void PressToEdge(SlideToEdge Edge, RectTransform currentObject)
        //So if we are an edge stage then we should start setting fields
        float         xPos        = 0;
        float         yPos        = 0;
        float         canvasScale = GetComponentInParent <Canvas>().scaleFactor;
        RectTransform Mask        = Mask_BottomLeft;

        bool isHorizontal = false;

        Debug.Log("EDGE IS! : " + Edge.ToString());
        //This is for the Y Pos
        switch (Edge)
        case SlideToEdge.Top:
        case SlideToEdge.TopLeft:
        case SlideToEdge.TopRight:
            //yPos = CTR.y + 240 * canvasScale + Mask_BottomLeft.position.y;
            //StartCoroutine(Align(xPos, yPos, Mask, CurrentMap_TopRight, isHorizontal));
            yPos = CTR.y + 240 * canvasScale + Mask_BottomLeft.position.y;     //+ Mask_BottomLeft.position.y;
            StartCoroutine(Align(xPos, yPos, Mask_BottomLeft, CurrentMap_BottomLeft, false));

        case SlideToEdge.Bottom:
        case SlideToEdge.BottomLeft:
        case SlideToEdge.BottomRight:
            yPos = CBL.y + 240 * canvasScale + Mask_BottomLeft.position.y;
            StartCoroutine(Align(xPos, yPos, Mask, CurrentMap_TopRight, isHorizontal));

        case SlideToEdge.Left:
        case SlideToEdge.Right:
        case SlideToEdge.NONE:
            //if it doesn't fulfil the requirements and won't move vertically

        isHorizontal = true;
        //This is for the X Position
        switch (Edge)
        case SlideToEdge.TopRight:
        case SlideToEdge.Right:
        case SlideToEdge.BottomRight:
            xPos = CTR.x + Mask_BottomLeft.position.x;
            StartCoroutine(Align(xPos, yPos, Mask, CurrentMap_TopRight, isHorizontal));

        case SlideToEdge.TopLeft:
        case SlideToEdge.Left:
        case SlideToEdge.BottomLeft:
            xPos = CBL.x + Mask_BottomLeft.position.x;
            StartCoroutine(Align(xPos, yPos, Mask, CurrentMap_BottomLeft, isHorizontal));

        case SlideToEdge.Top:
        case SlideToEdge.Bottom:
        case SlideToEdge.NONE:
            //if it doesn't fulfil the requirements and won't move Horizontally
    //Set the Left/Bottom and Right/Top boundaries
    public void SetBounds(RectTransform BottomLeft, RectTransform TopRight, RectTransform currentObject, SlideToEdge Edge)
        //Okay so first if the item selected uses the same BOUNDS
        if (CurrentMap_BottomLeft == BottomLeft && CurrentMap_TopRight == TopRight)
            //if it uses the same bounds then we need should check if we're an EDGE stage

            if (Edge == SlideToEdge.NONE)
                //IF we are NOT an edge Type
                //Then we should check on screen and place ourselves onto it
                //IF we ARE an edge type
                //Then we should attempt to press to edge based on the edge
                PressToEdge(Edge, currentObject);

            float DistanceToNewLeft   = CurrentMap_BottomLeft.position.x - BottomLeft.position.x;
            float DistanceToNewBottom = CurrentMap_BottomLeft.position.y - BottomLeft.position.y;

            float DistanceToNewRight = CurrentMap_TopRight.position.x - TopRight.position.x;
            float DistanceToNewTop   = CurrentMap_TopRight.position.y - TopRight.position.y;

            CBL += new Vector3(DistanceToNewLeft, DistanceToNewBottom);
            CTR += new Vector3(DistanceToNewRight, DistanceToNewTop);

             * Debug.Log("%$@@ SETTING DISTANCES");
             * Debug.Log("%$@@ Horizontal | Left : " + DistanceToNewLeft + " | Right : " + DistanceToNewRight);
             * Debug.Log("%$@@ Horizontal | CBL.x : " + CBL.x + " | CTR.x : " + CTR.x);
             * Debug.Log("%$@@ Vertical | Bottom : " + DistanceToNewBottom + " | Top : " + DistanceToNewTop);
             * Debug.Log("%$@@ Horizontal | CBL.y : " + CBL.y + " | CTR.y : " + CTR.y);
             * Debug.Log("%$@@ BOttomLefts | " + Mask_BottomLeft.position.y + " | " + (BottomLeft.position.y) + " | " + CurrentMap_BottomLeft.position.y);
             * Debug.Log("%$@@ TopRights| " + Mask_TopRight.position.y + " | " + (TopRight.position.y) + " | " + CurrentMap_TopRight.position.y);

            CurrentMap_BottomLeft = BottomLeft;
            CurrentMap_TopRight   = TopRight;

            if (SlideSpeed.x <= 0 || SlideSpeed.y <= 0)
                Debug.LogWarning("SLIDESPEED ERROR:\nX : " + SlideSpeed.x + "\nY : " + SlideSpeed.y);

            //float xPos = 0;
            //float yPos = 0;
            if (checkLeft())
                //Debug.Log("We need to slide this flush against the left");
                float xPos = CBL.x + Mask_BottomLeft.position.x;
                float yPos = 0;

                StartCoroutine(Align(xPos, yPos, Mask_BottomLeft, CurrentMap_BottomLeft, true));

            else if (checkRight())
                //Debug.Log("We need to slide this flush against the Right");

                float xPos = CTR.x + Mask_BottomLeft.position.x;
                float yPos = 0;

                StartCoroutine(Align(xPos, yPos, Mask_TopRight, CurrentMap_TopRight, true));

            if (checkTop())
                //Debug.Log("We need to slide this flush against the Top");
                float canvasScale = 1;
                if (GetComponentInParent <Canvas>() != null)
                    canvasScale = GetComponentInParent <Canvas>().scaleFactor;

                float xPos = 0;
                float yPos = CTR.y + 240 * canvasScale + Mask_BottomLeft.position.y; //+ Mask_BottomLeft.position.y;
                Debug.Log("%$@@yPos CTR: " + CTR.y);

                StartCoroutine(Align(xPos, yPos, Mask_BottomLeft, CurrentMap_BottomLeft, false));
                //StartCoroutine(Align(xPos, yPos, Mask_TopRight, CurrentMap_TopRight, false));
            else if (checkBot())
                //Debug.Log("We need to slide this flush against the Bottom");
                float canvasScale = 1;
                if (GetComponentInParent <Canvas>() != null)
                    canvasScale = GetComponentInParent <Canvas>().scaleFactor;

                float xPos = 0;
                float yPos = CBL.y + 240 * canvasScale + Mask_BottomLeft.position.y;
                Debug.Log("%$@@yPos CBL: " + CBL.y);

                StartCoroutine(Align(xPos, yPos, Mask_TopRight, CurrentMap_TopRight, false));

                //StartCoroutine(Align(xPos, yPos, Mask_BottomLeft, CurrentMap_BottomLeft, false));

        #region Bool Checks

        //if the Mask's Left side is Less than the Current map's Right Side
        //Then we need to slide it so it becomes flush with the left side
        bool checkLeft()
            return(Mask_BottomLeft.position.x < CurrentMap_BottomLeft.position.x);

        //If the Mask's right side is Greater than the
        //Then we need to slide it so it becomes flush with the right side
        bool checkRight()
            return(Mask_TopRight.position.x > CurrentMap_TopRight.position.x);

        //Then we need to slide it so it becomes flush with the Top of the mask
        bool checkTop()
            return(Mask_TopRight.position.y > CurrentMap_TopRight.position.y);

        bool checkBot()
            return(Mask_BottomLeft.position.y < CurrentMap_BottomLeft.position.y);
