public static SimpleJson GetJSON(ISession session, string areaCode) { WHArea area = WHArea.Retrieve(session, areaCode); if (area == null) { return(new SimpleJson().HandleError(string.Format("存储区域{0}不存在", areaCode))); } SimpleJson json = new SimpleJson() .Add("type", "a") .Add("code", area.AreaCode) .Add("status", (int)area.Status) .Add("name", area.Name) .Add("desc", area.Text) .Add("cap", area.AreaCapacity) .Add("hassec", area.HasSection) .Add("isqc", area.IsQC) .Add("isnonformal", area.IsNonFormal) .Add("isscrap", area.IsScrap) .Add("allowdelete", area.AllowDelete) .Add("allowchild", area.AllowChild) .Add("text", area.ToString()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(area.ParentArea) && area.ParentArea.Trim().Length > 0) { json.Add("parentType", "a").Add("parent", area.ParentArea.Trim()); } else { json.Add("parentType", "l").Add("parent", area.LocationCode.Trim()); } return(json); }
public SimpleJson GetJSON() { SimpleJson json = new SimpleJson() .Add("type", "a") .Add("code", this.AreaCode) .Add("status", (int)this.Status) .Add("name", this.Name) .Add("desc", this.Text) .Add("cap", this.AreaCapacity) .Add("hassec", this.HasSection) .Add("isqc", this.IsQC) .Add("isnonformal", this.IsNonFormal) .Add("isscrap", this.IsScrap) .Add("allowdelete", this.AllowDelete) .Add("allowchild", this.AllowChild) .Add("text", this.ToString()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ParentArea) && this.ParentArea.Trim().Length > 0) { json.Add("parentType", "a").Add("parent", this.ParentArea.Trim()); } else { json.Add("parentType", "l").Add("parent", this.LocationCode.Trim()); } return(json); }
public SimpleJson ToJSON() { SimpleJson json = new SimpleJson(); json.Add("id", this.GroupId); json.Add("name", this.Name); json.Add("desc", this.Description); json.Add("parent", this.ParentId); json.Add("type", this.GroupType); return(json); }
public SimpleJson ToJSON() { SimpleJson json = new SimpleJson(); json.Add("id", this.OperationId); json.Add("name", this.Name); json.Add("desc", this.Description); json.Add("parent", this.ParentId); json.Add("type", this.Type.ToString()); json.Add("level", this.Level); json.Add("image", this.Image); json.Add("seq", this.SeqNo); json.Add("entry", this.Entry); json.Add("status", this.Status); return(json); }
public static SimpleJson GetWHInfo(ISession session, string area, string section) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(area) || area.Trim().Length <= 0) { return(new SimpleJson().HandleError("您没有选择库位")); } string a = area.Trim().ToUpper(); string sec = string.IsNullOrEmpty(section) ? "" : section.Trim().ToUpper(); SimpleJson json = new SimpleJson().Add("area", area).Add("section", sec); if (sec.Length <= 0) { //加载库位信息 WHArea whArea = WHArea.Retrieve(session, a); if (whArea == null) { return(json.HandleError("库位" + a + "不存在")); } json.Add("capacity", Cast.Int(whArea.AreaCapacity)); int stoQty = Cast.Int(session.CreateObjectQuery(@"select sum(StockQty) from StockDetail where AreaCode=?area group by AreaCode") .Attach(typeof(StockDetail)) .SetValue("?area", a, "AreaCode") .Scalar()); json.Add("stored", stoQty); } else { //加载货架信息 WHSection whSection = WHSection.Retrieve(session, a, sec); if (whSection == null) { return(json.HandleError("库位" + a + "中不存在货架号" + sec)); } json.Add("capacity", Cast.Int(whSection.SectionCapacity)); int stoQty = Cast.Int(session.CreateObjectQuery(@" select sum(StockQty) from StockDetail where AreaCode=?area and SectionCode=?section group by AreaCode") .Attach(typeof(StockDetail)) .SetValue("?area", a, "AreaCode") .SetValue("?section", sec, "SectionCode") .Scalar()); json.Add("stored", stoQty); } return(json); }
public static SimpleJson GetWHInfo(ISession session, string area, string section) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(area) || area.Trim().Length <= 0) return new SimpleJson().HandleError("��û��ѡ���λ"); string a = area.Trim().ToUpper(); string sec = string.IsNullOrEmpty(section) ? "" : section.Trim().ToUpper(); SimpleJson json = new SimpleJson().Add("area", area).Add("section", sec); if (sec.Length <= 0) { //���ؿ�λ��Ϣ WHArea whArea = WHArea.Retrieve(session, a); if (whArea == null) return json.HandleError("��λ" + a + "������"); json.Add("capacity", Cast.Int(whArea.AreaCapacity)); int stoQty = Cast.Int(session.CreateObjectQuery(@"select sum(StockQty) from StockDetail where AreaCode=?area group by AreaCode") .Attach(typeof(StockDetail)) .SetValue("?area", a, "AreaCode") .Scalar()); json.Add("stored", stoQty); } else { //���ػ�����Ϣ WHSection whSection = WHSection.Retrieve(session, a, sec); if (whSection == null) return json.HandleError("��λ" + a + "�в����ڻ��ܺ�" + sec); json.Add("capacity", Cast.Int(whSection.SectionCapacity)); int stoQty = Cast.Int(session.CreateObjectQuery(@" select sum(StockQty) from StockDetail where AreaCode=?area and SectionCode=?section group by AreaCode") .Attach(typeof(StockDetail)) .SetValue("?area", a, "AreaCode") .SetValue("?section", sec, "SectionCode") .Scalar()); json.Add("stored", stoQty); } return json; }
public static SimpleJson GetJSON(ISession session, string areaCode) { WHArea area = WHArea.Retrieve(session, areaCode); if (area == null) return new SimpleJson().HandleError(string.Format("�洢����{0}������", areaCode)); SimpleJson json = new SimpleJson() .Add("type", "a") .Add("code", area.AreaCode) .Add("status", (int)area.Status) .Add("name", area.Name) .Add("desc", area.Text) .Add("cap", area.AreaCapacity) .Add("hassec", area.HasSection) .Add("isqc", area.IsQC) .Add("isnonformal", area.IsNonFormal) .Add("isscrap", area.IsScrap) .Add("allowdelete", area.AllowDelete) .Add("allowchild", area.AllowChild) .Add("text", area.ToString()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(area.ParentArea) && area.ParentArea.Trim().Length > 0) json.Add("parentType", "a").Add("parent", area.ParentArea.Trim()); else json.Add("parentType", "l").Add("parent", area.LocationCode.Trim()); return json; }
public static SimpleJson DeliverOrder4Check(ISession session, string orderNumber) { CRMSN shippingNotice = CRMSN.Retrieve(session, orderNumber); if (shippingNotice == null) { return(new SimpleJson().HandleError(string.Format("发货单{0}不存在", orderNumber))); } if (shippingNotice.Status != CRMSNStatus.Distributing) { return(new SimpleJson().HandleError(string.Format("发货单{0}不是已打印状态,无法进行核货作业", shippingNotice.OrderNumber))); } SimpleJson json = shippingNotice.ToJSon(session); //是否需要过滤掉不必要核货的发货明细? DataSet ds = session.CreateObjectQuery(@" select s.BarCode as SKU,m.ItemCode as ItemCode,m.ItemName as ItemName ,s.ColorCode as ColorCode,color.ColorText as ColorText,s.SizeCode as SizeCode ,sum(l.Quantity) as Quantity from CRMSNLine l inner join ItemSpec s on l.SKUID=s.SKUID inner join ItemMaster m on m.ItemID=s.ItemID left join ItemColor color on color.ColorCode=s.ColorCode group by s.BarCode,m.ItemCode,m.ItemName,s.ColorCode,color.ColorText,s.SizeCode order by s.BarCode") .Attach(typeof(CRMSNLine)).Attach(typeof(ItemSpec)).Attach(typeof(ItemMaster)) .Attach(typeof(ItemColor)) .Where(Exp.Eq("l.SNID", shippingNotice.ID)) .DataSet(); IList <SimpleJson> lineJson = new List <SimpleJson>(ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count); foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { lineJson.Add(new SimpleJson() .Add("sku", row["SKU"]) .Add("itemCode", row["ItemCode"]) .Add("color", Cast.String(row["ColorCode"]) + " " + Cast.String(row["ColorText"])) .Add("size", row["SizeCode"]) .Add("itemName", row["ItemName"]) .Add("qty", row["Quantity"])); } json.Add("lines", lineJson); return(json); }
public SimpleJson ToJSon(ISession session) { SimpleJson json = new SimpleJson() .Add("orderNumber", this.OrderNumber) .Add("saleOrder", this.SaleOrderNumber) .Add("memberId", this.MemberID); string memberName = " "; if (this.MemberID > 0) { Magic.Basis.Member member = Magic.Basis.Member.Retrieve(session, this.MemberID); if (member != null) memberName = member.Name; } json.Add("member", memberName); json.Add("contact", this.Contact) .Add("phone", this.Phone) .Add("mobile", this.Mobile) .Add("address", this.Address) .Add("district", this.Province + " " + this.City) .Add("shippingNumber", this.ShippingNumber) .Add("isInvoice", this.IsInvoice) .Add("invoice", Cast.String(this.InvoiceNumber, "").Trim()) .Add("packageWeight", this.PackageWeight) .Add("logistics", this.LogisticsID) .Add("packageCount", this.PackageCount <= 0 ? 1 : this.PackageCount); string paymentMethod = " "; if (this.PaymentMethod > 0) { CRM.PaymentMethod pm = CRM.PaymentMethod.Retrieve(session, this.PaymentMethod); if (pm != null) paymentMethod = pm.Name; } json.Add("paymentMethod", paymentMethod); string deliverType = " "; if (this.DeliveryType > 0) { CRM.DeliverType dt = CRM.DeliverType.Retrieve(session, this.DeliveryType); if (dt != null) deliverType = dt.Name; } json.Add("deliverType", deliverType); string logisName = " "; if (this.LogisticsID > 0) { Logistics logis = Logistics.Retrieve(session, this.LogisticsID); if (logis != null) logisName = logis.ShortName; } json.Add("logisticsName", logisName); string packageType = " "; if (this.PackageType > 0) { CRM.PackageType pt = CRM.PackageType.Retrieve(session, this.PackageType); if (pt != null) packageType = pt.Name; } json.Add("packageType", packageType) .Add("note", string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Remark) ? " " : this.Remark.Replace("</br>", " ")); json.Add("packageUser", string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.PackagePerson) ? " " : this.PackagePerson); return json; }
public SimpleJson ToJSON() { SimpleJson json = new SimpleJson(); json.Add("id", this.OperationId); json.Add("name", this.Name); json.Add("desc", this.Description); json.Add("parent", this.ParentId); json.Add("type", this.Type.ToString()); json.Add("level", this.Level); json.Add("image", this.Image); json.Add("seq", this.SeqNo); json.Add("entry", this.Entry); json.Add("status", this.Status); return json; }
public SimpleJson ToJSON() { SimpleJson json = new SimpleJson(); json.Add("id", this.GroupId); json.Add("name", this.Name); json.Add("desc", this.Description); json.Add("parent", this.ParentId); json.Add("type", this.GroupType); return json; }
public static SimpleJson GetOrgJSON(ISession session, Org org) { SimpleJson json = new SimpleJson(); if (org == null) { json.HandleError("Org is null"); return(json); } json.Add("id", org.OrgId) .Add("parent", org.ParentId) .Add("root", org.IsRoot) .Add("virtual", org.IsVirtual) .Add("seq", org.OrgSeq) .Add("code", org.OrgCode) .Add("name", org.OrgName) .Add("remark", org.Description) .Add("desc", org); if (org.CreateBy > 0) { User createBy = User.Retrieve(session, org.CreateBy); if (createBy != null) { json.Add("createBy", string.IsNullOrEmpty(createBy.FullName) ? createBy.UserName : createBy.FullName); } else { Log.Warn <Org>("User {0} (CreateBy) not found when loading org {1}:{2}", org.CreateBy, org.OrgId, org.OrgCode); } } else { json.Add("createBy", ""); } json.Add("createTime", org.CreateDate); if (org.ModifyBy > 0) { User modefyBy = User.Retrieve(session, org.ModifyBy); if (modefyBy != null) { json.Add("modifyBy", string.IsNullOrEmpty(modefyBy.FullName) ? modefyBy.UserName : modefyBy.FullName); } else { Log.Warn <Org>("User {0} (ModifyBy) not found when loading org {1}:{2}", org.ModifyBy, org.OrgId, org.OrgCode); } } else { json.Add("modifyBy", ""); } json.Add("modifyTime", org.ModifyDate); User manager = null; if (org.Manager > 0) { manager = User.Retrieve(session, org.Manager); if (manager == null) { Log.Warn <Org>("User {0} (Manager) not found when loading org {1}:{2}", org.Manager, org.OrgId, org.OrgCode); } } if (manager != null) { json.Add("managerId", manager.UserId) .Add("manager", string.IsNullOrEmpty(manager.FullName) ? manager.UserName : manager.FullName); } else { json.Add("managerId", -1) .Add("manager", ""); } if (OrgTypeRegistry.HasExtAttr(org.OrgType) && org.ExtAttr != null) { Type type = OrgTypeRegistry.ExtAttrType(org.OrgType); org.ExtAttr.Json(session, json); } return(json); }
public SimpleJson GetJSON() { SimpleJson json = new SimpleJson() .Add("type", "a") .Add("code", this.AreaCode) .Add("status", (int)this.Status) .Add("name", this.Name) .Add("desc", this.Text) .Add("cap", this.AreaCapacity) .Add("hassec", this.HasSection) .Add("isqc", this.IsQC) .Add("isnonformal", this.IsNonFormal) .Add("isscrap", this.IsScrap) .Add("allowdelete", this.AllowDelete) .Add("allowchild", this.AllowChild) .Add("text", this.ToString()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ParentArea) && this.ParentArea.Trim().Length > 0) json.Add("parentType", "a").Add("parent", this.ParentArea.Trim()); else json.Add("parentType", "l").Add("parent", this.LocationCode.Trim()); return json; }
private static SimpleJson SelectUser() { string userName = WebUtil.Param("username"); string fullName = WebUtil.Param("fullname"); int orgid = WebUtil.ParamInt("orgid", -1); SimpleJson result = new SimpleJson(); string path = "controls/SelectUserTable.ascx"; try { string html = WebUtil.RenderUserControl(path, new string[] { "UserName", "FullName", "OrgId" }, new object[] { userName, fullName, orgid }); result.Add("id", "user"); result.Add("html", html); log.Info(html); return result; } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex); return new SimpleJson().HandleError(ex); } }
private static SimpleJson QueryUnreadMsgByUser() { try { SimpleJson result = new SimpleJson(); using (ISession session = new Session()) { //当前5天的消息 DataTable msgList = Message.QueryUnreadMessageByUser(session, SecuritySession.CurrentUser.UserId, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-5), DateTime.Now); string controlPath = "controls/MsgBoard.ascx"; result.Add("time", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-DD HH:mm:ss")); result.Add("html", WebUtil.RenderUserControl(controlPath, new string[] { "DataSource" }, new object[] { msgList })); return result; } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Magic.Ajax.QueryUnreadMsgByUser", ex); return new SimpleJson().HandleError(ex); } }
public SimpleJson ToJSon(ISession session) { SimpleJson json = new SimpleJson() .Add("orderNumber", this.OrderNumber) .Add("saleOrder", this.SaleOrderNumber) .Add("memberId", this.MemberID); string memberName = " "; if (this.MemberID > 0) { Magic.Basis.Member member = Magic.Basis.Member.Retrieve(session, this.MemberID); if (member != null) { memberName = member.Name; } } json.Add("member", memberName); json.Add("contact", this.Contact) .Add("phone", this.Phone) .Add("mobile", this.Mobile) .Add("address", this.Address) .Add("district", this.Province + " " + this.City) .Add("shippingNumber", this.ShippingNumber) .Add("isInvoice", this.IsInvoice) .Add("invoice", Cast.String(this.InvoiceNumber, "").Trim()) .Add("packageWeight", this.PackageWeight) .Add("logistics", this.LogisticsID) .Add("packageCount", this.PackageCount <= 0 ? 1 : this.PackageCount); string paymentMethod = " "; if (this.PaymentMethod > 0) { CRM.PaymentMethod pm = CRM.PaymentMethod.Retrieve(session, this.PaymentMethod); if (pm != null) { paymentMethod = pm.Name; } } json.Add("paymentMethod", paymentMethod); string deliverType = " "; if (this.DeliveryType > 0) { CRM.DeliverType dt = CRM.DeliverType.Retrieve(session, this.DeliveryType); if (dt != null) { deliverType = dt.Name; } } json.Add("deliverType", deliverType); string logisName = " "; if (this.LogisticsID > 0) { Logistics logis = Logistics.Retrieve(session, this.LogisticsID); if (logis != null) { logisName = logis.ShortName; } } json.Add("logisticsName", logisName); string packageType = " "; if (this.PackageType > 0) { CRM.PackageType pt = CRM.PackageType.Retrieve(session, this.PackageType); if (pt != null) { packageType = pt.Name; } } json.Add("packageType", packageType) .Add("note", string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Remark) ? " " : this.Remark.Replace("</br>", " ")); json.Add("packageUser", string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.PackagePerson) ? " " : this.PackagePerson); return(json); }
public static SimpleJson GetOrgJSON(ISession session, Org org) { SimpleJson json = new SimpleJson(); if (org == null) { json.HandleError("Org is null"); return json; } json.Add("id", org.OrgId) .Add("parent", org.ParentId) .Add("root", org.IsRoot) .Add("virtual", org.IsVirtual) .Add("seq", org.OrgSeq) .Add("code", org.OrgCode) .Add("name", org.OrgName) .Add("remark", org.Description) .Add("desc", org); if (org.CreateBy > 0) { User createBy = User.Retrieve(session, org.CreateBy); if (createBy != null) json.Add("createBy", string.IsNullOrEmpty(createBy.FullName) ? createBy.UserName : createBy.FullName); else Log.Warn<Org>("User {0} (CreateBy) not found when loading org {1}:{2}", org.CreateBy, org.OrgId, org.OrgCode); } else json.Add("createBy", ""); json.Add("createTime", org.CreateDate); if (org.ModifyBy > 0) { User modefyBy = User.Retrieve(session, org.ModifyBy); if (modefyBy != null) json.Add("modifyBy", string.IsNullOrEmpty(modefyBy.FullName) ? modefyBy.UserName : modefyBy.FullName); else Log.Warn<Org>("User {0} (ModifyBy) not found when loading org {1}:{2}", org.ModifyBy, org.OrgId, org.OrgCode); } else json.Add("modifyBy", ""); json.Add("modifyTime", org.ModifyDate); User manager = null; if (org.Manager > 0) { manager = User.Retrieve(session, org.Manager); if (manager == null) Log.Warn<Org>("User {0} (Manager) not found when loading org {1}:{2}", org.Manager, org.OrgId, org.OrgCode); } if (manager != null) json.Add("managerId", manager.UserId) .Add("manager", string.IsNullOrEmpty(manager.FullName) ? manager.UserName : manager.FullName); else json.Add("managerId", -1) .Add("manager", ""); if (OrgTypeRegistry.HasExtAttr(org.OrgType) && org.ExtAttr != null) { Type type = OrgTypeRegistry.ExtAttrType(org.OrgType); org.ExtAttr.Json(session, json); } return json; }