/// <summary>
        /// Reads the travel card data from HSL Mifare DESFire card.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="card">The card to try to read.</param>
        /// <returns>A deserialized Travel Card object if the card was valid, otherwise null.</returns>
        public static async Task <TravelCard> ReadTravelCardAsync(SmartCard card)
            using (SmartCardConnection connection = await card.ConnectAsync())
                byte[] selection = (await connection.TransmitAsync(HslCommands.SelectHslCommand.AsBuffer())).ToArray();
                if (selection != null &&
                    selection.Length > 0 &&
                    // Travel card info bytes
                    byte[] appInfo     = null;
                    byte[] periodPass  = null;
                    byte[] storedValue = null;
                    byte[] eTicket     = null;
                    byte[] history     = null;

                    // Temporary containers for history chunks
                    byte[] hist1 = new byte[2];
                    byte[] hist2 = new byte[2];

                    appInfo     = (await connection.TransmitAsync(HslCommands.ReadAppInfoCommand.AsBuffer())).ToArray();
                    periodPass  = (await connection.TransmitAsync(HslCommands.ReadPeriodPassCommand.AsBuffer())).ToArray();
                    storedValue = (await connection.TransmitAsync(HslCommands.ReadStoredValueCommand.AsBuffer())).ToArray();
                    eTicket     = (await connection.TransmitAsync(HslCommands.ReadETicketCommand.AsBuffer())).ToArray();
                    hist1       = (await connection.TransmitAsync(HslCommands.ReadHistoryCommand.AsBuffer())).ToArray();

                    // If we have more history, the last two bytes of the history array will contain the MORE_DATA bytes.
                    if (hist1.Skip(Math.Max(0, hist1.Length - 2)).ToArray() == HslCommands.MoreData)
                        hist2 = (await connection.TransmitAsync(HslCommands.ReadNextCommand.AsBuffer())).ToArray();

                    // Combine the two history chunks into a single array, minus their last two MORE_DATA bytes
                    history = hist1.Take(hist1.Length - 2)
                              .Concat(hist2.Take(hist2.Length - 2)).ToArray();

                    var rawCard = new RawTravelCard(appInfo, periodPass, storedValue, eTicket, history);
                    if (rawCard.Status == CardStatus.HslCardDataFailure)
                        return(new TravelCard(rawCard));
Example #2
        protected virtual async void CardReader_CardAdded(SmartCardReader sender, CardAddedEventArgs args)
                card       = args.SmartCard;
                connection = await card.ConnectAsync();

                //Tuple<CardName, DeviceClass> cardType = await DetectCardType();
                OnCardPutInField(new EventArgs());
            catch (Exception ex)
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Click handler for the 'TransmitAPDU' button.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private async void Transmit_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (!rootPage.ValidateTPMSmartCard())
                rootPage.NotifyUser("Use Scenario One to create a TPM virtual smart card.", NotifyType.ErrorMessage);

            Button b = sender as Button;

            b.IsEnabled = false;

                SmartCard card = await rootPage.GetSmartCard();

                IBuffer result = null;

                using (SmartCardConnection connection = await card.ConnectAsync())
                    // Read EF.ATR file
                    // The command is meant specifically for GIDS cards
                    // (such as TPM VSCs), and will fail on other types.
                    byte[] readEfAtrBytes = { 0x00, 0xCB, 0x2F, 0x01, 0x02, 0x5C, 0x00, 0xFF };

                    IBuffer readEfAtr = CryptographicBuffer.CreateFromByteArray(readEfAtrBytes);

                    result = await connection.TransmitAsync(readEfAtr);

                    rootPage.NotifyUser("Response: " + CryptographicBuffer.EncodeToHexString(result), NotifyType.StatusMessage);
            catch (Exception ex)
                rootPage.NotifyUser("Transmitting APDU to card failed with exception: " + ex.ToString(), NotifyType.ErrorMessage);
                b.IsEnabled = true;
Example #4
        public async Task ConnectAsync(SmartCard smartcard)
            _MifareSmartCard = smartcard;
            var newConnection = await smartcard.ConnectAsync();

            lock (CardConnectionLock)
                if (_MifareSmartCardConnection != null)
                _MifareSmartCardConnection = newConnection;
            mfStdAccess = new Mifare.AccessHandler(_MifareSmartCardConnection);
            IccDetection cardIdentification = new IccDetection(_MifareSmartCard, _MifareSmartCardConnection);
            await cardIdentification.DetectCardTypeAync();

            CurrentCardName = cardIdentification.PcscCardName;
            if (!(CurrentCardName == CardName.MifareStandard1K || CurrentCardName == CardName.MifareStandard4K))
                throw new Mifare.Exceptions.CardTypeException("this Card is not mifare classic card");
Example #5
        private async void cardReader_CardAdded(SmartCardReader sender, CardAddedEventArgs args)
            SmartCard smartCard = args.SmartCard;

                await LogMessageAsync("カードを検知しました", true);

                using (SmartCardConnection connection = await smartCard.ConnectAsync())
                    IccDetection cardIdentification = new IccDetection(smartCard, connection);
                    await cardIdentification.DetectCardTypeAync();

                    await LogMessageAsync("PC/SCデバイスクラス: " + cardIdentification.PcscDeviceClass.ToString());
                    await LogMessageAsync("カード名: " + cardIdentification.PcscCardName.ToString());

                    if (cardIdentification.PcscDeviceClass == Pcsc.Common.DeviceClass.StorageClass &&
                        cardIdentification.PcscCardName == CardName.FeliCa)
                        await LogMessageAsync("FelicaCardがみつかりました");

                        if (isEDYChecked)
                            await ReadEdyAsync(connection);
                            await ReadSuicaAsync(connection);
            catch (Exception ex)
                await LogMessageAsync("例外が発生: " + ex.ToString());
Example #6
        public async Task <ISmartCardConnection> Connect()
            var connection = await _backingSmartCard.ConnectAsync();

            return(new UwpSmartCardConnection(connection));
        /// <summary>
        /// Sample code to hande a couple of different cards based on the identification process
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>None</returns>
        private async Task HandleCard(SmartCard card)
                // Clear the messages
                MainPage.Current.NotifyUser(String.Empty, NotifyType.StatusMessage, true);

                // Connect to the card
                using (SmartCardConnection connection = await card.ConnectAsync())
                    // Try to identify what type of card it was
                    IccDetection cardIdentification = new IccDetection(card, connection);
                    await cardIdentification.DetectCardTypeAync();

                    LogMessage("Connected to card\r\nPC/SC device class: " + cardIdentification.PcscDeviceClass.ToString());
                    LogMessage("Card name: " + cardIdentification.PcscCardName.ToString());
                    LogMessage("ATR: " + BitConverter.ToString(cardIdentification.Atr));

                    if ((cardIdentification.PcscDeviceClass == Pcsc.Common.DeviceClass.StorageClass) &&
                        (cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.MifareUltralightC ||
                         cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.MifareUltralight ||
                         cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.MifareUltralightEV1))
                        // Handle MIFARE Ultralight
                        MifareUltralight.AccessHandler mifareULAccess = new MifareUltralight.AccessHandler(connection);

                        // Each read should get us 16 bytes/4 blocks, so doing
                        // 4 reads will get us all 64 bytes/16 blocks on the card
                        for (byte i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                            byte[] response = await mifareULAccess.ReadAsync((byte)(4 * i));

                            LogMessage("Block " + (4 * i).ToString() + " to Block " + (4 * i + 3).ToString() + " " + BitConverter.ToString(response));

                        byte[] responseUid = await mifareULAccess.GetUidAsync();

                        LogMessage("UID:  " + BitConverter.ToString(responseUid));
                    else if (cardIdentification.PcscDeviceClass == Pcsc.Common.DeviceClass.MifareDesfire)
                        // Handle MIFARE DESfire
                        Desfire.AccessHandler desfireAccess = new Desfire.AccessHandler(connection);
                        Desfire.CardDetails   desfire       = await desfireAccess.ReadCardDetailsAsync();

                        LogMessage("DesFire Card Details:  " + Environment.NewLine + desfire.ToString());
                    else if (cardIdentification.PcscDeviceClass == Pcsc.Common.DeviceClass.StorageClass &&
                             cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.FeliCa)
                        // Handle Felica
                        LogMessage("Felica card detected");
                        var felicaAccess = new Felica.AccessHandler(connection);
                        var uid          = await felicaAccess.GetUidAsync();

                        LogMessage("UID:  " + BitConverter.ToString(uid));
                    else if (cardIdentification.PcscDeviceClass == Pcsc.Common.DeviceClass.StorageClass &&
                             (cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.MifareStandard1K || cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.MifareStandard4K))
                        // Handle MIFARE Standard/Classic
                        LogMessage("MIFARE Standard/Classic card detected");
                        var mfStdAccess = new MifareStandard.AccessHandler(connection);
                        var uid         = await mfStdAccess.GetUidAsync();

                        LogMessage("UID:  " + BitConverter.ToString(uid));

                        ushort maxAddress = 0;
                        switch (cardIdentification.PcscCardName)
                        case Pcsc.CardName.MifareStandard1K:
                            maxAddress = 0x3f;

                        case Pcsc.CardName.MifareStandard4K:
                            maxAddress = 0xff;
                        await mfStdAccess.LoadKeyAsync(MifareStandard.DefaultKeys.FactoryDefault);

                        for (ushort address = 0; address <= maxAddress; address++)
                            var response = await mfStdAccess.ReadAsync(address, Pcsc.GeneralAuthenticate.GeneralAuthenticateKeyType.MifareKeyA);

                            LogMessage("Block " + address.ToString() + " " + BitConverter.ToString(response));
                    else if (cardIdentification.PcscDeviceClass == Pcsc.Common.DeviceClass.StorageClass &&
                             (cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.ICODE1 ||
                              cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.ICODESLI ||
                              cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.iCodeSL2))
                        // Handle ISO15693
                        LogMessage("ISO15693 card detected");
                        var iso15693Access = new Iso15693.AccessHandler(connection);
                        var uid            = await iso15693Access.GetUidAsync();

                        LogMessage("UID:  " + BitConverter.ToString(uid));
                        // Unknown card type
                        // Note that when using the XDE emulator the card's ATR and type is not passed through, so we'll
                        // end up here even for known card types if using the XDE emulator

                        // Some cards might still let us query their UID with the PC/SC command, so let's try:
                        var apduRes = await connection.TransceiveAsync(new Pcsc.GetUid());

                        if (!apduRes.Succeeded)
                            LogMessage("Failure getting UID of card, " + apduRes.ToString());
                            LogMessage("UID:  " + BitConverter.ToString(apduRes.ResponseData));
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogMessage("Exception handling card: " + ex.ToString(), NotifyType.ErrorMessage);
Example #8
        private async Task AuthenticateWithSmartCardAsync(SmartCard card)
            var localSettings = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings;

            String m_selectedDeviceId           = localSettings.Values["SelectedDevice"] as String;
            string m_selectedDeviceFriendlyName = string.Empty;
            string m_selectedDeviceAddDate      = string.Empty;
            string deviceConfigString           = string.Empty;

            char[] deviceConfigCharArray;
            byte[] deviceIdArray    = new byte[16];
            byte[] deviceDlockState = new byte[1];

            bool foundCompanionDevice = false;

            byte[] response = { 0 };
            string sw1sw2   = null;

            SecondaryAuthenticationFactorAuthenticationStageInfo authStageInfo = await SecondaryAuthenticationFactorAuthentication.GetAuthenticationStageInfoAsync();

            if ((authStageInfo.Stage != SecondaryAuthenticationFactorAuthenticationStage.CollectingCredential) && (authStageInfo.Stage != SecondaryAuthenticationFactorAuthenticationStage.WaitingForUserConfirmation))
                throw new Exception("Unexpected! Stage: " + authStageInfo.Stage);
            //ShowToastNotification("Post Collecting Credential");
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("[AuthenticateWithSmartCardAsync] Post Collecting Credential");
            IReadOnlyList <SecondaryAuthenticationFactorInfo> deviceList = await SecondaryAuthenticationFactorRegistration.FindAllRegisteredDeviceInfoAsync(

            if (deviceList.Count == 0)
                //ShowToastNotification("Unexpected exception, device list = 0");
                throw new Exception("Unexpected exception, device list = 0");

            SmartCardConnection connection = await card.ConnectAsync();

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("[AuthenticateWithSmartCardAsync] Connection");

            response = await Apdu.TransmitApduAsync(connection, Apdu.getDeviceGuidCmdApdu);

            sw1sw2        = Apdu.ApduResponseParser(response, out response);
            deviceIdArray = response;
            string deviceId = BitConverter.ToString(response).Replace("-", "");

            response = await Apdu.TransmitApduAsync(connection, Apdu.getDlockStateCmdApdu);

            sw1sw2           = Apdu.ApduResponseParser(response, out response);
            deviceDlockState = response;

            //string deviceFriendlyName = null;

            byte[]  deviceConfigDataArray = new byte[18]; //16 bytes for GUID and 1 byte for dLockstate
            IBuffer deviceConfigData;

            byte[] deviceConfigurationDataArray;
            //List<byte[]> deviceConfigList = new List<byte[]>();

            foreach (SecondaryAuthenticationFactorInfo device in deviceList)
                CryptographicBuffer.CopyToByteArray(device.DeviceConfigurationData, out deviceConfigurationDataArray);

                //deviceFriendlyName = device.DeviceFriendlyName;
                if (device.DeviceId == deviceId)
                    m_selectedDeviceId           = deviceId;
                    m_selectedDeviceFriendlyName = device.DeviceFriendlyName;
                    deviceConfigString           = CryptographicBuffer.ConvertBinaryToString(0, device.DeviceConfigurationData);
                    //deviceConfigCharArray = new char[deviceConfigString.Count()];
                    //deviceConfigCharArray = deviceConfigString.ToCharArray();
                    int count = device.DeviceFriendlyName.Count();
                    m_selectedDeviceAddDate = deviceConfigString.Substring(35 + 1 + count + 1 + 1);
                    foundCompanionDevice    = true;
            if (!foundCompanionDevice)
                throw new CompanionDeviceNotFoundException();
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("[AuthenticateWithSmartCardAsync] Start Nonce APDU sending");
            response = await Apdu.TransmitApduAsync(connection, Apdu.getNonceCmdApdu);

            sw1sw2 = Apdu.ApduResponseParser(response, out response);
            if (sw1sw2 != "9000")
                throw new UnableTogetNonceFromDeviceException();
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("[AuthenticateWithSmartCardAsync] Nonce APDU recieved without error");

            string  nonce    = BitConverter.ToString(response).Replace("-", "");
            IBuffer svcNonce = CryptographicBuffer.DecodeFromHexString(nonce);

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("[AuthenticateWithSmartCardAsync] Start Authentication");
            SecondaryAuthenticationFactorAuthenticationResult authResult = await SecondaryAuthenticationFactorAuthentication.StartAuthenticationAsync(
                m_selectedDeviceId, svcNonce);

            if (authResult.Status != SecondaryAuthenticationFactorAuthenticationStatus.Started)
                //ShowToastNotification("Unexpected! Could not start authentication!");
                throw new Exception("Unexpected! Could not start authentication! Status: " + authResult.Status);

            byte[] devNonce  = { 0 };
            byte[] svcHmac   = { 0 };
            byte[] sessNonce = { 0 };

            CryptographicBuffer.CopyToByteArray(authResult.Authentication.ServiceAuthenticationHmac, out svcHmac);
            CryptographicBuffer.CopyToByteArray(authResult.Authentication.SessionNonce, out sessNonce);
            CryptographicBuffer.CopyToByteArray(authResult.Authentication.DeviceNonce, out devNonce);

            byte[] cmd = new byte[Apdu.challengeCmdApdu.Length + svcHmac.Length + sessNonce.Length + devNonce.Length];
            System.Buffer.BlockCopy(Apdu.challengeCmdApdu, 0, cmd, 0, Apdu.challengeCmdApdu.Length);
            System.Buffer.BlockCopy(svcHmac, 0, cmd, Apdu.challengeCmdApdu.Length, svcHmac.Length);
            System.Buffer.BlockCopy(sessNonce, 0, cmd, Apdu.challengeCmdApdu.Length + svcHmac.Length, sessNonce.Length);
            System.Buffer.BlockCopy(devNonce, 0, cmd, Apdu.challengeCmdApdu.Length + svcHmac.Length + sessNonce.Length, devNonce.Length);

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("[AuthenticateWithSmartCardAsync] Send Challenge");

            string str = "\"" + m_selectedDeviceFriendlyName + "\"";

            await SecondaryAuthenticationFactorAuthentication.ShowNotificationMessageAsync(

            response = await Apdu.TransmitApduAsync(connection, cmd);

            sw1sw2 = Apdu.ApduResponseParser(response, out response);

            if (sw1sw2 == "6985")
                throw new UnauthorizedUserException();
            else if (sw1sw2 == "6984")
                //ShowToastNotification("Log-in denied by user");
                throw new LogInDeniedByUserException();

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("[AuthenticateWithSmartCardAsync] Response recieved");
            byte[] HMACdk = new byte[32];
            byte[] HMACsk = new byte[32];
            System.Buffer.BlockCopy(response, 0, HMACdk, 0, 32);
            System.Buffer.BlockCopy(response, 32, HMACsk, 0, 32);

            IBuffer deviceHmac  = CryptographicBuffer.CreateFromByteArray(HMACdk);
            IBuffer sessionHmac = CryptographicBuffer.CreateFromByteArray(HMACsk);

            SecondaryAuthenticationFactorFinishAuthenticationStatus authStatus = await authResult.Authentication.FinishAuthenticationAsync(deviceHmac,

            if (authStatus != SecondaryAuthenticationFactorFinishAuthenticationStatus.Completed)
                //ShowToastNotification("Unable to complete authentication!");
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("[AuthenticateWithSmartCardAsync] Unable to complete authentication");
                throw new Exception("Unable to complete authentication!");

            deviceConfigString = "";
            if (deviceDlockState[0] == 0)
                deviceConfigString = deviceId + "-0-1-" + m_selectedDeviceFriendlyName + "-" + m_selectedDeviceAddDate;
                deviceConfigString = deviceId + "-1-1-" + m_selectedDeviceFriendlyName + "-" + m_selectedDeviceAddDate;
            deviceConfigCharArray = new char[deviceConfigString.Count()];
            deviceConfigString.CopyTo(0, deviceConfigCharArray, 0, deviceConfigString.Count()); // because deviceConfigString is readonly
            deviceConfigCharArray[35] = '1';                                                    // to indicate that device was not used for last login
            string deviceConfigStringNew = new string(deviceConfigCharArray);

            deviceConfigData = CryptographicBuffer.ConvertStringToBinary(deviceConfigStringNew, 0);
            await SecondaryAuthenticationFactorRegistration.UpdateDeviceConfigurationDataAsync(deviceId, deviceConfigData); //update deviceConfigData

            foreach (SecondaryAuthenticationFactorInfo device in deviceList)
                if (device.DeviceId != deviceId)
                    deviceConfigString    = CryptographicBuffer.ConvertBinaryToString(0, device.DeviceConfigurationData);
                    deviceConfigCharArray = new char[deviceConfigString.Count()];
                    deviceConfigString.CopyTo(0, deviceConfigCharArray, 0, deviceConfigString.Count()); // decause deviceConfigString is readonly
                    deviceConfigCharArray[35] = '0';                                                    // to indicate that device was not used for last login
                    deviceConfigStringNew     = new string(deviceConfigCharArray);
                    deviceConfigData          = CryptographicBuffer.ConvertStringToBinary(deviceConfigStringNew, 0);
                    await SecondaryAuthenticationFactorRegistration.UpdateDeviceConfigurationDataAsync(device.DeviceId, deviceConfigData); //update deviceConfigData
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("[AuthenticateWithSmartCardAsync] Auth completed");
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Sample code to hande a couple of different cards based on the identification process
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>None</returns>
        private async Task HandleCard(SmartCard card)
                // Connect to the card
                using (SmartCardConnection connection = await card.ConnectAsync())
                    // Try to identify what type of card it was
                    IccDetection cardIdentification = new IccDetection(card, connection);
                    await cardIdentification.DetectCardTypeAync();

                    LogMessage("Connected to card\r\nPC/SC device class: " + cardIdentification.PcscDeviceClass.ToString());
                    LogMessage("Card name: " + cardIdentification.PcscCardName.ToString());
                    LogMessage("ATR: " + BitConverter.ToString(cardIdentification.Atr));

                    if ((cardIdentification.PcscDeviceClass == Pcsc.Common.DeviceClass.StorageClass) &&
                        (cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.MifareUltralightC ||
                         cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.MifareUltralight ||
                         cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.MifareUltralightEV1))
                        // Handle MIFARE Ultralight
                        MifareUltralight.AccessHandler mifareULAccess = new MifareUltralight.AccessHandler(connection);

                        await mifareULAccess.ReadCapsAsync();

                        if (!mifareULAccess.isNTag21x)
                            var ignored1 = this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, async() =>
                                var msgbox = new Windows.UI.Popups.MessageDialog("This application only works with the NXP NTAG21x line of NFC chips. Sorry.");
                                msgbox.Commands.Add(new Windows.UI.Popups.UICommand("OK"));
                                await msgbox.ShowAsync();


                        bool authenticated = false;

                        byte[] password = await ParseField(passwordBox, 4);

                        byte[] passwordAck = await ParseField(passwordAckBox, 2);

                        if (password != null && passwordAck != null)
                                await mifareULAccess.AuthenticateWithPassword(password, passwordAck);

                                authenticated = true;
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                Debug.WriteLine("Exception sending provisioning password: "******"Exception sending provisioning password: "******"ReadCount:  " + responseAccess.ToString());

                            var ignored2 = this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
                                accessCount.Text = responseAccess.ToString();

                            accessCountEnabled = true;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Debug.WriteLine("Exception sending Getting Access Count: " + ex);

                        if (!accessCountEnabled)
                            var ignored3 = this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
                                accessCount.Text             = " ";
                                accessCountEnable.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

                            if (autoProvision.IsChecked == true)
                                await mifareULAccess.EnableAccessCountAsync();

                        for (byte i = 0; i < mifareULAccess.Blocks; i++)
                            byte[] response = await mifareULAccess.ReadAsync((byte)(4 * i));

                            for (byte y = 0; y < 4; y++)
                                byte[] buf4 = new byte[4];
                                Array.Copy(response, y * 4, buf4, 0, 4);
                                LogMessage((i * 4 + y).ToString("x2") + ": " + BitConverter.ToString(buf4));

                        byte[] responseUid = await mifareULAccess.GetUidAsync();

                        string uidString = BitConverter.ToString(responseUid);
                        LogMessage("UID:  " + uidString);

                        var ignored4 = this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
                            uid.Text            = uidString;
                            UidPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.WriteLine("Exception handling card: " + ex.ToString());
Example #10
 private async Task Initialize()
     connection = await smartCard.ConnectAsync();
        /// <summary>
        /// Sample code to hande a couple of different cards based on the identification process
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>None</returns>
        private async Task HandleCard(SmartCard card)
                // Clear the messages
                //MainPage.Current.NotifyUser(String.Empty, NotifyType.StatusMessage, true);

                // Connect to the card
                using (SmartCardConnection connection = await card.ConnectAsync())
                    // Try to identify what type of card it was
                    IccDetection cardIdentification = new IccDetection(card, connection);
                    await cardIdentification.DetectCardTypeAync();

                    LogMessage("Connected to card\r\nPC/SC device class: " + cardIdentification.PcscDeviceClass.ToString());
                    LogMessage("Card name: " + cardIdentification.PcscCardName.ToString());
                    LogMessage("ATR: " + BitConverter.ToString(cardIdentification.Atr));

                    if ((cardIdentification.PcscDeviceClass == Pcsc.Common.DeviceClass.StorageClass) &&
                        (cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.MifareUltralightC ||
                         cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.MifareUltralight ||
                         cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.MifareUltralightEV1))
                        // Handle MIFARE Ultralight
                        MifareUltralight.AccessHandler mifareULAccess = new MifareUltralight.AccessHandler(connection);

                        // Each read should get us 16 bytes/4 blocks, so doing
                        // 4 reads will get us all 64 bytes/16 blocks on the card
                        for (byte i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                            byte[] response = await mifareULAccess.ReadAsync((byte)(4 * i));

                            LogMessage("Block " + (4 * i).ToString() + " to Block " + (4 * i + 3).ToString() + " " + BitConverter.ToString(response));

                        byte[] responseUid = await mifareULAccess.GetUidAsync();

                        LogMessage("UID:  " + BitConverter.ToString(responseUid));
                    else if (cardIdentification.PcscDeviceClass == Pcsc.Common.DeviceClass.MifareDesfire)
                        // Handle MIFARE DESfire
                        Desfire.AccessHandler desfireAccess = new Desfire.AccessHandler(connection);
                        Desfire.CardDetails   desfire       = await desfireAccess.ReadCardDetailsAsync();

                        LogMessage("DesFire Card Details:  " + Environment.NewLine + desfire.ToString());
                    else if (cardIdentification.PcscDeviceClass == Pcsc.Common.DeviceClass.StorageClass &&
                             cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.FeliCa)
                        // Handle Felica
                        LogMessage("Felica card detected");
                        var cyberneticsAccess = new Cybernetics.AccessHandler(connection);
                        var cardinfo          = null as Cybernetics.CardInfo;
                        var histories         = new List <Cybernetics.HistoryInfo>();
                        var gateHistories     = new List <Cybernetics.GateHistoryInfo>();
                        var sfHistory         = null as Cybernetics.SFEntryInfo;

                        var IDm = await cyberneticsAccess.GetUidAsync(); // ok

                        LogMessage("IDm: " + BitConverter.ToString(IDm));
                        await cyberneticsAccess.SelectFileAsync(new byte[] { 0x8B, 0x00 });

                        var block008B = await cyberneticsAccess.ReadBinaryAsync(0x00);

                        LogMessage("Card Type:  " + BitConverter.ToString(block008B));
                        cardinfo = Cybernetics.CardInfo.FromBytes(block008B);
                        await cyberneticsAccess.SelectFileAsync(new byte[] { 0x0F, 0x09 });

                        for (byte block = 0; block < 20; ++block)
                            var block090F = await cyberneticsAccess.ReadBinaryAsync(block);

                            LogMessage("History:  " + BitConverter.ToString(block090F));
                        var histList = new List <ICHistoryReader.Core.Cybernetics.HistoryInfo>();
                        var prevHist = null as ICHistoryReader.Core.Cybernetics.HistoryInfo;
                        foreach (var hist in histories)
                            var h = ICHistoryReader.Core.Cybernetics.HistoryInfo.From(hist, m_stationCodeList);
                            if (prevHist != null)
                                // 前の履歴から精算額を計算
                                prevHist.Amount = h.Balance - prevHist.Balance;
                            prevHist = h;
                        histList = histList.SkipLast(1).ToList();
                        await cyberneticsAccess.SelectFileAsync(new byte[] { 0x8F, 0x10 });

                        for (byte block = 0; block < 3; ++block)
                            var block108F = await cyberneticsAccess.ReadBinaryAsync(block);

                            LogMessage("Gate:  " + BitConverter.ToString(block108F));
                        await cyberneticsAccess.SelectFileAsync(new byte[] { 0xCB, 0x10 });

                        var temp = new List <byte>();
                        for (byte block = 0; block < 2; ++block)
                            var block10CB = await cyberneticsAccess.ReadBinaryAsync(block);

                            LogMessage("SF:  " + BitConverter.ToString(block10CB));
                        sfHistory = Cybernetics.SFEntryInfo.FromBytes(temp.ToArray());
                    else if (cardIdentification.PcscDeviceClass == Pcsc.Common.DeviceClass.StorageClass &&
                             (cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.MifareStandard1K || cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.MifareStandard4K))
                        // Handle MIFARE Standard/Classic
                        LogMessage("MIFARE Standard/Classic card detected");
                        var mfStdAccess = new MifareStandard.AccessHandler(connection);
                        var uid         = await mfStdAccess.GetUidAsync();

                        LogMessage("UID:  " + BitConverter.ToString(uid));

                        ushort maxAddress = 0;
                        switch (cardIdentification.PcscCardName)
                        case Pcsc.CardName.MifareStandard1K:
                            maxAddress = 0x3f;

                        case Pcsc.CardName.MifareStandard4K:
                            maxAddress = 0xff;
                        await mfStdAccess.LoadKeyAsync(MifareStandard.DefaultKeys.FactoryDefault);

                        for (ushort address = 0; address <= maxAddress; address++)
                            var response = await mfStdAccess.ReadAsync(address, Pcsc.GeneralAuthenticate.GeneralAuthenticateKeyType.MifareKeyA);

                            LogMessage("Block " + address.ToString() + " " + BitConverter.ToString(response));
                    else if (cardIdentification.PcscDeviceClass == Pcsc.Common.DeviceClass.StorageClass &&
                             (cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.ICODE1 ||
                              cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.ICODESLI ||
                              cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.iCodeSL2))
                        // Handle ISO15693
                        LogMessage("ISO15693 card detected");
                        var iso15693Access = new Iso15693.AccessHandler(connection);
                        var uid            = await iso15693Access.GetUidAsync();

                        LogMessage("UID:  " + BitConverter.ToString(uid));
                        // Unknown card type
                        // Note that when using the XDE emulator the card's ATR and type is not passed through, so we'll
                        // end up here even for known card types if using the XDE emulator

                        // Some cards might still let us query their UID with the PC/SC command, so let's try:
                        var apduRes = await connection.TransceiveAsync(new Pcsc.GetUid());

                        if (!apduRes.Succeeded)
                            LogMessage("Failure getting UID of card, " + apduRes.ToString());
                            LogMessage("UID:  " + BitConverter.ToString(apduRes.ResponseData));
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogMessage("Exception handling card: " + ex.ToString(), NotifyType.ErrorMessage);
        /// <summary>
        /// Sample code to hande a couple of different cards based on the identification process
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>None</returns>
        private async Task HandleCard(SmartCard card)
                // Clear the messages
                MainPage.Current.NotifyUser(String.Empty, NotifyType.StatusMessage, true);

                // Connect to the card
                var connection = await card.ConnectAsync();

                // Try to identify what type of card it was
                IccDetection cardIdentification = new IccDetection(card, connection);
                await cardIdentification.DetectCardTypeAync();

                LogMessage("Connected to card\r\nPC/SC device class: " + cardIdentification.PcscDeviceClass.ToString());
                LogMessage("Card name: " + cardIdentification.PcscCardName.ToString());

                if ((cardIdentification.PcscDeviceClass == Pcsc.Common.DeviceClass.StorageClass) &&
                    (cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.MifareUltralightC ||
                     cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.MifareUltralight ||
                     cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.MifareUltralightEV1))
                    // Handle MIFARE Ultralight
                    MifareUltralight.AccessHandler mifareULAccess = new MifareUltralight.AccessHandler(connection);

                    // Each read should get us 16 bytes/4 blocks, so doing
                    // 4 reads will get us all 64 bytes/16 blocks on the card
                    for (byte i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        byte[] response = await mifareULAccess.ReadAsync((byte)(4 * i));

                        LogMessage("Block " + (4 * i).ToString() + " to Block " + (4 * i + 3).ToString() + " " + BitConverter.ToString(response));

                    byte[] responseUid = await mifareULAccess.GetUidAsync();

                    LogMessage("UID:  " + BitConverter.ToString(responseUid));
                else if (cardIdentification.PcscDeviceClass == Pcsc.Common.DeviceClass.MifareDesfire)
                    // Handle MIFARE DESfire
                    Desfire.AccessHandler desfireAccess = new Desfire.AccessHandler(connection);
                    Desfire.CardDetails   desfire       = await desfireAccess.ReadCardDetailsAsync();

                    LogMessage("DesFire Card Details:  " + Environment.NewLine + desfire.ToString());
                else if (cardIdentification.PcscDeviceClass == Pcsc.Common.DeviceClass.StorageClass &&
                         cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.FeliCa)
                    // Handle Felica
                    LogMessage("Felica card detected");
                    var felicaAccess = new Felica.AccessHandler(connection);
                    var uid          = await felicaAccess.GetUidAsync();

                    LogMessage("UID:  " + BitConverter.ToString(uid));
                else if (cardIdentification.PcscDeviceClass == Pcsc.Common.DeviceClass.StorageClass &&
                         (cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.MifareStandard1K || cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.MifareStandard4K))
                    // Handle MIFARE Standard/Classic
                    LogMessage("MIFARE Standard/Classic card detected");
                    var mfStdAccess = new MifareStandard.AccessHandler(connection);
                    var uid         = await mfStdAccess.GetUidAsync();

                    LogMessage("UID:  " + BitConverter.ToString(uid));

                    ushort maxAddress = 0;
                    switch (cardIdentification.PcscCardName)
                    case Pcsc.CardName.MifareStandard1K:
                        maxAddress = 0x3f;

                    case Pcsc.CardName.MifareStandard4K:
                        maxAddress = 0xff;
                    await mfStdAccess.LoadKeyAsync(MifareStandard.DefaultKeys.FactoryDefault);

                    for (ushort address = 0; address <= maxAddress; address++)
                        var response = await mfStdAccess.ReadAsync(address, Pcsc.GeneralAuthenticate.GeneralAuthenticateKeyType.MifareKeyA);

                        LogMessage("Block " + address.ToString() + " " + BitConverter.ToString(response));
                else if (cardIdentification.PcscDeviceClass == Pcsc.Common.DeviceClass.StorageClass &&
                         (cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.ICODE1 ||
                          cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.ICODESLI ||
                          cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.iCodeSL2))
                    // Handle ISO15693
                    LogMessage("ISO15693 card detected");
                    var iso15693Access = new Iso15693.AccessHandler(connection);
                    var uid            = await iso15693Access.GetUidAsync();

                    LogMessage("UID:  " + BitConverter.ToString(uid));

            catch (Exception ex)
                LogMessage("Exception handling card: " + ex.ToString(), NotifyType.ErrorMessage);
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Sample code to hande a couple of different cards based on the identification process
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>None</returns>
        private async Task HandleCard(SmartCard card, SmartCardReader sender)
            string UID = "";
            Int64  id  = 0;

                // Connect to the card
                using (SmartCardConnection connection = await card.ConnectAsync())
                    // Try to identify what type of card it was
                    IccDetection cardIdentification = new IccDetection(card, connection);
                    await cardIdentification.DetectCardTypeAync();

                    LogMessage("Connected to card\r\nPC/SC device class: " + cardIdentification.PcscDeviceClass.ToString());
                    LogMessage("Card name: " + cardIdentification.PcscCardName.ToString());
                    LogMessage("ATR: " + BitConverter.ToString(cardIdentification.Atr));

                    if ((cardIdentification.PcscDeviceClass == Pcsc.Common.DeviceClass.StorageClass) &&
                        (cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.MifareUltralightC ||
                         cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.MifareUltralight ||
                         cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.MifareUltralightEV1))
                        // Handle MIFARE Ultralight
                        MifareUltralight.AccessHandler mifareULAccess = new MifareUltralight.AccessHandler(connection);

                        // Each read should get us 16 bytes/4 blocks, so doing
                        // 4 reads will get us all 64 bytes/16 blocks on the card
                        for (byte i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                            byte[] response = await mifareULAccess.ReadAsync((byte)(4 * i));

                            LogMessage("Block " + (4 * i).ToString() + " to Block " + (4 * i + 3).ToString() + " " + BitConverter.ToString(response));

                        byte[] responseUid = await mifareULAccess.GetUidAsync();

                        UID = BitConverter.ToString(responseUid);
                        //await Notify("UID: " + BitConverter.ToString(responseUid));
                    else if (cardIdentification.PcscDeviceClass == Pcsc.Common.DeviceClass.MifareDesfire)
                        // Handle MIFARE DESfire
                        Desfire.AccessHandler desfireAccess = new Desfire.AccessHandler(connection);
                        Desfire.CardDetails   desfire       = await desfireAccess.ReadCardDetailsAsync();

                        LogMessage("DesFire Card Details:  " + Environment.NewLine + desfire.ToString());
                    else if (cardIdentification.PcscDeviceClass == Pcsc.Common.DeviceClass.StorageClass &&
                             cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.FeliCa)
                        // Handle Felica
                        LogMessage("Felica card detected");
                        var felicaAccess = new Felica.AccessHandler(connection);
                        var uid          = await felicaAccess.GetUidAsync();

                        UID = BitConverter.ToString(uid);
                        //await Notify("UID: " + BitConverter.ToString(uid));
                    else if (cardIdentification.PcscDeviceClass == Pcsc.Common.DeviceClass.StorageClass &&
                             (cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.MifareStandard1K || cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.MifareStandard4K))
                        // Handle MIFARE Standard/Classic
                        LogMessage("MIFARE Standard/Classic card detected");
                        var mfStdAccess = new MifareStandard.AccessHandler(connection);
                        var uid         = await mfStdAccess.GetUidAsync();

                        UID = BitConverter.ToString(uid);;
                        //await Notify("UID: " + BitConverter.ToString(uid));

                        ushort maxAddress = 0;
                        switch (cardIdentification.PcscCardName)
                        case Pcsc.CardName.MifareStandard1K:
                            maxAddress = 0x3f;

                        case Pcsc.CardName.MifareStandard4K:
                            maxAddress = 0xff;
                        await mfStdAccess.LoadKeyAsync(MifareStandard.DefaultKeys.FactoryDefault);

                        for (ushort address = 0; address <= maxAddress; address++)
                            var response = await mfStdAccess.ReadAsync(address, Pcsc.GeneralAuthenticate.GeneralAuthenticateKeyType.MifareKeyA);

                            LogMessage("Block " + address.ToString() + " " + BitConverter.ToString(response));
                    else if (cardIdentification.PcscDeviceClass == Pcsc.Common.DeviceClass.StorageClass &&
                             (cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.ICODE1 ||
                              cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.ICODESLI ||
                              cardIdentification.PcscCardName == Pcsc.CardName.iCodeSL2))
                        // Handle ISO15693
                        LogMessage("ISO15693 card detected");
                        var iso15693Access = new Iso15693.AccessHandler(connection);
                        var uid            = await iso15693Access.GetUidAsync();

                        UID = BitConverter.ToString(uid);
                        //await Notify("UID: " + BitConverter.ToString(uid));
                        // Unknown card type
                        // Note that when using the XDE emulator the card's ATR and type is not passed through, so we'll
                        // end up here even for known card types if using the XDE emulator

                        // Some cards might still let us query their UID with the PC/SC command, so let's try:
                        var apduRes = await connection.TransceiveAsync(new Pcsc.GetUid());

                        if (!apduRes.Succeeded)
                            LogMessage("Failure getting UID of card, " + apduRes.ToString());
                            LogMessage("UID:  " + BitConverter.ToString(apduRes.ResponseData));
                            UID = BitConverter.ToString(apduRes.ResponseData);

                    // START MANAGING SUP STOCK

                    // UID
                    if (UID != "")
                        id = ToUID(UID);
                        bool found = false;
                        int  i     = 0;
                        // check if ID is in left list
                        foreach (var it in AwaySUP)
                            if (it.IsSameID(id))
                                found = true;
                                // set price according to dT
                                int Price = it.GetPrice();

                                //wait for validation, then move from left to stock
                                await Notify("! Arrivé, durée = " + it.strTime + "   Prix: " + Price + " CHF");

                                //move from Left to Stock
                                    await Windows.ApplicationModel.Core.CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal,
                                                                                                                                () =>
                                        // Your UI update code goes here

                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    await Notify("Error swapping from away to stock" + ex.ToString());
                        i = 0;

                        // check if ID is in stock list
                        if (!found)
                            foreach (var it in StockSUP)
                                if (it.IsSameID(id))
                                    found = true;
                                    // start time
                                    await Notify("! Valide, près à partir !", "Départ");

                                    i = 0;

                                    //move from stock to left list

                                        await Windows.ApplicationModel.Core.CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal,
                                                                                                                                    () =>
                                            // Your UI update code goes here!

                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        await Notify("Error swapping from stock to away" + ex.ToString());
                        // else, adding to stock list

                        if (!found)
                            if (isNewTagNewSUP)
                                await Notify("! Nouvelle planche ajoutée.");

                                isNewTagNewSUP = false;
                                    await Windows.ApplicationModel.Core.CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal,
                                                                                                                                () =>
                                        // Your UI update code goes here!
                                        StockSUP.Add(new SUP(id, SUPCategory[selN]));
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    await Notify("Error adding to stock" + ex.ToString());
                                showNbStock.Text = StockSUP.Count.ToString();

                                await Notify("! Cette planche n'est pas répértoriée !");
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogMessage("Exception handling card: " + ex.ToString(), NotifyType.ErrorMessage);
Example #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Sample code to hande a couple of different cards based on the identification process
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>None</returns>
        private async Task HandleCard(SmartCard card)
                // Clear the messages
                //MainPage.Current.NotifyUser(String.Empty, NotifyType.StatusMessage, true);

                // Connect to the card
                using (SmartCardConnection connection = await card.ConnectAsync())
                    // Try to identify what type of card it was
                    IccDetection cardIdentification = new IccDetection(card, connection);
                    await cardIdentification.DetectCardTypeAync();

                    //Connected to card
                    //LogMessage("Connected to card\r\nPC/SC device class: " + cardIdentification.PcscDeviceClass.ToString());

                    //Card name
                    //LogMessage("Card name: " + cardIdentification.PcscCardName.ToString());

                    //If card is "MIFARE DEFIRE" (our case)
                    if (cardIdentification.PcscDeviceClass == Pcsc.Common.DeviceClass.MifareDesfire)
                        // Handle MIFARE DESfire
                        Desfire.AccessHandler desfireAccess = new Desfire.AccessHandler(connection);

                        // Get all data from card
                        Desfire.CardDetails desfire = await desfireAccess.ReadCardDetailsAsync();

                        // Get UID from object desfire
                        var UID = BitConverter.ToString(desfire.UID);
                        //LogMessage(UID, NotifyType.StatusMessage);
                        //LogMessage("DesFire Card Details:  " + Environment.NewLine + desfire.ToString());
                        // Unknown card type
                        // Note that when using the XDE emulator the card's ATR and type is not passed through, so we'll
                        // end up here even for known card types if using the XDE emulator

                        // Some cards might still let us query their UID with the PC/SC command, so let's try:
                        var apduRes = await connection.TransceiveAsync(new Pcsc.GetUid());

                        if (!apduRes.Succeeded)
                            ShowToastNotification("Failure getting UID of card, " + apduRes.ToString());
                            ShowToastNotification("UID:  " + BitConverter.ToString(apduRes.ResponseData));
            catch (Exception ex)
                ShowToastNotification("Exception handling card: " + ex.ToString());