private bool IsCaretOutsideItemBounds(
            Model model,
            SnapshotPoint caretPoint,
            CompletionItem item,
            Dictionary<TextSpan, string> textSpanToText,
            Dictionary<TextSpan, ViewTextSpan> textSpanToViewSpan)
            // Easy first check.  See if the caret point is before the start of the item.
            if (!textSpanToViewSpan.TryGetValue(item.Span, out var filterSpanInViewBuffer))
                filterSpanInViewBuffer = model.GetViewBufferSpan(item.Span);
                textSpanToViewSpan[item.Span] = filterSpanInViewBuffer;

            if (caretPoint < filterSpanInViewBuffer.TextSpan.Start)
                return true;

            var textSnapshot = caretPoint.Snapshot;

            var currentText = model.GetCurrentTextInSnapshot(item.Span, textSnapshot, textSpanToText);
            var currentTextSpan = new TextSpan(filterSpanInViewBuffer.TextSpan.Start, currentText.Length);

            return !currentTextSpan.IntersectsWith(caretPoint);
        private bool CompleteComment()
            int position = TextView.Caret.Position.BufferPosition.Position;

            if (position < 1)
                return false;

            SnapshotSpan span = new SnapshotSpan(TextView.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot, position - 1, 1);
            bool isComment = _classifier.GetClassificationSpans(span).Any(c => c.ClassificationType.IsOfType("comment"));

            if (isComment)
                return false;

            char prevChar = TextView.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.ToCharArray(position - 1, 1)[0];

            // Abort if the previous characters isn't a forward-slash
            if (prevChar != '/' || isComment)
                return false;

            // Insert the typed character
            TextView.TextBuffer.Insert(position, "*");

            using (EditorExtensionsPackage.UndoContext("Comment completion"))
                // Use separate undo context for this, so it can be undone separately.
                TextView.TextBuffer.Insert(position + 1, "*/");

            // Move the caret to the correct point
            SnapshotPoint point = new SnapshotPoint(TextView.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot, position + 1);

            return true;
		public TextExtent GetExtentOfWord(SnapshotPoint currentPosition) {
			if (currentPosition.Snapshot?.TextBuffer != textBuffer)
				throw new ArgumentException();
			WordParser.WordKind kind;
			var span = WordParser.GetWordSpan(currentPosition, out kind);
			return new TextExtent(span, kind != WordParser.WordKind.Whitespace);
Example #4
 public void CreateForAllPoints_Line_EndOfSnapshot()
     Create("cat", "dog");
     var point = new SnapshotPoint(_textBuffer.CurrentSnapshot, _textBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.Length);
     var visualSpan = VisualSpan.CreateForAllPoints(VisualKind.Line, point, point);
     Assert.AreEqual(1, visualSpan.AsLine().LineRange.LastLineNumber);
        protected override bool Execute(uint commandId, uint nCmdexecopt, IntPtr pvaIn, IntPtr pvaOut)
            if (_broker.IsCompletionActive(TextView) || !IsValidTextBuffer() || !WESettings.GetBoolean(WESettings.Keys.EnableEnterFormat))
                return false;

            int position = TextView.Caret.Position.BufferPosition.Position;
            SnapshotPoint point = new SnapshotPoint(TextView.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot, position);
            IWpfTextViewLine line = TextView.GetTextViewLineContainingBufferPosition(point);

            ElementNode element = null;
            AttributeNode attr = null;

            _tree.GetPositionElement(position, out element, out attr);

            if (element == null ||
                _tree.IsDirty ||
                element.Parent == null ||
                line.End.Position == position || // caret at end of line (TODO: add ignore whitespace logic)
                TextView.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.GetText(element.InnerRange.Start, element.InnerRange.Length).Trim().Length == 0)
                return false;

            UpdateTextBuffer(element, position);

            return false;
Example #6
        // Statement completion
        public bool EnableFullIntelliSense(ITextBuffer buffer, SnapshotPoint point)
            var tokens = GetSemanticModel(buffer);
            var type = tokens.GetContextSpan(point).Type;

            return type == ContextType.CodeBlock || type == ContextType.Lambda;
        public override Span? GetInvocationSpan(string text, int linePosition, SnapshotPoint position)
            // If this isn't the beginning of the line, stop immediately.
            var quote = text.SkipWhile(Char.IsWhiteSpace).FirstOrDefault();
            if (quote != '"' && quote != '\'')
                return null;

            // If it is, make sure it's also the beginning of a function.
            var prevLine = EnumeratePrecedingLineTokens(position).GetEnumerator();

            // If we are at the beginning of the file, that is also fine.
            if (prevLine.MoveNext())
                // Check that the previous line contains "function", then
                // eventually ") {" followed by the end of the line.
                if (!ConsumeToToken(prevLine, "function", "keyword") || !ConsumeToToken(prevLine, ")", "operator"))
                    return null;
                if (!prevLine.MoveNext() || prevLine.Current.Span.GetText() != "{")
                    return null;
                // If there is non-comment code after the function, stop
                if (prevLine.MoveNext() && SkipComments(prevLine))
                    return null;

            var startIndex = text.TakeWhile(Char.IsWhiteSpace).Count();
            var endIndex = linePosition;

            // Consume the auto-added close quote, if present.
            // If range ends at the end of the line, we cannot
            // check this.
            if (endIndex < text.Length && text[endIndex] == quote)
            return Span.FromBounds(startIndex, endIndex);
        public void AugmentCompletionSession(ICompletionSession session, IList<CompletionSet> completionSets)
            var caretPosition = session.TextView.Caret.Position.BufferPosition.Position;
            var tokenTriggeringIntellisense = _tokenizedBuffer.CurrentState.FindTokenAtIndex(caretPosition);
            if (caretPosition == tokenTriggeringIntellisense.IndexToken.StartIndex) tokenTriggeringIntellisense = tokenTriggeringIntellisense.Previous();
            var numberOfCharactersBeforeCursor = caretPosition - tokenTriggeringIntellisense.IndexToken.StartIndex;
            var textFromSymbolBeforeCursor = tokenTriggeringIntellisense.IndexToken.Token.Text.Substring(0, numberOfCharactersBeforeCursor);
            var currentIndexToken = _tokenizedBuffer.CurrentState.FindTokenAtIndex(0);
            var completions = new List<Completion>();

            while (currentIndexToken != null)
                if (currentIndexToken.IndexToken.StartIndex != tokenTriggeringIntellisense.IndexToken.StartIndex)
                    if (currentIndexToken.Node.Value.Type == TokenType.Symbol && currentIndexToken.Node.Value.Text.StartsWith(textFromSymbolBeforeCursor))
                        if (completions.Find(c => c.DisplayText == currentIndexToken.Node.Value.Text) == null)
                            completions.Add(new Completion(currentIndexToken.Node.Value.Text));

                currentIndexToken = currentIndexToken.Next();

            var snapshot = session.TextView.TextSnapshot;
            var start = new SnapshotPoint(snapshot, tokenTriggeringIntellisense.IndexToken.StartIndex);
            var end = new SnapshotPoint(snapshot, start.Position + tokenTriggeringIntellisense.IndexToken.Token.Text.Length);
            var applicableTo = snapshot.CreateTrackingSpan(new SnapshotSpan(start, end), SpanTrackingMode.EdgeInclusive);
            completionSets.Add(new CompletionSet("All", "All", applicableTo, completions, new List<Completion>()));
        public override Span? GetInvocationSpan(string text, int linePosition, SnapshotPoint position)
            // Find the quoted string inside function call
            int startIndex = text.LastIndexOf(FunctionName + "(", linePosition, StringComparison.Ordinal);
            if (startIndex < 0)
                return null;
            startIndex += FunctionName.Length + 1;
            startIndex += text.Skip(startIndex).TakeWhile(Char.IsWhiteSpace).Count();

            if (linePosition <= startIndex || (text[startIndex] != '"' && text[startIndex] != '\''))
                return null;

            var endIndex = text.IndexOf(text[startIndex] + ")", startIndex, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            if (endIndex < 0)
                endIndex = startIndex + text.Skip(startIndex + 1).TakeWhile(c => Char.IsLetterOrDigit(c) || Char.IsWhiteSpace(c) || c == '-' || c == '_').Count() + 1;
            else if (linePosition > endIndex + 1)
                return null;

            // Consume the auto-added close quote, if present.
            // If range ends at the end of the line, we cannot
            // check this.
            if (endIndex < text.Length && text[endIndex] == text[startIndex])

            return Span.FromBounds(startIndex, endIndex);
Example #10
        public SnapshotPoint GetCaretPositionInSubjectBuffer(SnapshotPoint viewCaretPosition, ITextSnapshot bufferSnapshot)
            var currentModelSpanInView = GetCurrentSpanInView(viewCaretPosition.Snapshot);
            SnapshotSpan currentModelSpanInSubjectBuffer = GetCurrentSpanInSubjectBuffer(bufferSnapshot);

            return currentModelSpanInSubjectBuffer.Start + (viewCaretPosition - currentModelSpanInView.Start);
 /// <summary>
 /// Removes a token using the enhanced token stream class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sql"></param>
 /// <param name="position"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private CommonTokenStream RemoveToken(string sql, SnapshotPoint snapPos)
   MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sql));
   CaseInsensitiveInputStream input = new CaseInsensitiveInputStream(ms);
   //ANTLRInputStream input = new ANTLRInputStream(ms);
   Version ver = LanguageServiceUtil.GetVersion(LanguageServiceUtil.GetConnection().ServerVersion);
   MySQLLexer lexer = new MySQLLexer(input);
   lexer.MySqlVersion = ver;
   TokenStreamRemovable tokens = new TokenStreamRemovable(lexer);      
   IToken tr = null;
   int position = snapPos.Position;
   if (!char.IsWhiteSpace(snapPos.GetChar()))
     foreach (IToken t in tokens.GetTokens())
       if ((t.StartIndex <= position) && (t.StopIndex >= position))
         tr = t;
   return tokens;
 internal static CompletionSet Create(List<DesignerNode> nodes, SnapshotPoint point)
     DesignerNode node = nodes.FindLast(n => n.NodeType == NDjango.Interfaces.NodeType.ParsingContext);
     if (node == null)
         return null;
     return new TagCompletionSet(node, point);
 public FakeTextSnapshotLine(ITextSnapshot snapshot, string text, int position, int lineNumber)
     Snapshot = snapshot;
     this._text = text;
     LineNumber = lineNumber;
     Start = new SnapshotPoint(snapshot, position);
Example #14
 public SymbolInfo GetSymbolAt(string sourceFileName, SnapshotPoint point)
     var result = GetGoToDefLocations(sourceFileName, point).FirstOrDefault();
     if (result == null)
         return null;
     return new SymbolInfo(RQNameTranslator.ToIndexId(result.RQName), !result.IsMetadata, result.AssemblyBinaryName);
Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Is the provided SnapshotPoint preceded by the '+= SomeEventType(Some_HandlerName' line
        /// </summary>
        private bool IsPreceededByEventAddSyntax(SnapshotSpan span)
            // First find the last + character
            var snapshot = span.Snapshot;
            SnapshotPoint? plusPoint = null;
            for (int i = span.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                var position = span.Start.Position + i;
                var point = new SnapshotPoint(snapshot, position);
                if (point.GetChar() == '+')
                    plusPoint = point;

            if (plusPoint == null)
                return false;

            var eventSpan = new SnapshotSpan(plusPoint.Value, span.End);
            var eventText = eventSpan.GetText();
                s_fullEventSyntaxRegex.IsMatch(eventText) ||
        private static bool IsValidBraceCompletionContext(SnapshotPoint openingPoint)
            Debug.Assert(openingPoint.Position >= 0, "SnapshotPoint.Position should always be zero or positive.");

            if (openingPoint.Position > 0)
                var classifier = openingPoint.Snapshot.TextBuffer.GetSyntaxTagger();
                var snapshotSpan = new SnapshotSpan(openingPoint - 1, 1);
                var classificationSpans = classifier.GetTags(new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(snapshotSpan));

                foreach (var span in classificationSpans)
                    if (!span.Span.OverlapsWith(snapshotSpan))

                    if (span.Tag.ClassificationType.IsOfType("comment"))
                        return false;

                    if (span.Tag.ClassificationType.IsOfType("literal"))
                        return false;

            // If we haven't stopped this, go ahead and start the completion session.
            // Either we were at position 0 (a safe place to be placing a brace completion)
            // or we were in a classification that is safe for brace completion.
            return true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Restores saved selection
 /// </summary>
 public override void EndTracking() {
     int position = PositionFromTokens(TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot, _index, _offset);
     if (position >= 0) {
         PositionAfterChanges = new SnapshotPoint(TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot, position);
Example #18
        private bool HandleVariables(IList<object> qiContent, ref ITrackingSpan applicableToSpan, IList<ClassificationSpan> spans, SnapshotPoint? point)
            ClassificationSpan span;
            string text = GetText(spans, point, PredefinedClassificationTypeNames.SymbolDefinition, out span);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))
                return false;

            string value = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(text.Trim('%'));

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                return false;

            string displayText = value;

            if (value.Equals("path", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                displayText = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, value.Split(';'));

            applicableToSpan = _buffer.CurrentSnapshot.CreateTrackingSpan(span.Span, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeNegative);

            string expanded = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(value);

            if (expanded != value)

            return true;
Example #19
        private static void CommentRegion(ITextView view, SnapshotPoint start, SnapshotPoint end)
            using (var edit = view.TextBuffer.CreateEdit()) {
                int minColumn = Int32.MaxValue;
                // first pass, determine the position to place the comment
                for (int i = start.GetContainingLine().LineNumber; i <= end.GetContainingLine().LineNumber; i++) {
                    var curLine = view.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(i);
                    var text = curLine.GetText();

                    minColumn = Math.Min(GetMinimumColumn(text), minColumn);

                // second pass, place the comment
                for (int i = start.GetContainingLine().LineNumber; i <= end.GetContainingLine().LineNumber; i++) {
                    var curLine = view.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(i);
                    if (curLine.Length < minColumn) {
                        // need extra white space
                        edit.Insert(curLine.Start.Position + curLine.Length, new String(' ', minColumn - curLine.Length) + "#");
                    } else {
                        edit.Insert(curLine.Start.Position + minColumn, "#");


            // select the full region we just commented
            UpdateSelection(view, start, end);
 public static Position ToPosition(SnapshotPoint corePoint, ITextSnapshot snapshot = null)
     SnapshotPoint snapshotPoint = corePoint.TranslateTo(snapshot ?? corePoint.Snapshot, PointTrackingMode.Positive);
     ITextSnapshotLine containingLine = snapshotPoint.GetContainingLine();
     int charIndex = Math.Max(snapshotPoint.Position - containingLine.Start.Position, 0);
     return new Position(containingLine.LineNumber, charIndex);
Example #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Activates a text view for a text buffer, and sets the cursor to a specific location
        /// </summary>
        public static bool NavigateToTextBuffer(ITextBuffer textBuffer, int start, int length) {
            IProjectionSnapshot projectionSnapshot = textBuffer.CurrentSnapshot as IProjectionSnapshot;

            if (projectionSnapshot != null) {
                // Find the main buffer for the view

                SnapshotPoint sourcePoint = new SnapshotPoint();
                bool success = true;

                try {
                    sourcePoint = projectionSnapshot.MapToSourceSnapshot(start, PositionAffinity.Successor);
                } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) {
                    success = false;
                } catch (InvalidOperationException) {
                    success = false;

                if (success) {
                    return NavigateToTextBuffer(sourcePoint.Snapshot.TextBuffer, sourcePoint.Position, length);
            } else {
                // This is the main buffer for the view

                IVsTextManager textManager = VsAppShell.Current.GetGlobalService<IVsTextManager>(typeof(SVsTextManager));
                IVsTextBuffer vsTextBuffer = textBuffer.QueryInterface<IVsTextBuffer>();
                Guid viewType = VSConstants.LOGVIEWID_TextView;

                if (vsTextBuffer != null &&
                    ErrorHandler.Succeeded(textManager.NavigateToPosition(vsTextBuffer, ref viewType, start, length))) {
                    return true;

            return false;
        protected override bool Execute(uint commandId, uint nCmdexecopt, IntPtr pvaIn, IntPtr pvaOut)
            int position = TextView.Caret.Position.BufferPosition.Position;
            SnapshotPoint point = new SnapshotPoint(TextView.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot, position);
            IWpfTextViewLine line = TextView.GetTextViewLineContainingBufferPosition(point);

            string text = TextView.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.GetText(line.Start, line.Length);

            Match match = _indent.Match(text);

            if (match.Success)
                    EditorExtensionsPackage.DTE.UndoContext.Open("Smart Indent");
                    TextView.TextBuffer.Insert(position, Environment.NewLine + match.Value);

                return true;

            return false;
        public bool TryCreateSession(ITextView textView, SnapshotPoint openingPoint, char openingBrace, char closingBrace, out IBraceCompletionSession session)

            var textSnapshot = openingPoint.Snapshot;
            var document = textSnapshot.GetOpenDocumentInCurrentContextWithChanges();
            if (document != null)
                var editorSessionFactory = document.GetLanguageService<IEditorBraceCompletionSessionFactory>();
                if (editorSessionFactory != null)
                    // Brace completion is (currently) not cancellable.
                    var cancellationToken = CancellationToken.None;

                    var editorSession = editorSessionFactory.TryCreateSession(document, openingPoint, openingBrace, cancellationToken);
                    if (editorSession != null)
                        var undoHistory = _undoManager.GetTextBufferUndoManager(textView.TextBuffer).TextBufferUndoHistory;
                        session = new BraceCompletionSession(
                            textView, openingPoint.Snapshot.TextBuffer, openingPoint, openingBrace, closingBrace,
                            undoHistory, _editorOperationsFactoryService,
                        return true;

            session = null;
            return false;
Example #24
        // returns true if brace is actually a brace.
        private bool FindOtherBrace(SnapshotPoint possibleBrace, out SnapshotPoint? otherBrace)
            otherBrace = null;
              var rainbow = this.textBuffer.Get<RainbowProvider>();
              if ( rainbow == null ) {
            return false;
              if ( !possibleBrace.IsValid() ) {
            return false;

              if ( !rainbow.BraceCache.Language.BraceList.Contains(possibleBrace.GetChar()) ) {
            return false;
              var bracePair = rainbow.BraceCache.GetBracePair(possibleBrace);
              if ( bracePair == null ) {
            return true;
              if ( possibleBrace.Position == bracePair.Item1.Position ) {
            otherBrace = bracePair.Item2.ToPoint(possibleBrace.Snapshot);
              } else {
            otherBrace = bracePair.Item1.ToPoint(possibleBrace.Snapshot);
              return true;
        private bool Indent()
            int position = _textView.Caret.Position.BufferPosition.Position;

            if (position == 0 || position == _textView.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.Length || _textView.Selection.SelectedSpans[0].Length > 0)
                return false;

            char before = _textView.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.GetText(position - 1, 1)[0];
            char after = _textView.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.GetText(position, 1)[0];

            if (before == '{' && after == '}')
                EditorExtensionsPackage.DTE.UndoContext.Open("Smart indent");

                _textView.TextBuffer.Insert(position, Environment.NewLine + '\t');
                SnapshotPoint point = new SnapshotPoint(_textView.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot, position);
                _textView.Selection.Select(new SnapshotSpan(point, 4), true);




                return true;

            return false;
        public static string PeekString(this ITextSnapshot snapshot, SnapshotPoint point, int length)
            if (point >= snapshot.Length)
                return null;

            return new SnapshotSpan(point, Math.Min(length, snapshot.Length - point)).GetText();
		public TextExtent GetExtentOfWord(SnapshotPoint currentPosition) {
			if (currentPosition.Snapshot?.TextBuffer != textBuffer)
				throw new ArgumentException();
			if (currentPosition.Position >= currentPosition.Snapshot.Length)
				return new TextExtent(new SnapshotSpan(currentPosition, currentPosition), true);
			return new TextExtent(new SnapshotSpan(currentPosition, currentPosition + 1), true);
Example #28
        public static SnapshotPoint? MapUpOrDownToBuffer(this IBufferGraph bufferGraph, SnapshotPoint point, ITextBuffer targetBuffer)
            var direction = ClassifyBufferMapDirection(point.Snapshot.TextBuffer, targetBuffer);
            switch (direction)
                case BufferMapDirection.Identity:
                    return point;

                case BufferMapDirection.Down:
                        // TODO ( Remove try-catch.
                            return bufferGraph.MapDownToInsertionPoint(point, PointTrackingMode.Positive, s => s == targetBuffer.CurrentSnapshot);
                        catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) when (bufferGraph.TopBuffer.ContentType.TypeName == "Interactive Content")
                            // Suppress this to work around DevDiv #144964.
                            // Note: Other callers might be affected, but this is the narrowest workaround for the observed problems.
                            // A fix is already being reviewed, so a broader change is not required.
                            return null;

                case BufferMapDirection.Up:
                        return bufferGraph.MapUpToBuffer(point, PointTrackingMode.Positive, PositionAffinity.Predecessor, targetBuffer);

                    return null;
        private ScenarioBlock? GetCurrentScenarioBlock(SnapshotPoint triggerPoint)
            var parsingResult = gherkinProcessorServices.GetParsingResult(textBuffer);
            if (parsingResult == null)
                return null;

            var triggerLineNumber = triggerPoint.Snapshot.GetLineNumberFromPosition(triggerPoint.Position);
            var scenarioInfo = parsingResult.ScenarioEditorInfos.LastOrDefault(si => si.KeywordLine < triggerLineNumber);
            if (scenarioInfo == null)
                return null;

            for (var lineNumer = triggerLineNumber; lineNumer > scenarioInfo.KeywordLine; lineNumer--)
                StepKeyword? stepKeyword = GetStepKeyword(triggerPoint.Snapshot, lineNumer, parsingResult.LanguageService);

                if (stepKeyword != null)
                    var scenarioBlock = stepKeyword.Value.ToScenarioBlock();
                    if (scenarioBlock != null)
                        return scenarioBlock;

            return ScenarioBlock.Given;
Example #30
        public CaretPosition MoveTo(SnapshotPoint bufferPosition, PositionAffinity caretAffinity) {
            _position = bufferPosition.Position;

            return new CaretPosition(new VirtualSnapshotPoint(bufferPosition),
                  new MappingPointMock(bufferPosition.Snapshot.TextBuffer, bufferPosition.Position),
        protected override string GetExteriorTextForNextLine(SnapshotPoint caretPosition)
            var currentLine = caretPosition.GetContainingLine();

            var firstNonWhitespacePosition = currentLine.GetFirstNonWhitespacePosition() ?? -1;

            if (firstNonWhitespacePosition == -1)

            var currentLineStartsWithBlockCommentStartString  = currentLine.StartsWith(firstNonWhitespacePosition, "/*", ignoreCase: false);
            var currentLineStartsWithBlockCommentEndString    = currentLine.StartsWith(firstNonWhitespacePosition, "*/", ignoreCase: false);
            var currentLineStartsWithBlockCommentMiddleString = currentLine.StartsWith(firstNonWhitespacePosition, "*", ignoreCase: false);

            if (!currentLineStartsWithBlockCommentStartString && !currentLineStartsWithBlockCommentMiddleString)

            if (!IsCaretInsideBlockCommentSyntax(caretPosition))

            if (currentLineStartsWithBlockCommentStartString)
                if (BlockCommentEndsRightAfterCaret(caretPosition))
                    //      /*|*/
                    return(" ");
                else if (caretPosition == firstNonWhitespacePosition + 1)
                    //      /|*
                    return(null); // The newline inserted could break the syntax in a way that this handler cannot fix, let's leave it.
                    //      /*|
                    return(" *" + GetPaddingOrIndentation(currentLine, caretPosition, firstNonWhitespacePosition, "/*"));

            if (currentLineStartsWithBlockCommentEndString)
                if (BlockCommentEndsRightAfterCaret(caretPosition))
                    //      /*
                    //      |*/
                    return(" ");
                else if (caretPosition == firstNonWhitespacePosition + 1)
                    //      *|/
                    //      /*
                    //   |   */
                    return(" * ");

            if (currentLineStartsWithBlockCommentMiddleString)
                if (BlockCommentEndsRightAfterCaret(caretPosition))
                    //      *|*/
                else if (caretPosition > firstNonWhitespacePosition)
                    //      *|
                    return("*" + GetPaddingOrIndentation(currentLine, caretPosition, firstNonWhitespacePosition, "*"));
                    //      /*
                    //   |   *
                    return(" * ");

Example #32
        internal static void RestoreCaretTo(int caretPosition, ITextView textView)
            var currentSnapshotPoint = new SnapshotPoint(textView.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot, caretPosition);

            protected override bool TryGetRazorSnapshotPoint(CompletionContext context, out SnapshotPoint snapshotPoint)
                if (!_canGetSnapshotPoint)
                    snapshotPoint = default(SnapshotPoint);

                var snapshot = new Mock <ITextSnapshot>(MockBehavior.Strict);

                snapshot.Setup(s => s.Length)
                snapshotPoint = new SnapshotPoint(snapshot.Object, context.CompletionListSpan.Start);
            private Model FilterModelInBackgroundWorker(
                Document document,
                Model model,
                int id,
                SnapshotPoint caretPosition,
                CompletionFilterReason filterReason,
                ImmutableDictionary <CompletionItemFilter, bool> filterState)
                if (model == null)

                // We want to dismiss the session if the caret ever moved outside our bounds.
                // Do this before we check the _filterId.  We don't want this work to not happen
                // just because the user typed more text and added more filter items.
                if (filterReason == CompletionFilterReason.CaretPositionChanged &&
                    Controller.IsCaretOutsideAllItemBounds(model, caretPosition))

                // If the UI specified an updated filter state, then incorporate that
                // into our model. Do this before we check the _filterId.  We don't
                // want this work to not happen just because the user typed more text
                // and added more filter items.
                if (filterState != null)
                    model = model.WithFilterState(filterState);

                // If there's another request in the queue to filter items, then just
                // bail out immediately.  No point in doing extra work that's just
                // going to be overridden by the next filter task.
                if (id != _filterId)

                var textSnapshot   = caretPosition.Snapshot;
                var textSpanToText = new Dictionary <TextSpan, string>();

                var helper = this.Controller.GetCompletionHelper(document);

                var recentItems = this.Controller.GetRecentItems();

                var filterResults = new List <FilterResult>();

                var filterText = model.GetCurrentTextInSnapshot(
                    model.OriginalList.Span, textSnapshot, textSpanToText);

                // Check if the user is typing a number.  If so, only proceed if it's a number
                // directly after a <dot>.  That's because it is actually reasonable for completion
                // to be brought up after a <dot> and for the user to want to filter completion
                // items based on a number that exists in the name of the item.  However, when
                // we are not after a dot (i.e. we're being brought up after <space> is typed)
                // then we don't want to filter things.  Consider the user writing:
                //      dim i =<space>
                // We'll bring up the completion list here (as VB has completion on <space>).
                // If the user then types '3', we don't want to match against Int32.
                var filterTextStartsWithANumber = filterText.Length > 0 && char.IsNumber(filterText[0]);

                if (filterTextStartsWithANumber)
                    if (!IsAfterDot(model, model.TriggerSnapshot, textSpanToText))

                var effectiveFilterItemState = ComputeEffectiveFilterItemState(model);

                foreach (var currentItem in model.TotalItems)
                    // Check if something new has happened and there's a later on filter operation
                    // in the chain.  If so, there's no need for us to do any more work (as it will
                    // just be superceded by the later work).
                    if (id != _filterId)

                    if (CompletionItemFilter.ShouldBeFilteredOutOfCompletionList(
                            currentItem, effectiveFilterItemState))

                    // Check if the item matches the filter text typed so far.
                    var matchesFilterText = MatchesFilterText(helper, currentItem, filterText, model.Trigger, filterReason, recentItems);

                    if (matchesFilterText)
                        filterResults.Add(new FilterResult(
                                              currentItem, filterText, matchedFilterText: true));
                        // The item didn't match the filter text.  We'll still keep it in the list
                        // if one of two things is true:
                        //  1. The user has only typed a single character.  In this case they might
                        //     have just typed the character to get completion.  Filtering out items
                        //     here is not desirable.
                        //  2. They brough up completion with ctrl-j or through deletion.  In these
                        //     cases we just always keep all the items in the list.

                        var wasTriggeredByDeleteOrSimpleInvoke =
                            model.Trigger.Kind == CompletionTriggerKind.Deletion ||
                            model.Trigger.Kind == CompletionTriggerKind.Invoke;
                        var shouldKeepItem = filterText.Length <= 1 || wasTriggeredByDeleteOrSimpleInvoke;

                        if (shouldKeepItem)
                            filterResults.Add(new FilterResult(
                                                  currentItem, filterText, matchedFilterText: false));

                model = model.WithFilterText(filterText);

                // If no items matched the filter text then determine what we should do.
                if (filterResults.Count == 0)
                    return(HandleAllItemsFilteredOut(model, filterReason));

                // If this was deletion, then we control the entire behavior of deletion
                // ourselves.
                if (model.Trigger.Kind == CompletionTriggerKind.Deletion)
                    return(HandleDeletionTrigger(model, filterReason, filterResults));

                           model, document, filterReason, caretPosition,
                           helper, recentItems, filterText, filterResults));
Example #35
 public void OnCommitted(ICssCompletionListEntry entry, ITrackingSpan contextSpan, SnapshotPoint caret, ITextView textView)
     if (entry.DisplayText == "Add region...")
             new Action(() => System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys.Send("{TAB}")), DispatcherPriority.Normal);
Example #36
        public AbstractCommandHandlerTestState(
            XElement workspaceElement,
            ExportProvider exportProvider,
            bool makeSeparateBufferForCursor = false,
            ImmutableArray <string> roles    = default)
            this.Workspace = TestWorkspace.CreateWorkspace(
                exportProvider : exportProvider,
                workspaceKind : workspaceKind);

            if (makeSeparateBufferForCursor)
                var languageName = Workspace.Projects.First().Language;
                var contentType  = Workspace.Services.GetLanguageServices(languageName).GetRequiredService <IContentTypeLanguageService>().GetDefaultContentType();
                _createdTextView = EditorFactory.CreateView(exportProvider, contentType, roles);
                _textView        = _createdTextView.TextView;
                _subjectBuffer   = _textView.TextBuffer;
                var cursorDocument = this.Workspace.Documents.First(d => d.CursorPosition.HasValue);
                _textView      = cursorDocument.GetTextView();
                _subjectBuffer = cursorDocument.GetTextBuffer();

                if (cursorDocument.AnnotatedSpans.TryGetValue("Selection", out var selectionSpanList))
                    var firstSpan      = selectionSpanList.First();
                    var lastSpan       = selectionSpanList.Last();
                    var cursorPosition = cursorDocument.CursorPosition !.Value;

                    Assert.True(cursorPosition == firstSpan.Start || cursorPosition == firstSpan.End ||
                                cursorPosition == lastSpan.Start || cursorPosition == lastSpan.End,
                                "cursorPosition wasn't at an endpoint of the 'Selection' annotated span");

                    _textView.Selection.Mode = selectionSpanList.Length > 1
                        ? TextSelectionMode.Box
                        : TextSelectionMode.Stream;

                    SnapshotPoint boxSelectionStart, boxSelectionEnd;
                    bool          isReversed;

                    if (cursorPosition == firstSpan.Start || cursorPosition == lastSpan.End)
                        // Top-left and bottom-right corners used as anchor points.
                        boxSelectionStart = new SnapshotPoint(_subjectBuffer.CurrentSnapshot, firstSpan.Start);
                        boxSelectionEnd   = new SnapshotPoint(_subjectBuffer.CurrentSnapshot, lastSpan.End);
                        isReversed        = cursorPosition == firstSpan.Start;
                        // Top-right and bottom-left corners used as anchor points.
                        boxSelectionStart = new SnapshotPoint(_subjectBuffer.CurrentSnapshot, firstSpan.End);
                        boxSelectionEnd   = new SnapshotPoint(_subjectBuffer.CurrentSnapshot, lastSpan.Start);
                        isReversed        = cursorPosition == firstSpan.End;

                        new SnapshotSpan(boxSelectionStart, boxSelectionEnd),
                        isReversed: isReversed);

            this.EditorOperations    = GetService <IEditorOperationsFactoryService>().GetEditorOperations(_textView);
            this.UndoHistoryRegistry = GetService <ITextUndoHistoryRegistry>();
        private StepDefinitionType?GetCurrentBindingType(SnapshotPoint triggerPoint, out string parsedKeyword)
            parsedKeyword = null;
            var fileScope = languageService.GetFileScope(waitForParsingSnapshot: triggerPoint.Snapshot);

            if (fileScope == null)

            var triggerLineNumber = triggerPoint.Snapshot.GetLineNumberFromPosition(triggerPoint.Position);
            var step = fileScope.GetStepAtPosition(triggerLineNumber);

            if (step != null)
                parsedKeyword = step.Keyword.TrimEnd();

            if (!IsStepLine(triggerPoint, languageService))

            // this is a step line that just started. we need to calculate the binding type from
            // the keyword and the context
            var keywordCandidate = GetFirstWord(triggerPoint);

            if (keywordCandidate == null)

            GherkinDialect dialect     = GetDialect(languageService);
            var            stepKeyword = dialect.TryParseStepKeyword(keywordCandidate);

            if (stepKeyword == null)
                keywordCandidate = GetFirstTwoWords(triggerPoint);
                if (keywordCandidate != null)
                    stepKeyword = dialect.TryParseStepKeyword(keywordCandidate);

                if (stepKeyword == null)

            parsedKeyword = keywordCandidate;

            if (stepKeyword == StepKeyword.Given)
            if (stepKeyword == StepKeyword.When)
            if (stepKeyword == StepKeyword.Then)

            parsedKeyword = null;
            // now we need the context
            var stepBlock = fileScope.GetStepBlockFromStepPosition(triggerLineNumber);
            var lastStep  = stepBlock.Steps.LastOrDefault(s => s.BlockRelativeLine + stepBlock.KeywordLine < triggerLineNumber);

            if (lastStep == null)
            private async Task <Model> ComputeModelInBackgroundAsync(
                Model currentModel,
                ImmutableArray <ISignatureHelpProvider> providers,
                SnapshotPoint caretPosition,
                DisconnectedBufferGraph disconnectedBufferGraph,
                SignatureHelpTriggerInfo triggerInfo,
                CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                    using (Logger.LogBlock(FunctionId.SignatureHelp_ModelComputation_ComputeModelInBackground, cancellationToken))

                        var document = await Controller.DocumentProvider.GetDocumentAsync(caretPosition.Snapshot, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        if (document == null)

                        if (triggerInfo.TriggerReason == SignatureHelpTriggerReason.RetriggerCommand)
                            if (currentModel == null)

                            if (triggerInfo.TriggerCharacter.HasValue &&

                        // first try to query the providers that can trigger on the specified character
                        var(provider, items) = await ComputeItemsAsync(
                            providers, caretPosition, triggerInfo,
                            document, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        if (provider == null)
                            // No provider produced items. So we can't produce a model

                        if (currentModel != null &&
                            currentModel.Provider == provider &&
                            currentModel.GetCurrentSpanInSubjectBuffer(disconnectedBufferGraph.SubjectBufferSnapshot).Span.Start == items.ApplicableSpan.Start &&
                            currentModel.Items.IndexOf(currentModel.SelectedItem) == items.SelectedItemIndex &&
                            currentModel.ArgumentIndex == items.ArgumentIndex &&
                            currentModel.ArgumentCount == items.ArgumentCount &&
                            currentModel.ArgumentName == items.ArgumentName)
                            // The new model is the same as the current model.  Return the currentModel
                            // so we keep the active selection.

                        var selectedItem = GetSelectedItem(currentModel, items, provider, out bool userSelected);

                        var model = new Model(disconnectedBufferGraph, items.ApplicableSpan, provider,
                                              items.Items, selectedItem, items.ArgumentIndex, items.ArgumentCount, items.ArgumentName,
                                              selectedParameter: 0, userSelected);

                        var syntaxFactsService = document.GetLanguageService <ISyntaxFactsService>();
                        var isCaseSensitive    = syntaxFactsService == null || syntaxFactsService.IsCaseSensitive;
                        var selection          = DefaultSignatureHelpSelector.GetSelection(model.Items,
                                                                                           model.SelectedItem, model.UserSelected, model.ArgumentIndex, model.ArgumentCount, model.ArgumentName, isCaseSensitive);

                        return(model.WithSelectedItem(selection.SelectedItem, selection.UserSelected)
                catch (Exception e) when(FatalError.ReportUnlessCanceled(e))
                    throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable;
        public Task <CompletionContext> GetCompletionContextAsync(IAsyncCompletionSession session, CompletionTrigger trigger, SnapshotPoint triggerLocation, SnapshotSpan applicableToSpan, CancellationToken token)
            if (_parser.TryGetCompletionList(triggerLocation, _attributeName, out IEnumerable <CompletionItem> completions))
                return(Task.FromResult(new CompletionContext(completions.ToImmutableArray())));

        private static bool BlockCommentEndsRightAfterCaret(SnapshotPoint caretPosition)
            var snapshot = caretPosition.Snapshot;

            return(((int)caretPosition + 2 <= snapshot.Length) ? snapshot.GetText(caretPosition, 2) == "*/" : false);
Example #41
 public CaretPosition MoveTo(SnapshotPoint bufferPosition)
     this.InternalMoveTo(new VirtualSnapshotPoint(bufferPosition), PositionAffinity.Successor, true, true, true);
Example #42
        public void AugmentCompletionSession(ICompletionSession session, IList <CompletionSet> completionSets)
            //AsmDudeToolsStatic.Output_INFO(string.Format("{0}:AugmentCompletionSession", this.ToString()));

            if (!Settings.Default.CodeCompletion_On)

                DateTime      time1        = DateTime.Now;
                ITextSnapshot snapshot     = this._buffer.CurrentSnapshot;
                SnapshotPoint triggerPoint = (SnapshotPoint)session.GetTriggerPoint(snapshot);
                if (triggerPoint == null)
                ITextSnapshotLine line = triggerPoint.GetContainingLine();

                //1] check if current position is in a remark; if we are in a remark, no code completion
                if (triggerPoint.Position > 1)
                    char currentTypedChar = (triggerPoint - 1).GetChar();
                    //AsmDudeToolsStatic.Output_INFO("CodeCompletionSource:AugmentCompletionSession: current char = "+ currentTypedChar);
                    if (!currentTypedChar.Equals('#'))
                    { //TODO UGLY since the user can configure this starting character
                        int pos = triggerPoint.Position - line.Start;
                        if (AsmSourceTools.IsInRemark(pos, line.GetText()))
                            //AsmDudeToolsStatic.Output_INFO("CodeCompletionSource:AugmentCompletionSession: currently in a remark section");
                            // AsmDudeToolsStatic.Output_INFO("CodeCompletionSource:AugmentCompletionSession: not in a remark section");

                //2] find the start of the current keyword
                SnapshotPoint start = triggerPoint;
                while ((start > line.Start) && !AsmSourceTools.IsSeparatorChar((start - 1).GetChar()))
                    start -= 1;

                //3] get the word that is currently being typed
                ITrackingSpan applicableTo   = snapshot.CreateTrackingSpan(new SnapshotSpan(start, triggerPoint), SpanTrackingMode.EdgeInclusive);
                string        partialKeyword = applicableTo.GetText(snapshot);
                bool          useCapitals    = AsmDudeToolsStatic.Is_All_Upper(partialKeyword);

                string lineStr = line.GetText();
                (string Label, Mnemonic Mnemonic, string[] Args, string Remark)t = AsmSourceTools.ParseLine(lineStr);
                Mnemonic mnemonic = t.Mnemonic;

                //AsmDudeToolsStatic.Output_INFO("CodeCompletionSource:AugmentCompletionSession; lineStr="+ lineStr+ "; t.Item1="+t.Item1);

                string previousKeyword = AsmDudeToolsStatic.Get_Previous_Keyword(line.Start, start).ToUpper();

                if (mnemonic == Mnemonic.NONE)
                    //AsmDudeToolsStatic.Output_INFO("CodeCompletionSource:AugmentCompletionSession; lineStr=" + lineStr + "; previousKeyword=" + previousKeyword);

                    if (previousKeyword.Equals("INVOKE")) //TODO INVOKE is a MASM keyword not a NASM one...
                        // Suggest a label
                        IEnumerable <Completion> completions = this.Label_Completions(useCapitals, false);
                        if (completions.Any())
                            completionSets.Add(new CompletionSet("Labels", "Labels", applicableTo, completions, Enumerable.Empty <Completion>()));
                            ISet <AsmTokenType> selected1 = new HashSet <AsmTokenType> {
                                AsmTokenType.Directive, AsmTokenType.Jump, AsmTokenType.Misc, AsmTokenType.Mnemonic
                            IEnumerable <Completion> completions1 = this.Selected_Completions(useCapitals, selected1, true);
                            if (completions1.Any())
                                completionSets.Add(new CompletionSet("All", "All", applicableTo, completions1, Enumerable.Empty <Completion>()));
                        if (false)
                            ISet <AsmTokenType> selected2 = new HashSet <AsmTokenType> {
                                AsmTokenType.Jump, AsmTokenType.Mnemonic
                            IEnumerable <Completion> completions2 = this.Selected_Completions(useCapitals, selected2, false);
                            if (completions2.Any())
                                completionSets.Add(new CompletionSet("Instr", "Instr", applicableTo, completions2, Enumerable.Empty <Completion>()));
                        if (false)
                            ISet <AsmTokenType> selected3 = new HashSet <AsmTokenType> {
                                AsmTokenType.Directive, AsmTokenType.Misc
                            IEnumerable <Completion> completions3 = this.Selected_Completions(useCapitals, selected3, true);
                            if (completions3.Any())
                                completionSets.Add(new CompletionSet("Directive", "Directive", applicableTo, completions3, Enumerable.Empty <Completion>()));
                { // the current line contains a mnemonic
                  //AsmDudeToolsStatic.Output_INFO("CodeCompletionSource:AugmentCompletionSession; mnemonic=" + mnemonic+ "; previousKeyword="+ previousKeyword);

                    if (AsmSourceTools.IsJump(AsmSourceTools.ParseMnemonic(previousKeyword, true)))
                        //AsmDudeToolsStatic.Output_INFO("CodeCompletionSource:AugmentCompletionSession; previous keyword is a jump mnemonic");
                        // previous keyword is jump (or call) mnemonic. Suggest "SHORT" or a label
                        IEnumerable <Completion> completions = this.Label_Completions(useCapitals, true);
                        if (completions.Any())
                            completionSets.Add(new CompletionSet("Labels", "Labels", applicableTo, completions, Enumerable.Empty <Completion>()));
                    else if (previousKeyword.Equals("SHORT") || previousKeyword.Equals("NEAR"))
                        // Suggest a label
                        IEnumerable <Completion> completions = this.Label_Completions(useCapitals, false);
                        if (completions.Any())
                            completionSets.Add(new CompletionSet("Labels", "Labels", applicableTo, completions, Enumerable.Empty <Completion>()));
                        IList <Operand>         operands = AsmSourceTools.MakeOperands(t.Args);
                        ISet <AsmSignatureEnum> allowed  = new HashSet <AsmSignatureEnum>();
                        int commaCount = AsmSignature.Count_Commas(lineStr);
                        IEnumerable <AsmSignatureElement> allSignatures = this._asmDudeTools.Mnemonic_Store.GetSignatures(mnemonic);

                        ISet <Arch> selectedArchitectures = AsmDudeToolsStatic.Get_Arch_Swithed_On();
                        foreach (AsmSignatureElement se in AsmSignatureHelpSource.Constrain_Signatures(allSignatures, operands, selectedArchitectures))
                            if (commaCount < se.Operands.Count)
                                foreach (AsmSignatureEnum s in se.Operands[commaCount])
                        IEnumerable <Completion> completions = this.Mnemonic_Operand_Completions(useCapitals, allowed, line.LineNumber);
                        if (completions.Any())
                            completionSets.Add(new CompletionSet("All", "All", applicableTo, completions, Enumerable.Empty <Completion>()));
                AsmDudeToolsStatic.Print_Speed_Warning(time1, "Code Completion");
            catch (Exception e)
                AsmDudeToolsStatic.Output_ERROR(string.Format("{0}:AugmentCompletionSession; e={1}", this.ToString(), e.ToString()));
 private bool IsValidBraceCompletionContext(SnapshotPoint openingPoint)
     Debug.Assert(openingPoint.Position >= 0, "SnapshotPoint.Position should always be zero or positive.");
Example #44
 public CaretPosition MoveTo(SnapshotPoint bufferPosition, PositionAffinity caretAffinity, bool captureHorizontalPosition)
     this.InternalMoveTo(new VirtualSnapshotPoint(bufferPosition), caretAffinity, captureHorizontalPosition, true, true);
Example #45
        /// <summary>
        /// Indicates that the drag and drop operation has completed, and that the final tasks, if any, should be performed now.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dragDropInfo">
        /// Information about the drag and drop operation in progress.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The drag and drop effects of this drop operation. For example, if the drop operation has moved data,
        /// DragDropPointerEffects.Move should be returned.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>This method is called when the user drops the data onto the editor.
        /// This marks the end of a drag and drop operation.
        /// The <see cref="IDropHandler"/> is expected to perform the final tasks of the operation.
        /// </remarks>
        public virtual DragDropPointerEffects HandleDataDropped(DragDropInfo dragDropInfo)
            if (dragDropInfo == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dragDropInfo));

            ITextSelection selection = _cocoaTextView.Selection;
            //keeps track of the result of this operation
            DragDropPointerEffects result = DragDropPointerEffects.None;
            //tracks the location at which the data was dropped
            VirtualSnapshotPoint dropLocation = dragDropInfo.VirtualBufferPosition;
            //convert the drag/drop data to text
            string dragDropText  = this.ExtractText(dragDropInfo);
            bool   isReversed    = selection.IsReversed;
            bool   copyRequested = (dragDropInfo.KeyStates & NSEventModifierMask.AlternateKeyMask) == NSEventModifierMask.AlternateKeyMask;
            bool   copyAllowed   = (dragDropInfo.AllowedEffects & NSDragOperation.Copy) == NSDragOperation.Copy;

            ITextSnapshot preEditSnapshot = _cocoaTextView.TextSnapshot;

            // track the point where the data will be inserted
            ITrackingPoint insertionPoint = preEditSnapshot.CreateTrackingPoint(dropLocation.Position, PointTrackingMode.Negative);

            // track the currently selected spans before any edits are performed on the buffer
            List <ITrackingSpan> selectionSpans = new List <ITrackingSpan>();

            foreach (SnapshotSpan selectedSpan in selection.SelectedSpans)
                selectionSpans.Add(preEditSnapshot.CreateTrackingSpan(selectedSpan, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeExclusive));

            // perform any necessary pre edit actions

            // clear selection before data operations
            if (!selection.IsEmpty)

            // a reference to the snapshot resulting from the edits
            bool successfulEdit = false;

            // if the data is being dropped in virtual space, calculate how many whitespace characters will be inserted
            // to fill the gap between the dropped point and the closest buffer position
            int virtualSpaceLength = 0;

            if (dragDropInfo.VirtualBufferPosition.IsInVirtualSpace)
                virtualSpaceLength = _editorOperations.GetWhitespaceForVirtualSpace(dragDropInfo.VirtualBufferPosition).Length;

            if (copyRequested && copyAllowed)
                //copy the data by inserting it in the buffer
                successfulEdit = this.InsertText(dropLocation, dragDropText);
                if (successfulEdit)
                    result = DragDropPointerEffects.Copy;
                //the data needs to be moved
                if (dragDropInfo.IsInternal)
                    //delete the existing selection, and add the data to the new location
                    successfulEdit = this.MoveText(dropLocation, selectionSpans, dragDropText);
                    //the drag is not from this text view, just insert the data at dropLocation
                    successfulEdit = this.InsertText(dropLocation, dragDropText);

                //set the pointer effect to move if the edit was successful since that implies that the data was moved successfully
                if (successfulEdit)
                    result = DragDropPointerEffects.Move;

            // finally select the newly inserted data if the operation was successful
            if (result != DragDropPointerEffects.None)
                SnapshotPoint textInsertionPoint = insertionPoint.GetPoint(_cocoaTextView.TextSnapshot);

                // if the data was inserted in virtual space, offset the selection's anchor point by the whitespace that was inserted
                // in virtual space
                if (virtualSpaceLength != 0)
                    textInsertionPoint = textInsertionPoint.Add(virtualSpaceLength);

                this.SelectText(textInsertionPoint, dragDropText.Length, dragDropInfo, isReversed);

            // perform any post edit actions as necessary
            this.PerformPostEditActions(dragDropInfo, successfulEdit);

Example #46
 ITextViewLine ITextViewLineCollection.GetTextViewLineContainingBufferPosition(SnapshotPoint bufferPosition) =>
Example #47
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine if a given "word" should be highlighted
 /// </summary>
 private static bool WordExtentIsValid(SnapshotPoint currentRequest, TextExtent word)
     return(word.IsSignificant && currentRequest.Snapshot.GetText(word.Span).Any(c => char.IsLetter(c)));
Example #48
        // Brace matching
        public IEnumerable <ITagSpan <TextMarkerTag> > GetBraceTags(ITextBuffer buffer, SnapshotPoint point)
            var tokens = GetSemanticModel(buffer);
            var token  = tokens.GetToken(point.Position - 1);
            var tag    = new TextMarkerTag(Classifications.BraceHighlight);

            if (token?.MatchingToken != null && token.IsOpen == false)
                yield return(new TagSpan <TextMarkerTag>(new SnapshotSpan(point.Snapshot, token.Start, 1), tag));

                yield return(new TagSpan <TextMarkerTag>(new SnapshotSpan(point.Snapshot, token.MatchingToken.Start, 1), tag));
                token = tokens.GetToken(point.Position);

                if (token?.MatchingToken != null && token.IsOpen)
                    yield return(new TagSpan <TextMarkerTag>(new SnapshotSpan(point.Snapshot, token.Start, 1), tag));

                    yield return(new TagSpan <TextMarkerTag>(new SnapshotSpan(point.Snapshot, token.MatchingToken.Start, 1), tag));
 public ValueCompletionSet(DesignerNode node, SnapshotPoint point)
     : base(node, point)
Example #50
 void IVimHost.EnsureVisible(ITextView textView, SnapshotPoint value)
Example #51
 IWpfTextViewLine IWpfTextView.GetTextViewLineContainingBufferPosition(SnapshotPoint bufferPosition) => throw new NotImplementedException();
 public SnapshotSpan GetSpanToTokenize(SnapshotPoint point)
     return(this.stateManagement.GetSpanToTokenize(new SnapshotSpan(point.Snapshot, point.Position, 0)));
 private static bool IsInAString(SyntaxNode currentNode, SnapshotPoint caret)
 // If caret is at the end of the line, it is outside the string
 => currentNode.IsKind(SyntaxKind.InterpolatedStringExpression, SyntaxKind.StringLiteralExpression) &&
 caret.Position != caret.GetContainingLine().End;
Example #54
        public IEnumerable <ITagSpan <TextMarkerTag> > GetTags(NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection spans)
            // Todo: the classifier is now marking open and close keywords with (invisible) classification
            // on another location the classifier is building regions based on Open/Close keywords.
            // During this process of building regions we can also 'remember' the open/close pairs
            // so we do not have to look for these in this code.

            DateTime oStart, oEnd;
            TimeSpan timeSpan;

            oStart = DateTime.Now;

            if (spans.Count == 0 || _currentChar == null)   //there is no content in the buffer
                yield break;
            WriteOutputMessage($"GetTags() Spans: {spans.Count}");

            //don't do anything if the current SnapshotPoint is not initialized or at the end of the buffer
            if (!_currentChar.HasValue || _currentChar.Value.Position >= _currentChar.Value.Snapshot.Length)
                yield break;

            //hold on to a snapshot of the current character
            SnapshotPoint currentChar = _currentChar.Value;

            //if the requested snapshot isn't the same as the one the brace is on, translate our spans to the expected snapshot
            if (spans[0].Snapshot != currentChar.Snapshot)
                currentChar = currentChar.TranslateTo(spans[0].Snapshot, PointTrackingMode.Positive);

            //get the current char and the previous char
            SnapshotSpan pairSpan = new SnapshotSpan();

            // check to see if we are on a closing or opening keyword
            if (!cursorOnKwOpenClose(currentChar))
                yield break;

            // Try to Match Keywords
            // Try to retrieve an already parsed list of Tags
            XSharpClassifier xsClassifier = _buffer.GetClassifier();

            if (xsClassifier == null)
                yield break;
                ITagSpan <TextMarkerTag> result1 = null;
                ITagSpan <TextMarkerTag> result2 = null;
                ITagSpan <TextMarkerTag> result3 = null;
                ITagSpan <TextMarkerTag> result4 = null;
                    WriteOutputMessage("Match Open/Close keywords : " + oStart.ToString("hh:mm:ss.fff"));

                    ITextSnapshot snapshot = xsClassifier.Snapshot;
                    if (snapshot.Version != currentChar.Snapshot.Version)
                        yield break;
                    SnapshotSpan Span            = new SnapshotSpan(snapshot, 0, snapshot.Length);
                    var          classifications = xsClassifier.GetTags();
                    // We cannot use SortedList, because we may have several Classification that start at the same position
                    List <ClassificationSpan> sortedTags = new List <ClassificationSpan>();
                    foreach (var tag in classifications)
                        // Only keep the Brace matching Tags
                        if ((tag.ClassificationType.IsOfType(ColorizerConstants.XSharpKwOpenFormat)) ||
                    sortedTags.Sort((a, b) => a.Span.Start.Position.CompareTo(b.Span.Start.Position) * 1000 + string.Compare(a.ClassificationType.Classification, b.ClassificationType.Classification));
                    var tags = sortedTags.Where(x => currentChar.Position >= x.Span.Start.Position && currentChar.Position <= x.Span.End.Position);
                    foreach (var currentTag in tags)
                        var index = sortedTags.IndexOf(currentTag);
                        if (currentTag.ClassificationType.IsOfType(ColorizerConstants.XSharpKwOpenFormat) && result1 == null)
                            if (FindMatchingCloseTag(sortedTags, index, snapshot, out pairSpan))
                                var span = currentTag.Span;
                                result1 = new TagSpan <TextMarkerTag>(span, _tag);
                                result2 = new TagSpan <TextMarkerTag>(pairSpan, _tag);
                        else if (result3 == null)
                            if (FindMatchingOpenTag(sortedTags, index, snapshot, out pairSpan))
                                var span = currentTag.Span;
                                result3 = new TagSpan <TextMarkerTag>(pairSpan, _tag);
                                result4 = new TagSpan <TextMarkerTag>(span, _tag);
                catch (Exception e)
                    XSettings.LogException(e, "KeywordMatchingTagger.GetTags failed");
                    oEnd     = DateTime.Now;
                    timeSpan = oEnd - oStart;
                    WriteOutputMessage("Finished Match Open/Close keywords: " + oEnd.ToString("hh:mm:ss.fff"));
                    WriteOutputMessage("Finished Match Open/Close keywords - total ms: " + timeSpan.TotalMilliseconds.ToString());
                if (result1 != null)
                    yield return(result1);
                if (result2 != null)
                    yield return(result2);
                if (result3 != null)
                    yield return(result3);
                if (result4 != null)
                    yield return(result4);
Example #55
        private static CompletionContext GetCompletionContext(PaketDocument paketDocument, ITextStructureNavigator navigator, SnapshotPoint position)
            TextExtent endPosition   = navigator.GetExtentOfWord(position - 1);
            TextExtent startPosition = endPosition;

            // try to extend the span over .
            while (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(paketDocument.GetCharAt(startPosition.Span.Start.Position - 1)))
                startPosition = navigator.GetExtentOfWord(startPosition.Span.Start - 2);

            var startPos     = startPosition.Span.Start.Position;
            var length       = endPosition.Span.End.Position - startPos;
            var span         = new Span(startPos, length);
            var snapShotSpan = new SnapshotSpan(position.Snapshot, span);

            var context = new CompletionContext(span);

            TextExtent previous = navigator.GetExtentOfWord(startPosition.Span.Start - 1);

            // try to extend the span over blanks
            while (paketDocument.GetCharAt(previous.Span.Start.Position) == " ")
                previous = navigator.GetExtentOfWord(previous.Span.Start - 1);
            var lastWord = previous.Span.GetText();

            switch (lastWord)
            case "nuget": context.ContextType = CompletionContextType.NuGet; break;

            case "source": context.ContextType = CompletionContextType.Source; break;

            case "strategy": context.ContextType = CompletionContextType.Strategy; break;

            default: context.ContextType = CompletionContextType.Keyword; break;

            context.Snapshot = snapShotSpan.Snapshot;
Example #56
 public CaretPosition MoveCaret(SnapshotPoint newPoint)
     return(_vs.Invoke(() => _view.Caret.MoveTo(newPoint.TranslateTo(newPoint.Snapshot.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot, PointTrackingMode.Positive))));
Example #57
        public static IEnumerable <ICompletionListProvider> GetCompletionProviders(IIntellisenseSession session, ITextBuffer textBuffer, SnapshotPoint position, ITextStructureNavigator navigator, out CompletionContext context)
            IEnumerable <ICompletionListProvider> providers = GetCompletionProviders(PaketDocument.FromTextBuffer(textBuffer), navigator, position, out context);

            if (context == null)

            if (context.Snapshot == null)
                context.Snapshot = textBuffer.CurrentSnapshot;
            if (context.Session != null)

            context.Session = session;
Example #58
 void IVimHost.EnsureVisible(ITextView textView, SnapshotPoint point)
     EnsureVisible(textView, point);
Example #59
        private static async Task PasteReplCode(
            IInteractiveWindow window,
            string pasting,
            PythonLanguageVersion version
            // there's some text in the buffer...
            var view  = window.TextView;
            var caret = view.Caret;

            if (view.Selection.IsActive && !view.Selection.IsEmpty)
                foreach (var span in view.Selection.SelectedSpans)
                    foreach (var normalizedSpan in view.BufferGraph.MapDownToBuffer(span, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeInclusive, window.CurrentLanguageBuffer))

            var curBuffer = window.CurrentLanguageBuffer;

            if (curBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.Length > 0)
                // There is existing content in the buffer, so let's just insert and
                // return. We do submit any statements.

            var inputPoint = view.BufferGraph.MapDownToBuffer(

            // if we didn't find a location then see if we're in a prompt, and if so, then we want
            // to insert after the prompt.
            if (caret.Position.BufferPosition != window.TextView.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.Length)
                for (int i = caret.Position.BufferPosition + 1;
                     inputPoint == null && i <= window.TextView.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.Length;
                    inputPoint = view.BufferGraph.MapDownToBuffer(
                        new SnapshotPoint(window.TextView.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot, i),

            bool submitLast = pasting.EndsWithOrdinal("\n");

            if (inputPoint == null)
                // we didn't find a point to insert, insert at the beginning.
                inputPoint = new SnapshotPoint(curBuffer.CurrentSnapshot, 0);

            // we want to insert the pasted code at the caret, but we also want to
            // respect the stepping.  So first grab the code before and after the caret.
            var splitCode = JoinToCompleteStatements(SplitAndDedent(pasting), version).ToList();

            curBuffer.Delete(new Span(0, curBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.Length));

            bool supportMultiple = await window.GetSupportsMultipleStatements();

            if (supportMultiple)
                window.InsertCode(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, splitCode));
            else if (splitCode.Count == 1)
                curBuffer.Insert(0, splitCode[0]);
                var viewPoint = view.BufferGraph.MapUpToBuffer(
                    new SnapshotPoint(curBuffer.CurrentSnapshot, Math.Min(inputPoint.Value.Position + pasting.Length, curBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.Length)),

                if (viewPoint != null)
            else if (splitCode.Count != 0)
                var lastCode = splitCode[splitCode.Count - 1];
                splitCode.RemoveAt(splitCode.Count - 1);

                while (splitCode.Any())
                    var code = splitCode[0];
                    await window.SubmitAsync(new[] { code });

                    supportMultiple = await window.GetSupportsMultipleStatements();

                    if (supportMultiple)
                        // Might have changed while we were executing

                if (supportMultiple)
                    // Insert all remaning lines of code
                    lastCode = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, splitCode);


            if (submitLast)
                if (window.Evaluator.CanExecuteCode(window.CurrentLanguageBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.GetText()))
Example #60
 private static IEnumerable <ICompletionListProvider> GetCompletionProviders(PaketDocument paketDocument, ITextStructureNavigator navigator, SnapshotPoint position, out CompletionContext context)
     context = GetCompletionContext(paketDocument, navigator, position);