Example #1
        public override bool Execute()
            string aim = "Hello friends";
            int    dim = aim.Length;

            Func <string, double> fn1 = (s => s.Select((b, i) => ((int)b - aim[i]) * 2 * ((int)b - aim[i])).Sum());
            Func <string, double> fn  = (s => fn1(s));

            SimulatedAnnealing <string> sa = new SimulatedAnnealing <string>()
                NeighborhoodProvider = Neighbors,
                EnergyProvider       = fn,
                CurrentElement       = "^ùsprôqù;rqô;ùvere!wlpc\"!".Substring(0, dim)

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
                sa.CurrentElement = sa.BestFound;

            if (IsVerbose)
                Console.WriteLine(" ::!:: " + sa.BestFound);

            if (sa.BestFound != aim)

Example #2
        static List <Simulation> RunSimulatedAnnealing(Simulation s, int duration)
            SimulatedAnnealing SA = HeuristicFactory.CreateSA(s, duration, SimulatedAnnealingBase.DebugLevel.All);

Example #3
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            var voc     = Vocabulary.GetVocabularyFromFile(@"Vocabulary.json");
            var grammar = new Grammar(voc);

            ProgramParams programParams;

            using (var file = File.OpenText(@"ProgramParameters.json"))
                var serializer = new JsonSerializer();
                programParams = (ProgramParams)serializer.Deserialize(file, typeof(ProgramParams));

            if (programParams.DataWithMovement)

            var p    = new Parser(grammar);
            var data = p.GenerateSentences(programParams.NumberOfDataSentences);

            using (var sw = File.AppendText("SessionReport.txt"))
                sw.WriteLine("Session {0} ", DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy h:mm tt"));
                sw.WriteLine("sentences: {0}, runs: {1}, movement: {2}", programParams.NumberOfDataSentences,
                             programParams.NumberOfRuns, programParams.DataWithMovement);

            var stopWatch = StartWatch();

            var learner = new Learner(voc, grammar.NonTerminalsTypeDictionary, grammar.POSTypes, data, grammar);

            var targetGrammarEnergy = learner.Energy(learner.originalGrammar);

            var s = string.Format("Target Hypothesis:\r\n{0} with energy: {1}\r\n", learner.originalGrammar,

            using (var sw = File.AppendText("SessionReport.txt"))

            for (var i = 0; i < programParams.NumberOfRuns; i++)
                var sa = new SimulatedAnnealing(learner);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests a simulated annealing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TGene"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="testNumber">The number of the test.</param>
        /// <param name="testDescription">The description of the test.</param>
        /// <param name="simulatedAnnealing">The simulated annealing to test.</param>
        /// <param name="objectiveFunction">The objective funtion to test.</param>
        /// <param name="maxIterationCount">The maximum number of iterations (the computational budget).</param>
        /// <param name="acceptableEnergy">The acceptable energy.</param>
        /// <param name="initialTemperature">The initial temperature.</param>
        /// <param name="finalTemperature">The final temperature.</param>
        /// <apra
        private static void Test <T>(int testNumber, string testDescription, SimulatedAnnealing <T> simulatedAnnealing, ObjectiveFunction <T> objectiveFunction,
                                     int maxIterationCount, double acceptableEnergy,
                                     double initialTemperature, double finalTemperature)
            // Print the number of the test and its description.
            Console.WriteLine("Test " + testNumber + " : " + testDescription);

            // Run the simulated annealing.
            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
            int      usedIterationCount;
            double   achievedEnergy;

            T[] solution = simulatedAnnealing.Run(objectiveFunction,
                                                  maxIterationCount, out usedIterationCount, acceptableEnergy, out achievedEnergy,
                                                  initialTemperature, finalTemperature
            DateTime endTime = DateTime.Now;

            // Build the solution string.
            StringBuilder solutionSB = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (T component in solution)
                solutionSB.Append(component + ", ");
            if (solution.Length != 0)
                solutionSB.Remove(solutionSB.Length - 2, 2);

            // Print the results.
            Console.WriteLine("Test " + testNumber + " : Duration: " + (endTime - startTime));
            Console.WriteLine("Test " + testNumber + " : Number of iterations taken : " + usedIterationCount);
            Console.WriteLine("Test " + testNumber + " : Best solution : " + solutionSB.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("Test " + testNumber + " : Best solution's evaluation : " + achievedEnergy);
Example #5
        private static void Main()
            Parameters.Verbosity = VerbosityLevels.Normal;
            // this next line is to set the Debug statements from OOOT to the Console.
            Trace.Listeners.Add(new TextWriterTraceListener(Console.Out));

            /* In this example, we first present how the details of an optimzation
             * problem can be saved to an XML-file so that it can be read in
             * and solved as opposed to defining all the details in an imperative
             * (code line by code line) way. In the first function, the xml file
             * name "test1.xml" is created. */

            /* now we create a series of different optimization methods and test
             * them on the problem. The problem is now opened from the file and
             * the details are stored in an object of class "Problem Definition".*/
            var stream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open);

            double[] xStar;

            ProblemDefinition probTest1 = ProblemDefinition.OpenprobFromXml(stream);
            abstractOptMethod opty;

            /******************Exhaustive Search ***********************/
            //SearchIO.output("******************Exhaustive Search ***********************");
            //opty = new ExhaustiveSearch(probTest1.SpaceDescriptor, optimize.minimize);
            ///* No convergence criteria is needed as the process concludes when all
            // * states have been visited but for this problem that is 4 trillion states.*/
            ///* if you DID KNOW the best, you can include a criteria like...*/
            //opty.ConvergenceMethods.Add(new ToKnownBestXConvergence(new[] { 3.0, 3.0 }, 0.0000001));
            //var timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            //var fStar = opty.Run(out xStar);

            ///* you probably will never see this process complete. Even with the added
            // * convergence criteria (which is not factored into the estimated time of
            // * completion), you are probably looking at 1 to 2 years. */
            //printResults(opty, xStar, fStar, timer);

            /***********Gradient Based Optimization with Steepest Descent****************/
            //SearchIO.output("***********Gradient Based Optimization with Steepest Descent****************");
            //opty = new GradientBasedOptimization();
            //abstractSearchDirection searchDirMethod = new SteepestDescent();
            ////abstractLineSearch lineSearchMethod = new ArithmeticMean(0.0001, 1, 100);
            ////abstractLineSearch lineSearchMethod = new DSCPowell(0.0001, 1, 100);
            //abstractLineSearch lineSearchMethod = new GoldenSection(0.0001, 1);
            //opty.Add(new squaredExteriorPenalty(opty, 10));
            ///* since this is not a population-based optimization method, we need to remove the MaxSpan criteria. */
            //opty.ConvergenceMethods.RemoveAll(a => a is MaxSpanInPopulationConvergence);

            //timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            //fStar = opty.Run(out xStar);
            //printResults(opty, xStar, fStar, timer);

            ///***********Gradient Based Optimization with Fletcher-Reeves****************/
            //SearchIO.output("***********Gradient Based Optimization with Fletcher-Reeves****************");
            ///* we don't need to reset (invoke the constructor) for GradientBasedOptimization since we are only
            // * change the seaach direction method. */
            //searchDirMethod = new FletcherReevesDirection();
            ///* you could also try the remaining 3 search direction methods. */
            ////searchDirMethod = new CyclicCoordinates();
            ////searchDirMethod = new BFGSDirection();
            ////searchDirMethod = new PowellMethod(0.001, 6);

            //timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            //fStar = opty.Run(out xStar);
            //printResults(opty, xStar, fStar, timer);
            ///******************Generalized Reduced Gradient***********************/
            //SearchIO.output("******************Generalized Reduced Gradient***********************");
            //opty = new GeneralizedReducedGradientActiveSet();
            //opty.Add(new squaredExteriorPenalty(opty, 10));
            //opty.ConvergenceMethods.RemoveAll(a => a is MaxSpanInPopulationConvergence);

            //timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            //fStar = opty.Run(out xStar);
            //printResults(opty, xStar, fStar, timer);

            /* GRG is the ONLY one here that handles constraints explicity. It find the
             * optimal very quickly and accurately. However, many of the other show a
             * better value of f*, this is because they are using an imperfect penalty
             * function (new squaredExteriorPenalty(opty, 10)). While it seems that GRG
             * includes it as well, it is only used in the the line search method. */

            /******************Random Hill Climbing ***********************/
            probTest1.SpaceDescriptor = new DesignSpaceDescription(new[] { new VariableDescriptor(-5000, 5000, 0.1),
                                                                           new VariableDescriptor(-5000, 5000, 0.1) });
            SearchIO.output("******************Random Hill Climbing ***********************");
            opty = new HillClimbing();
            opty.Add(new squaredExteriorPenalty(opty, 8));
            opty.Add(new RandomNeighborGenerator(probTest1.SpaceDescriptor));
            opty.Add(new KeepSingleBest(optimize.minimize));
            opty.ConvergenceMethods.RemoveAll(a => a is MaxSpanInPopulationConvergence);

            /* the deltaX convergence needs to be removed as well, since RHC will end many iterations
             * at the same point it started. */
            opty.ConvergenceMethods.RemoveAll(a => a is DeltaXConvergence);

            var timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            var fStar = opty.Run(out xStar);

            printResults(opty, xStar, fStar, timer);

            /******************Exhaustive Hill Climbing ***********************/
            SearchIO.output("******************Exhaustive Hill Climbing ***********************");
            /* Everything else about the Random Hill Climbing stays the same. */
            opty.Add(new ExhaustiveNeighborGenerator(probTest1.SpaceDescriptor));

            timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            fStar = opty.Run(out xStar);
            printResults(opty, xStar, fStar, timer);

            /******************Simulated Annealing***********************/
            SearchIO.output("******************Simulated Annealing***********************");
            opty = new SimulatedAnnealing(optimize.minimize);
            opty.Add(new squaredExteriorPenalty(opty, 10));
            opty.Add(new RandomNeighborGenerator(probTest1.SpaceDescriptor, 100));
            opty.Add(new SACoolingSangiovanniVincentelli(100));
            opty.ConvergenceMethods.RemoveAll(a => a is MaxSpanInPopulationConvergence);

            /* the deltaX convergence needs to be removed as well, since RHC will end many iterations
             * at the same point it started. */
            opty.ConvergenceMethods.RemoveAll(a => a is DeltaXConvergence);

            timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            fStar = opty.Run(out xStar);
            printResults(opty, xStar, fStar, timer);
Example #6
        public void NelderOtherHeuristics()
            int thinningPeriod = 4;
            int treeCount      = 75;

            #if DEBUG
            treeCount = 25;

            PlotsWithHeight      nelder        = PublicApi.GetNelder();
            OrganonConfiguration configuration = OrganonTest.CreateOrganonConfiguration(new OrganonVariantNwo());
            configuration.Treatments.Harvests.Add(new ThinByIndividualTreeSelection(thinningPeriod));
            OrganonStand stand = nelder.ToOrganonStand(configuration, 20, 130.0F, treeCount);
            stand.PlantingDensityInTreesPerHectare = TestConstant.NelderReplantingDensityInTreesPerHectare;

            Objective landExpectationValue = new Objective()
                IsLandExpectationValue = true,
                PlanningPeriods        = 9
            Objective volume = new Objective()
                PlanningPeriods = landExpectationValue.PlanningPeriods
            HeuristicParameters defaultParameters = new HeuristicParameters()
                UseScaledVolume = false

            GeneticParameters geneticParameters = new GeneticParameters(treeCount)
                PopulationSize     = 7,
                MaximumGenerations = 5,
                UseScaledVolume    = defaultParameters.UseScaledVolume
            GeneticAlgorithm genetic        = new GeneticAlgorithm(stand, configuration, landExpectationValue, geneticParameters);
            TimeSpan         geneticRuntime = genetic.Run();

            GreatDeluge deluge = new GreatDeluge(stand, configuration, volume, defaultParameters)
                RainRate        = 5,
                LowerWaterAfter = 9,
                StopAfter       = 10
            TimeSpan delugeRuntime = deluge.Run();

            RecordTravel recordTravel = new RecordTravel(stand, configuration, landExpectationValue, defaultParameters)
                StopAfter = 10
            TimeSpan recordRuntime = recordTravel.Run();

            SimulatedAnnealing annealer = new SimulatedAnnealing(stand, configuration, volume, defaultParameters)
                Iterations = 100
            TimeSpan annealerRuntime = annealer.Run();

            TabuParameters tabuParameters = new TabuParameters()
                UseScaledVolume = defaultParameters.UseScaledVolume
            TabuSearch tabu = new TabuSearch(stand, configuration, landExpectationValue, tabuParameters)
                Iterations = 7,
                //Jump = 2,
                MaximumTenure = 5
            TimeSpan tabuRuntime = tabu.Run();

            ThresholdAccepting thresholdAcceptor = new ThresholdAccepting(stand, configuration, volume, defaultParameters);
            TimeSpan acceptorRuntime = thresholdAcceptor.Run();

            RandomGuessing random = new RandomGuessing(stand, configuration, volume, defaultParameters)
                Iterations = 4
            TimeSpan randomRuntime = random.Run();

            configuration.Treatments.Harvests.Add(new ThinByPrescription(thinningPeriod));
            PrescriptionParameters prescriptionParameters = new PrescriptionParameters()
                Maximum         = 60.0F,
                Minimum         = 50.0F,
                Step            = 10.0F,
                UseScaledVolume = defaultParameters.UseScaledVolume
            PrescriptionEnumeration enumerator = new PrescriptionEnumeration(stand, configuration, landExpectationValue, prescriptionParameters);
            TimeSpan enumerationRuntime        = enumerator.Run();

            // heuristics assigned to volume optimization

            // heuristics assigned to net present value optimization

            HeuristicSolutionDistribution distribution = new HeuristicSolutionDistribution(1, thinningPeriod, treeCount);
            distribution.AddRun(annealer, annealerRuntime, defaultParameters);
            distribution.AddRun(deluge, delugeRuntime, defaultParameters);
            distribution.AddRun(thresholdAcceptor, acceptorRuntime, defaultParameters);
            distribution.AddRun(genetic, geneticRuntime, defaultParameters);
            distribution.AddRun(enumerator, enumerationRuntime, defaultParameters);
            distribution.AddRun(recordTravel, recordRuntime, defaultParameters);
            distribution.AddRun(tabu, tabuRuntime, defaultParameters);
            distribution.AddRun(random, randomRuntime, defaultParameters);