public void ProcessContent(IContentPersister persister) { using (var db = new GameDatabaseContext()) { var repo = new SkillRepository(db); var skills = repo.GetAll(); foreach (var skill in skills) { // Save out properties we want to a new object and then persist dynamic persistable = new ExpandoObject(); Console.WriteLine("Processing skill with ID {0}", skill.Id); = skill.Id; = skill.Name; persistable.castTime = skill.CastTime; persistable.cooldownTime = skill.CooldownTime; persistable.description = skill.Description; persistable.damage = skill.Damage; persistable.type = skill.SkillType; persistable.iconId = skill.IconId; persister.Persist(persistable, "\\skills\\{0}.json".FormatWith(skill.Id)); } } }
private void PrepareCompanyViewBag(Company company, int?n) { if (n != null) { ViewBag.N = n.Value; } ViewBag.IndustryList = _companyRepository.GetIndustryList(); ViewBag.IndustryIdList = _companyRepository.GetIndustryList(company.IndustryId); var template = GetEmailContent(company); ViewBag.EmailText = template; ViewBag.Skills = _skillRepository.GetAll().Where(x => company.CompanySkills.All(y => y.SkillId != x.Id)); ViewBag.Message = TempData["Message"]; var skills = db.Skills.ToList(); skills.Insert(0, new Skill { Id = -1, Name = "---" }); ViewBag.Skill = new SelectList(skills, "Id", "Name"); }
public IEnumerable<SkillTemplate> GetSkills() { using (var context = new GameDatabaseContext()) { var repo = new SkillRepository(context); return repo.GetAll(); } }
public IActionResult GetAll() { if ((new[] { "Admin", "User", "Anonymous" }).Contains(ValidateTokenAndRole.ValidateAndGetRole(Request), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { IEnumerable <SkillModel> List = repo.GetAll().Select(Skill => Skill?.ToModel()); if (List.Count() == 0) { return(NotFound()); } else { return(Ok(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(List))); } } else { return(Unauthorized()); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> BasicData(int id) { var userManager = HttpContext.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager <ApplicationUserManager>(); var userId = User.GetClaimValue(Constants.UserIdClaim); //if (await userManager.IsInRoleAsync(userId, Constants.AdminRole) || //(int.TryParse(User.GetClaimValue(Constants.CompanyIdClaim), out int userCompanyId) && await userManager.IsInRoleAsync(userId, Constants.CompanyRole) && userCompanyId == id)) //{ var company = _companyRepository.GetCompanyWithDetails(id); var connections = _connectionsRepository.Query().Include(nameof(Connection.Company2)).Where(x => x.CompanyId1 == id || x.CompanyId2 == id).ToList(); int.TryParse(User.GetClaimValue(Constants.CompanyIdClaim), out var currentCompany); var model = new CompanyViewModel(company) { Skills = _companySkillRepository.GetSkills(company.Id), ApprovedConnections = connections.Where(x => x.Status == ConnectionStatus.Approved).Select(x => x.CompanyId1 == id ? x.Company2 : x.Company1).ToList(), PendingConnections = connections.Where(x => x.Status == ConnectionStatus.Requested && x.CompanyId1 == id).Select(x => x.CompanyId1 == id ? x.Company2 : x.Company1).ToList(), CurrentCompany = currentCompany, Employees = company.Employees, NotificationSettings = await _notificationSettingsRepository.GetByUserId(userId) }; ViewBag.Skills = _skillRepository.GetAll() .Where(x => company.CompanySkills.All(y => y.SkillId != x.Id)); if (model.NotificationSettings == null) { model.NotificationSettings = await _notificationSettingsRepository.Add(new NotificationSettings { UserId = userId, NotificationIteration = NotificationIteration.WithoutNotification }); } ViewBag.GoogleMapsApiKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GOOGLEMAPS_API_KEY"]; return(View(model)); //} //else //{ // return new HttpUnauthorizedResult(); //} }
// GET: Skills public ActionResult Index() { return(View(repo.GetAll())); }
private void PopulateToolsetViewModel() { ClearViewModelPopulation(); using (GameModuleRepository repo = new GameModuleRepository()) { ViewModel.ActiveModule = repo.GetModule(); } using (ContentPackageResourceRepository repo = new ContentPackageResourceRepository()) { ViewModel.TilesetSpriteSheetsList = repo.GetAllUIObjects(ContentPackageResourceTypeEnum.Tileset, false); } using (ItemRepository repo = new ItemRepository()) { ViewModel.ItemList = repo.GetAllUIObjects(); } using (ScriptRepository repo = new ScriptRepository()) { ViewModel.ScriptList = repo.GetAllUIObjects(); } using (GenderRepository repo = new GenderRepository()) { ViewModel.GenderList = repo.GetAllUIObjects(); } using (ConversationRepository repo = new ConversationRepository()) { ViewModel.ConversationList = repo.GetAllUIObjects(); } using (RaceRepository repo = new RaceRepository()) { ViewModel.RaceList = repo.GetAllUIObjects(); } using (FactionRepository repo = new FactionRepository()) { ViewModel.FactionList = repo.GetAllUIObjects(); } using (TilesetRepository repo = new TilesetRepository()) { ViewModel.TilesetList = repo.GetAllUIObjects(); } using (AbilityRepository repo = new AbilityRepository()) { ViewModel.AbilityList = repo.GetAll(); } using (SkillRepository repo = new SkillRepository()) { ViewModel.SkillList = repo.GetAll(); } using (LevelRequirementRepository repo = new LevelRequirementRepository()) { ViewModel.LevelRequirementList = repo.GetAll(); } }