public void VerifyCreatesSimplePageTreeCorrectly() { var page = new SimplePage(); App.Content = page; var snapshotCreator = new ElementSnapshotCreator(testPropertyNames, page); var pageSnapshot = snapshotCreator.CreateSnapshot(); Assert.AreEqual(testPropertyNames, pageSnapshot.PropertyNames); Assert.AreEqual("SimplePageName", pageSnapshot.ElementName); Assert.AreEqual("VisualTreeAnalyzers.Tests.TestInfra.DemoVisualTrees.SimplePage", pageSnapshot.FullTypeName); Assert.AreEqual(1, pageSnapshot.Children.Count); var gridSnapshot = pageSnapshot.Children[0]; Assert.AreEqual(testPropertyNames, gridSnapshot.PropertyNames); Assert.AreEqual("RootGrid", gridSnapshot.ElementName); Assert.AreEqual("Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Grid", gridSnapshot.FullTypeName); Assert.AreEqual(1, gridSnapshot.Children.Count); Assert.AreEqual("#FFD3D3D3", (gridSnapshot.PropertyValues[3] as SolidColorBrush).Color.ToString()); var textBlockSnapshot = gridSnapshot.Children[0]; Assert.AreEqual(testPropertyNames, textBlockSnapshot.PropertyNames); Assert.AreEqual("ExampleTextBlock", textBlockSnapshot.ElementName); Assert.AreEqual("Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.TextBlock", textBlockSnapshot.FullTypeName); Assert.AreEqual(0, textBlockSnapshot.Children.Count); Assert.AreEqual("#FF006400", (textBlockSnapshot.PropertyValues[4] as SolidColorBrush).Color.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual("Some text", textBlockSnapshot.PropertyValues[5]); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync() { if (ModelState.IsValid) { SimplePage simplePage = new SimplePage(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Input.CustomUrl) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Input.CustomUrl)) { if (Input.CustomUrl.Contains(" ")) { ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Custom Url can't contain spaces."); return(Page()); } simplePage.CustomUrl = Input.CustomUrl; } simplePage.Title = Input.Title; simplePage.HTML = Input.HTML; (bool, string)result = await _simplePageService.AddNewPageAsync(simplePage); if (!result.Item1) { ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, result.Item2); return(Page()); } else { StatusMessage = result.Item2; return(LocalRedirect("/Admin/SimplePages")); } } return(Page()); }
public object ListTaskPage(int pageIndex, int pageSize) { SqlSugarClient db = base.Repository.GetDbContext(); int totalNumber = 0; IList <DmeTask> tasks = db.Queryable <DmeTask>().OrderBy(t => t.CreateTime, OrderByType.Desc).ToPageList(pageIndex, pageSize, ref totalNumber); if (0 == tasks?.Count) { return(0); } IList <TaskRespDTO> taskRespDTOs = new List <TaskRespDTO>(); foreach (var item in tasks) { TaskRespDTO dto = new TaskRespDTO { Task = item, Model = db.Queryable <DmeModel>().Single(m => m.Id == item.ModelId), ModelVersion = db.Queryable <DmeModelVersion>().Single(mv => mv.Id == item.VersionId) }; taskRespDTOs.Add(dto); } SimplePage <TaskRespDTO> page = new SimplePage <TaskRespDTO>(pageIndex, pageSize, totalNumber, taskRespDTOs); return(page); }
public App() { InitializeComponent(); //create ViewModel var viewModel = new SimpleViewModel(); MainPage = new SimplePage(viewModel); }
public SimplePageVM Get(SimplePage page) { return(new SimplePageVM(page) { EntityWithTags = page.Children.OrderBy(x => x.WebSortOrder).Select(sp => EntityWithList.New((IEntityCommonInfo)sp, sp.Children.OrderBy(x => x.WebSortOrder).Cast <IEntityCommonInfo>())).ToList(), }); }
public static TagBuilder SimplePageLink(this HtmlHelper helper, SimplePage page) { if (page.WithoutLink) { return(new TagBuilder("span") { InnerHtml = page.LinkTitle }); } return(HtmlControls.Anchor(page.Url, page.LinkTitle)); }
/// <summary> /// Deletes page by id. /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <returns>Tupple of bool and string.</returns> public async Task <(bool, string)> DeletePageByIdAsync(int id) { SimplePage simplePage = await _dbContext.SimplePages.SingleOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == id); if (simplePage != null) { _dbContext.SimplePages.Remove(simplePage); await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); return(true, "Page deleted successfully"); } return(false, "Page with the Id: " + id + " not found."); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync(int?id) { if (id != null) { SimplePage = await _simplePageService.GetPageByIdAsync((int)id); if (SimplePage != null) { DeleteId = (int)id; return(Page()); } return(LocalRedirect("/Admin/SimplePages")); } return(LocalRedirect("/Admin/SimplePages")); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync(string url) { // First we check for custorm url. SimplePage = await _simplePageService.GetPageByCustomUrl(url); if (SimplePage == null) { SimplePage = await _simplePageService.GetPageByUrl(url); if (SimplePage != null) { return(Page()); } return(LocalRedirect("/errors/404")); } return(Page()); }
void Start() { mPageList.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < PageList.Length; ++i) { GameObject go = GameObject.Instantiate(PageList[i]); = PageList[i].name; go.transform.parent = PageRoot.transform; go.transform.localScale =; //go.transform.localPosition =; var rt = go.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); rt.offsetMin =; rt.offsetMax =; SimplePage _sp = go.GetComponent <SimplePage>(); go.SetActive(false); mPageList.Add(, _sp); } Show("SmileMainPage"); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync(int?id) { if (id != null) { SimplePage simplePage = await _simplePageService.GetPageByIdAsync((int)id); if (simplePage == null) { return(LocalRedirect("/Admin/SimplePages")); } Input = new InputModel(); Input.Id = simplePage.Id; Input.Title = simplePage.Title; Input.CustomUrl = simplePage.CustomUrl; Input.HTML = simplePage.HTML; return(Page()); } return(LocalRedirect("/Admin/SimplePages")); }
/// <summary> /// Updates page. /// </summary> /// <param name="simplePage"></param> /// <returns>Tupple of bool and string.</returns> public async Task <(bool, string)> UpdatePageAsync(SimplePage simplePage) { if (simplePage == null) { return(false, "Null object reference provided."); } SimplePage simplePageDb = await _dbContext.SimplePages.SingleOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == simplePage.Id); if (simplePageDb != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(simplePage.CustomUrl)) { if (!(await _dbContext.SimplePages.SingleOrDefaultAsync(x => (x.CustomUrl.Equals(simplePage.CustomUrl) && x.Id != simplePage.Id)) == null)) { return(false, "Custom Url already exists."); } } if (simplePage.Title.Equals("Home") && !simplePageDb.Title.Equals("Home")) { SimplePage homePage = await _dbContext.SimplePages.SingleOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Title.Equals(simplePage.Title)); if (homePage != null) { return(false, "There can only be one page with a title Home."); } } simplePageDb.Title = simplePage.Title; simplePageDb.CustomUrl = simplePage.CustomUrl; simplePageDb.HTML = simplePage.HTML; _dbContext.SimplePages.Update(simplePageDb); await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); return(true, "Page updated successfully."); } return(false, "Page with the Id: " + simplePage.Id + " not found."); }
public List <string> GetBreadCrumbs(SimplePage model, bool includeIt, bool withoutRoot) { var breadcrumb = new List <string>(); if (model == null) { return(breadcrumb); } if (model.SysName != null) { var path = GetBreadCrumbPart().GetPath(model.SysName); if (path != null) { return(path.Select(bc => bc.Link).Reverse().ToList()); } } var parent = model.MainParent; var parents = new List <SimplePage>(); while (parent != null) { parents.Add(parent); parent = parent.MainParent; } parents.Reverse(); if (includeIt || withoutRoot) { parents = parents.Skip(1).ToList(); } foreach (var page in parents.Where(p => !p.WithoutLink)) { AddLink(breadcrumb, page); } if (includeIt && !model.WithoutLink) { AddLink(breadcrumb, model); } return(breadcrumb); }
/// <summary> /// Adds language variant content to the content item with the supplied codename /// </summary> /// <param name="codename">Codename of the content item needed</param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <Guid> CreateItemVariantAsync(string codename) { const string htmlMarkup = @"<h1>Some content</h1> <p>This is the content</p>"; if (!IsValidHtml(htmlMarkup)) { return(Guid.Empty); } var content = new SimplePage { PageTitle = "Test import", PageContent = htmlMarkup, DishColour = new[] { TaxonomyTermIdentifier.ByCodename("green") }, PageTeaser = new AssetIdentifier[0] }; // Specifies the content item and the language variant ContentItemIdentifier itemIdentifier = ContentItemIdentifier.ByCodename(codename); LanguageIdentifier languageIdentifier = LanguageIdentifier.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE; ContentItemVariantIdentifier identifier = new ContentItemVariantIdentifier(itemIdentifier: itemIdentifier, languageIdentifier: languageIdentifier); // Upserts a language variant of your content item try { ContentItemVariantModel <SimplePage> response = await _managementClient.UpsertContentItemVariantAsync <SimplePage>(identifier, content); return(response.Item.Id); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"ERROR: {ex.Message}"); return(Guid.Empty); } }
/// <summary> /// Adds a new simple page. /// </summary> /// <param name="simplePage"></param> /// <returns>Tupple of bool and string.</returns> public async Task <(bool, string)> AddNewPageAsync(SimplePage simplePage) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(simplePage.CustomUrl)) { if (!(await _dbContext.SimplePages.SingleOrDefaultAsync(x => x.CustomUrl.Equals(simplePage.CustomUrl)) == null)) { return(false, "Custom Url already exists."); } } SimplePage homePage = await _dbContext.SimplePages.SingleOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Title.Equals(simplePage.Title)); if (homePage != null) { return(false, "There can only be one page with a title Home."); } _dbContext.SimplePages.Add(simplePage); await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); return(true, "Page successfully added."); }
public async Task <SimplePage> GetPageByUrl(string url) { if (url != null) { string[] splitUrl = url.Split('-', 2); if (splitUrl.Length == 2) { int id; bool idParsedResult = int.TryParse(splitUrl[0], out id); if (idParsedResult) { SimplePage simplePage = await _dbContext.SimplePages.SingleOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == id && string.Compare(splitUrl[1], x.Title) == 0); return(simplePage); } } } return(null); }
private ActionResult GetBestResult(string fullName, string imageName, string name, string postfix = null) { var simplePage = new SimplePage { Title = "Свидетельство " + StringUtils.AngleBrackets(name) }; var model = Tuple.New(simplePage, fullName, imageName); var certificateFileSys = UserImages.GetGraduateCertificateFileSys(imageName, fullName); if (!System.IO.File.Exists(certificateFileSys)) { using (var image = Image.FromFile(UserImages.GetGraduateCertificateFileSys( imageName, "default" + postfix))) { ImageUtils.DrawFullNameStringBest(imageName, image, fullName).Save(certificateFileSys); } } return(View(ViewNames.BestStudent, CommonVM.New(model, model.V1.Title))); }
public SimplePage Show(string pageName) { SimplePage result = null; foreach (var kv in mPageList) { var show = kv.Key == pageName; kv.Value.gameObject.SetActive(show); if (show) { result = kv.Value; } else { kv.Value.Leave(); } } if (result) { result.Refresh(); } return(result); }
public List <string> GetBreadCrumbs(SimplePage model) { return(GetBreadCrumbs(model, false, false)); }
public List <string> GetBreadCrumbs(SimplePage model, bool includeIt) { return(GetBreadCrumbs(model, includeIt, false)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync() { SimplePage = await _simplePageService.GetPageByTitleAsync("Home"); return(Page()); }