private void DoOpenTunnels(List <IntVec3> group, Map map) { int a = GenMath.RoundRandom((float)group.Count * Rand.Range(0.9f, 1.1f) * 5.8f / 10000f); a = Mathf.Min(a, 3); if (a > 0) { a = Rand.RangeInclusive(1, a); } float num = TunnelsWidthPerRockCount.Evaluate(group.Count); for (int i = 0; i < a; i++) { IntVec3 start = IntVec3.Invalid; float num2 = -1f; float dir = -1f; float num3 = -1f; for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { IntVec3 intVec = FindRandomEdgeCellForTunnel(group, map); float distToCave = GetDistToCave(intVec, group, map, 40f, treatOpenSpaceAsCave: false); float dist; float num4 = FindBestInitialDir(intVec, group, out dist); if (!start.IsValid || distToCave > num2 || (distToCave == num2 && dist > num3)) { start = intVec; num2 = distToCave; dir = num4; num3 = dist; } } float width = Rand.Range(num * 0.8f, num); Dig(start, dir, width, group, map, closed: false); } }
public override void TransformValue(StatRequest req, ref float val) { if (req.HasThing && AppliesTo(req)) { val *= curve.Evaluate(CurveXGetter(req)); } }
public void WigglerTick() { if (!Controller.settings.MakeThemBlink) { return; } int tickManagerTicksGame = Find.TickManager.TicksGame; float x = Mathf.InverseLerp(this._lastBlinkended, this._nextBlink, tickManagerTicksGame); float movePixel = 0f; float movePixelY = 0f; if (this._moveX || this._moveY) { if (this._moveX) { if (this._halfAnimX) { movePixel = EyeMotionHalfCurve.Evaluate(x) * this._factorX; } else { movePixel = EyeMotionFullCurve.Evaluate(x) * this._factorX; } } if (this._moveY) { if (this._halfAnimY) { movePixelY = EyeMotionHalfCurve.Evaluate(x) * this._factorY; } else { movePixelY = EyeMotionFullCurve.Evaluate(x) * this._factorY; } } if (this._compFace.BodyStat.EyeRight == PartStatus.Natural) { this.EyeMoveR = new Vector3(movePixel * this._flippedX, 0, movePixelY * this._flippedY); } if (this._compFace.BodyStat.EyeLeft == PartStatus.Natural) { this.EyeMoveL = new Vector3(movePixel * this._flippedX, 0, movePixelY * this._flippedY); } } if (tickManagerTicksGame > this.NextBlinkEnd) { // Set upnext blinking cycle this.SetNextBlink(tickManagerTicksGame); // Make them smile. } }
public static float FoodOptimality(Pawn eater, Thing foodSource, ThingDef foodDef, float dist, bool takingToInventory = false) { float num = 300f; num -= dist; switch (foodDef.ingestible.preferability) { case FoodPreferability.NeverForNutrition: return(-9999999f); case FoodPreferability.DesperateOnly: num -= 150f; break; case FoodPreferability.DesperateOnlyForHumanlikes: if (eater.RaceProps.Humanlike) { num -= 150f; } break; } CompRottable compRottable = foodSource.TryGetComp <CompRottable>(); if (compRottable != null) { if (compRottable.Stage == RotStage.Dessicated) { return(-9999999f); } if (!takingToInventory && compRottable.Stage == RotStage.Fresh && compRottable.TicksUntilRotAtCurrentTemp < 30000) { num += 12f; } } if (eater.needs != null && eater.needs.mood != null) { List <ThoughtDef> list = ThoughtsFromIngesting(eater, foodSource, foodDef); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { num += FoodOptimalityEffectFromMoodCurve.Evaluate(list[i].stages[0].baseMoodEffect); } } if (foodDef.ingestible != null) { if (eater.RaceProps.Humanlike) { num += foodDef.ingestible.optimalityOffsetHumanlikes; } else if (eater.RaceProps.Animal) { num += foodDef.ingestible.optimalityOffsetFeedingAnimals; } } return(num); }
public static void ResolveSketch(ResolveParams parms) { if (!ModLister.RoyaltyInstalled) { Log.ErrorOnce("Mech clusters are a Royalty-specific game system. If you want to use this code please check ModLister.RoyaltyInstalled before calling it. See rules on the Ludeon forum for more info.", 673321); return; } bool canBeDormant = !parms.mechClusterDormant.HasValue || parms.mechClusterDormant.Value; float num; if (parms.points.HasValue) { num = parms.points.Value; } else { num = 2000f; Log.Error("No points given for mech cluster generation. Default to " + num); } float value = parms.totalPoints.HasValue ? parms.totalPoints.Value : num; IntVec2 intVec; if (parms.mechClusterSize.HasValue) { intVec = parms.mechClusterSize.Value; } else { int num2 = GenMath.RoundRandom(PointsToSizeCurve.Evaluate(num) * SizeRandomFactorRange.RandomInRange); int num3 = GenMath.RoundRandom(PointsToSizeCurve.Evaluate(num) * SizeRandomFactorRange.RandomInRange); if (parms.mechClusterForMap != null) { CellRect cellRect = LargestAreaFinder.FindLargestRect(parms.mechClusterForMap, (IntVec3 x) => !x.Impassable(parms.mechClusterForMap) && x.GetTerrain(parms.mechClusterForMap).affordances.Contains(TerrainAffordanceDefOf.Heavy), Mathf.Max(num2, num3)); num2 = Mathf.Min(num2, cellRect.Width); num3 = Mathf.Min(num3, cellRect.Height); } intVec = new IntVec2(num2, num3); } Sketch sketch = new Sketch(); if (Rand.Chance(WallsChanceCurve.Evaluate(num))) { ResolveParams parms2 = parms; parms2.sketch = sketch; parms2.mechClusterSize = intVec; SketchResolverDefOf.MechClusterWalls.Resolve(parms2); } List <ThingDef> buildingDefsForCluster_NewTemp = GetBuildingDefsForCluster_NewTemp(num, intVec, canBeDormant, value); AddBuildingsToSketch(sketch, intVec, buildingDefsForCluster_NewTemp); parms.sketch.MergeAt(sketch, default(IntVec3), Sketch.SpawnPosType.OccupiedCenter); }
public static float FoodSourceOptimality(Pawn eater, Thing t, float dist, bool takingToInventory = false) { var num = 300f; num -= dist; var thingDef = !(t is Building_NutrientPasteDispenser) ? t.def : ThingDefOf.MealNutrientPaste; var preferability = thingDef.ingestible.preferability; if (preferability != FoodPreferability.NeverForNutrition) { if (preferability == FoodPreferability.DesperateOnly) { num -= 150f; } var compRottable = t.TryGetComp <CompRottable>(); if (compRottable != null) { if (compRottable.Stage == RotStage.Dessicated) { return(-9999999f); } if (!takingToInventory && compRottable.Stage == RotStage.Fresh && compRottable.TicksUntilRotAtCurrentTemp < 30000) { num += 12f; } } if (eater.needs != null && eater.needs.mood != null) { var list = ThoughtsFromIngesting(eater, t); for (var i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { num += FoodOptimalityEffectFromMoodCurve.Evaluate(list[i].stages[0].baseMoodEffect); } } if (thingDef.ingestible != null) { if (eater.RaceProps.Humanlike) { num += thingDef.ingestible.optimalityOffsetHumanlikes; } else if (eater.RaceProps.Animal) { num += thingDef.ingestible.optimalityOffsetFeedingAnimals; } } return(num); } return(-9999999f); }
private static int FinalLevelOfSkill(Pawn pawn, SkillDef sk) { //Rand.PopState(); //Rand.PushState(RJW_Multiplayer.PredictableSeed()); float num = (!sk.usuallyDefinedInBackstories) ? Rand.ByCurve(LevelRandomCurve) : ((float)Rand.RangeInclusive(0, 4)); foreach (Backstory item in from bs in pawn.story.AllBackstories where bs != null select bs) { foreach (KeyValuePair <SkillDef, int> item2 in item.skillGainsResolved) { if (item2.Key == sk) { num += (float)item2.Value * Rand.Range(1f, 1.4f); } } } for (int i = 0; i < pawn.story.traits.allTraits.Count; i++) { int value = 0; if (pawn.story.traits.allTraits[i].CurrentData.skillGains.TryGetValue(sk, out value)) { num += (float)value; } } float num2 = Rand.Range(1f, AgeSkillMaxFactorCurve.Evaluate((float)pawn.ageTracker.AgeBiologicalYears)); num *= num2; num = LevelFinalAdjustmentCurve.Evaluate(num); return(Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.RoundToInt(num), 0, 20)); }
public static float EffectiveCombatPower(this Thing t) { // Pawn if (t is Pawn p) { float combatPower; // If the pawn is a colonist, return the maximum of the kindDef's combatPower rating or the points per colonist based on the wealth of the player's wealthiest settlement if (p.IsColonist) { var pawnIncidentTarget = Current.Game.World.worldObjects.Settlements.Where(s => s.HasMap && s.Map.IsPlayerHome).MaxBy(s => s.Map.PlayerWealthForStoryteller).Map; combatPower = Mathf.Max(PointsPerColonistByWealthCurve.Evaluate(pawnIncidentTarget.PlayerWealthForStoryteller), p.kindDef.combatPower); } else { combatPower = p.kindDef.combatPower; } return(combatPower * * p.ageTracker.CurLifeStage.bodySizeFactor); } // Turret if (t is Building_Turret turret) { // Return 1/6th of its base market value return(turret.def.GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.MarketValue, null) / 6); } throw new NotImplementedException($"Unaccounted effective combat power calculation for {t} (Type={t.GetType().Name})"); }
protected override void ResolveInt(ResolveParams parms) { IntVec2 value = parms.mechClusterSize.Value; int val = GenMath.RoundRandom((float)GenMath.RoundRandom(WidthToMaxWallsCountCurve.Evaluate(Mathf.Min(value.x, value.z))) * WallCountRandomFactorRange.RandomInRange); val = Math.Max(1, val); for (int i = 0; i < val; i++) { TryAddWall(parms.sketch, value); } if (Rand.Bool) { ResolveParams parms2 = parms; parms2.symmetryVertical = false; parms2.symmetryOrigin = value.x / 2; parms2.symmetryOriginIncluded = (value.x % 2 == 1); SketchResolverDefOf.Symmetry.Resolve(parms2); } else if (Rand.Bool) { ResolveParams parms3 = parms; parms3.symmetryVertical = true; parms3.symmetryOrigin = value.z / 2; parms3.symmetryOriginIncluded = (value.z % 2 == 1); SketchResolverDefOf.Symmetry.Resolve(parms3); } }
public static float windSpeed(this Map map, WindSpeedUnit unit = WindSpeedUnit.KilometersPerHour) { // on the basis that map.windManager returns a value that is normally somewhere between 0-2, // and can go over 2 in extreme cases. Translated to a 1-12 scale, that's a factor of 6ish. var beaufort = map.windManager.WindSpeed * 5.6f; if (unit == WindSpeedUnit.Beaufort) { return(beaufort); } var kph = WindSpeedCurve.Evaluate(Mathf.Clamp(beaufort, 0, 13)); if (unit == WindSpeedUnit.KilometersPerHour) { return(kph); } return(unit switch { WindSpeedUnit.MetersPerSecond => kph / 3.6f, WindSpeedUnit.MilesPerHour => kph / 1.609f, WindSpeedUnit.Knots => kph / 1.852f, WindSpeedUnit.FeetPerSecond => kph / 1.097f, _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(unit), unit, null) });
public override float GetScore(Room room) { float num = 0f; int num2 = 0; countedThings.Clear(); foreach (IntVec3 cell in room.Cells) { num += BeautyUtility.CellBeauty(cell, room.Map, countedThings); num2++; } countedAdjCells.Clear(); List <Thing> containedAndAdjacentThings = room.ContainedAndAdjacentThings; for (int i = 0; i < containedAndAdjacentThings.Count; i++) { Thing thing = containedAndAdjacentThings[i]; if (thing.GetRoom() != room && !countedAdjCells.Contains(thing.Position)) { num += BeautyUtility.CellBeauty(thing.Position, room.Map, countedThings); countedAdjCells.Add(thing.Position); } } countedThings.Clear(); if (num2 == 0) { return(0f); } return(num / CellCountCurve.Evaluate((float)num2)); }
// Token: 0x06001380 RID: 4992 RVA: 0x000956A0 File Offset: 0x00093AA0 private static void DoubleVertices(SimpleCurve Width) { List <Vector2> list = LightningLaserBoltMeshMaker.verts2D.ListFullCopy <Vector2>(); Vector3 vector = default(Vector3); Vector2 a = default(Vector2); LightningLaserBoltMeshMaker.verts2D.Clear(); // Log.Message("DoubleVertices Points: " + Width.PointsCount +" "+ Width.Points.ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (i <= list.Count - 2) { vector = Quaternion.AngleAxis(90f, Vector3.up) * (list[i] - list[i + 1]); a = new Vector2(vector.y, vector.z); a.Normalize(); } float f = Mathf.InverseLerp(0, list.Count, i); float width = Width.Evaluate(f); // Log.Message("width " + width + " @ " + f); Vector2 item = list[i] - width * a; Vector2 item2 = list[i] + width * a; LightningLaserBoltMeshMaker.verts2D.Add(item); LightningLaserBoltMeshMaker.verts2D.Add(item2); } }
private static IntVec3 GenerateShrapnelLocation(IntVec3 center, float angleOffset, float distanceFactor) { float num = ShrapnelAngleDistribution.Evaluate(Rand.Value); float d = ShrapnelDistanceFromAngle.Evaluate(num) * Rand.Value * distanceFactor; return((Vector3Utility.HorizontalVectorFromAngle(num + angleOffset) * d).ToIntVec3() + center); }
private bool DoWork(Slate slate) { Map map = slate.Get <Map>("map"); if (map == null) { return(false); } float x2 = slate.Get("points", 0f); float animalDifficultyFromPoints = pointsToAnimalDifficultyCurve.GetValue(slate).Evaluate(x2); if (!map.Biome.AllWildAnimals.Where((PawnKindDef x) => map.mapTemperature.SeasonAndOutdoorTemperatureAcceptableFor(x.race) && map.listerThings.ThingsOfDef(x.race).Any((Thing p) => p.Faction == null)).TryRandomElementByWeight((PawnKindDef x) => AnimalCommonalityByDifficulty(x, animalDifficultyFromPoints), out PawnKindDef result)) { return(false); } int num = 0; for (int i = 0; i < map.mapPawns.AllPawnsSpawned.Count; i++) { Pawn pawn = map.mapPawns.AllPawnsSpawned[i]; if (pawn.def == result.race && !pawn.IsQuestLodger() && pawn.Faction == null) { num++; } } SimpleCurve value = pointsToAnimalsToHuntCountCurve.GetValue(slate); float randomInRange = (animalsToHuntCountRandomFactorRange.GetValue(slate) ?? FloatRange.One).RandomInRange; int a = Mathf.RoundToInt(value.Evaluate(x2) * randomInRange); a = Mathf.Min(a, num); a = Mathf.Max(a, 1); slate.Set(storeAnimalToHuntAs.GetValue(slate), result.race); slate.Set(storeCountToHuntAs.GetValue(slate), a); return(true); }
private void DoPoseCycleOffsets(ref Vector3 rightHand, ref List <float> shoulderAngle, ref List <float> handSwingAngle, PoseCycleDef pose) { if (!this.CompAnimator.AnimatorPoseOpen) { return; } SimpleCurve cycleHandsSwingAngle = pose.HandsSwingAngle; SimpleCurve rHandX = pose.HandPositionX; SimpleCurve rHandZ = pose.HandPositionZ; Rot4 rot = this.BodyFacing; // Basic values if pawn is carrying stuff float x = 0; float y = Offsets.YOffset_Behind; float z; float percent = this._animatedPercent; PoseCycleDef poseCycle = this.CompAnimator.PoseCycle; float lookie = rot == Rot4.West ? -1f : 1f; shoulderAngle[1] = lookie * poseCycle?.shoulderAngle ?? 0f; handSwingAngle[1] = (rot == Rot4.West ? -1 : 1) * cycleHandsSwingAngle.Evaluate(percent); x = rHandX.Evaluate(percent) * lookie; z = rHandZ.Evaluate(percent); rightHand += new Vector3(x, 0, z); }
public void traitIfStatsMatch(TraitDef trait, RecordDef record, float recordCount, int degree, int age, SimpleCurve ageOverTime, bool changeDegree) { Pawn pawn = this.parent.pawn; float x = (float)age / pawn.RaceProps.lifeExpectancy; float daysPassed = (float)(((double)pawn.ageTracker.AgeBiologicalYearsFloat)); if ((double)daysPassed < 0.0) { Log.Error("daysPassed < 0, pawn=" + (object)pawn, false); return; } if ((double)Rand.Value < (double)ageOverTime.Evaluate(x)) { if (!(trait.degreeDatas.Count > 1) || changeDegree == false) { if (pawn.records.GetValue(record) >= recordCount & !(pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(trait)) & !(pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(trait))) { pawn.story.traits.GainTrait(new Trait(trait, degree, false)); } } else { if (pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(trait)) { if (!(degree + 1 >= trait.degreeDatas.Count - 1)) { pawn.story.traits.GainTrait(new Trait(trait, degree + 1, false)); } } } } }
private float GenerateRequestItems(Quest_ThingsHelp quest, Map map) { int totalCount = 0; int maxCount = (int)(Rand.Range(2f, 7f) * ValueFactorFromWealthCurve.Evaluate(map.wealthWatcher.WealthTotal)); float marketValue = 0; do { ThingDef thingDef = RandomRequiredDef(); int num = Rand.Range(20, 150); if (num > thingDef.stackLimit) { num = thingDef.stackLimit; } if (quest.RequestItems.ContainsKey(thingDef)) { quest.RequestItems[thingDef] += num; } else { quest.RequestItems.Add(thingDef, num); } totalCount++; marketValue += num * thingDef.BaseMarketValue; }while (totalCount < maxCount); return(marketValue); }
protected override bool TryExecuteWorker(IncidentParms parms) { Map map = (Map); float num = RadiusFactorPerPointsCurve.Evaluate(parms.points); if (!TryFindRandomBlightablePlant(map, out Plant plant)) { return(false); } Room room = plant.GetRoom(); int i = 0; for (int num2 = GenRadial.NumCellsInRadius(11f * num); i < num2; i++) { IntVec3 intVec = plant.Position + GenRadial.RadialPattern[i]; if (intVec.InBounds(map) && intVec.GetRoom(map) == room) { Plant firstBlightableNowPlant = BlightUtility.GetFirstBlightableNowPlant(intVec, map); if (firstBlightableNowPlant != null && firstBlightableNowPlant.def == plant.def && Rand.Chance(BlightChance(firstBlightableNowPlant.Position, plant.Position, num))) { firstBlightableNowPlant.CropBlighted(); } } } SendStandardLetter("LetterLabelCropBlight".Translate(new NamedArgument(plant.def, "PLANTDEF")), "LetterCropBlight".Translate(new NamedArgument(plant.def, "PLANTDEF")), LetterDefOf.NegativeEvent, parms, new TargetInfo(plant.Position, map)); return(true); }
private void StartWithTunnel(List <IntVec3> group, Map map) { int tunnelSystemCount = GenMath.RoundRandom((float)group.Count * extCaves.startTunnelsPer10k / 10000f); tunnelSystemCount = Mathf.Min(tunnelSystemCount, extCaves.maxStartTunnelsPerRockGroup); float startWidth = TunnelsWidthPerRockCount.Evaluate((float)group.Count); for (int i = 0; i < tunnelSystemCount; i++) { IntVec3 mostDistantStartingCell = IntVec3.Invalid; float distanceToCave = -1f; float dir = -1f; float distAtDirToNextEnd = -1f; for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { IntVec3 edgeCell = FindRandomEdgeCellForTunnel(group, map); float currDistance = GetDistToCave(edgeCell, group, map, 40f, false); float currDir8MaxDist; float currAngle = FindBestInitialDir(edgeCell, group, out currDir8MaxDist); if (!mostDistantStartingCell.IsValid || currDistance > distanceToCave || (currDistance == distanceToCave && currDir8MaxDist > distAtDirToNextEnd)) { mostDistantStartingCell = edgeCell; distanceToCave = currDistance; dir = currAngle; distAtDirToNextEnd = currDir8MaxDist; } } float width = startWidth * Rand.Range(extCaves.tunnelStartWidthFactorMin, extCaves.tunnelStartWidthFactorMax); this.Dig(mostDistantStartingCell, dir, width, group, map, BranchType.Normal, 1); } }
// Token: 0x0600137F RID: 4991 RVA: 0x000955F0 File Offset: 0x000939F0 private static void PeturbVerticesRandomly(SimpleCurve strDist, SimpleCurve strTime = null) { float dmod = 1f; Perlin perlin = new Perlin(0.0070000002160668373, 2.0, 0.5, 6, Rand.Range(0, int.MaxValue), QualityMode.High); List <Vector2> list = LightningLaserBoltMeshMaker.verts2D.ListFullCopy <Vector2>(); LightningLaserBoltMeshMaker.verts2D.Clear(); int threshold = (list.Count / 4) * 3; // Log.Message("PeturbVerticesRandomly Points: " + strDist.PointsCount + " " + strDist.Points.ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { float f = Mathf.InverseLerp(0, list.Count, i); float d = strDist.Evaluate(f) * (float)perlin.GetValue((double)i, 0.0, 0.0); // Log.Message("str " + d +" @ "+ f); if (i > threshold) { dmod = 1 - (1 * ((float)(i - threshold) / (list.Count - threshold))); // Log.Message(string.Format("dmod now: {0}", dmod)); } d = d * dmod; // Log.Message(string.Format("d: {0}", d)); Vector2 item = list[i] + d * Vector2.right; LightningLaserBoltMeshMaker.verts2D.Add(item); } }
public static bool Prefix(Faction faction, float totalPoints, RaidStrategyDef raidStrategy, PawnGroupKindDef groupKind, ref float __result) { HiveFactionEvolutionTracker evolutionTracker = Find.World.GetComponent <HiveFactionEvolutionTracker>(); HiveFactionExtension hive = faction.def.GetModExtension <HiveFactionExtension>(); if (faction != null) { if (evolutionTracker != null && hive != null) { if (evolutionTracker.HiveFactionStages.TryGetValue(faction.ToString(), out int stage)) { SimpleCurve curves = hive.CurStage.maxPawnCostPerTotalPointsCurve ?? faction.def.maxPawnCostPerTotalPointsCurve; float num = curves.Evaluate(totalPoints); if (raidStrategy != null) { num = Mathf.Min(num, totalPoints / raidStrategy.minPawns); } num = Mathf.Max(num, faction.def.MinPointsToGeneratePawnGroup(groupKind) * 1.2f); if (raidStrategy != null) { num = Mathf.Max(num, raidStrategy.Worker.MinMaxAllowedPawnGenOptionCost(faction, groupKind) * 1.2f); } __result = num; return(false); } } } return(true); }
private void CreateRandomExplosion() { IntVec3 intVec = (from x in GenRadial.RadialCellsAround(base.Position, 15f, useCenter: true) where x.InBounds(base.Map) select x).RandomElementByWeight((IntVec3 x) => DistanceChanceFactor.Evaluate(x.DistanceTo(base.Position))); float num = (float)Rand.Range(6, 8); IntVec3 center = intVec; Map map = base.Map; float radius = num; DamageDef bomb = DamageDefOf.Bomb; Thing instigator = base.instigator; ThingDef def = base.def; ThingDef weaponDef = base.weaponDef; GenExplosion.DoExplosion(center, map, radius, bomb, instigator, -1, -1f, null, weaponDef, def); }
private static int RandomRequestCount(ThingDef thingDef, Map map) { float num = (float)BaseValueWantedRange.RandomInRange; num *= ValueWantedFactorFromWealthCurve.Evaluate(map.wealthWatcher.WealthTotal); return(ThingUtility.RoundedResourceStackCount(Mathf.Max(1, Mathf.RoundToInt(num / thingDef.BaseMarketValue)))); }
public void SetGuestStatus(Faction newHost, bool prisoner = false) { if (newHost != null) { Released = false; } if (newHost != HostFaction || prisoner != IsPrisoner) { if (!prisoner && pawn.Faction.HostileTo(newHost)) { Log.Error("Tried to make " + pawn + " a guest of " + newHost + " but their faction " + pawn.Faction + " is hostile to " + newHost); } else if (newHost != null && newHost == pawn.Faction && !prisoner) { Log.Error("Tried to make " + pawn + " a guest of their own faction " + pawn.Faction); } else { bool flag = prisoner && (!IsPrisoner || HostFaction != newHost); isPrisonerInt = prisoner; hostFactionInt = newHost; pawn.ClearMind(); if (flag) { pawn.DropAndForbidEverything(); pawn.GetLord()?.Notify_PawnLost(pawn, PawnLostCondition.MadePrisoner); if (newHost == Faction.OfPlayer) { Find.StoryWatcher.watcherPopAdaptation.Notify_PawnEvent(pawn, PopAdaptationEvent.GainedPrisoner); } if (pawn.Drafted) { pawn.drafter.Drafted = false; } float x = pawn.RecruitDifficulty(Faction.OfPlayer); resistance = StartingResistancePerRecruitDifficultyCurve.Evaluate(x); resistance *= StartingResistanceFactorFromPopulationIntentCurve.Evaluate(StorytellerUtilityPopulation.PopulationIntent); resistance *= StartingResistanceRandomFactorRange.RandomInRange; resistance = (float)GenMath.RoundRandom(resistance); } PawnComponentsUtility.AddAndRemoveDynamicComponents(pawn);; if (pawn.ownership != null) { pawn.ownership.Notify_ChangedGuestStatus(); } ReachabilityUtility.ClearCacheFor(pawn); if (pawn.Spawned) { pawn.Map.mapPawns.UpdateRegistryForPawn(pawn); pawn.Map.attackTargetsCache.UpdateTarget(pawn); } AddictionUtility.CheckDrugAddictionTeachOpportunity(pawn); if (prisoner && pawn.playerSettings != null) { pawn.playerSettings.Notify_MadePrisoner(); } } } }
public static float AllyIncidentFraction(bool fullAlliesOnly) { List <Faction> allFactionsListForReading = Find.FactionManager.AllFactionsListForReading; int num = 0; int num2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < allFactionsListForReading.Count; i++) { if (!allFactionsListForReading[i].def.hidden && !allFactionsListForReading[i].IsPlayer) { if (allFactionsListForReading[i].def.CanEverBeNonHostile) { num2++; } if (allFactionsListForReading[i].PlayerRelationKind == FactionRelationKind.Ally || (!fullAlliesOnly && !allFactionsListForReading[i].HostileTo(Faction.OfPlayer))) { num++; } } } if (num == 0) { return(-1f); } float x = (float)num / Mathf.Max(num2, 1f); return(AllyIncidentFractionFromAllyFraction.Evaluate(x)); }
private static float GetAgeFactor(Pawn f****r, Pawn f****d, int p_age) { float age_factor; //The human age curve needs work. Currently pawns refuse to have sex with anyone over age of ~50 no matter what the other factors are, which is just silly... age_factor = f****d.gender == Gender.Male ? attractiveness_from_age_male.Evaluate(SexUtility.ScaleToHumanAge(f****d)) : attractiveness_from_age_female.Evaluate(SexUtility.ScaleToHumanAge(f****d)); //--Log.Message("would_fuck() - age_factor = " + age_factor.ToString()); if (xxx.is_animal(f****r)) { age_factor = 1.0f; //using flat factors, since human age is not comparable to animal ages } else if (xxx.is_animal(f****d)) { if (p_age <= 1 && f****d.RaceProps.lifeExpectancy > 8) { age_factor = 0.5f; } else { age_factor = 1.0f; } //--Log.Message("would_fuck() - animal age_factor = " + age_factor.ToString()); } if (Quirk.Gerontophile.IsSatisfiedBy(f****r, f****d)) { age_factor = 1.0f; } return(age_factor); }
public static float InitiatePrisonBreakMtbDays(Pawn pawn) { if (!pawn.Awake()) { return(-1f); } if (!CanParticipateInPrisonBreak(pawn)) { return(-1f); } Room room = pawn.GetRoom(); if (room == null || !room.isPrisonCell) { return(-1f); } float num = 60f; num /= Mathf.Clamp(, 0.01f, 1f); if (pawn.guest.everParticipatedInPrisonBreak) { float x = (float)(Find.TickManager.TicksGame - pawn.guest.lastPrisonBreakTicks) / 60000f; num *= PrisonBreakMTBFactorForDaysSincePrisonBreak.Evaluate(x); } return(num); }
public override float ExtraSelectionWeightFactor(ThingSetMakerParams parms) { int num = 0; bool flag = false; foreach (ResearchProjectDef allDef in DefDatabase <ResearchProjectDef> .AllDefs) { if (!allDef.IsFinished && allDef.PrerequisitesCompleted) { if (!allDef.TechprintRequirementMet && !PlayerItemAccessibilityUtility.PlayerOrQuestRewardHas(allDef.Techprint, allDef.techprintCount - allDef.TechprintsApplied)) { flag = true; } else { num++; } } } if (!flag) { return(1f); } return(Mathf.RoundToInt(ResearchableProjectsCountToSelectionWeightCurve.Evaluate(num))); }
private static List <Thing> GenerateRewardsFor(ThingDef thingDef, int quantity, Faction faction, Map map) { ThingSetMakerParams parms = default(ThingSetMakerParams); parms.totalMarketValueRange = RewardValueFactorRange * RewardValueFactorFromWealthCurve.Evaluate(map.wealthWatcher.WealthTotal) * thingDef.BaseMarketValue * (float)quantity; parms.validator = ((ThingDef td) => td != thingDef); List <Thing> list = null; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (list != null) { for (int j = 0; j < list.Count; j++) { list[j].Destroy(); } list = null; } list = ThingSetMakerDefOf.Reward_TradeRequest.root.Generate(parms); float num = 0f; for (int k = 0; k < list.Count; k++) { num += list[k].MarketValue * (float)list[k].stackCount; } if (num > thingDef.BaseMarketValue * (float)quantity) { break; } } return(list); }
protected override bool TryExecuteWorker(IncidentParms parms) { if (!TryFindSettlement(out Faction ally, out Settlement Set)) { return(false); } // Balance List <Thing> rewards = ThingSetMakerDefOf.Reward_StandardByDropPod.root.Generate(new ThingSetMakerParams() { totalMarketValueRange = new FloatRange?(SiteTuning.BanditCampQuestRewardMarketValueRange * SiteTuning.QuestRewardMarketValueThreatPointsFactor.Evaluate(StorytellerUtility.DefaultSiteThreatPointsNow() + 500f)) }); Thing silver = ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDefOf.Silver); silver.stackCount = (int)SilverBonusRewardCurve.Evaluate(ally.PlayerGoodwill); int random = new IntRange(Global.DayInTicks * 15, Global.DayInTicks * 25).RandomInRange; Set.GetComponent <WorldComp_JointRaid>().StartComp(random, ally, rewards, silver); string text = def.letterText.Formatted(ally.leader.LabelShort, ally.def.leaderTitle, ally.Name, GenLabel.ThingsLabel(rewards, string.Empty), random.ToStringTicksToPeriod(), GenThing.GetMarketValue(rewards).ToStringMoney(null), silver.stackCount.ToString()).CapitalizeFirst(); GenThing.TryAppendSingleRewardInfo(ref text, rewards); Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter(def.letterLabel, text, def.letterDef, Set, ally, null); return(true); }