public UserSettings setSmoking(Smoking smoking) { switch (smoking) { case Smoking.NEGATIVE: { #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_IPHONE && !UNITY_EDITOR getInstance().setSmoking(1); #endif return(this); } case Smoking.NEUTRAL: { #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_IPHONE && !UNITY_EDITOR getInstance().setSmoking(2); #endif return(this); } case Smoking.POSITIVE: { #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_IPHONE && !UNITY_EDITOR getInstance().setSmoking(3); #endif return(this); } } return(null); }
public void init() { this.source = ""; this.destination = ""; this._date = ""; this.fromTime = ""; this.toTime = ""; this.smoking = Smoking.dontCare; classInit(); }
public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { var hashCode = Drinking.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Smoking.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ CleaningSchedule.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Animals.GetHashCode(); return(hashCode); } }
public void Calculate() { UserInput input = new UserInput(); var GetPerson = new Person(); var drinks = new Drinking(); var smoking = new Smoking(); input.userInput(); int ageToLive = GetPerson.PersonsAge - (drinks.NumberOfyears / 2); ageToLive = GetPerson.PersonsAge - (smoking.NumberOfyears / 2); Console.WriteLine("Age to live is: " + ageToLive); }
public void userInput() { var GetPerson = new Person(); var drinks = new Drinking(); var smoking = new Smoking(); GetPerson.GetClientInfo(); drinks.CalculateLifeExpectancy(); smoking.CalculateLifeExpectancy(); GetPerson.PersonGender.ToString(); var dringkNumberOfyers = drinks.NumberOfyears; var smokesnumberOfYers = smoking.NumberOfyears; }
///<inheritdoc/> public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 17; // Overflow is fine, just wrap unchecked { hash = (hash * 29) + PercentComplete.GetHashCode(); hash = (hash * 29) + Damage.GetHashCode(); hash = (hash * 29) + Predistributed.GetHashCode(); hash = (hash * 29) + State.GetHashCode(); hash = (hash * 29) + Smoking.GetHashCode(); hash = (hash * 29) + Flaming.GetHashCode(); } return(hash); }
public UserSettings setSmoking(Smoking smoking) { switch(smoking) { case Smoking.NEGATIVE: { #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_IPHONE && !UNITY_EDITOR getInstance().setSmoking(1); #endif return this; } case Smoking.NEUTRAL: { #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_IPHONE && !UNITY_EDITOR getInstance().setSmoking(2); #endif return this; } case Smoking.POSITIVE: { #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_IPHONE && !UNITY_EDITOR getInstance().setSmoking(3); #endif return this; } } return null; }
/// <summary> /// PublishRide - Use 'PublishRideParams' to pass parameters into this method. /// </summary> public void PublishRide(Smoking smoking) { #region Variable Declarations HtmlEdit uIPublishInputEdit = this.UIRideShareWindowsInteWindow.UIRideShareDocument.UIPublishInputEdit; HtmlEdit uIPublishInputEdit11 = this.UIRideShareWindowsInteWindow.UIRideShareDocument.UIPublishInputEdit11; HtmlSpan uIDestinationPane = this.UIRideShareWindowsInteWindow.UIRideShareDocument.UIPublishContentLeftPane.UIDestinationPane; HtmlEdit uIDateEdit2 = this.UIRideShareWindowsInteWindow.UIRideShareDocument.UIDateEdit2; HtmlDiv uIPublishContentRightPane = this.UIRideShareWindowsInteWindow.UIRideShareDocument.UIPublishContentRightPane; HtmlEdit uIPublishFromTimeInputEdit = this.UIRideShareWindowsInteWindow.UIRideShareDocument.UIPublishFromTimeInputEdit; HtmlEdit uIPublishToTimeInputEdit = this.UIRideShareWindowsInteWindow.UIRideShareDocument.UIPublishToTimeInputEdit; HtmlRadioButton uINORadioButton2 = this.UIRideShareWindowsInteWindow.UIRideShareDocument.UINORadioButton2; HtmlRadioButton uIYesRadioButton2 = this.UIRideShareWindowsInteWindow.UIRideShareDocument.UIYesRadioButton2; HtmlRadioButton uIDontcareRadioButton2 = this.UIRideShareWindowsInteWindow.UIRideShareDocument.UIDontcareRadioButton2; HtmlEdit uIPostInputEdit2 = this.UIRideShareWindowsInteWindow.UIRideShareDocument.UIPostInputEdit2; HtmlEdit uIPublishInputEdit2 = this.UIRideShareWindowsInteWindow.UIRideShareDocument.UIPublishInputEdit2; HtmlInputButton uIPublishButton = this.UIRideShareWindowsInteWindow.UIRideShareDocument.UIPublishButton; #endregion // Type 'Beersheba, Israel' in 'publishInput' text box uIPublishInputEdit.Text = this.PublishRideParams.UIPublishInputEditText; Thread.Sleep(2000); Keyboard.SendKeys("{Down}"); Keyboard.SendKeys("{Enter}"); // Type 'Haifa, Israel' in 'publishInput' text box uIPublishInputEdit11.Text = this.PublishRideParams.UIPublishInputEdit11Text; Thread.Sleep(2000); Keyboard.SendKeys("{Down}"); Keyboard.SendKeys("{Enter}"); // Type '2015-07-29' in 'Date' text box uIDateEdit2.Text = this.PublishRideParams.UIDateEdit2Text; // Click 'publishContentRight' pane Mouse.Click(uIPublishContentRightPane, new Point(102, 101)); // Type '18:49' in 'publishFromTimeInput' text box uIPublishFromTimeInputEdit.Text = this.PublishRideParams.UIPublishFromTimeInputEditText; // Type '18:49' in 'publishToTimeInput' text box uIPublishToTimeInputEdit.Text = this.PublishRideParams.UIPublishToTimeInputEditText; // Select 'No' radio button if (smoking == uINORadioButton2.Selected = this.PublishRideParams.UINORadioButton2Selected; // Select 'Yes' radio button if(smoking == Smoking.yes) uIYesRadioButton2.Selected = this.PublishRideParams.UIYesRadioButton2Selected; // Select 'Dont care' radio button if (smoking == Smoking.dontCare) uIDontcareRadioButton2.Selected = this.PublishRideParams.UIDontcareRadioButton2Selected; // Type '4' in 'postInput' text box uIPostInputEdit2.Text = this.PublishRideParams.UIPostInputEdit2Text; // Type '40' in 'publishInput' text box uIPublishInputEdit2.Text = this.PublishRideParams.UIPublishInputEdit2Text; // Click 'Publish' button Mouse.Click(uIPublishButton, new Point(83, 10)); }
/// <summary> /// PostRequest - Use 'PostRequestParams' to pass parameters into this method. /// </summary> public void PostRequest(Smoking smoking, Bags bags) { #region Variable Declarations HtmlEdit uIPostInputEdit = this.UIRideShareWindowsInteWindow.UIRideShareDocument.UIPostInputEdit; HtmlSpan uIBeershebaPane1 = this.UIRideShareWindowsInteWindow.UIRideShareDocument.UIBeershebaPane1; HtmlEdit uIPostInputEdit1 = this.UIRideShareWindowsInteWindow.UIRideShareDocument.UIPostInputEdit1; HtmlSpan uIIsraelPane1 = this.UIRideShareWindowsInteWindow.UIRideShareDocument.UIIsraelPane1; HtmlRadioButton uINORadioButton1 = this.UIRideShareWindowsInteWindow.UIRideShareDocument.UINORadioButton1; HtmlRadioButton uIYesRadioButton1 = this.UIRideShareWindowsInteWindow.UIRideShareDocument.UIYesRadioButton1; HtmlRadioButton uIDontcareRadioButton1 = this.UIRideShareWindowsInteWindow.UIRideShareDocument.UIDontcareRadioButton1; HtmlRadioButton uIBigbagRadioButton1 = this.UIRideShareWindowsInteWindow.UIRideShareDocument.UIBigbagRadioButton1; HtmlRadioButton uINoneSmallbagRadioButton1 = this.UIRideShareWindowsInteWindow.UIRideShareDocument.UINoneSmallbagRadioButton1; HtmlEdit uIDateEdit1 = this.UIRideShareWindowsInteWindow.UIRideShareDocument.UIDateEdit1; HtmlEdit uIPostFromTimeInputEdit1 = this.UIRideShareWindowsInteWindow.UIRideShareDocument.UIPostFromTimeInputEdit1; HtmlEdit uIPostToTimeInputEdit1 = this.UIRideShareWindowsInteWindow.UIRideShareDocument.UIPostToTimeInputEdit1; HtmlInputButton uIPostButton = this.UIRideShareWindowsInteWindow.UIRideShareDocument.UIPostContentPane2.UIPostButton; #endregion // Type 'beersheba' in 'postInput' text box uIPostInputEdit.Text = this.PostRequestParams.UIPostInputEditText; Thread.Sleep(2000); Keyboard.SendKeys("{Down}"); Keyboard.SendKeys("{Enter}"); //try //{ // // Click 'Beersheba' pane // Mouse.Click(uIBeershebaPane1, new Point(641, 348)); //} //catch { } // Type 'haifa' in 'postInput' text box uIPostInputEdit1.Text = this.PostRequestParams.UIPostInputEdit1Text; Thread.Sleep(2000); Keyboard.SendKeys("{Down}"); Keyboard.SendKeys("{Enter}"); //try //{ // // Click 'Israel' pane // Mouse.Click(uIIsraelPane1, new Point(20, 4)); //} //catch { } // Select 'No' radio button if (smoking == uINORadioButton1.Selected = this.PostRequestParams.UINORadioButton1Selected; // Select 'Yes' radio button if (smoking == Smoking.yes) uIYesRadioButton1.Selected = this.PostRequestParams.UIYesRadioButton1Selected; // Select 'Dont care' radio button if (smoking == Smoking.dontCare) uIDontcareRadioButton1.Selected = this.PostRequestParams.UIDontcareRadioButton1Selected; // Select 'Big bag' radio button if (bags == Bags.big_bag) uIBigbagRadioButton1.Selected = this.PostRequestParams.UIBigbagRadioButton1Selected; // Select 'None/Small bag' radio button if (bags == Bags.none) uINoneSmallbagRadioButton1.Selected = this.PostRequestParams.UINoneSmallbagRadioButton1Selected; // Type '2015-07-28' in 'Date' text box uIDateEdit1.Text = this.PostRequestParams.UIDateEdit1Text; // Type '02:36' in 'postFromTimeInput' text box uIPostFromTimeInputEdit1.Text = this.PostRequestParams.UIPostFromTimeInputEdit1Text; // Type '02:37' in 'postToTimeInput' text box uIPostToTimeInputEdit1.Text = this.PostRequestParams.UIPostToTimeInputEdit1Text; // Click 'Post' button Mouse.Click(uIPostButton, new Point(68, 12)); }
private Card RandomCard(Vector2 position, bool front, int playerID) { Card c = null; if (Globals.r.Next(4) == 0) { int cardsCount = 31; int rn = Globals.r.Next(cardsCount); switch (rn) { case 0: c = new Actor(position, front, playerID); break; case 1: c = new Artist(position, front, playerID); break; case 2: c = new Astrophysicist(position, front, playerID); break; case 3: c = new Babysitter(position, front, playerID); break; case 4: c = new BabysitterU(position, front, playerID); break; case 5: c = new BusDriver(position, front, playerID); break; case 6: c = new Conman(position, front, playerID); break; case 7: c = new DeliveryPerson(position, front, playerID); break; case 8: c = new DrugDealer(position, front, playerID); break; case 9: c = new FastFoodEmployee(position, front, playerID); break; case 10: c = new Hacker(position, front, playerID); break; case 11: c = new Hitman(position, front, playerID); break; case 12: c = new HumanTrafficker(position, front, playerID); break; case 13: c = new IndieGameDev(position, front, playerID); break; case 14: c = new Influencer(position, front, playerID); break; case 15: c = new InstaModel(position, front, playerID); break; case 16: c = new InternDev(position, front, playerID); break; case 17: c = new JuniorDev(position, front, playerID); break; case 18: c = new Musician(position, front, playerID); break; case 19: c = new OnlyFans(position, front, playerID); break; case 20: c = new Referee(position, front, playerID); break; case 21: c = new RiceFarmer(position, front, playerID); break; case 22: c = new Santa(position, front, playerID); break; case 23: c = new Shelfstacker(position, front, playerID); break; case 24: c = new Shoplifter(position, front, playerID); break; case 25: c = new Sporter(position, front, playerID); break; case 27: c = new Streamer(position, front, playerID); break; case 28: c = new SugarDaddy(position, front, playerID); break; case 29: c = new TaxiDriver(position, front, playerID); break; case 30: c = new Writer(position, front, playerID); break; case 26: c = new YogaInstructor(position, front, playerID); break; } } else { int cardsCount = 12; int rn = Globals.r.Next(cardsCount); switch (rn) { case 0: c = new Alcohol(position, front, playerID); break; case 1: c = new Drugs(position, front, playerID); break; case 2: c = new EatingOut(position, front, playerID); break; case 3: c = new FastFood(position, front, playerID); break; case 4: c = new Gambling(position, front, playerID); break; case 5: c = new Gaming(position, front, playerID); break; case 6: c = new Joint(position, front, playerID); break; case 7: c = new PomXML(position, front, playerID); break; case 8: c = new Shopping(position, front, playerID); break; case 9: c = new Smoking(position, front, playerID); break; case 10: c = new SocialMedia(position, front, playerID); break; case 11: c = new Streaming(position, front, playerID); break; } } return(c); }
internal static PatientEntity ReadPatientFromDictionary(IDictionary <string, string> patientProperties) { var ruCulture = new CultureInfo("RU-ru"); // Create patient instance var patient = new PatientEntity { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), VisitHistory = new List <PatientVisitEntity>() }; patient.HypertensionDuration = double.TryParse(patientProperties["HDurability"], out var duration) ? duration : 0; patient.TreatmentDuration = double.TryParse(patientProperties["treatment"], out var treatment) && (treatment > 0) ? patient.HypertensionDuration : 0; patient.HypertensionAncestralAnamnesis = int.TryParse(patientProperties["Hheredity"], out var anamnesis) ? (HypertensionAncestralAnamnesis)anamnesis : HypertensionAncestralAnamnesis.None; var nameParts = patientProperties["name"].Split(' '); patient.Name = nameParts[1]; patient.Surname = nameParts[0]; patient.MiddleName = nameParts[2]; patient.BirthDateTicks = (DateTime.Today - TimeSpan.FromDays(Convert.ToInt32(patientProperties["age"]) * 365)).Ticks; patient.Gender = patientProperties["gender"].IndexOfAny(new[] { 'ж', 'Ж' }) != -1 ? GenderType.Female : GenderType.Male; patient.MedicineSerialized = "[]"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(patientProperties["MaleHeredity"])) { patient.MaleHeredity = Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt32(patientProperties["MaleHeredity"])); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(patientProperties["FemaleHeredity"])) { patient.FemaleHeredity = Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt32(patientProperties["FemaleHeredity"])); } var genes = new Dictionary <string, Gene>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(patientProperties[GenesNames.Agt])) { genes[GenesNames.Agt] = new Gene(GenesNames.Agt, Convert.ToInt32(patientProperties[GenesNames.Agt])); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(patientProperties[GenesNames.Agtr2])) { genes[GenesNames.Agtr2] = new Gene(GenesNames.Agtr2, Convert.ToInt32(patientProperties[GenesNames.Agtr2])); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(patientProperties[GenesNames.Agtr1])) { genes[GenesNames.Agtr1] = new Gene(GenesNames.Agtr1, Convert.ToInt32(patientProperties[GenesNames.Agtr1])); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(patientProperties[GenesNames.Nos])) { genes[GenesNames.Nos] = new Gene(GenesNames.Nos, Convert.ToInt32(patientProperties[GenesNames.Nos])); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(patientProperties[GenesNames.Cyp11B2])) { genes[GenesNames.Cyp11B2] = new Gene(GenesNames.Cyp11B2, Convert.ToInt32(patientProperties[GenesNames.Cyp11B2])); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(patientProperties[GenesNames.Mthfr])) { genes[GenesNames.Mthfr] = new Gene(GenesNames.Mthfr, Convert.ToInt32(patientProperties[GenesNames.Mthfr])); } patient.GenesSerialized = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(genes); // Create patient visit instance var patientVisit = new PatientVisitEntity { PatientId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), VisitDateTicks = new DateTime(2015, 1, 1).Ticks }; Smoking smoking; if (patientProperties["smoke"].Contains("1")) { smoking = new Smoking { Type = SmokingType.Never } } ; else if (patientProperties["smoke"].Contains("2")) { smoking = new Smoking { Type = SmokingType.InPast } } ; else { smoking = new Smoking { Type = SmokingType.Now } }; patientVisit.SmokingSeralized = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(smoking); patientVisit.BloodPressureSerialized = ""; patientVisit.DietaryHabitsSerialized = ""; patientVisit.SaltSensitivitySerialized = ""; if (patientProperties["HStage"].Contains("1")) { patientVisit.HypertensionStage = HypertensionStage.Stage1; } if (patientProperties["HStage"].Contains("2")) { patientVisit.HypertensionStage = HypertensionStage.Stage2; } if (patientProperties["HStage"].Contains("3")) { patientVisit.HypertensionStage = HypertensionStage.Stage3; } if (patientProperties["HStage"].Contains("зд")) { patientVisit.HypertensionStage = HypertensionStage.Healthy; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(patientProperties["WaistCircumference"])) { patientVisit.WaistCircumference = Convert.ToDouble(patientProperties["WaistCircumference"], ruCulture); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(patientProperties["Height"])) { patientVisit.Height = Convert.ToDouble(patientProperties["Height"]); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(patientProperties["Weight"])) { patientVisit.Weight = Convert.ToDouble(patientProperties["Weight"]); } if (patientProperties["HStage"].Contains("1")) { patientVisit.HypertensionStage = HypertensionStage.Stage1; } else if (patientProperties["HStage"].Contains("2")) { patientVisit.HypertensionStage = HypertensionStage.Stage2; } else if (patientProperties["HStage"].Contains("3")) { patientVisit.HypertensionStage = HypertensionStage.Stage3; } else { patientVisit.HypertensionStage = HypertensionStage.Healthy; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(patientProperties["phiz"])) { var phiz = Convert.ToInt32(patientProperties["phiz"]); if (phiz == 4) { patientVisit.PhysicalActivity = PhysicalActivity.MoreThenThreeTimesPerWeek; } else if (phiz == 3) { patientVisit.PhysicalActivity = PhysicalActivity.FromOneToThreeTimesPerWeek; } else if (phiz == 2) { patientVisit.PhysicalActivity = PhysicalActivity.OncePerWeekOrLess; } else { patientVisit.PhysicalActivity = PhysicalActivity.Never; } } // Compose patient and return patientVisit.PatientId = patient.Id; patient.VisitHistory.Add(patientVisit); return(patient); } #endregion }