Example #1
        private void Btn_delete_item_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // First: Ask the user if he is reaaaally sure
            if (this.MessageBoxShow("Do you want to delete this snippet?", "Confirmation", Buttons.YesNo, Icons.Warning, AnimateStyle.FadeIn) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No)

            SnippetNode selectedNode = ((Button)sender).DataContext as SnippetNode;

            TabItem openTab = tbc_pages.Items.Cast <TabItem>().FirstOrDefault(t => t.Content is SnippetPage p && p.ShownSnippet == selectedNode.Tag);

            if (openTab != null)
                /* Check if to-be-deleted tab is currently selected..*/
                if ((tbc_pages.SelectedContent as SnippetPage).ShownSnippet == selectedNode.Tag)
                    /* .. and select the previous one if that is the case */
                    tbc_pages.SelectedIndex -= 1;

                /* Afterwards: Remove it */

            /* .. and manually delete snippet from tree instead of refreshing the whole tree */
            shownSnippetMetaListGroups.FirstOrDefault(node => node.ChildNodes.Contains(selectedNode)).ChildNodes.Remove(selectedNode);

Example #2
        private void btn_like_item_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            SnippetNode selectedNode = ((ToggleButton)sender).DataContext as SnippetNode;

            selectedNode.Tag.Favorite = ((ToggleButton)sender).IsChecked ?? false;

Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// build treeview and its inner groups
        /// //TODO: Also call this if there was a database call. Maybe over a custom event?
        /// </summary>
        private async Task refreshNodesAsync()
            string filter = tb_search.Text;

            // Maybe a bit of wait time for the database - thus: asynchronous
            List <ITreeNode> newList = await Task.Run(() =>
                newList = new List <ITreeNode>();
                foreach (SnippetInfo s in App.DatabaseInstance.GetSnippetMetaList())
                    ITreeNode currentGroup;
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(s.LanguageTag.Title))
                        currentGroup = newList.FirstOrDefault(n => n.HasEmptyTitle);
                        currentGroup = newList.FirstOrDefault(n => n.Title == s.LanguageTag.Title);

                    // if a top node contains programming language..
                    if (currentGroup == null)
                        currentGroup = new SnippetNode()
                            Title = s.LanguageTag.Title, IsGroup = true


                    // add the new node to that one if it shouldn't be hidden
                    currentGroup.ChildNodes.Add(new SnippetNode()
                        Title = s.Titel, Tag = s, IsVisible = shouldNodeShow(s, filter)

                // sort all group content
                foreach (ITreeNode group in newList)
                    group.ChildNodes = new ObservableCollection <ITreeNode>(group.ChildNodes.OrderByDescending(node => ((SnippetNode)node).Tag?.Favorite).ThenByDescending(node => ((SnippetNode)node).Tag?.LastEditDate));


            // clear bound list before refreshing it and then
            // refresh it - assignment wouldn't work since the data binding would break
            shownSnippetMetaListGroups.AddRange(newList, true);

            // after refreshing, lookup if the currently selected tab needs to get a matching partner in the tree view again since all selections are cleared
            Tbc_pages_SelectionChanged(tv_snippetList, null);
Example #4
        private void Tbc_pages_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            TabItem selectedTab = tbc_pages.SelectedItem as TabItem;

            // due to a bug in wpf, we have to unselect the current item here already
            if (tv_snippetList.SelectedItem != null)
                (tv_snippetList.SelectedItem as SnippetNode).IsSelected = false;

            if (selectedTab?.Content is SnippetPage p)
                // search for snippet in two levels
                SnippetNode snippetPosInTree = (SnippetNode)shownSnippetMetaListGroups.SelectMany(d => d.ChildNodes).FirstOrDefault(innernode => (innernode as SnippetNode).Tag == p.ShownSnippet);

                // if snippet was found..
                if (snippetPosInTree != null)
                    // .. and unselect every node
                    shownSnippetMetaListGroups.ToList().ForEach(node => node.deselectAll());

                    // .. and set found node as selected.
                    snippetPosInTree.IsSelected = true;

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(p.ShownSnippet.Titel))
                    lbl_title_snippetName.Content = TITLE_UNNAMED;
                    lbl_title_snippetName.Content = p.ShownSnippet.Titel;
                lbl_title_snippetName.Content = selectedTab?.Header ?? "";

            // Adjust window title to show currently edited snippet name
            this.Title = "Snippet Man - " + lbl_title_snippetName.Content;
Example #5
        private void Tv_snippetList_SelectedItemChanged(object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs <object> e)
            SnippetNode selectedNode = (SnippetNode)e.NewValue;

            if (selectedNode == null)

            // check if page is already open, if so: Select it
            TabItem openTab = tbc_pages.Items.Cast <TabItem>().FirstOrDefault(t => t.Content is SnippetPage p && p.ShownSnippet == selectedNode.Tag);

            if (openTab != null)
                openTab.IsSelected = true;

            if (selectedNode != null && !selectedNode.IsGroup) // can happen e.g. on clearing the list
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Interprets the abstract syntax of the TML document and generates semantic node representatives.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="FormatException">Thrown if an unexpected tag or a task number in an invalid format is encountered and if more than one subsnippet is active.</exception>
        private void ParseTML()

            //process all nodes of the abstract syntax tree
            foreach (var node in syntaxTree.Nodes)
                var contentNode = node as TMLTerminalNode;
                var tagNode     = node as TMLTagNode;

                //if the node is just content, add a new text node
                if (contentNode != null)
                    nodes.Add(new TextNode(contentNode));

                //if the node is a tag node, try to interpret it as a snippet
                else if (tagNode != null)
                    if (tagNode.TagName != "snippet")
                        throw new FormatException($"Did not expect tag {tagNode.TagName} here.");

                    //Create the semantic snippet node
                    var snippetNode = new SnippetNode();

                    //Try to find the indentation of this snippet (everything that is a whitespace in front of the snippet tag)
                    var startIndentIncl             = tagNode.OpeningTagBeginIndex;
                    Func <char, bool> isIndentation = (char c) => Char.IsWhiteSpace(c) && c != '\r' && c != '\n';
                    while (startIndentIncl > 0 && isIndentation(text[startIndentIncl - 1]))
                    snippetNode.Indentation = text.Substring(startIndentIncl, tagNode.OpeningTagBeginIndex - startIndentIncl);

                    //Try to parse the task number
                    string taskNumber;
                    if (tagNode.Attributes.TryGetValue("task", out taskNumber))
                            snippetNode.TaskNumber = HierarchicalNumber.ParseFromString(taskNumber);
                        catch (Exception x)
                            throw new FormatException($"Error parsing hierarchical number from {taskNumber}.", x);

                    //Assign the existing subsnippets
                    foreach (var subsnippet in subsnippets)
                        subsnippet.Key.SetValue(snippetNode, FindSubSnippet(tagNode, subsnippet.Value.TagName));

                    //Check if there are invalid subtags
                    if (tagNode.InnerNodes.Where(n => n is TMLTagNode).Select(n => (TMLTagNode)n).Any(n => !subsnippetTags.Contains(n.TagName)))
                        throw new FormatException("The snippet tag contains invalid subtags.");

                    if (!snippetNode.HasAtMostOneActiveSubSnippet)
                        throw new FormatException("More than one subsnippet have uncommented lines.");
