Example #1
        public void ConstructorTest()
            ICanvas canvas = new SimpleCanvas(3, 4);

            Assert.Equal(3, canvas.Width);
            Assert.Equal(4, canvas.Height);
Example #2
        public void PrintToOutputStream()
            var OutputMock = new Mock <TextWriter>();

            string outbuffer = "";

            OutputMock.Setup(console => console.Write(It.IsAny <string>()))
            .Callback((string s) => outbuffer += s);
            OutputMock.Setup(console => console.WriteLine(It.IsAny <string>()))
            .Callback((string s) => outbuffer += s + Environment.NewLine);
            OutputMock.Setup(console => console.WriteLine())
            .Callback(() => outbuffer += Environment.NewLine);

            var     printer = new CanvasPrinter(OutputMock.Object);
            ICanvas canvas  = new SimpleCanvas(2, 2);


            string expected = "----" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "|  |" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "|  |" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "----" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;

            Assert.Equal(expected, outbuffer);
Example #3
        public void Setup(int canvasW, int canvasH)
            //TODO: review here again

                fontfile =>
                if (File.Exists("DroidSans.ttf"))
                    using (Stream s = new FileStream("DroidSans.ttf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                        using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) // This is a simple hack because on Xamarin.Android, a `Stream` created by `AssetManager.Open` is not seekable.
                            return(new MemoryStream(ms.ToArray()));


            simpleCanvas = new SimpleCanvas(canvasW, canvasH);

            var text = "Typography";

            //optional ....
            //var directory = AndroidOS.Environment.ExternalStorageDirectory;
            //var fullFileName = Path.Combine(directory.ToString(), "TypographyTest.txt");
            //if (File.Exists(fullFileName))
            //    text = File.ReadAllText(fullFileName);
            //we want to create a prepared visual object ***
            //textContext = new TypographyTextContext()
            //    FontFamily = "DroidSans.ttf", //corresponding to font file Assets/DroidSans.ttf
            //    FontSize = 64,//size in Points
            //    FontStretch = FontStretch.Normal,
            //    FontStyle = FontStyle.Normal,
            //    FontWeight = FontWeight.Normal,
            //    Alignment = DrawingGL.Text.TextAlignment.Leading
            //create blank text run
            textRun = new TextRun();
            //generate glyph run inside text text run

            TextPrinter textPrinter = simpleCanvas.TextPrinter;

            textPrinter.FontFilename     = "DroidSans.ttf"; //corresponding to font file Assets/DroidSans.ttf
            textPrinter.FontSizeInPoints = 64;
            simpleCanvas.TextPrinter.GenerateGlyphRuns(textRun, text.ToCharArray(), 0, text.Length);
Example #4
        public void ShouldCreateBucketFill()
            ICanvas canvas        = new SimpleCanvas(10, 10);
            var     canvasFactory = new Mock <ICanvasFactory>();
            var     cmdFactory    = new Mock <ICommandFactory>();

            canvasFactory.Setup(canvasF => canvasF.CreateCanvas(10, 10)).Returns(canvas);
            cmdFactory.Setup(cmdF => cmdF.CreateBucketFill(canvas, 0, 0, 100));

            var service = new DrawingServiceBase(canvasFactory.Object, cmdFactory.Object);

            service.CreateCanvas(10, 10);
            service.BucketFill(0, 0, 100);

            cmdFactory.Verify(cmdF => cmdF.CreateBucketFill(canvas, 0, 0, 100), Times.Once());
Example #5
        public void Setup(int canvasW, int canvasH)
            //TODO: review here again

                fontfile =>

            simpleCanvas = new SimpleCanvas(canvasW, canvasH);
            var text = "Typography";

            //optional ....
            //var directory = AndroidOS.Environment.ExternalStorageDirectory;
            //var fullFileName = Path.Combine(directory.ToString(), "TypographyTest.txt");
            //if (File.Exists(fullFileName))
            //    text = File.ReadAllText(fullFileName);
            //we want to create a prepared visual object ***
            textContext = new TypographyTextContext()
                FontFamily  = "DroidSans.ttf", //corresponding to font file Assets/DroidSans.ttf
                FontSize    = 64,              //size in Points
                FontStretch = FontStretch.Normal,
                FontStyle   = FontStyle.Normal,
                FontWeight  = FontWeight.Normal,
                Alignment   = DrawingGL.Text.TextAlignment.Leading
            //create blank text run
            textRun = new TextRun();
            //generate glyph run inside text text run
            textContext.GenerateGlyphRuns(textRun, text);