Example #1
        public void OptimizationSimplex()
            //Rosenbrock banana function
            //The minimum is at (1,1) and the  function value is 0.

            //using DotNumerics.Optimization;

            Simplex simplex = new Simplex();

            double[] initialGuess = new double[2];
            initialGuess[0] = 0.1;
            initialGuess[1] = 2;
            double[] minimum = simplex.ComputeMin(BananaFunction, initialGuess);

            ObjectDumper.Write("Simplex Method.");
            ObjectDumper.Write("a = " + minimum[0].ToString() + ",   b = " + minimum[1].ToString());

            //f(a,b) = 100*(b-a^2)^2 + (1-a)^2
            //private double BananaFunction(double[] x)
            //    double f = 0;
            //    f = 100 * Math.Pow((x[1] - x[0] * x[0]), 2) + Math.Pow((1 - x[0]), 2);
            //    return f;
Example #2
        public void OptimizationSimplexConstrained()
            //This example minimize the function
            //f(x0,x2,...,xn)= (x0-0)^2+(x1-1)^2+...(xn-n)^2
            //The minimum is at (0,1,2,3...,n) for the unconstrained case.

            //using DotNumerics.Optimization;

            Simplex simplex      = new Simplex();
            int     numVariables = 5;

            OptBoundVariable[] variables = new OptBoundVariable[numVariables];
            //Constrained Minimization on the interval (-10,10), initial Guess=-2;
            for (int i = 0; i < numVariables; i++)
                variables[i] = new OptBoundVariable("x" + i.ToString(), -2, -10, 10);
            double[] minimum = simplex.ComputeMin(ObjetiveFunction, variables);

            ObjectDumper.Write("Simplex Method. Constrained Minimization on the interval (-10,10)");
            for (int i = 0; i < minimum.Length; i++)
                ObjectDumper.Write("x" + i.ToString() + " = " + minimum[i].ToString());

            //Constrained Minimization on the interval (-10,3), initial Guess=-2;
            for (int i = 0; i < numVariables; i++)
                variables[i].UpperBound = 3;
            minimum = simplex.ComputeMin(ObjetiveFunction, variables);

            ObjectDumper.Write("Simplex Method. Constrained Minimization on the interval (-10,3)");
            for (int i = 0; i < minimum.Length; i++)
                ObjectDumper.Write("x" + i.ToString() + " = " + minimum[i].ToString());

            //f(x0,x2,...,xn)= (x0-0)^2+(x1-1)^2+...(xn-n)^2
            //private double ObjetiveFunction(double[] x)
            //    int numVariables = 5;
            //    double f = 0;
            //    for (int i = 0; i < numVariables; i++) f += Math.Pow(x[i] - i, 2);
            //    return f;
Example #3
        public double[] StartMapping(SpotParsInitBox spotParsInitBox, string minimizator, double tau)
            OptBoundVariable[] x = new OptBoundVariable[spotParsInitBox.SpotsNumber * 4];

            for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++)
                x[i] = new OptBoundVariable();

            for (int q = 0; q < this.lcObs.Length; q++)
                for (int s = 0; s < spotParsInitBox.SpotsNumber; s++)
                        spotParsInitBox.spots[s].longitude * Math.PI / 180,
                        spotParsInitBox.spots[s].colatutude * Math.PI / 180,
                        spotParsInitBox.spots[s].radius * Math.PI / 180,

            this.fixedParsMask = new bool[x.Length];

            for (int s = 0; s < spotParsInitBox.SpotsNumber; s++)
                x[0 + s * 4].InitialGuess     = spotParsInitBox.spots[s].longitude * Math.PI / 180;
                x[0 + s * 4].UpperBound       = spotParsInitBox.spots[s].longitudeUpperLimit * Math.PI / 180;
                x[0 + s * 4].LowerBound       = spotParsInitBox.spots[s].longitudeLowerLimit * Math.PI / 180;
                x[0 + s * 4].Fixed            = spotParsInitBox.spots[s].longitudeFixed;
                this.fixedParsMask[0 + s * 4] = spotParsInitBox.spots[s].longitudeFixed;

                x[1 + s * 4].InitialGuess     = spotParsInitBox.spots[s].colatutude * Math.PI / 180;
                x[1 + s * 4].UpperBound       = spotParsInitBox.spots[s].colatitudeUpperLimit * Math.PI / 180;
                x[1 + s * 4].LowerBound       = spotParsInitBox.spots[s].colatitudeLowerLimit * Math.PI / 180;
                x[1 + s * 4].Fixed            = spotParsInitBox.spots[s].colatitudeFixed;
                this.fixedParsMask[1 + s * 4] = spotParsInitBox.spots[s].colatitudeFixed;

                x[2 + s * 4].InitialGuess     = spotParsInitBox.spots[s].radius * Math.PI / 180;
                x[2 + s * 4].UpperBound       = spotParsInitBox.spots[s].radiusUpperLimit * Math.PI / 180;
                x[2 + s * 4].LowerBound       = spotParsInitBox.spots[s].radiusLowerLimit * Math.PI / 180;
                x[2 + s * 4].Fixed            = spotParsInitBox.spots[s].radiusFixed;
                this.fixedParsMask[2 + s * 4] = spotParsInitBox.spots[s].radiusFixed;

                x[3 + s * 4].InitialGuess     = spotParsInitBox.spots[s].teff;
                x[3 + s * 4].UpperBound       = spotParsInitBox.spots[s].teffUpperLimit;
                x[3 + s * 4].LowerBound       = spotParsInitBox.spots[s].teffLowerLimit;
                x[3 + s * 4].Fixed            = spotParsInitBox.spots[s].teffFixed;
                this.fixedParsMask[3 + s * 4] = spotParsInitBox.spots[s].teffFixed;

            double[] res = new double[4];

            if (minimizator == "Simplex")
                Simplex simplex = new Simplex();
                res = simplex.ComputeMin(this.Khi2, x);
            if (minimizator == "TN")
                //DotNumerics.Optimization.TruncatedNewton tn = new TruncatedNewton();
                DotNumerics.Optimization.L_BFGS_B bfgs = new L_BFGS_B();
                //tn.SearchSeverity = 1;

                //res = tn.ComputeMin(this.Khi2, this.GradKhi2, x);
                res = bfgs.ComputeMin(this.Khi2, this.GradKhi2, x);
            if (minimizator == "LM")
                LevenbergMaquard gn = new LevenbergMaquard();
                gn.MinimizedFunction = this.ResudalVector;
                double[] step       = new double[x.Length];
                double[] xinit      = new double[x.Length];
                bool[]   isFixed    = new bool[x.Length];
                double[] lowLimits  = new double[x.Length];
                double[] highLimits = new double[x.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < xinit.Length; i++)
                    xinit[i]      = x[i].InitialGuess;
                    isFixed[i]    = x[i].Fixed;
                    lowLimits[i]  = x[i].LowerBound;
                    highLimits[i] = x[i].UpperBound;
                    if (i != 0 && (i + 1) % 4 == 0)
                        step[i] = 10; // step for temperature;
                        step[i] = 0.02;

                gn.StepForDer = step;
                gn.IterMax    = 100;
                gn.Tau        = tau;
                res           = gn.ComputeMin(xinit, isFixed, lowLimits, highLimits);

            this.khi2 = this.Khi2(res);


Example #4
        public PIDTuningTool(Shared.Flowsheet fs, DynamicsIntegratorControl intcontrol) : base()
            Flowsheet = fs;
            intc      = intcontrol;
            Padding   = new Eto.Drawing.Padding(5);
            Spacing   = new Size(5, 5);

            Padding = new Eto.Drawing.Padding(5);
            Spacing = new Size(10, 10);

            var leftcontainer = new DynamicLayout {
                Width = 300


            var schlist = Flowsheet.DynamicsManager.ScheduleList.Values.ToList();

            var cbSchedule = leftcontainer.CreateAndAddDropDownRow("Schedule", schlist.Select((x) => x.Description).ToList(), 0,
                                                                   (dd, e) => schedule = schlist[dd.SelectedIndex]);


            leftcontainer.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow("Select the PID Controllers to tune.");

            var listb = new CheckBoxList()
                Height = 200

            foreach (var obj in Flowsheet.SimulationObjects.Values.Where((x) => x.ObjectClass == Interfaces.Enums.SimulationObjectClass.Controllers))
                listb.Items.Add(obj.GraphicObject.Tag, obj.Name);


            leftcontainer.CreateAndAddNumericEditorRow("Maximum Iterations", iterations, 5, 100, 0,
                                                       (ns, e) =>
                iterations = (int)ns.Value;

            var btnRun = leftcontainer.CreateAndAddButtonRow("Begin Tuning", null, null);

            var btnCancel = leftcontainer.CreateAndAddButtonRow("Cancel", null, (btn, e) => Abort = true);

            txtResults = new TextArea {
                ReadOnly = true, Wrap = true

            Rows.Add(new TableRow(leftcontainer, new Scrollable {
                Content = txtResults

            btnRun.Click += (s, e) =>
                Flowsheet.RunCodeOnUIThread(() =>
                    txtResults.Text = "";

                    if (!Flowsheet.DynamicMode)
                        txtResults.Text += "Error: Dynamic Mode is not activated. Activate Dynamic Mode and try again.";

                    intc.cbsc.SelectedIndex = cbSchedule.SelectedIndex;

                    var schedule = Flowsheet.DynamicsManager.ScheduleList[Flowsheet.DynamicsManager.CurrentSchedule];

                    List <OptSimplexBoundVariable> vars = new List <OptSimplexBoundVariable>();
                    List <PIDController> controllers    = new List <PIDController>();

                    foreach (var item in listb.SelectedKeys)
                        var controller = (PIDController)Flowsheet.SimulationObjects[item];
                        vars.Add(new OptSimplexBoundVariable(controller.Kp, 0.0, controller.Kp * 10));
                        vars.Add(new OptSimplexBoundVariable(controller.Ki, 0.0, 100.0));
                        vars.Add(new OptSimplexBoundVariable(controller.Kd, 0.0, 100.0));

                    btnRun.Enabled    = false;
                    btnCancel.Enabled = true;

                    Simplex simplex = new Simplex();

                    simplex.MaxFunEvaluations = iterations;

                    Abort = false;

                    int counter = 1;

                    if (schedule.InitialFlowsheetStateID == "" | schedule.UseCurrentStateAsInitial)
                        txtResults.Text  += "The selected schedule must have a valid initial state to start from.";
                        btnRun.Enabled    = true;
                        btnCancel.Enabled = false;

                    var result = simplex.ComputeMin(x =>
                        if (Abort)
                        Flowsheet.RunCodeOnUIThread(() =>
                            txtResults.Text += (string.Format("Beginning Iteration #{0}...\n", counter));
                        var i = 0;
                        foreach (var controller in controllers)
                            controller.Kp = x[i];
                            controller.Ki = x[i + 1];
                            controller.Kd = x[i + 2];
                            Flowsheet.RunCodeOnUIThread(() =>
                                txtResults.Text += (string.Format("Controller: {0} - Kp = {1}, Ki = {2}, Kd = {3}\n", controller.GraphicObject.Tag, controller.Kp, controller.Ki, controller.Kd));
                            i += 3;
                        intc.RunIntegrator(false, true);
                        var totalerror = controllers.Select(c => c.CumulativeError).ToArray().AbsSumY();
                        Flowsheet.RunCodeOnUIThread(() =>
                            txtResults.Text      += (string.Format("Total Error: {0}\n", totalerror));
                            txtResults.CaretIndex = txtResults.Text.Length - 1;
                        counter += 1;
                    }, vars.ToArray());

                    if (Abort)
                        txtResults.Text += (string.Format("Tuning aborted by the user. Results:\n"));
                        txtResults.Text += (string.Format("Tuning finished successfully. Results:\n"));

                    var j = 0;
                    foreach (var controller in controllers)
                        controller.Kp    = result[j];
                        controller.Ki    = result[j + 1];
                        controller.Kd    = result[j + 2];
                        txtResults.Text += (string.Format("Controller: {0} - Kp = {1}, Ki = {2}, Kd = {3}\n", controller.GraphicObject.Tag, controller.Kp, controller.Ki, controller.Kd));
                        j += 3;

                    btnRun.Enabled    = true;
                    btnCancel.Enabled = false;
