Example #1
 // Phonon::MediaSource* MediaSource(Phonon::MediaSourcePrivate& arg1); >>>> NOT CONVERTED
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Creates an empty MediaSource.
 ///  An empty MediaSource is considered valid and can be set on a MediaObject to unload its
 ///  current media.
 ///  \see Empty
 ///          </remarks>        <short>    Creates an empty MediaSource.</short>
 public MediaSource() : this((Type)null)
     interceptor.Invoke("MediaSource", "MediaSource()", typeof(void));
Example #2
 // Phonon::Effect* insertEffect(const Phonon::ObjectDescription<Phonon::EffectType>& arg1,Phonon::Effect* arg2); >>>> NOT CONVERTED
 // Phonon::Effect* insertEffect(const Phonon::ObjectDescription<Phonon::EffectType>& arg1); >>>> NOT CONVERTED
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Creates an invalid path.
 ///  You can still make it a valid path by calling reconnect. To create a path you should use
 ///  createPath, though.
 ///  \see createPath
 ///  \see isValid
 ///          </remarks>        <short>    Creates an invalid path.</short>
 public Path() : this((Type)null)
     interceptor.Invoke("Path", "Path()", typeof(void));
Example #3
 public static bool operator==(MediaSource lhs, Phonon.MediaSource rhs)
     return((bool)staticInterceptor.Invoke("operator==#", "operator==(const Phonon::MediaSource&) const", typeof(bool), typeof(MediaSource), lhs, typeof(Phonon.MediaSource), rhs));
Example #4
 public Blitz() : this((Type)null)
     interceptor.Invoke("Blitz", "Blitz()", typeof(void));
Example #5
 public static bool operator==(Path lhs, Phonon.Path p)
     return((bool)staticInterceptor.Invoke("operator==#", "operator==(const Phonon::Path&) const", typeof(bool), typeof(Path), lhs, typeof(Phonon.Path), p));
Example #6
 // char* toString(const void* arg1); >>>> NOT CONVERTED
 // void ignoreMessage(QtMsgType arg1,const char* arg2); >>>> NOT CONVERTED
 // void* qData(const char* arg1,int arg2); >>>> NOT CONVERTED
 // void* qGlobalData(const char* arg1,int arg2); >>>> NOT CONVERTED
 // void* qElementData(const char* arg1,int arg2); >>>> NOT CONVERTED
 // bool compare_ptr_helper(const void* arg1,const void* arg2,const char* arg3,const char* arg4,const char* arg5,int arg6); >>>> NOT CONVERTED
 public static Pointer <sbyte> ToHexRepresentation(string ba, int length)
     return((Pointer <sbyte>)staticInterceptor.Invoke("toHexRepresentation$$", "toHexRepresentation(const char*, int)", typeof(Pointer <sbyte>), typeof(string), ba, typeof(int), length));
Example #7
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Returns the name of the capture source.
 ///  \return A string that should be presented to the user to
 ///  choose the capture source.
 ///          </remarks>        <short>    Returns the name of the capture source.</short>
 public string Name()
     return((string)interceptor.Invoke("name", "name() const", typeof(string)));
Example #8
 /// <remarks>
 ///  \internal
 ///  Creates an invalid effect parameter.
 ///          </remarks>        <short>    \internal </short>
 public EffectParameter() : this((Type)null)
     interceptor.Invoke("EffectParameter", "EffectParameter()", typeof(void));
Example #9
 // QList<QsciCommand*>& commands(); >>>> NOT CONVERTED
 public bool ReadSettings(QSettings qs, string prefix)
     return((bool)interceptor.Invoke("readSettings#$", "readSettings(QSettings&, const char*)", typeof(bool), typeof(QSettings), qs, typeof(string), prefix));
Example #10
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Call this function from the constructor of your StreamInterface implementation (or as
 ///  soon as you get the MediaSource object). This will connect your object to the
 ///  AbstractMediaStream object. Only after the connection is done will the following
 ///  functions have an effect.
 ///          </remarks>        <short>    Call this function from the constructor of your StreamInterface implementation (or as  soon as you get the MediaSource object).</short>
 public void ConnectToSource(Phonon.MediaSource mediaSource)
     interceptor.Invoke("connectToSource#", "connectToSource(const Phonon::MediaSource&)", typeof(void), typeof(Phonon.MediaSource), mediaSource);
Example #11
 public static bool operator<(EffectParameter lhs, Phonon.EffectParameter rhs)
     return((bool)staticInterceptor.Invoke("operator<#", "operator<(const Phonon::EffectParameter&) const", typeof(bool), typeof(EffectParameter), lhs, typeof(Phonon.EffectParameter), rhs));
Example #12
 public QsciDocument() : this((Type)null)
     interceptor.Invoke("QsciDocument", "QsciDocument()", typeof(void));
Example #13
 public static bool ValidKey(int key)
     return((bool)staticInterceptor.Invoke("validKey$", "validKey(int)", typeof(bool), typeof(int), key));
Example #14
 public void SetKey(int key)
     interceptor.Invoke("setKey$", "setKey(int)", typeof(void), typeof(int), key);
 // void setModelData(const QList<QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<Phonon::ObjectDescriptionData> >& arg1); >>>> NOT CONVERTED
 // QList<QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<Phonon::ObjectDescriptionData> > modelData(); >>>> NOT CONVERTED
 // QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<Phonon::ObjectDescriptionData> modelData(const QModelIndex& arg1); >>>> NOT CONVERTED
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Returns the number of rows in the model. This value corresponds
 ///  to the size of the list passed through setModelData.
 ///  \param parent The optional <pre>parent</pre> argument is used in most models to specify
 ///  the parent of the rows to be counted. Because this is a list if a
 ///  valid parent is specified the result will always be 0.
 ///  Reimplemented from QAbstractItemModel.
 ///  \see QAbstractItemModel.RowCount
 ///              </remarks>        <short>    Returns the number of rows in the model.</short>
 public int RowCount(QModelIndex parent)
     return((int)interceptor.Invoke("rowCount#", "rowCount(const QModelIndex&) const", typeof(int), typeof(QModelIndex), parent));
Example #16
 // Phonon::MediaNode* MediaNode(Phonon::MediaNodePrivate& arg1); >>>> NOT CONVERTED
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Tells whether the backend provides an implementation of this
 ///  class.
 ///  \return <code>true</code> if backend provides an implementation
 ///  \return <code>false</code> if the object is not implemented by the backend
 ///          </remarks>        <short>    Tells whether the backend provides an implementation of this  class.</short>
 public bool IsValid()
     return((bool)interceptor.Invoke("isValid", "isValid() const", typeof(bool)));
Example #17
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Convenience function to create a MediaObject and AudioOutput connected by
 ///  a path.
 ///      </remarks>        <short>    Convenience function to create a MediaObject and AudioOutput connected by  a path.</short>
 public static Phonon.MediaObject CreatePlayer(Phonon.Category category, Phonon.MediaSource source)
     return((Phonon.MediaObject)staticInterceptor.Invoke("createPlayer$#", "createPlayer(Phonon::Category, const Phonon::MediaSource&)", typeof(Phonon.MediaObject), typeof(Phonon.Category), category, typeof(Phonon.MediaSource), source));
Example #18
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Inverts an image. If the machine supports MMX this can do two pixels
 ///  at a time, otherwise it's the same as QImage.InvertPixels().
 /// <param> name="img" The image to invert.
 /// </param><param> name="mode" If to invert the alpha channel or not.
 /// </param></remarks>        <author> Daniel M. Duley (mosfet)
 ///      </author>
 ///         <short>    Inverts an image.</short>
 public static bool Invert(QImage img, QImage.InvertMode mode)
     return((bool)staticInterceptor.Invoke("invert#$", "invert(QImage&, QImage::InvertMode)", typeof(bool), typeof(QImage), img, typeof(QImage.InvertMode), mode));
Example #19
 public static new string Tr(string s, string c)
     return((string)staticInterceptor.Invoke("tr$$", "tr(const char*, const char*)", typeof(string), typeof(string), s, typeof(string), c));
Example #20
 public static bool operator==(ObjectDescriptionData lhs, Phonon.ObjectDescriptionData otherDescription)
     return((bool)staticInterceptor.Invoke("operator==#", "operator==(const Phonon::ObjectDescriptionData&) const", typeof(bool), typeof(ObjectDescriptionData), lhs, typeof(Phonon.ObjectDescriptionData), otherDescription));