public override void DoSettingsWindowContents(Rect inRect) { int ransomRaidDelay = Mathf.RoundToInt(this.settings.ransomRaidDelay / (float)GenDate.TicksPerHour); int ransomFailCooldown = Mathf.RoundToInt(this.settings.ransomFailCooldown / (float)GenDate.TicksPerHour); Rect sliderSection = inRect.TopPart(0.7f); this.settings.ransomFactor = (int)Widgets.HorizontalSlider(rect: sliderSection.TopHalf().TopHalf().BottomHalf(), value: this.settings.ransomFactor, leftValue: 1f, rightValue: 5f, middleAlignment: true, label: "SettingsRansomFactor".Translate(this.settings.ransomFactor), leftAlignedLabel: "1", rightAlignedLabel: "5"); ransomRaidDelay = (int)Widgets.HorizontalSlider(rect: sliderSection.TopHalf().BottomHalf().TopHalf(), value: ransomRaidDelay, leftValue: 1f, rightValue: 168f, middleAlignment: true, label: "SettingsRansomRaidDelay".Translate(this.settings.ransomRaidDelay.ToStringTicksToPeriod()), leftAlignedLabel: "1", rightAlignedLabel: "168"); ransomFailCooldown = (int)Widgets.HorizontalSlider(rect: sliderSection.BottomHalf().TopHalf().TopHalf(), value: ransomFailCooldown, leftValue: ransomRaidDelay, rightValue: 336f, middleAlignment: true, label: "SettingsRansomFailCooldown".Translate(this.settings.ransomFailCooldown.ToStringTicksToPeriod()), leftAlignedLabel: ransomRaidDelay.ToString(), rightAlignedLabel: "336"); this.settings.adjustment = (int)Widgets.HorizontalSlider(rect: sliderSection.BottomHalf().BottomHalf().TopHalf(), value: this.settings.adjustment, leftValue: 40f, rightValue: 95f, middleAlignment: true, label: "SettingsRansomAdjustment".Translate(this.settings.adjustment), leftAlignedLabel: "40", rightAlignedLabel: "95"); this.settings.ransomRaidDelay = ransomRaidDelay * GenDate.TicksPerHour; this.settings.ransomFailCooldown = ransomFailCooldown * GenDate.TicksPerHour; SimpleCurve curve = new SimpleCurve(); for (int i = -50; i <= 50; i++) { curve.Add(i, RansomSettings.RansomChanceRaw(-75, 10, i) * 100); } SimpleCurveDrawInfo drawInfo = new SimpleCurveDrawInfo() { curve = curve, color = Color.cyan, label = "LABEL", labelY = "Prob" }; SimpleCurveDrawer.DrawCurve(inRect.BottomPart(0.3f), drawInfo, new SimpleCurveDrawerStyle { DrawBackground = false, DrawBackgroundLines = false, DrawCurveMousePoint = true, DrawLegend = true, DrawMeasures = true, DrawPoints = false, FixedScale = new Vector2(0, 100), FixedSection = new FloatRange(-50, 50), LabelX = "Adj", MeasureLabelsXCount = 10, MeasureLabelsYCount = 10, OnlyPositiveValues = false, PointsRemoveOptimization = false, UseAntiAliasedLines = true, UseFixedScale = true, UseFixedSection = true, XIntegersOnly = true, YIntegersOnly = true }); }
public static void DoCurveEditor(Rect screenRect, SimpleCurve curve, int decimalPlaces = 0, int displayMult = 100, string valueSuffix = "%", Action onChange = null) { Widgets.DrawMenuSection(screenRect); SimpleCurveDrawer.DrawCurve(screenRect, curve, null, null, default(Rect)); Vector2 mousePosition = Event.current.mousePosition - screenRect.position; Vector2 mouseCurveCoords = SimpleCurveDrawer.ScreenToCurveCoords(screenRect, curve.View.rect, mousePosition); if (Mouse.IsOver(screenRect)) { if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && Event.current.button == 0) { var clampedCoords = mouseCurveCoords; clampedCoords.x = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.Round(clampedCoords.x), 0, 20); clampedCoords.y = Mathf.Clamp((float)Math.Round(clampedCoords.y, 2), 0, 1); List <FloatMenuOption> list2 = new List <FloatMenuOption>(); if (!curve.Any(point => point.x == clampedCoords.x)) { list2.Add(new FloatMenuOption($"Add point at [{clampedCoords.x:F0} - {(clampedCoords.y * displayMult).ToString($"F{decimalPlaces}")}{valueSuffix}]", () => { curve.Add(new CurvePoint(clampedCoords), true); onChange?.Invoke(); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null, true, 0)); } else { var existingPoint = curve.First(point => point.x == clampedCoords.x); list2.Add(new FloatMenuOption($"Move point at [{existingPoint.x:F0} - {(existingPoint.y * displayMult).ToString($"F{decimalPlaces}")}{valueSuffix}] to [{clampedCoords.x:F0} - {(clampedCoords.y * displayMult).ToString($"F{decimalPlaces}")}{valueSuffix}]", () => { curve.RemovePointNear(existingPoint); curve.Add(new CurvePoint(clampedCoords), true); onChange?.Invoke(); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null, true, 0)); if (Mathf.RoundToInt(existingPoint.x) != 0 && Mathf.RoundToInt(existingPoint.x) != 20) { list2.Add(new FloatMenuOption($"Remove point at [{existingPoint.x:F0} - {(existingPoint.y * displayMult).ToString($"F{decimalPlaces}")}{valueSuffix}]", () => { curve.RemovePointNear(existingPoint); onChange?.Invoke(); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null, true, 0)); } } Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(list2)); Event.current.Use(); } } }
protected override void DrawInputs(float x, ref float y, float width) { if (this.curve != null) { WindowUtil.PlusMinusLabel(x, ref y, width,, () => { MinMaxFloatStats p = new MinMaxFloatStats(0, 0); this.points.Add(p); this.pointsInputs.Add(this.CreateFloatInput(p)); }, () => WindowUtil.DrawFloatingOptions(pointsArgs)); SimpleCurveDrawer.DrawCurve(new Rect(x + 20, y, width, 100), curve); y += 110; if (this.innerY > 300) { Widgets.BeginScrollView( new Rect(x + 20, y, width - 16, 300), ref this.scroll, new Rect(0, 0, width - 32, this.innerY)); this.innerY = 0; foreach (var v in this.pointsInputs) { v.Draw(10, ref this.innerY, width - 60); } Widgets.EndScrollView(); y += 332; } else { this.innerY = 0; foreach (var v in this.pointsInputs) { float orig = y; v.Draw(10, ref y, width - 60); this.innerY += y - orig; } } } }
public override void DoSettingsWindowContents(Rect inRect) { var viewRect = new Rect(0, 0, inRect.width - 30, ViewRectHeight); Widgets.BeginScrollView(inRect, ref scrollPosition, viewRect); var viewRect2 = new Rect(0, 0, viewRect.width, 99999); var listing_Standard = new Listing_Standard { ColumnWidth = (float) (viewRect.width - 10.0) }; listing_Standard.Begin(viewRect2); listing_Standard.Label("IncidentCountMultiplierDescription".Translate()); listing_Standard.GapLine(24); //listing_Standard.Label("IncidentCountMultiplier".Translate(), -1, "IncidentCountMultiplier_ToolTip".Translate()); listing_Standard.Label("IncidentCountMultiplier".Translate()); SimpleCurveEditor(listing_Standard, ref settings.MTBEventOccurs_Multiplier); listing_Standard.GapLine(); //listing_Standard.Label("MinIncidentCountMultiplier".Translate()); //SimpleCurveEditor(listing_Standard, ref settings.MinIncidentCountMultiplier); //listing_Standard.GapLine(); //listing_Standard.Label("MaxIncidentCountMultiplier".Translate()); //SimpleCurveEditor(listing_Standard, ref settings.MaxIncidentCountMultiplier); //listing_Standard.GapLine(); //listing_Standard.Label("IncidentCycleAcceleration".Translate()); //SimpleCurveEditor(listing_Standard, ref settings.IncidentCycleAcceleration); //listing_Standard.GapLine(); style.FixedScale = new Vector2(0, settings.MTBEventOccurs_Multiplier.View.rect.yMax); style.FixedSection = new FloatRange(0, settings.MTBEventOccurs_Multiplier.View.rect.xMax); listing_Standard.GapLine(24); var rect = listing_Standard.GetRect(250); SimpleCurveDrawer.DrawCurve(rect, new SimpleCurveDrawInfo { curve = settings.MTBEventOccurs_Multiplier, label = "Multiplier" }, style); listing_Standard.Label("Sample Preset"); if (listing_Standard.ButtonText("200%")) { settings.MTBEventOccurs_Multiplier = new SimpleCurve {{0, 2}}; } if (listing_Standard.ButtonText("50%")) { settings.MTBEventOccurs_Multiplier = new SimpleCurve {{0, 0.5f}}; } if (listing_Standard.ButtonText("100%(year 0) -> 300%(year 10)")) { settings.MTBEventOccurs_Multiplier = new SimpleCurve { {0, 1}, {600, 3} }; } if (listing_Standard.ButtonText("150%(year 0) -> 150%(year 1.5) -> 220%(year 4) -> 300%(year 10)")) { settings.MTBEventOccurs_Multiplier = new SimpleCurve { {90, 1.5f}, {240, 2.2f}, {600, 3} }; } if (listing_Standard.ButtonText( "50%(year 0) -> 100%(year 1) -> 200%(year 2) -> 350%(year 3) -> 500%(year 4)")) { settings.MTBEventOccurs_Multiplier = new SimpleCurve { {0, 0.5f}, {60, 1f}, {120, 2f}, {180, 3.5f}, {240, 5f} }; } listing_Standard.End(); ViewRectHeight = listing_Standard.CurHeight; Widgets.EndScrollView(); }
public override void DoSettingsWindowContents(Rect rect) { if (Settings.CustomCurve == null) { Settings.CustomCurve = CreateDefaultCurve(); } if (skillLossCapBuffers == null) { ResetCaps(); } if (buffers == null || buffers.Count == 0) { buffers = this.CreateBuffers(); } Widgets.BeginScrollView(new Rect(20, rect.yMin, 725, 550), ref this.scrollPosition, new Rect(0, 0, 709, this.previousY)); this.previousY = 0; Widgets.CheckboxLabeled(new Rect(0, this.previousY, 250, 30), "Allow Skill Experience Loss", ref Settings.AllowSkillLoss); this.previousY += 32; if (Settings.AllowSkillLoss) { Widgets.CheckboxLabeled(new Rect(20, this.previousY, 300, 30), "Allow Skills to Lose Level", ref Settings.CanLoseLevel); this.previousY += 32; Widgets.CheckboxLabeled(new Rect(20, this.previousY, 300, 30), "Customize Experience Loss Per Tick", ref Settings.AdjustSkillLossCaps); if (Settings.AdjustSkillLossCaps) { this.previousY += 32; for (int i = 0; i < skillLossCapBuffers.Count; ++i) { skillLossCapBuffers[i] = Widgets.TextEntryLabeled(new Rect(40, this.previousY, 150, 30), $"Level {(i + 10).ToString()}: ", skillLossCapBuffers[i]); this.previousY += 32; } if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(40, this.previousY, 100, 30), "Apply")) { for (int i = 0; i < skillLossCapBuffers.Count; ++i) { if (float.TryParse(skillLossCapBuffers[i], out float v) && v >= -50f && v <= 0f) { Settings.SkillLossCaps[i] = v; Messages.Message("Skill Loss Per Tick Set", MessageTypeDefOf.PositiveEvent); } else { Log.Error((i + 10).ToString() + "'s Skill Loss Cap must be between -50 and 0"); Messages.Message("Error while setting skill loss", MessageTypeDefOf.NegativeEvent); } } } if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(160, this.previousY, 100, 30), "Reset")) { ResetCaps(); } this.previousY += 10; } this.previousY += 32; } Widgets.CheckboxLabeled(new Rect(0, this.previousY, 250, 30), "Customize Experience Needed", ref Settings.HasCustomCurve); this.previousY += 32; if (Settings.HasCustomCurve) { Widgets.Label(new Rect(0, this.previousY, 250, 30), "Experience Curve"); this.previousY += 32; Widgets.CheckboxLabeled(new Rect(425, this.previousY, 200, 30), "Show Graph", ref this.showGraph); if (this.showGraph) { SimpleCurveDrawer.DrawCurve(new Rect(425, this.previousY + 50, 250, 250), Settings.CustomCurve); } for (int i = 0; i < this.buffers.Count; ++i) { var b = this.buffers[i]; Widgets.Label(new Rect(0, this.previousY, 150, 30), "Start Level"); if (i == 0) { b.StartLevel = 0; Widgets.Label(new Rect(120, this.previousY, 100, 30), "0"); } else { Widgets.TextFieldNumeric(new Rect(120, this.previousY, 100, 30), ref b.StartLevel, ref b.SLBuffer, 0, 20); } if (i > 0 && Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(255, this.previousY, 30, 30), "-", true, false)) { this.buffers.RemoveAt(i); break; } if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(290, this.previousY, 30, 30), "+", true, false)) { this.buffers.Insert(i + 1, new CurveValueBuffer(b.StartLevel + 1, 1f)); break; } this.previousY += 30; Widgets.Label(new Rect(0, this.previousY, 120, 30), "Exp Needed"); Widgets.TextFieldNumeric(new Rect(120, this.previousY, 100, 30), ref b.ExpNeeded, ref b.ENBuffer); this.previousY += 40; } if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(30, this.previousY, 125, 30), "Apply", true, false, this.buffers.Count > 0)) { HashSet <int> levels = new HashSet <int>(); foreach (var b in this.buffers) { if (b.ExpNeeded == 0) { Messages.Message("Each Exp Need must be greater than 0.", MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput); return; } if (levels.Contains(b.StartLevel)) { Messages.Message("Each Start Level much be unique.", MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput); return; } levels.Add(b.StartLevel); } levels.Clear(); levels = null; Settings.CustomCurve = new SimpleCurve(); foreach (var i in buffers) { Settings.CustomCurve.Add(new CurvePoint(i.StartLevel, i.ExpNeeded)); } this.buffers.Clear(); this.buffers = this.CreateBuffers(); } if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(200, this.previousY, 125, 30), "Reset".Translate())) { Settings.CustomCurve = CreateDefaultCurve(); this.buffers.Clear(); this.buffers = this.CreateBuffers(); } this.previousY += 440; } Widgets.EndScrollView(); }