Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Downloads the dms.dmsSignCfg Variables
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="messengerSession">The messengerSession to perform the transaction</param>
        /// <returns>The List of Variables retireved in the transaction</returns>
        public static List <Variable> GetDmsSignCfg(SnmpMessenger messengerSession)
            List <string> objects = new List <string>()
                "", //dms.dmsSignCfg.dmsSignAccess
                "", //dms.dmsSignCfg.dmsSignType
                "", //dms.dmsSignCfg.dmsSignHeight
                "", //dms.dmsSignCfg.dmsSignWidth

            List <Variable> results = messengerSession.Get(objects).Bindings;

            objects = new List <string>()
                "", //dms.dmsSignCfg.dmsHorizontalBorder
                "", //dms.dmsSignCfg.dmsVerticalBorder
                "", //dms.dmsSignCfg.dmsLegend
                "", //dms.dmsSignCfg.dmsLegend
                "", //dms.dmsSignCfg.dmsBeaconType
                "", //dms.dmsSignCfg.dmsSignTechnology


Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the cctvRange values from a cctv Camera
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="messengerSession">The messengerSession to perform the transaction on</param>
        /// <returns>The variables returned from the transaction</returns>
        public static List <Variable> GetCctvRanges(SnmpMessenger messengerSession)
            List <string> objects = new List <string>()
                "", //cctvRange.rangeMaximumPreset
                "", //cctvRange.rangePanLeftLimit
                "", //cctvRange.rangePanRightLimit
                "", //cctvRange.rangePanHomePosition
                "", //cctvRange.rangeTrueNorthOffset

            List <Variable> results = messengerSession.Get(objects).Bindings;

            objects = new List <string>()
                "",  //cctvRange.rangeTiltUpLimit
                "",  //cctvRange.rangeTiltDownLimit
                "",  //cctvRange.rangeZoomLimit
                "",  //cctvRange.rangeFocusLimit
                "", //cctvRange.rangeIrisLimit


            objects = new List <string>()
                "", //cctvRange.rangeMinimumPanStepAngle
                "", //cctvRange.rangeMinimumTiltStepAngle


Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Downloads the dms.multiCfg Variables
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="messengerSession">The messengerSession to perform the transaction</param>
        /// <returns>The List of Variables retireved in the transaction</returns>
        public static List <Variable> GetMultiCfg(SnmpMessenger messengerSession)
            List <string> objects = new List <string>()
                "", //dms.multiCfg.defaultBackgroundColor
                "", //dms.multiCfg.defaultForegroundColor
                "", //dms.multiCfg.defaultFlashOn
                "", //dms.multiCfg.defaultFlashOff
                "", //dms.multiCfg.defaultFont

            List <Variable> results = messengerSession.Get(objects).Bindings;

            objects = new List <string>()
                "",  //dms.multiCfg.defaultJustificationLine
                "",  //dms.multiCfg.defaultJustificationPage
                "",  //dms.multiCfg.defaultPageOnTime
                "",  //dms.multiCfg.defaultPageOffTime
                "", //dms.multiCfg.defaultCharacterSet


Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Directs the DMS to perform a pixel test and retrieves the list of bad pixels from the bad pixel table
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="messengerSession">The messengerSession to perform the transaction</param>
        /// <returns>A list of variables which represet the X and Y locations of the bad pixels</returns>
        public static List <Variable> GetBadPixelLocations(SnmpMessenger messengerSession)
            Variable pixelFailureTableNumRows = ActivatePixelTest(messengerSession);

            List <Variable> badPixels = new List <Variable>();

            string OIDbase = "";

            int exCount = 0;

            for (int i = 1, e = (pixelFailureTableNumRows.ToInt32() + 1); i < e; ++i)
                Variable pixelFailureXLocation = new Variable(OIDbase + "3.2." + i.ToString() + ".0");
                Variable pixelFailureYLocation = new Variable(OIDbase + "4.2." + i.ToString() + ".0");

                    pixelFailureXLocation = messengerSession.Get(pixelFailureXLocation.Identifier).Bindings[0];
                    pixelFailureYLocation = messengerSession.Get(pixelFailureYLocation.Identifier).Bindings[0];
                    exCount = 0;
                catch (SnmpException ex)
                    if (ex.Message == "Request has reached maximum retries." && exCount < messengerSession.MaxRetries)
                catch (Exception)

                if (pixelFailureXLocation.TypeCode == SnmpType.Null || pixelFailureYLocation.TypeCode == SnmpType.Null)


Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the Network Provider Information from a Airlink Modem
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="messengerSession">The messengerSession to perform the transaction on</param>
        /// <returns>A Variable indicating the Network Provider Information of the modem</returns>
        public static Variable GetModemNetworkProvider(SnmpMessenger messengerSession)
            PmppEndPoint?old  = null;
            int          oldv = messengerSession.SnmpVersion;

            System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType oldType = messengerSession.TrasnportProtocol;
            if (messengerSession.PmppEndPoint.HasValue)
                old = messengerSession.PmppEndPoint;
                messengerSession.PmppEndPoint = null;
            messengerSession.TrasnportProtocol = System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType.Udp;
            messengerSession.SnmpVersion       = 2;
            Variable result = messengerSession.Get("").Bindings[0];

            if (old.HasValue)
                messengerSession.PmppEndPoint = old;
            messengerSession.TrasnportProtocol = oldType;
            messengerSession.SnmpVersion       = oldv;
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Blanks a DMS for the specified duration
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="duration">The duartion to blank the DMS for</param>
        /// <param name="messengerSession">The messengerSession in which to perform this transaction</param>
        /// <returns>The dmsActivateMsgError of the transaction</returns>
        public static dmsActivateMsgError Blank(ushort?duration, SnmpMessenger messengerSession)
            byte[] activate = new byte[12];
            BitConverter.GetBytes(duration.Value).CopyTo(activate, 0);
            //activate[0] = (byte)(duration / 256); //Duration
            //activate[1] = (byte)(duration & 0xFF); // lsb of duration
            activate[2] = (byte)255;                        //priority
            activate[3] = (byte)dmsMessageMemoryType.Blank; // memory type
            activate[4] = (byte)(255 / 256);
            activate[5] = (byte)(255 & 0xFF);               // message number
            activate[6] = (byte)(0);
            activate[7] = (byte)(0);                        // lsb of crc

            byte[] ipBytes = Array.ConvertAll <int, byte>(Array.ConvertAll <string, int>(Utility.GetV4IPAddress().ToString().Split('.'), Convert.ToInt32), Convert.ToByte);

            ipBytes.CopyTo(activate, 8);

            Variable dmsActivateMessage = new Variable();

            dmsActivateMessage.Identifier = "";
            dmsActivateMessage.TypeCode   = SnmpType.OctetString;

            dmsActivateMessage = messengerSession.Set(dmsActivateMessage).Bindings[0];

            Variable dmsActivateMsgError = new Variable();

            dmsActivateMsgError.Identifier = "";

            dmsActivateMsgError = messengerSession.Get(dmsActivateMsgError.Identifier).Bindings[0];

Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the Latitude and Longitude Information from a Airlink Modem
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="messengerSession">The messengerSession to perform the transaction on</param>
        /// <returns>A Variable indicating the Latitude and Longitude of the modem</returns>
        public static List <Variable> GetLatitudeLongitude(SnmpMessenger messengerSession)
            PmppEndPoint?old  = null;
            int          oldV = messengerSession.SnmpVersion;

            System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType oldType = messengerSession.TrasnportProtocol;
            if (messengerSession.PmppEndPoint.HasValue)
                old = messengerSession.PmppEndPoint;
                messengerSession.PmppEndPoint = null;

            List <string> objects = new List <string>()
                "", //latitude
                ""  //longitude

            messengerSession.TrasnportProtocol = System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType.Udp;
            messengerSession.SnmpVersion       = 2;

            List <Variable> results = messengerSession.Get(objects).Bindings;

            if (old.HasValue)
                messengerSession.PmppEndPoint = old;
            messengerSession.TrasnportProtocol = oldType;
            messengerSession.SnmpVersion       = oldV;

Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the Serial Settings from a Airlink Modem
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="messengerSession">The messengerSession to perform the transaction on</param>
        /// <returns>A List of variables containing the serial settings of the modem</returns>
        public static List <Variable> GetSerialSettings(SnmpMessenger messengerSession)
            PmppEndPoint?old = null;
            int          olv = messengerSession.SnmpVersion;

            System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType oldType = messengerSession.TrasnportProtocol;
            if (messengerSession.PmppEndPoint.HasValue)
                old = messengerSession.PmppEndPoint;
                messengerSession.PmppEndPoint = null;

            List <string> objects = new List <string>()
                "", //serialPortSettings
                "" //serialPortFlowControl

            messengerSession.TrasnportProtocol = System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType.Udp;
            messengerSession.SnmpVersion       = 2;
            List <Variable> results = messengerSession.Get(objects).Bindings;

            if (old.HasValue)
                messengerSession.PmppEndPoint = old;
            messengerSession.TrasnportProtocol = oldType;
            messengerSession.SnmpVersion       = olv;

Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Directs the DMS to perform a pixel test
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="messengerSession">The messengerSession to perform the transaction</param>
        /// <returns>A Variable indicating the amount of rows in in the BadPixel table</returns>
        public static Variable ActivatePixelTest(SnmpMessenger messengerSession)
            Variable pixelTestActivation = new Variable("");

            pixelTestActivation.TypeCode = SnmpType.Integer32;
            pixelTestActivation.Value    = BasicEncodingRules.EncodeInteger32((int)NTCIP.pixelFailureDetectionType.MessageDisplay, false, false);
            pixelTestActivation          = messengerSession.Set(pixelTestActivation).Bindings[0];

            while ((NTCIP.pixelFailureDetectionType)pixelTestActivation.ToInt32() == NTCIP.pixelFailureDetectionType.MessageDisplay)
                pixelTestActivation = messengerSession.Get(pixelTestActivation.Identifier).Bindings[0];

            Variable pixelFailureTableNumRows = new Variable("");

            pixelFailureTableNumRows = messengerSession.Get(pixelFailureTableNumRows.Identifier).Bindings[0];
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Downloads the global.globalConfiguration Variables
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="messengerSession">The messengerSession to perform the transaction</param>
        /// <returns>The List of Variables retireved in the transaction</returns>
        public static List <Variable> GetGlobals(SnmpMessenger messengerSession)
            List <string> objects = new List <string>()
                "", //global.globalConfiguration.globalModuleTable.moduleTableEntry.moduleMake.1
                "", //global.globalConfiguration.globalModuleTable.moduleTableEntry.moduleModel.1
                "", //global.globalConfiguration.globalModuleTable.moduleTableEntry.moduleVersion.1
                "", //global.globalConfiguration.globalModuleTable.moduleTableEntry.moduleType.1

            List <Variable> results = messengerSession.Get(objects).Bindings;

Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the cctvTimeout values from a cctv Camera
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="messengerSession">The messengerSession to perform the transaction on</param>
        /// <returns>The variables returned from the transaction</returns>
        public static List <Variable> GetCctvTimeouts(SnmpMessenger messengerSession)
            List <string> objects = new List <string>()
                "", //cctvTimeout.timeoutPan
                "", //cctvTimeout.timeoutTilt
                "", //cctvTimeout.timeoutZoom
                "", //cctvTimeout.timeoutFocus
                "", //cctvTimeout.timeoutIris

            List <Variable> results = messengerSession.Get(objects).Bindings;

Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Downloads the dms.vmsCfg Variables
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="messengerSession">The messengerSession to perform the transaction</param>
        /// <returns>The List of Variables retireved in the transaction</returns>
        public static List <Variable> GetVmsCfg(SnmpMessenger messengerSession)
            List <string> objects = new List <string>()
                "", //dms.vmsCfg.vmsCharacterHeightPixels (characterBoard)
                "", //dms.vmsCfg.vmsCharacterWidthPixels (characterBoard)
                "", //dms.vmsCfg.vmsSignHeightPixels (amt of charboards / rows high)
                "", //dms.vmsCfg.vmsSignWidthPixels (amt of charboards / rows wide)
                //"", //dms.vmsCfg.vmsHorizontalPitch
                //"", //dms.vmsCfg.vmsVerticalPitch

            List <Variable> results = messengerSession.Get(objects).Bindings;

Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Active a Message already on a DMS
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="messageCrc">The Crc16 of the message</param>
        /// <param name="ownerIp">The IPAddress of the owner of the message</param>
        /// <param name="duration">the duration to display the message in minutes</param>
        /// <param name="priority">the priority of the message</param>
        /// <param name="messageNumber">the message number to display</param>
        /// <param name="messageMemoryType">the memoryType from which to load the message</param>
        /// <param name="messengerSession">the messengerSession to perform the transaction on</param>
        /// <returns>The dmsActivateMsgError of the Transaction</returns>
        public static dmsActivateMsgError ActivateMesssage(UInt32 messageCrc, System.Net.IPAddress ownerIp, ushort?duration, byte?priority, Int32?messageNumber, dmsMessageMemoryType?messageMemoryType, SnmpMessenger messengerSession)
            messageMemoryType = messageMemoryType.HasValue ? messageMemoryType.Value : dmsMessageMemoryType.Changeable;
            messageNumber     = messageNumber.HasValue && messageNumber > 0 ? messageNumber.Value : 1;
            priority          = priority.HasValue ? priority.Value : (byte)255;
            duration          = duration.HasValue ? duration.Value : (ushort)65535;

            //Make a standard function GetMessageActivationCode
            byte[] activate = new byte[12];
            BitConverter.GetBytes(duration.Value).CopyTo(activate, 0);
            //activate[0] = (byte)(duration / 256); //Duration
            //activate[1] = (byte)(duration & 0xFF); // lsb of duration
            activate[2] = (byte)priority;               //priority
            activate[3] = (byte)messageMemoryType;      // memory type
            activate[4] = (byte)(messageNumber / 256);  //messageNumber
            activate[5] = (byte)(messageNumber & 0xFF); // lsb of messageNumber
            activate[6] = (byte)(messageCrc / 256);     // crc
            activate[7] = (byte)(messageCrc & 0xFF);    // lsb of crc

            if (null == ownerIp || ownerIp.AddressFamily != System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
                ownerIp = Utility.GetV4IPAddress();

            Array.ConvertAll <int, byte>(Array.ConvertAll <string, int>(ownerIp.ToString().Split('.'), Convert.ToInt32), Convert.ToByte).CopyTo(activate, 8);

            Variable dmsActivateMessage = new Variable();

            dmsActivateMessage.Identifier = "";
            dmsActivateMessage.TypeCode   = SnmpType.OctetString;

            dmsActivateMessage = messengerSession.Set(dmsActivateMessage).Bindings[0];

            Variable dmsActivateMsgError = new Variable();

            dmsActivateMsgError.Identifier = "";

            dmsActivateMsgError = messengerSession.Get(dmsActivateMsgError.Identifier).Bindings[0];

Example #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Creats a string which shows what pixels of the DMS need replacing on a list of already known bad pixels
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="badPixels">A List of bad pixels from the GetBadPixelLocationsFunction</param>
        /// <param name="messengerSession">The messengerSession to perform the transaction</param>
        /// <returns>A string which can be read to determine which pixels are in need of replacement</returns>
        public static String PixelReport(List <Variable> badPixels, SnmpMessenger messengerSession)
            List <string> cfg = new List <string>();

            cfg.Add(""); //vmsCharacterHeightPixels -- charBoard
            cfg.Add(""); //vmsCharacterWidthPixels -- charBoard
            cfg.Add(""); //vmsSignHeightPixels -- (used to get amt of charboards or rows high)
            cfg.Add(""); //vmsSignWidthPixels -- (used to get amt of charboards or rows wide)
            List <Variable> downloadedConfiguration  = messengerSession.Get(cfg).Bindings;
            Variable        vmsCharacterHeightPixels = downloadedConfiguration[0];
            Variable        vmsCharacterWidthPixels  = downloadedConfiguration[1];
            Variable        vmsSignHeightPixels      = downloadedConfiguration[2];
            Variable        vmsSignWidthPixels       = downloadedConfiguration[3];

            Func <int, int, int, int> LogicalIndex = delegate(int vmsSignHeightPixelsORvmsSignWidthPixels, int vmsCharacterHeightPixelsORvmsCharacterWidthPixels, int OutagePixelLocationXorY)
                if (vmsSignHeightPixelsORvmsSignWidthPixels <= 0 || vmsCharacterHeightPixelsORvmsCharacterWidthPixels <= 0 || OutagePixelLocationXorY <= 0)
                return(vmsSignHeightPixelsORvmsSignWidthPixels / vmsCharacterHeightPixelsORvmsCharacterWidthPixels - (int)Math.Floor((double)(vmsSignHeightPixelsORvmsSignWidthPixels - OutagePixelLocationXorY) / vmsCharacterHeightPixelsORvmsCharacterWidthPixels));

            StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();

            for (int bpi = 0; bpi < badPixels.Count; bpi += 2)
                int Horizontal = LogicalIndex(vmsSignWidthPixels.ToInt32(), vmsCharacterWidthPixels.ToInt32(), badPixels[bpi].ToInt32());
                int Vertical   = LogicalIndex(vmsSignHeightPixels.ToInt32(), vmsCharacterHeightPixels.ToInt32(), badPixels[bpi + 1].ToInt32());
                output.AppendLine("Outage On Horizontal Character Board: " + Horizontal + "  From the Left");
                output.AppendLine("Outage On Horizontal Character Board: " + Vertical + "  From the Top");

Example #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines the cctvRange.rangeMaximumPreset for the given messengerSession
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="messengerSession">The Snmp Messenger to perform the transaction</param>
 /// <returns>The maximum number of presets supported by the device</returns>
 public static int GetMaxPresets(SnmpMessenger messengerSession)
     //"", //cctvRange.rangeMaximumPreset
Example #16
 /// <summary>
 /// An indication of the MULTI Tags supported by the device. This
 ///object is a bitmap representation of tag support. When a bit is set (=1),
 ///the device supports the corresponding tag. When a bit is cleared (=0), the
 ///device does not support the corresponding tag.
 ///Bit 0 : color background[cbx] / [cbr,g,b]
 ///Bit 1 : color foreground[cfx] / [cfr,g,b]
 ///Bit 2 : flashing[fltxoy] / [floytx]
 ///Bit 3 : font[fox] / [fox,cccc]
 ///Bit 4 : graphic [gn] / [gn,x,y] / [gn,x,y,cccc]
 ///Bit 5 : hexadecimal character[hcx]
 ///Bit 6 : justification line[jlx]
 ///Bit 7 : justification page[jpx]
 ///Bit 8 : manufacturer specific[msx,y]
 ///Bit 9 : moving text[mvtdw,s,r,text]
 ///Bit 10 : new line[nlx]
 ///Bit 11 : new page[np]
 ///Bit 12 : page time[ptxoy]
 ///Bit 13 : spacing character[scx]
 ///Bit 14 : field local time 12 hour[f1]
 ///Bit 15 : field local time 24 hour[f2]
 ///Bit 16 : ambient temperature Celsius[f3]
 ///Bit 17 : ambient temperature Fahrenheit[f4]
 ///Bit 18 : speed km/h[f5]
 ///Bit 19 : speed m/h[f6]
 ///Bit 20 : day of week[f7]
 ///Bit 21 : date of month[f8]
 ///Bit 22 : year 2 digits[f9]
 ///Bit 23 : year 4 digits[f10]
 ///Bit 24 : local time 12 hour AM/PM[f11]
 ///Bit 25 : local time 12 hour am/pm[f12]
 ///Bit 26 : text rectangle [trx,y,w,h]
 ///Bit 27 : color rectangle [crx,y,w,h,z] / [crx,y,w,h,r,g,b]
 ///Bit 28 : Page background [pbz] / [pbr,g,b]
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="messengerSession">The messengerSession to perform the transaction</param>
 /// <returns>A Variable Which can be BitShifted to Determine if a Variable Supports certain MultiTags</returns>
 public static Variable GetSupportedMultiTags(SnmpMessenger messengerSession)
Example #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines the maximum number of bytes allowed within the dmsMessageMultiString.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="messengerSession">The messengerSession to perform the transaction</param>
 /// <returns>The Maximum Length of a MultiString Message the Message Board Support in a MutlString Message</returns>
 public static int GetMaxMultiStringLength(SnmpMessenger messengerSession)
Example #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines the maximum number of pages allowed in the dmsMessageMultiString
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="messengerSession">The messengerSession to perform the transaction</param>
 /// <returns>The maximum amount of pages the Mesage Board Supports in a MultiString Message</returns>
 public static int GetMaxPageLength(SnmpMessenger messengerSession)
Example #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Retrieves the powerSource information from a Message Board
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="messengerSession">The messengerSession to perform the transaction</param>
 /// <returns>A powerSource value indicating the powerSource of the DMS</returns>
 public static powerSource GetPowerSource(SnmpMessenger messengerSession)
Example #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Modifies a Message in the DMS
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="multiString">The new value for the multiString</param>
        /// <param name="priority">The new priority for the multiString</param>
        /// <param name="messageNumber">The messageNumber to modify</param>
        /// <param name="messageMemoryType">The type of memory to store multiString in</param>
        /// <param name="messengerSession">The messengerSession to perform the request on</param>
        /// <returns>The Crc16 of the Modified Message</returns>
        public static UInt32 ModifyMessage(String multiString, String owner, byte?priority, byte?messageNumber, dmsMessageMemoryType?messageMemoryType, SnmpMessenger messengerSession)
            messageMemoryType = messageMemoryType.HasValue ? messageMemoryType.Value : dmsMessageMemoryType.Changeable;
            messageNumber     = messageNumber.HasValue ? messageNumber.Value : (byte)1;
            priority          = priority.HasValue ? priority.Value : (byte)255;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(owner))
                owner = Environment.MachineName;

            string oidPrefix  = "";
            string oidPostfix = "." + (int)messageMemoryType + "." + messageNumber.ToString();

            //Variable dmsMessageStatus = messengerSession.Get("").Bindings[0];
            Variable dmsMessageStatus = messengerSession.Get(oidPrefix + (int)DmsMessageEntry.dmsMessageStatus + oidPostfix).Bindings[0];

            if ((NTCIP.dmsMessageStatus)dmsMessageStatus.ToInt32() != NTCIP.dmsMessageStatus.NotUsed
                (NTCIP.dmsMessageStatus)dmsMessageStatus.ToInt32() != NTCIP.dmsMessageStatus.NotUsedReq)
                dmsMessageStatus.Value = BasicEncodingRules.EncodeInteger32((int)NTCIP.dmsMessageStatus.NotUsedReq, false, false);
                dmsMessageStatus       = messengerSession.Set(dmsMessageStatus).Bindings[0];

            dmsMessageStatus.Value = BasicEncodingRules.EncodeInteger32((int)NTCIP.dmsMessageStatus.ModifyReq, false, false);
            dmsMessageStatus       = messengerSession.Set(dmsMessageStatus).Bindings[0];

            int attempt = 0;

            while ((NTCIP.dmsMessageStatus)dmsMessageStatus.ToInt32() != NTCIP.dmsMessageStatus.Modifying
                   (NTCIP.dmsMessageStatus)dmsMessageStatus.ToInt32() != NTCIP.dmsMessageStatus.ModifyReq &&
                   attempt <= messengerSession.MaxRetries)
                dmsMessageStatus = messengerSession.Get(dmsMessageStatus.Identifier).Bindings[0];

            Variable dmsMessageMultiString = new Variable();

            dmsMessageMultiString.Identifier = oidPrefix + (int)DmsMessageEntry.dmsMessageMultiString + oidPostfix;
            dmsMessageMultiString.TypeCode   = SnmpType.OctetString;
            dmsMessageMultiString.Value      = BasicEncodingRules.EncodeOctetString(multiString, false, false);

            Variable dmsMessageOwner = new Variable();

            dmsMessageOwner.Identifier = oidPrefix + (int)DmsMessageEntry.dmsMessageOwner + oidPostfix;
            dmsMessageOwner.TypeCode   = SnmpType.OctetString;
            dmsMessageOwner.Value      = BasicEncodingRules.EncodeOctetString(owner, false, false);

            Variable dmsMessageRunTimePriority = new Variable();

            dmsMessageRunTimePriority.Identifier = oidPrefix + (int)DmsMessageEntry.dmsMessageRunTimePriority + oidPostfix;
            dmsMessageRunTimePriority.TypeCode   = SnmpType.Integer32;
            dmsMessageRunTimePriority.Value      = BasicEncodingRules.EncodeInteger32(priority.Value, false, false);

            dmsMessageMultiString     = messengerSession.Set(dmsMessageMultiString).Bindings[0];
            dmsMessageOwner           = messengerSession.Set(dmsMessageOwner).Bindings[0];
            dmsMessageRunTimePriority = messengerSession.Set(dmsMessageRunTimePriority).Bindings[0];

            dmsMessageStatus.Value = BasicEncodingRules.EncodeInteger32((int)NTCIP.dmsMessageStatus.ValidateReq, false, false);

            dmsMessageStatus = messengerSession.Set(dmsMessageStatus).Bindings[0];

            while ((NTCIP.dmsMessageStatus)dmsMessageStatus.ToInt32() == NTCIP.dmsMessageStatus.Validating
                   (NTCIP.dmsMessageStatus)dmsMessageStatus.ToInt32() == NTCIP.dmsMessageStatus.ValidateReq ||
                   dmsMessageStatus.ToInt32() == 255)
                dmsMessageStatus = messengerSession.Get(dmsMessageStatus.Identifier).Bindings[0];

            //Should check if valid here and if not valid get the reason why its not valid and report.
            if ((NTCIP.dmsMessageStatus)dmsMessageStatus.ToInt32() != NTCIP.dmsMessageStatus.Valid)
                //needs steps here to determine error and return

            Variable dmsMessageCRC = new Variable();

            dmsMessageCRC.Identifier = oidPrefix + (int)DmsMessageEntry.dmsMessageCRC + oidPostfix;
            dmsMessageCRC            = messengerSession.Get(dmsMessageCRC.Identifier).Bindings[0];
