public async Task <Result> ForgotPassword(string identityNumber) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(identityNumber)) { return(new ErrorResult("identity Number is Wrong!")); } var user = await _personRepository.GetAsync(x => x.UserName == identityNumber); if (user == null) { return(new ErrorResult("identity Number is not found!")); } var password = RandomHelper.Mixed(6); var result = await _smsHelper.SendAsync(new List <string> { user.Gsm }, "Your new password is " + password); if (!result.Success) { return(result); } HashingHelper.CreatePasswordHash(password, out var passwordHash, out var passwordSalt); user.PasswordHash = passwordHash; user.PasswordSalt = passwordSalt; result = await _personRepository.UpdateAsync(user); return(!result.Success ? result : new SuccessResult("Your password is sent to your gsm!")); }
public async Task <Result> SOSAsync(int personId, SOSDto sos) { var patient = await _repository.TableNoTracking.Include(x => x.Person).FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.PersonId == personId); var relatives = await _patientRelativeRepo.TableNoTracking.Where(x => x.PatientId == patient.Id) .ToListAsync(); var url = $"{sos.Latitude},{sos.Longitude}"; var phones = relatives.Select(x => x.Gsm).ToList(); return(await _smsHelper.SendAsync(phones, $"My Name is {patient.Person.FirstName} {patient.Person.LastName}, Help Me!! My Location : " + url)); }
public async Task <DataResult <GetAdminDto> > InsertAsync(InsertAdminDto insertAdminDto) { var randomPass = RandomHelper.Mixed(6); HashingHelper.CreatePasswordHash(randomPass, out var passwordHash, out var passwordSalt); var admin = new Admin { Email = insertAdminDto.Email, IsActive = true, Person = new Person { FirstName = insertAdminDto.FirstName, LastName = insertAdminDto.LastName, UserName = insertAdminDto.Email, Gsm = insertAdminDto.Gsm, PersonType = PersonType.Admin, CreatedUserName = "", CreatedAt = DateTime.Now, PasswordHash = passwordHash, PasswordSalt = passwordSalt, RefreshToken = RandomHelper.Mixed(32) } }; await _repository.InsertAsync(admin); await _smsHelper.SendAsync(new List <string> { admin.Person.Gsm }, "Welcome to the PatientTracker System. \n You are registered to as Admin by " + _userService.FullName + " \n Your password is " + randomPass + "\n Wis"); var result = await _repository.TableNoTracking.Where(x => x.Id == admin.Id) .Include(x => x.Person) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(); var res = new SuccessDataResult <GetAdminDto>(new GetAdminDto { PersonId = result.PersonId, UserName = result.Person.UserName, FirstName = result.Person.FirstName, LastName = result.Person.LastName, Gsm = result.Person.Gsm, IsActive = admin.IsActive }); return(res); }
public async Task <DataResult <GetDoctorDto> > InsertAsync(InsertDoctorDto insertDoctorDto) { var randomPass = RandomHelper.Mixed(6); HashingHelper.CreatePasswordHash(randomPass, out var passwordHash, out var passwordSalt); var doctor = new Doctor { Email = insertDoctorDto.Email, IsActive = true, DepartmentId = insertDoctorDto.DepartmentId, DegreeId = insertDoctorDto.DegreeId, Person = new Person { FirstName = insertDoctorDto.FirstName, LastName = insertDoctorDto.LastName, Gsm = insertDoctorDto.Gsm, CreatedAt = DateTime.Now, CreatedUserName = _userService.FullName, PersonType = PersonType.Doctor, UserName = insertDoctorDto.Email, PasswordHash = passwordHash, PasswordSalt = passwordSalt, RefreshToken = RandomHelper.Mixed(32), RefreshTokenExpiredDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1) } }; await _doctorRepo.InsertAsync(doctor); var hospital = await _doctorRepo.TableNoTracking .Include(x => x.Department) .Where(x => x.PersonId == doctor.PersonId) .Select(x => x.Department.Hospital.Description) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(); await _smsHelper.SendAsync(new List <string> { doctor.Person.Gsm }, "Welcome to the " + hospital + " \n You are registered to patracker as Doctor by " + _userService.FullName + " \n Your password is " + randomPass); var result = await _doctorRepo.TableNoTracking.Where(x => x.PersonId == doctor.PersonId) .Include(x => x.Person) .Include(x => x.Department) .Include(x => x.Degree) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(); var res = new SuccessDataResult <GetDoctorDto>(new GetDoctorDto { Id = result.Id, Email = result.Email, FirstName = result.Person.FirstName, LastName = result.Person.LastName, Gsm = result.Person.Gsm, DepartmentName = result.Department.Description, DegreeName = result.Degree.Description }); return(res); }