Example #1
        void ProcessRequest(ISmtpMessage smtpMessage, Smtp.Fields headers,
                            Header[] msgHeaders, String contentType, String seqNum,
                            MemoryStream stm, ref bool fIsOneWay)
            IMessage outMsg = null;

            fIsOneWay = false;

            // Deserialize - Stream to IMessage
            IMessage inMsg = CoreChannel.DeserializeMessage(contentType, stm, true, null, msgHeaders);

            InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("Deserialized message");

            if (inMsg == null)
                throw new Exception(CoreChannel.GetResourceString("Remoting_DeserializeMessage"));

            // Set URI - BUGBUG: temp hack
            String url       = ((IMethodMessage)inMsg).Uri;
            String objectURL = null;

                Parse(url, out objectURL);
            catch (Exception)
                objectURL = url;
            inMsg.Properties["__Uri"] = objectURL;

            // Dispatch Call
            InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("ChannelServices.SyncDispatchMessage - before");
            outMsg = ChannelServices.SyncDispatchMessage(inMsg);
            InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("ChannelServices.SyncDispatchMessage - after");

            // We do not send a reply for one way messages. If the message
            // is not one way and we have a null return message then we
            // throw an exception
            if (null == outMsg)
                MethodBase method = ((IMethodMessage)inMsg).MethodBase;
                fIsOneWay = RemotingServices.IsOneWay(method);
                if (!fIsOneWay)
                    throw new Exception(CoreChannel.GetResourceString("Remoting_DispatchMessage"));
                ReplyMessage(outMsg, smtpMessage, seqNum, headers);
                InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("Reply sent");
Example #2
 private void ProcessException(ISmtpMessage smtpMessage, Smtp.Fields headers,
                               String contentType, String seqNum)
     catch (Exception)
         // Fatal error .. ignore
Example #3
        // Generates a reply to an incoming Smtp message and sends it
        void ReplyMessage(IMessage replyMsg, ISmtpMessage smtpInMsg,
                          String seqNum, Smtp.Fields headers)
            MemoryStream stm = (MemoryStream)CoreChannel.SerializeMessage(m_mimeType, replyMsg);

            // reset stream to beginning
            stm.Position = 0;
            byte[] byteMessage       = stm.ToArray();
            int    byteMessageLength = byteMessage.Length;
            String reply             = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(byteMessage, 0, byteMessage.Length);

            // Create a reply message
            MailMessage smtpOutMsg = new MailMessage();

            // Fill in the headers
            PutHeaders(smtpOutMsg, smtpInMsg, (IMethodMessage)replyMsg, seqNum, reply.Length);

            // Set the body
            smtpOutMsg.Body = reply;

            // Send the message
Example #4
        String GetHeaders(ISmtpMessage smtpMessage, ref Smtp.Fields headers, ref String contentType, ref Header[] msgHeaders)
            // Get the headers from the message object
            headers = smtpMessage.Fields;
#if _DEBUG
            long count = headers.Count;
            InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace(" Count of fields " + count);
            for (long i = 0; i < count; i++)
                //InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace(" Field " + i + " " + headers[i].Name + " " + headers[i].Value);

            // Get the content type string
            Field typeField = headers["urn:schemas:mailheader:contenttype"];
            if (null == typeField)
                throw new FormatException(CoreChannel.GetResourceString("Remoting_MissingContentType"));
            contentType = (String)(typeField.Value);
            InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("Content type " + typeField.Name + " " + contentType);

            // Extract the requested uri from the mail header
            Field uriField = headers["urn:schemas:mailheader:requesteduri"];
            if (null == uriField)
                throw new FormatException(CoreChannel.GetResourceString("Remoting_MissingRequestedURIHeader"));
            String uriValue = (String)uriField.Value;
            if (null == uriValue)
                throw new FormatException(CoreChannel.GetResourceString("Remoting_MissingRequestedURIHeader"));

            // process SoapAction (extract the type and the name of the method to be invoked)
            Field actionField = headers["urn:schemas:mailheader:soapaction"];
            if (null == actionField)
                throw new FormatException(CoreChannel.GetResourceString("Remoting_SoapActionMissing"));
            String actionValue = (String)actionField.Value;
            if (null == actionValue)
                throw new FormatException(CoreChannel.GetResourceString("Remoting_SoapActionMissing"));

            String typeName, methodName;
            if (!SoapServices.GetTypeAndMethodNameFromSoapAction(actionValue, out typeName, out methodName))
                // This means there are multiple methods for this soap action, so we will have to
                // settle for the type based off of the uri.
                Type type = RemotingServices.GetServerTypeForUri(uriValue);
                typeName = type.FullName + ", " + type.Module.Assembly.GetName().Name;

            // BUGBUG: need code to verify soap action after the message has been deserialized.
            //   this will probably be done once we have the new activation scenario working.

            msgHeaders    = new Header[3];
            msgHeaders[0] = new Header("__Uri", uriValue);
            msgHeaders[1] = new Header("__TypeName", typeName);
            msgHeaders[2] = new Header("__MethodName", methodName);

            // Extract the message sequence number field from the
            // mail header
            Field seqField = headers["urn:schemas:mailheader:soapmsgseqnum"];
            if (null == seqField)
                throw new FormatException(CoreChannel.GetResourceString("Remoting_MissingSoapMsgSeqNum"));
            String seqValue = (String)(seqField.Value);
            InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("Guid value " + seqValue);

Example #5

        // ISmtpOnArrival
        // Receives incoming messages which can either be a request to dispatch
        // a call or a response to a call
        /// <include file='doc\SmtpChannel.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="SmtpChannel.OnArrival"]/*' />
        public virtual void OnArrival(ISmtpMessage smtpMessage, ref CdoEventStatus EventStatus)
            bool fIsOneWay = false;

                InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("Reached OnArrival");

                ISmtpOnArrival receiver = null;
                // Get the global receiver. If this instance is the global
                // receiver then proceed else delegate to it.
                if (IsReceiver(smtpMessage, ref receiver))
                    // Check whether this message is a SOAP request message or a
                    // SOAP response message
                    String subject  = smtpMessage.Subject;
                    bool   fRequest = false;
                    // Proceed only if this is a SOAP request or response
                    if (s_defaultSenderSubject.Equals(subject))
                        fRequest = true;
                    else if (!s_defaultReceiverSubject.Equals(subject))
                        throw new Exception("Invalid subject type " + subject);

                    // Extract the releavant mail headers
                    String      contentType = null;
                    Smtp.Fields headers     = null;
                    Header[]    msgHeaders  = null;
                    String      seqNum      = GetHeaders(smtpMessage, ref headers, ref contentType, ref msgHeaders);

                    // Create a stream out of the body of the mail
                    MemoryStream stm = new MemoryStream(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(smtpMessage.TextBody));
                    InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("Created memory stream");

                    // Check whether this is a request or a response message
                    if (fRequest)
                        // Dispatch this method and determine whether this
                        // method is one way.
                        ProcessRequest(smtpMessage, headers, msgHeaders, contentType, seqNum, stm, ref fIsOneWay);
                        ProcessResponse(smtpMessage, contentType, seqNum, stm);
                    if (null != receiver)
                        // A message was addressed to us .. delegate to the
                        // global receiver
                        receiver.OnArrival(smtpMessage, ref EventStatus);

            catch (Exception e)
                InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("Reached an exception " + e.StackTrace);
                InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("Exception message " + e.Message);
                if (!fIsOneWay)
                    //ProcessException(smtpMessage, contentType, headers, seqNum);
                EventStatus = CdoEventStatus.cdoRunNextSink;