public void Size2DConstructor() { tlog.Debug(tag, $"Size2DConstructorWithInteger START"); var testingTarget = new Size2D(); Assert.IsNotNull(testingTarget, "Can't create success object Size2D"); Assert.IsInstanceOf <Size2D>(testingTarget, "Should return Size2D instance."); testingTarget.Dispose(); tlog.Debug(tag, $"Size2DConstructorWithInteger END (OK)"); }
public void Size2DConstructorWithInteger() { tlog.Debug(tag, $"Size2DConstructorWithInteger START"); var testingTarget = new Size2D(100, 100); Assert.IsNotNull(testingTarget, "Can't create success object Size2D"); Assert.IsInstanceOf <Size2D>(testingTarget, "Should return Size2D instance."); Assert.AreEqual(100, testingTarget.Height, "The Height property of position is not correct here."); Assert.AreEqual(100, testingTarget.Width, "The Width property of position is not correct here."); testingTarget.Dispose(); tlog.Debug(tag, $"Size2DConstructorWithInteger END (OK)"); }
public void Size2DGetValueBySubscriptIndex() { tlog.Debug(tag, $"Size2DGetValueBySubscriptIndex START"); var testingTarget = new Size2D(100, 300); Assert.IsNotNull(testingTarget, "Can't create success object Size2D"); Assert.IsInstanceOf <Size2D>(testingTarget, "Should be an instance of Size2D type."); Assert.AreEqual(100, testingTarget[0], "The value of index[0] is not correct!"); Assert.AreEqual(300, testingTarget[1], "The value of index[1] is not correct!"); testingTarget.Dispose(); tlog.Debug(tag, $"Size2DGetValueBySubscriptIndex END (OK)"); }
public void NUIApplicationConstructorWithSizePositionAndThemeOptions() { tlog.Debug(tag, $"NUIApplicationConstructorWithSizePositionAndThemeOptions START"); Size2D windowSize = new Size2D(100, 50); Position2D windowPosition = new Position2D(20, 30); var testingTarget = new NUIApplication(windowSize, windowPosition, NUIApplication.ThemeOptions.PlatformThemeEnabled); Assert.IsNotNull(testingTarget, "Should be not null."); Assert.IsInstanceOf <NUIApplication>(testingTarget, "Should be an instance of NUIApplication type."); windowSize.Dispose(); windowPosition.Dispose(); tlog.Debug(tag, $"NUIApplicationConstructorWithSizePositionAndThemeOptions END (OK)"); }
public void Size2DGetHashCode() { tlog.Debug(tag, $"Size2DGetHashCode START"); var testingTarget = new Size2D(10, 20); Assert.IsNotNull(testingTarget, "Can't create success object Size2D"); Assert.IsInstanceOf <Size2D>(testingTarget, "Should be an instance of Size2D type."); var result = testingTarget.GetHashCode(); Assert.IsTrue(result >= Int32.MinValue && result <= Int32.MaxValue, "The value of hash is out of Integer range"); testingTarget.Dispose(); tlog.Debug(tag, $"Size2DGetHashCode END (OK)"); }
public void Size2DImplicitToSize2D() { tlog.Debug(tag, $"Size2DImplicitToSize2D START"); Size2D testingTarget = null; using (Vector2 vector = new Vector2(10, 20)) { testingTarget = vector; Assert.AreEqual(vector.X, testingTarget.Width, "The value of Width is not correct."); Assert.AreEqual(vector.Y, testingTarget.Height, "The value of Height is not correct."); } testingTarget.Dispose(); tlog.Debug(tag, $"Size2DImplicitToSize2D END (OK)"); }
public void NUIApplicationConstructorForImeWindow() { tlog.Debug(tag, $"NUIApplicationConstructorForImeWindow START"); Size2D windowSize = new Size2D(100, 50); Position2D windowPosition = new Position2D(20, 30); var testingTarget = new NUIApplication("", NUIApplication.WindowMode.Opaque, windowSize, windowPosition, WindowType.Dialog); Assert.IsNotNull(testingTarget, "Should be not null."); Assert.IsInstanceOf <NUIApplication>(testingTarget, "Should be an instance of NUIApplication type."); windowSize.Dispose(); windowPosition.Dispose(); testingTarget.Dispose(); tlog.Debug(tag, $"NUIApplicationConstructorForImeWindow END (OK)"); }
public void Size2DWidth() { tlog.Debug(tag, $"Size2DWidth START"); var testingTarget = new Size2D(100, 100); Assert.IsNotNull(testingTarget, "Can't create success object Size2D"); Assert.IsInstanceOf <Size2D>(testingTarget, "Should be an instance of Size2D type."); Assert.AreEqual(100, testingTarget.Width, "The Width should be 100.0f here!"); testingTarget.Width = 200; Assert.AreEqual(200, testingTarget.Width, "The Width should be 200.0f here!"); testingTarget.Dispose(); tlog.Debug(tag, $"Size2DWidth END (OK)"); }
public void Size2DDivisionByInteger() { tlog.Debug(tag, $"Size2DDivisionByInteger START"); var testingTarget = new Size2D(4, 6); Assert.IsNotNull(testingTarget, "Can't create success object Size2D"); Assert.IsInstanceOf <Size2D>(testingTarget, "Should be an instance of Size2D type."); var result = testingTarget / 2; Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Width, "The Width value of the size is not correct!"); Assert.AreEqual(3, result.Height, "The Height value of the size is not correct!"); testingTarget.Dispose(); tlog.Debug(tag, $"Size2DDivisionByInteger END (OK)"); }
public void Size2DUnaryNegation() { tlog.Debug(tag, $"Size2DUnaryNegation START"); var testingTarget = new Size2D(2, 3); Assert.IsNotNull(testingTarget, "Can't create success object Size2D"); Assert.IsInstanceOf <Size2D>(testingTarget, "Should be an instance of Size2D type."); var result = -testingTarget; Assert.AreEqual(-2, result.Width, "The Width value of the size is not correct!"); Assert.AreEqual(-3, result.Height, "The Height value of the size is not correct!"); testingTarget.Dispose(); tlog.Debug(tag, $"Size2DUnaryNegation END (OK)"); }
public void Size2DNotEqualTo() { tlog.Debug(tag, $"Size2DNotEqualTo START"); var testingTarget = new Size2D(10, 20); Assert.IsNotNull(testingTarget, "Can't create success object Size2D"); Assert.IsInstanceOf <Size2D>(testingTarget, "Should be an instance of Size2D type."); using (Size2D size = new Size2D(1, 2)) { Assert.IsTrue((testingTarget.NotEqualTo(size)), "Should be equal"); } testingTarget.Dispose(); tlog.Debug(tag, $"Size2DNotEqualTo END (OK)"); }
public void KeyValueSize2DValue() { tlog.Debug(tag, $"KeyValueSize2DValue START"); Size2D b1 = new Size2D(0, 0); KeyValue a1 = new KeyValue { Size2DValue = b1 }; b1 = a1.Size2DValue; b1.Dispose(); a1.Dispose(); tlog.Debug(tag, $"KeyValueSize2DValue END (OK)"); Assert.Pass("KeyValueSize2DValue"); }
public void Size2DEquals() { tlog.Debug(tag, $"Size2DEquals START"); var testingTarget = new Size2D(1, 1); Assert.IsNotNull(testingTarget, "Can't create success object Size2D"); Assert.IsInstanceOf <Size2D>(testingTarget, "Should be an instance of Size2D type."); using (Size2D size = new Size2D(1, 1)) { var result = testingTarget.Equals(size); Assert.IsTrue(result, "Should be true here!"); } testingTarget.Dispose(); tlog.Debug(tag, $"Size2DEquals END (OK)"); }
public void Size2DMultiplyBySize2D() { tlog.Debug(tag, $"Size2DMultiplyBySize2D START"); var testingTarget = new Size2D(2, 3); Assert.IsNotNull(testingTarget, "Can't create success object Size2D"); Assert.IsInstanceOf <Size2D>(testingTarget, "Should be an instance of Size2D type."); using (Size2D size = new Size2D(4, 6)) { var result = testingTarget * size; Assert.AreEqual(8, result.Width, "The Width value of the size is not correct!"); Assert.AreEqual(18, result.Height, "The Height value of the size is not correct!"); } testingTarget.Dispose(); tlog.Debug(tag, $"Size2DMultiplyBySize2D END (OK)"); }
public void Size2DDispose() { tlog.Debug(tag, $"Size2DDispose START"); var testingTarget = new Size2D(); Assert.IsNotNull(testingTarget, "Can't create success object Size2D"); Assert.IsInstanceOf <Size2D>(testingTarget, "Should be an instance of Size2D type."); try { testingTarget.Dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { Assert.Fail("Caught Exception" + e.ToString()); } tlog.Debug(tag, $"Size2DDispose END (OK)"); }
public void PropertyValueGetSize2DValue() { tlog.Debug(tag, $"PropertyValueGetSize2DValue START"); var testingTarget = new PropertyValue(new Size2D(1, 2)); Assert.IsNotNull(testingTarget, "Should be not null!"); Assert.IsInstanceOf <PropertyValue>(testingTarget, "should be an Instance of PropertyValue class."); Size2D size = new Size2D(3, 4); var result = testingTarget.Get(size); Assert.IsTrue(result); Assert.AreEqual(1, size.Width, "Get function with Size2D parameter does not work, Size2D.Width is not right"); Assert.AreEqual(2, size.Height, "Get function with Size2D parameter does not work, Size2D.Height is not right"); size.Dispose(); testingTarget.Dispose(); tlog.Debug(tag, $"PropertyValueGetSize2DValue END (OK)"); }