/// <summary>
        ///     Returns a parsers for the String value using the given built-in class for parsing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">is the type to parse the value to</param>
        /// <returns>value matching the type passed in</returns>
        public static SimpleTypeParserSPI GetParser(Type type)
            var typeBoxed = type.GetBoxedType();

            if (typeBoxed == typeof(string))
                return(new ProxySimpleTypeParserSPI {
                    ProcParse = value => value,
                    ProcCodegen = input => input

            if (typeBoxed == typeof(char?))
                return(new ProxySimpleTypeParserSPI {
                    ProcParse = value => SimpleTypeParserFunctions.ParseChar(value),
                    ProcCodegen = input => StaticMethod(typeof(SimpleTypeParserFunctions), "ParseChar", input)

            if (typeBoxed == typeof(bool?))
                return(new ProxySimpleTypeParserSPI {
                    ProcParse = value => SimpleTypeParserFunctions.ParseBoolean(value),
                    ProcCodegen = input => StaticMethod(typeof(SimpleTypeParserFunctions), "ParseBoolean", input)

            if (typeBoxed == typeof(Guid?))
                return(new ProxySimpleTypeParserSPI {
                    ProcParse = value => SimpleTypeParserFunctions.ParseGuid(value),
                    ProcCodegen = input => StaticMethod(typeof(SimpleTypeParserFunctions), "ParseGuid", input)

            // -- Integers
            if (typeBoxed == typeof(byte?))
                return(new ProxySimpleTypeParserSPI {
                    ProcParse = value => SimpleTypeParserFunctions.ParseByte(value),
                    ProcCodegen = input => StaticMethod(typeof(SimpleTypeParserFunctions), "ParseByte", input)

            if (typeBoxed == typeof(sbyte?))
                return(new ProxySimpleTypeParserSPI {
                    ProcParse = value => SimpleTypeParserFunctions.ParseSByte(value),
                    ProcCodegen = input => StaticMethod(typeof(SimpleTypeParserFunctions), "ParseSByte", input)

            if (typeBoxed == typeof(short?))
                return(new ProxySimpleTypeParserSPI {
                    ProcParse = value => SimpleTypeParserFunctions.ParseInt16(value),
                    ProcCodegen = input => StaticMethod(typeof(SimpleTypeParserFunctions), "ParseInt16", input)

            if (typeBoxed == typeof(ushort?))
                return(new ProxySimpleTypeParserSPI {
                    ProcParse = value => SimpleTypeParserFunctions.ParseUInt16(value),
                    ProcCodegen = input => StaticMethod(typeof(SimpleTypeParserFunctions), "ParseUInt16", input)

            if (typeBoxed == typeof(int?))
                return(new ProxySimpleTypeParserSPI {
                    ProcParse = value => SimpleTypeParserFunctions.ParseInt32(value),
                    ProcCodegen = input => StaticMethod(typeof(SimpleTypeParserFunctions), "ParseInt32", input)

            if (typeBoxed == typeof(uint?))
                return(new ProxySimpleTypeParserSPI {
                    ProcParse = value => SimpleTypeParserFunctions.ParseUInt32(value),
                    ProcCodegen = input => StaticMethod(typeof(SimpleTypeParserFunctions), "ParseUInt32", input)

            if (typeBoxed == typeof(long?))
                return(new ProxySimpleTypeParserSPI {
                    ProcParse = value => SimpleTypeParserFunctions.ParseInt64(value),
                    ProcCodegen = input => StaticMethod(typeof(SimpleTypeParserFunctions), "ParseInt64", input)

            if (typeBoxed == typeof(ulong?))
                return(new ProxySimpleTypeParserSPI {
                    ProcParse = value => SimpleTypeParserFunctions.ParseUInt64(value),
                    ProcCodegen = input => StaticMethod(typeof(SimpleTypeParserFunctions), "ParseUInt64", input)

            // -- Floating Point
            if (typeBoxed == typeof(float?))
                return(new ProxySimpleTypeParserSPI {
                    ProcParse = value => SimpleTypeParserFunctions.ParseFloat(value),
                    ProcCodegen = input => StaticMethod(typeof(SimpleTypeParserFunctions), "ParseFloat", input)

            if (typeBoxed == typeof(double?))
                return(new ProxySimpleTypeParserSPI {
                    ProcParse = value => SimpleTypeParserFunctions.ParseDouble(value),
                    ProcCodegen = input => StaticMethod(typeof(SimpleTypeParserFunctions), "ParseDouble", input)

            if (typeBoxed == typeof(decimal?))
                return(new ProxySimpleTypeParserSPI {
                    ProcParse = value => SimpleTypeParserFunctions.ParseDecimal(value),
                    ProcCodegen = input => StaticMethod(typeof(SimpleTypeParserFunctions), "ParseDecimal", input)

            var untyped = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(typeBoxed);

            if (untyped != null && untyped.IsEnum)
                return(new ProxySimpleTypeParserSPI {
                    ProcParse = value => Enum.Parse(untyped, value, true),
                    ProcCodegen = input => StaticMethod(
