public static void SimToolSendData(Transform player)
        var roll  = GetRoll(player);
        var pitch = GetPitch(player);
        var yaw   = GetYaw(player);

        //Debug.Log("Roll " + roll);
        //Debug.Log("Pitch " + pitch);

        simtools = new SimtoolsTelemetry(pitch, roll, yaw);
    //these functins actually retrieve the telemetry data
    #region Retreve Telemetry Data
    public void FixedUpdate()
        //don't do anything if the gameobject is null because that will throw exceptions
        if (player != null)
            //start OLD CODE
            Quaternion deltaRot = Quaternion.Inverse(lastRot) * player.transform.localRotation;

            float roll = lastRoll + deltaRot.eulerAngles.z;
            if (roll > 180)
                roll = roll - 360;

            float realPitch = deltaRot.eulerAngles.x;
            if (realPitch > 180)
                realPitch = realPitch - 360;

            float pitch = lastPitch + realPitch * Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * roll);            // (deltaRot.eulerAngles.x * player.transform.up.y);
            float yaw   = lastYaw + deltaRot.eulerAngles.y;

            // ---------------------------------- OVER-RIDE PITCH, ROLL, and YAW VALUES ---------------------------------------------------
            // To Do: clean up old code above
            //end OLD CODE

            pitch = GetPitch(player.transform);
            yaw   = GetYaw(player.transform);
            roll  = GetRoll(player.transform);

            //attempt to calculate the delta quaternion for angular velocity...
            Vector3 deltaPos = player.transform.position - lastPos;
            Vector3 deltaV   = deltaPos - lastVel;

            float heave = transform.InverseTransformDirection(deltaV).y;
            float sway  = transform.InverseTransformDirection(deltaV).z;
            float surge = transform.InverseTransformDirection(deltaV).x;

            float deltaPitch = (float)Math.Round(deltaRot.eulerAngles.x, 2);
            float deltaRoll  = (float)Math.Round(deltaRot.eulerAngles.z, 2);
            float deltaYaw   = (float)Math.Round(deltaRot.eulerAngles.y, 2);

            lastRot = player.transform.rotation;
            lastPos = player.transform.position;
            lastVel = deltaPos;

            simtools = new SimtoolsTelemetry(pitch, roll, yaw, heave, sway, surge, deltaPitch, deltaRoll, deltaYaw);
    // initialization
    void Start()
        // create an endpoint
        remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(IP), port);

        // create a udp client
        client = new UdpClient();

        // create a simtools object
        simtools = new SimtoolsTelemetry();

        //Initialize rotation
        OldRotation = transform.rotation;

        // start the simtools coroutine
 // this function handles sending data
 public static void SimToolSendData(float roll, float pitch, float yaw)
     simtools = new SimtoolsTelemetry(pitch, roll, yaw);