// Copies the quaternions of all bones to the specified array.
        private void SkeletonPoseToArray(float[] values)
            var numberOfBones = SkeletonPose.Skeleton.NumberOfBones;

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBones; i++)
                QuaternionF quaternion = SkeletonPose.GetBoneTransform(i).Rotation;
                values[i * 4 + 0] = quaternion.W;
                values[i * 4 + 1] = quaternion.X;
                values[i * 4 + 2] = quaternion.Y;
                values[i * 4 + 3] = quaternion.Z;
        // Initializes the bone rotations using the quaternions of the specified array.
        private void ArrayToSkeletonPose(float[] values)
            var numberOfBones = SkeletonPose.Skeleton.NumberOfBones;

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBones; i++)
                QuaternionF quaternion = new QuaternionF(
                    values[i * 4 + 0],
                    values[i * 4 + 1],
                    values[i * 4 + 2],
                    values[i * 4 + 3]);

                // The quaternions were filtered using component-wise linear interpolation. This
                // is only an approximation which denormalizes the quaternions.
                // --> Renormalize the quaternions.

                // Exchange the rotation in the bone transform.
                var boneTransform = SkeletonPose.GetBoneTransform(i);
                boneTransform.Rotation = quaternion;
                SkeletonPose.SetBoneTransform(i, boneTransform);
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform mapping in local bone space.
        /// </summary>
        private static void MapLocal(bool mapTranslations, SkeletonPose skeletonA, int boneIndexA, SkeletonPose skeletonB, int boneIndexB, float scaleAToB, QuaternionF rotationBToA, QuaternionF rotationAToB)
            var boneTransform = skeletonA.GetBoneTransform(boneIndexA);

              // Remove any scaling.
              boneTransform.Scale = Vector3F.One;

              // Rotation: Using similarity transformation: (Read from right to left.)
              // Rotate from bone B space to bone A space.
              // Apply the bone transform rotation in bone A space
              // Rotate back from bone A space to bone B space.
              boneTransform.Rotation = rotationAToB * boneTransform.Rotation * rotationBToA;

              // If we should map translations, then we scale the translation and rotate it from
              // bone A space to bone B space.
              if (mapTranslations)
            boneTransform.Translation = rotationAToB.Rotate(boneTransform.Translation * scaleAToB);
            boneTransform.Translation = Vector3F.Zero;

              // Apply new bone transform to B.
              skeletonB.SetBoneTransform(boneIndexB, boneTransform);