public int GetEarliestStart(ResultContext kpiContext, SimulationWorkschedule simulationWorkschedule, SimulationType simulationType, int simulationId, List <SimulationWorkschedule> schedules = null) { if (simulationType == SimulationType.Central) { var orderId = simulationWorkschedule.OrderId.Replace(oldValue: "[", newValue: "").Replace(oldValue: "]", newValue: ""); var start = kpiContext.SimulationOperations .Where(predicate: x => x.SimulationConfigurationId == simulationId && x.SimulationType == simulationType) .Where(predicate: a => a.OrderId.Equals("[" + orderId.ToString() + ",") || a.OrderId.Equals("," + orderId.ToString() + "]") || a.OrderId.Equals("[" + orderId.ToString() + "]") || a.OrderId.Equals("," + orderId.ToString() + ",")).Min(selector: b => b.Start); return(start); } var children = new List <SimulationWorkschedule>(); children = schedules.Where(predicate: x => x.SimulationConfigurationId == simulationId && x.SimulationType == simulationType) .Where(predicate: a => a.ParentId.Equals(value: simulationWorkschedule.ProductionOrderId.ToString())).ToList(); if (!children.Any()) { return(simulationWorkschedule.Start); } var startTimes = children.Select(selector: child => GetEarliestStart(kpiContext: kpiContext, simulationWorkschedule: child, simulationType: simulationType, simulationId: simulationId, schedules: schedules)).ToList(); return(startTimes.Min()); }
public int GetEarliestStart(ProductionDomainContext kpiContext, SimulationWorkschedule simulationWorkschedule, SimulationType simulationType, int simulationId, List <SimulationWorkschedule> schedules = null) { if (simulationType == SimulationType.Central) { var orderId = simulationWorkschedule.OrderId.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", ""); var start = kpiContext.SimulationWorkschedules .Where(x => x.SimulationConfigurationId == simulationId && x.SimulationType == simulationType) .Where(a => a.OrderId.Equals("[" + orderId.ToString() + ",") || a.OrderId.Equals("," + orderId.ToString() + "]") || a.OrderId.Equals("[" + orderId.ToString() + "]") || a.OrderId.Equals("," + orderId.ToString() + ",")).Min(b => b.Start); return(start); } var children = new List <SimulationWorkschedule>(); children = schedules.Where(x => x.SimulationConfigurationId == simulationId && x.SimulationType == simulationType).Where(a => a.ParentId.Equals(simulationWorkschedule.ProductionOrderId.ToString())).ToList(); if (!children.Any()) { return(simulationWorkschedule.Start); } var startTimes = children.Select(child => GetEarliestStart(kpiContext, child, simulationType, simulationId, schedules)).ToList(); return(startTimes.Min()); }
/// <summary> /// Returns or creates corrosponding GanttTask Item with Property type = "Project" and Returns it. /// -- Headline for one Project /// </summary> private GanttTask GetOrCreateTimeline(SimulationWorkschedule pow, int orderId = 0) { IEnumerable <GanttTask> project; // get Timeline switch (_schedulingState) { case 3: // Machine Based project = _ganttContext.Tasks .Where(predicate: x => x.type == GanttType.project && == "M_" + pow.Machine); if (project.Any()) { return(project.First()); } else { var gc = _ganttContext.Tasks.Count(predicate: x => x.type == GanttType.project) + 1; //var mg = _context.MachineGroups.First(x => x.Id.ToString() == pow.Machine.ToString()).Name; var pt = CreateProjectTask(id: "M_" + pow.Machine, name: pow.Machine, desc: "", @group: 0, gc: (GanttColors)gc); _ganttContext.Tasks.Add(item: pt); return(pt); } //break; case 4: // Production Order Based project = _ganttContext.Tasks .Where(predicate: x => x.type == GanttType.project && == "P" + pow.ProductionOrderId); if (project.Any()) { return(project.First()); } else { var gc = _ganttContext.Tasks.Count(predicate: x => x.type == GanttType.project) + 1; var pt = CreateProjectTask(id: "P" + pow.ProductionOrderId, name: "PO Nr.: " + pow.ProductionOrderId, desc: "", @group: 0, gc: (GanttColors)gc); _ganttContext.Tasks.Add(item: pt); return(pt); } //break; default: // back and forward project = _ganttContext.Tasks .Where(predicate: x => x.type == GanttType.project && == "O" + orderId); if (project.Any()) { return(project.First()); } else { var gc = _ganttContext.Tasks.Count(predicate: x => x.type == GanttType.project) + 1; var pt = CreateProjectTask(id: "O" + orderId, name: _context.CustomerOrderParts. Include(navigationPropertyPath: x => x.CustomerOrder) .FirstOrDefault(predicate: x => x.Id == orderId) .CustomerOrder.Name, desc: "", @group: 0, gc: (GanttColors)gc); _ganttContext.Tasks.Add(item: pt); return(pt); } // break; } }
private void CreateSimulationWorkSchedule(FCreateSimulationWork cws) { var ws = cws.Operation; var sws = new SimulationWorkschedule { CreatedForOrderId = string.Empty, WorkScheduleId = ws.Key.ToString(), Article = ws.Operation.Article.Name, WorkScheduleName = ws.Operation.Name, DueTime = (int)ws.DueTime, SimulationConfigurationId = Collector.simulationId.Value, SimulationNumber = Collector.simulationNumber.Value, SimulationType = Collector.simulationKind.Value, OrderId = "[" + cws.CustomerOrderId + "]", HierarchyNumber = ws.Operation.HierarchyNumber, // TODO this is now a fArticleKey (Guid) ProductionOrderId = "[" + cws.fArticleKey + "]", Parent = cws.IsHeadDemand.ToString(), ParentId = "[]", Time = (int)(Collector.Time), ArticleType = cws.ArticleType }; var edit = _updatedSimulationWork.FirstOrDefault(predicate: x => x.WorkScheduleId.Equals(value: ws.Key.ToString())); if (edit != null) { sws.Start = (int)edit.Start; sws.End = (int)(edit.Start + edit.Duration); sws.Machine = edit.Machine; _updatedSimulationWork.Remove(item: edit); } simulationWorkschedules.Add(item: sws); }
/// <summary> /// Returns or creates corrosponding GanttTask Item with Property type = "Project" and Returns it. /// -- Headline for one Project /// </summary> private GanttTask GetOrCreateTimeline(SimulationWorkschedule pow, int orderId = 0) { IEnumerable <GanttTask> project; // get Timeline switch (_schedulingState) { case 3: // Machine Based project = _ganttContext.Tasks .Where(x => x.type == GanttType.project && == "M_" + pow.Machine); if (project.Any()) { return(project.First()); } else { var gc = _ganttContext.Tasks.Count(x => x.type == GanttType.project) + 1; //var mg = _context.MachineGroups.First(x => x.Id.ToString() == pow.Machine.ToString()).Name; var pt = CreateProjectTask("M_" + pow.Machine, pow.Machine, "", 0, (GanttColors)gc); _ganttContext.Tasks.Add(pt); return(pt); } //break; case 4: // Production Order Based project = _ganttContext.Tasks .Where(x => x.type == GanttType.project && == "P" + pow.ProductionOrderId); if (project.Any()) { return(project.First()); } else { var gc = _ganttContext.Tasks.Count(x => x.type == GanttType.project) + 1; var pt = CreateProjectTask("P" + pow.ProductionOrderId, "PO Nr.: " + pow.ProductionOrderId, "", 0, (GanttColors)gc); _ganttContext.Tasks.Add(pt); return(pt); } //break; default: // back and forward project = _ganttContext.Tasks .Where(x => x.type == GanttType.project && == "O" + orderId); if (project.Any()) { return(project.First()); } else { var gc = _ganttContext.Tasks.Count(x => x.type == GanttType.project) + 1; var pt = CreateProjectTask("O" + orderId, _context.OrderParts. Include(x => x.Order) .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == orderId) .Order.Name, "", 0, (GanttColors)gc); _ganttContext.Tasks.Add(pt); return(pt); } // break; } }
/// <summary> /// Creates new TimelineItem with a label depending on the schedulingState /// </summary> public GanttTask CreateGanttTask(SimulationWorkschedule item, long start, long end, GanttColors gc, string parent) { var gantTask = new GanttTask() { id = item.Id.ToString(), type = GanttType.task, desc = item.WorkScheduleName, text = _schedulingState == 4 ? item.Machine : "P.O.: " + item.ProductionOrderId, start_date = start.GetDateFromMilliseconds().ToString(format: "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm"), end_date = end.GetDateFromMilliseconds().ToString(format: "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm"), IntFrom = start, IntTo = end, parent = parent, color = gc, }; return(gantTask); }
public static void CreateSimulationWorkSchedule(WorkItem ws, string orderId, bool isHeadDemand) { var sws = new SimulationWorkschedule { WorkScheduleId = ws.Id.ToString(), Article = ws.WorkSchedule.Article.Name, WorkScheduleName = ws.WorkSchedule.Name, DueTime = ws.DueTime, EstimatedEnd = ws.EstimatedEnd, SimulationConfigurationId = -1, OrderId = "[" + orderId + "]", HierarchyNumber = ws.WorkSchedule.HierarchyNumber, ProductionOrderId = "[" + ws.ProductionAgent.AgentId.ToString() + "]", Parent = isHeadDemand.ToString(), ParentId = "[]" }; AgentSimulation.SimulationWorkschedules.Add(sws); }
public Task <List <SimulationWorkschedule> > GetFollowerProductionOrderWorkSchedules(SimulationWorkschedule simulationWorkSchedule, SimulationType type, List <SimulationWorkschedule> relevantItems) { var rs = Task.Run(() => { var priorItems = new List <SimulationWorkschedule>(); // If == min Hierarchy --> get Pevious Article -> Highest Hierarchy Workschedule Item var maxHierarchy = relevantItems.Where(x => x.ProductionOrderId == simulationWorkSchedule.ProductionOrderId) .Max(x => x.HierarchyNumber); if (maxHierarchy == simulationWorkSchedule.HierarchyNumber) { // get Previous Article priorItems.AddRange(relevantItems .Where(x => x.ProductionOrderId == simulationWorkSchedule.ParentId && x.HierarchyNumber == relevantItems .Where(w => w.ProductionOrderId == simulationWorkSchedule.ParentId) .Min(m => m.HierarchyNumber))); } else { // get Previous Workschedule var previousPows = relevantItems.Where( x => x.ProductionOrderId == simulationWorkSchedule.ProductionOrderId && x.HierarchyNumber > simulationWorkSchedule.HierarchyNumber) .OrderBy(x => x.HierarchyNumber).FirstOrDefault(); priorItems.Add(previousPows); } return(priorItems); }); return(rs); }
/// <summary> /// Defines start and end for the ganttchart based on the Scheduling State /// </summary> private void DefineStartEnd(ref long start, ref long end, SimulationWorkschedule item) { start = (_today + item.Start * 60000); end = (_today + item.End * 60000); }
private void FillSimulationWorkSchedules(List <PowsSimulationItem> items, int simulationId, int simulationNumber, MrpTask task) { foreach (var item in items) { var po = _context.ProductionOrders.Include(b => b.Article).Single(a => a.Id == item.ProductionOrderId); var pows = _context.ProductionOrderWorkSchedules.Single(a => a.Id == item.ProductionOrderWorkScheduleId); if (task == MrpTask.None) { var schedule = new SimulationWorkschedule() { ParentId = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(from parent in _context.GetParents(pows) select parent.Id), ProductionOrderId = "[" + po.Id.ToString() + "]", Article = po.Article.Name, DueTime = po.Duetime, End = pows.EndSimulation, EstimatedEnd = pows.End, EstimatedStart = pows.Start, HierarchyNumber = pows.HierarchyNumber, Machine = pows.MachineId == null ? null : _context.Machines.Single(a => a.Id == pows.MachineId).Name, Start = pows.StartSimulation, OrderId = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_context.GetOrderIdsFromProductionOrder(po)), SimulationConfigurationId = simulationId, WorkScheduleId = pows.Id.ToString(), WorkScheduleName = pows.Name, SimulationType = SimulationType.Central, SimulationNumber = simulationNumber, }; _context.Add(schedule); //_evaluationContext.Add(schedule.CopyDbPropertiesWithoutId()); } if (task == MrpTask.Backward || task == MrpTask.All) { var backward = new SimulationWorkschedule() { ParentId = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(from parent in _context.GetParents(pows) select parent.ProductionOrderId), ProductionOrderId = "[" + po.Id.ToString() + "]", Article = po.Article.Name, DueTime = po.Duetime, End = pows.EndBackward, HierarchyNumber = pows.HierarchyNumber, Start = pows.StartBackward, OrderId = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_context.GetOrderIdsFromProductionOrder(po)), SimulationConfigurationId = simulationId, WorkScheduleId = pows.Id.ToString(), WorkScheduleName = pows.Name, SimulationType = SimulationType.BackwardPlanning, SimulationNumber = simulationNumber, Machine = pows.MachineGroupId.ToString() }; _context.Add(backward); _evaluationContext.Add(backward.CopyDbPropertiesWithoutId()); } if (task == MrpTask.Forward || task == MrpTask.All) { var forward = new SimulationWorkschedule() { ParentId = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(from parent in _context.GetParents(pows) select parent.ProductionOrderId), ProductionOrderId = "[" + po.Id.ToString() + "]", Article = po.Article.Name, DueTime = po.Duetime, End = pows.EndForward, HierarchyNumber = pows.HierarchyNumber, Start = pows.StartForward, OrderId = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_context.GetOrderIdsFromProductionOrder(po)), SimulationConfigurationId = simulationId, WorkScheduleId = pows.Id.ToString(), WorkScheduleName = pows.Name, SimulationType = SimulationType.ForwardPlanning, SimulationNumber = simulationNumber, Machine = pows.MachineGroupId.ToString() }; _context.Add(forward); _evaluationContext.Add(forward.CopyDbPropertiesWithoutId()); } } _context.SaveChanges(); _evaluationContext.SaveChanges(); }