue's Value To its Base UOM Value");

            // Once a Range has been selected, a loop such as the one that follows can set the values of the CMCFunction's symbols that are constants.
            // Whereas, setting the values of the CMCFunction's symbols that are variables requires custom logic,
            //   because the values must come from an external source.
            foreach (var constant in range1.ConstantValues)
                template.setCMCFunctionSymbol(functionName, constant.const_parameter_name, (double)constant.BaseValue);
            template.setCMCFunctionSymbol(functionName, "nominal", 2.5);
            template.setCMCFunctionSymbol(functionName, "range", 10);

            // With all the functions values now set, the function may be evaluated.
            double uncertainty = (double)template.evaluateCMCFunction(functionName);

            Assert.AreEqual <double>(2.25E-05, uncertainty, "Failed Uncertainty Calculation");

            // test setters

            // Value
//            constantValue1.Quantity = "voltage-sinusoidal";

            constantValue1.symbol      = "%";
            constantValue1.ValueString = "1";
            string presentation = constantValue1.HTML_Presentation;

            baseValue = (double)constantValue1.BaseValue;
            Assert.AreEqual <double>(0.01, baseValue, "Failed Converting a ConstantValue's Value To its Base UOM Value");

            // change uom_alternative
            // changing uom_alternative should change Value not BaseValue
            constantValue1.uom_alternative = "";
            baseValue = (double)constantValue1.BaseValue;
            Assert.AreEqual <double>(0.01, baseValue, "Failed Converting a ConstantValue's Value To its Base UOM Value");
            double value = (double)constantValue1.Value;

            Assert.AreEqual <double>(0.01, value, "Failed Converting a ConstantValue's Value To its Base UOM Value");

            constantValue1.ValueString = "1";
            baseValue = (double)constantValue1.BaseValue;
            Assert.AreEqual <double>(1, baseValue, "Failed Converting a ConstantValue's Value To its Base UOM Value");