private void CopySnakeBody() { snakeBodyTemp.Clear(); foreach (var item in snakeBody) { SnakeCell snakeCells = new SnakeCell(); snakeCells.Coord = item.Coord; snakeCells.SpriteName = item.SpriteName; snakeBodyTemp.Add(snakeCells); } }
public void AddSnakeBody(Vector2 coord, string spriteName = "圆形") { //if (CreateFoodEvent != null) //{ // CreateFoodEvent(gameController); //} SnakeCell snakeCell = new SnakeCell(); snakeCell.Coord = coord; snakeCell.SpriteName = spriteName; snakeBody.Add(snakeCell); }
private void ResetCells() { lCells.Clear(); lSnakeCells.Clear(); int r = Screen.height / Cell.isize - 2; int c = Screen.width / Cell.isize - 2; for (int i = 0; i < r; i++) { lCells.Add(new List <Cell>()); for (int j = 0; j < c; j++) { if (i == 0 || j == 0 || i == r - 1 || j == c - 1) { WallCell wc = new WallCell(); wc.ix = j; wc.iy = i; lCells[i].Add(wc); } else { EmptyCell wc = new EmptyCell(); wc.ix = j; wc.iy = i; lCells[i].Add(wc); } } } for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { int ix = 5 + i; int iy = 5; SnakeCell sc = new SnakeCell(); sc.ix = ix; sc.iy = iy; lSnakeCells.Insert(0, sc); lCells[iy][ix] = sc; } RandomOneFood(); bGameOver = false; iDirectX = 1; iDirectY = 0; moveSep = 1; }
void Start() { cells = new List <SnakeCell>(); for (int x = -15; x <= 15; x++) { for (int y = -10; y <= 10; y++) { cell = new SnakeCell(x, y); cells.Add(cell); } } Debug.Log(cells.Count); isReady = true; }
private void move() { GridCell prevHeadPos = snakeCells.First.Value.pos; GridCell nextHeadPos = calculateNextGridCell(prevHeadPos, nextDirection); prevDirection = nextDirection; SnakeCell last = snakeCells.Last.Value; snakeCells.RemoveLast(); snakeCells.AddFirst(last); last.pos = nextHeadPos; playerController.gridController.placeInCell(last.gameObject, nextHeadPos); if (playerController.playerMovementEvent != null) { playerController.playerMovementEvent(nextHeadPos); } }
void getsnake() { snake = new List <SnakeCell> (); snakehead = new SnakeCell(); snakehead.targetx = snakestartposx; snakehead.targetz = snakestartposz; snakeheadolddir = snakehead.dir = snakestartdir; snakehead.getposfromdir(); if (snakehead.prevx >= 0 && snakehead.prevz >= 0 && snakehead.prevx < width && snakehead.prevz < height) { board [snakehead.prevx, snakehead.prevz] |= (1 << 7); } snakehead.gobj = Instantiate(Resources.Load("SnakeHead") as GameObject); snakehead.tran = snakehead.gobj.transform; snakehead.tran.position = new Vector3(snakehead.posx + leftbound, snakey, snakehead.posz + downbound); snakehead.tran.rotation = dir_rotation [snakehead.dir]; snake.Add(snakehead); int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { snakebody = new SnakeCell(); snaketail = snake [snake.Count - 1]; snakebody.targetx = snaketail.prevx; snakebody.targetz = snaketail.prevz; snakebody.dir = snaketail.dir; snakebody.getposfromdir(); if (snakebody.prevx >= 0 && snakebody.prevz >= 0 && snakebody.prevx < width && snakebody.prevz < height) { board [snakebody.prevx, snakebody.prevz] |= (1 << 7); } snakebody.gobj = Instantiate(Resources.Load("SnakeBody") as GameObject); snakebody.tran = snakebody.gobj.transform; = "snakebody_" + snake.Count.ToString(); snakebody.tran.position = new Vector3(snakebody.posx + leftbound, snakey, snakebody.posz + downbound); snakebody.tran.rotation = dir_rotation [snakebody.dir]; snake.Add(snakebody); } }
public void InitData() { snakeBody.Clear(); SnakeCell snakeCell = new SnakeCell(); snakeCell.Coord = new Vector2(3, 7); snakeCell.SpriteName = "正方形"; snakeBody.Add(snakeCell); SnakeCell snakeCell2 = new SnakeCell(); snakeCell2.Coord = new Vector2(3, 6); snakeCell2.SpriteName = "圆形"; snakeBody.Add(snakeCell2); SnakeCell snakeCell3 = new SnakeCell(); snakeCell3.Coord = new Vector2(3, 5); snakeCell3.SpriteName = "圆形"; snakeBody.Add(snakeCell3); chessBoard.SetSpriteImage(snakeBody); }
void movesnake() { int i, k; snakehead = snake [0]; float cur_movelength = Time.deltaTime * movelength; float reach_rate = snakehead.move(cur_movelength); if (reach_rate > 0.5) { if (reach_rate > 0.8) { if (eraseblue) { for (i = 0; i < bluecnt; i++) { Destroy(boardgobj [bluelist [prevblueindex] [i].x, bluelist [prevblueindex] [i].z]); boardgobj [bluelist [prevblueindex] [i].x, bluelist [prevblueindex] [i].z] = null; if ((board [bluelist [prevblueindex] [i].x, bluelist [prevblueindex] [i].z] & (1 << 5)) != 0) { board [bluelist [prevblueindex] [i].x, bluelist [prevblueindex] [i].z] -= (1 << 5); } if ((board [bluelist [prevblueindex] [i].x, bluelist [prevblueindex] [i].z] & (1 << 10)) != 0) { board [bluelist [prevblueindex] [i].x, bluelist [prevblueindex] [i].z] -= (1 << 10); } if (bluecnt > 1) { int index = (bluelist [prevblueindex] [i].x * height + bluelist [prevblueindex] [i].z) * 4; for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) { uvs [index + k] = srcpos [board [bluelist [prevblueindex] [i].x, bluelist [prevblueindex] [i].z] & 7, k]; } } belongbluelist [bluelist [prevblueindex] [i].x, bluelist [prevblueindex] [i].z] = -1; } if (bluecnt > 1) { mh.uv = uvs; } bluelist[prevblueindex].Clear(); eatenblue [prevblueindex] = true; prevblueindex = -1; if (snake.Count < 20) { newsnaketail = new SnakeCell(); oldsnaketail = snake [snake.Count - 1]; newsnaketail.targetx = newsnaketail.prevx = oldsnaketail.prevx; newsnaketail.targetz = newsnaketail.prevz = oldsnaketail.prevz; newsnaketail.dir = oldsnaketail.dir; newsnaketail.posx = oldsnaketail.posx; newsnaketail.posz = oldsnaketail.posz; newsnaketail.gobj = Instantiate(Resources.Load("SnakeBody") as GameObject); newsnaketail.tran = newsnaketail.gobj.transform; = "snakebody_" + snake.Count.ToString(); newsnaketail.tran.position = new Vector3(newsnaketail.posx + leftbound, snakey, newsnaketail.posz + downbound); newsnaketail.tran.rotation = dir_rotation [newsnaketail.dir]; snake.Add(newsnaketail); } createblue(); eraseblue = false; if (bluecnt > 1) { UIClick.score += bluecnt * factor * 10; if (factor < 99) { factor++; } } else { UIClick.score += 500; } updateui(); eatennum++; updatebar(); if (eatennum == needtoeat) { win = true; } bluecnt = 0; } if (eraseother) { Destroy(boardgobj [snakehead.targetx, snakehead.targetz]); boardgobj [snakehead.targetx, snakehead.targetz] = null; eraseother = false; } } if (!judged) { if (snakehead.targetx >= 0 && snakehead.targetz >= 0 && snakehead.targetx < width && snakehead.targetz < height) { if ((board [snakehead.targetx, snakehead.targetz] & (1 << 7)) != 0) { // bite itself Sunlight.light_strength = 3f; gameover = true; return; } if ((board [snakehead.targetx, snakehead.targetz] & (1 << 4)) != 0) { // hit big obstacle Sunlight.light_strength = 1.3f; int cutlen = snake.Count >> 1; for (i = 0; i < cutlen; i++) { snaketail = snake [snake.Count - 1]; if ((board [snaketail.prevx, snaketail.prevz] & (1 << 7)) != 0) { board [snaketail.prevx, snaketail.prevz] -= (1 << 7); } Destroy(snaketail.gobj); snake.Remove(snaketail); if (snake.Count < 3) { Sunlight.light_strength = 3f; gameover = true; return; } } snakehead.dir = (snakehead.dir + 3) & 3; snakehead.gettarget(); if ((board [snakehead.targetx, snakehead.targetz] & ((1 << 7) | (1 << 4))) == 0) { snakehead.posx = snakehead.prevx * 0.5f + snakehead.targetx * 0.5f; snakehead.posz = snakehead.prevz * 0.5f + snakehead.targetz * 0.5f; snakenextdir = 0; lockleft = lockright = false; } else { snakehead.dir = (snakehead.dir + 2) & 3; snakehead.gettarget(); if ((board [snakehead.targetx, snakehead.targetz] & ((1 << 7) | (1 << 4))) == 0) { snakehead.posx = snakehead.prevx * 0.5f + snakehead.targetx * 0.5f; snakehead.posz = snakehead.prevz * 0.5f + snakehead.targetz * 0.5f; snakenextdir = 0; lockleft = lockright = false; } else { snakehead.dir = (snakehead.dir + 1) & 3; snakehead.gettarget(); if ((board [snakehead.targetx, snakehead.targetz] & ((1 << 7) | (1 << 4))) == 0) { snakehead.posx = snakehead.prevx * 0.5f + snakehead.targetx * 0.5f; snakehead.posz = snakehead.prevz * 0.5f + snakehead.targetz * 0.5f; snakenextdir = 0; lockleft = lockright = false; } else { snakehead.dir = (snakehead.dir + 2) & 3; snakehead.gettarget(); Sunlight.light_strength = 3f; gameover = true; return; } } } } if ((board [snakehead.targetx, snakehead.targetz] & (1 << 3)) != 0) { // hit small obstacle Sunlight.light_strength = 0.9f; int cutlen = 2; for (i = 0; i < cutlen; i++) { snaketail = snake [snake.Count - 1]; if ((board [snaketail.prevx, snaketail.prevz] & (1 << 7)) != 0) { board [snaketail.prevx, snaketail.prevz] -= (1 << 7); } Destroy(snaketail.gobj); snake.Remove(snaketail); if (snake.Count < 3) { Sunlight.light_strength = 3f; gameover = true; return; } } boardgobj[snakehead.targetx, snakehead.targetz].transform.position = new Vector3(snakehead.targetx + leftbound + 0.08f, -10f, snakehead.targetz + downbound - 0.08f); board [snakehead.targetx, snakehead.targetz] -= (1 << 3); } if ((board [snakehead.targetx, snakehead.targetz] & (1 << 5)) != 0 && (board [snakehead.targetx, snakehead.targetz] & (1 << 10)) == 0) { if (belongbluelist [snakehead.targetx, snakehead.targetz] != prevblueindex) { bluecnt = 0; if (prevblueindex != -1) { resetblue(prevblueindex); } prevblueindex = belongbluelist [snakehead.targetx, snakehead.targetz]; } bluecnt++; boardgobj [snakehead.targetx, snakehead.targetz].transform.position = new Vector3(boardgobj [snakehead.targetx, snakehead.targetz].transform.position.x, -10, boardgobj [snakehead.targetx, snakehead.targetz].transform.position.z); board [snakehead.targetx, snakehead.targetz] |= (1 << 10); if (bluecnt == bluelist [prevblueindex].Count) { eraseblue = true; } if (bluelist [prevblueindex].Count > 1) { UIClick.score += factor * 10; } } else { if ((board [snakehead.targetx, snakehead.targetz] & (1 << 11)) != 0) { UIClick.score += 2000; eraseother = true; } else if ((board [snakehead.targetx, snakehead.targetz] & (1 << 12)) != 0) {; UIClick.score += 100; stageandlifetext.text = "Stage: " + UIClick.level.ToString() + "\nLife: " +; eraseother = true; } bluecnt = 0; if (prevblueindex != -1) { resetblue(prevblueindex); } prevblueindex = -1; } updateui(); } judged = true; } // Enter the next block, judge whether the head hits something if (reach_rate >= 0.99f) { UIClick.score++; stepcnt++; int curclockid = stepcnt * 8 / maxstep; if (curclockid > 7) { curclockid = 7; } if (curclockid == 7) { Sunlight.light_strength = 0.7f; } int prevclockid = (stepcnt - 1) * 8 / maxstep; if (curclockid > prevclockid) { clockimg.sprite = sprt [curclockid]; } if (stepcnt >= maxstep) { Sunlight.light_strength = 3f; gameover = true; return; } if (snakehead.prevx >= 0 && snakehead.prevz >= 0 && snakehead.prevx < width && snakehead.prevz < height) { if ((board [snakehead.prevx, snakehead.prevz] & (1 << 7)) != 0) { board [snakehead.prevx, snakehead.prevz] -= (1 << 7); } } snakehead.posx = snakehead.prevx = snakehead.targetx; snakehead.posz = snakehead.prevz = snakehead.targetz; if (snakehead.prevx >= 0 && snakehead.prevz >= 0 && snakehead.prevx < width && snakehead.prevz < height) { board [snakehead.prevx, snakehead.prevz] |= (1 << 7); } snakehead.tran.position = new Vector3(snakehead.posx + leftbound, snakey, snakehead.posz + downbound); for (i = 1; i < snake.Count; i++) { snakebodyprev = snake [i - 1]; snakebody = snake [i]; if (snakebody.prevx >= 0 && snakebody.prevz >= 0 && snakebody.prevx < width && snakebody.prevz < height) { if ((board [snakebody.prevx, snakebody.prevz] & (1 << 7)) != 0) { board [snakebody.prevx, snakebody.prevz] -= (1 << 7); } } snakebody.posx = snakebody.prevx = snakebody.targetx; snakebody.posz = snakebody.prevz = snakebody.targetz; if (snakebody.prevx >= 0 && snakebody.prevz >= 0 && snakebody.prevx < width && snakebody.prevz < height) { board [snakebody.prevx, snakebody.prevz] |= (1 << 7); } snakebody.targetx = snakebodyprev.prevx; snakebody.targetz = snakebodyprev.prevz; if (snakebody.targetx == snakebody.prevx + 1) { snakebody.dir = 0; } else if (snakebody.targetz == snakebody.prevz + 1) { snakebody.dir = 1; } else if (snakebody.targetx == snakebody.prevx - 1) { snakebody.dir = 2; } else { snakebody.dir = 3; } snakebody.tran.position = new Vector3(snakebody.posx + leftbound, snakey, snakebody.posz + downbound); snakebody.tran.rotation = dir_rotation [snakebody.dir]; } snakeheadolddir = snakehead.dir; if (snakenextdir != 0) { snakehead.dir += snakenextdir; if (snakehead.dir == 4) { snakehead.dir = 0; } else if (snakehead.dir == -1) { snakehead.dir = 3; } snakenextdir = 0; } if (snakehead.dir == 0) { snakehead.targetx++; } else if (snakehead.dir == 1) { snakehead.targetz++; } else if (snakehead.dir == 2) { snakehead.targetx--; } else { snakehead.targetz--; } judged = false; updateui(); return; } } snakehead.tran.position = new Vector3(snakehead.posx + leftbound, snakey, snakehead.posz + downbound); for (i = 1; i < snake.Count; i++) { snakebody = snake [i]; snakebody.move(cur_movelength); snakebody.tran.position = new Vector3(snakebody.posx + leftbound, snakey, snakebody.posz + downbound); } if (snakehead.dir != snakeheadolddir) { if (snakehead.dir == snakeheadolddir + 1 || snakehead.dir == snakeheadolddir - 3) { snakehead.tran.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, -90 * snakeheadolddir + 180 - 90 * Mathf.Min(1, reach_rate * 1.0f), 90f); } else { snakehead.tran.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, -90 * snakeheadolddir + 180 + 90 * Mathf.Min(1, reach_rate * 1.0f), 90f); } } else { snakehead.tran.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, -90 * snakeheadolddir + 180, 90f); } }
public SnakeCell(int x, int y, SnakeCell nextCell) : this(nextCell) { X = x; Y = y; }
public SnakeCell(SnakeCell nextCell) { _nextCell = nextCell; }
public SnakeCell() { _nextCell = null; }
void Update() { if (bGameOver) { return; } if (!bStarting) { return; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow) && iDirectY == 0 && !bDirectionLock) { Debug.Log("up"); iDirectX = 0; iDirectY = -1; bDirectionLock = true; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.DownArrow) && iDirectY == 0 && !bDirectionLock) { Debug.Log("down"); iDirectX = 0; iDirectY = 1; bDirectionLock = true; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftArrow) && iDirectX == 0 && !bDirectionLock) { Debug.Log("left"); iDirectX = -1; iDirectY = 0; bDirectionLock = true; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.RightArrow) && iDirectX == 0 && !bDirectionLock) { Debug.Log("right"); iDirectX = 1; iDirectY = 0; bDirectionLock = true; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { if (bGameOver) { bGameOver = false; ResetCells(); } else if (!bStarting) { bStarting = true; ResetCells(); } else { bPause = !bPause; } } if (bPause) { return; } deltaSec += Time.deltaTime; if (deltaSec < moveSep) { return; } deltaSec -= moveSep; Vector2 lastPos =; foreach (SnakeCell sc in lSnakeCells) { if (lastPos.x == 0 || lastPos.y == 0) { lastPos.y = sc.iy + iDirectY; lastPos.x = sc.ix + iDirectX; } if (lCells[(int)lastPos.y][(int)lastPos.x].IsBlock) { bGameOver = true; break; } if (lCells[(int)lastPos.y][(int)lastPos.x] is FoodCell) { SnakeCell c = new SnakeCell(); c.ix = (int)lastPos.x; c.iy = (int)lastPos.y; lSnakeCells.Insert(0, c); lCells[(int)lastPos.y][(int)lastPos.x] = c; RandomOneFood(); moveSep -= moveSep * 0.07f; break; } Vector2 pos; pos.x = sc.ix; pos.y = sc.iy; lCells[sc.iy][sc.ix] = new EmptyCell(); sc.ix = (int)lastPos.x; sc.iy = (int)lastPos.y; lCells[sc.iy][sc.ix] = sc; lastPos = pos; } bDirectionLock = false; }