internal override void createProduct(SimObjectBase instance, BEPUikScene scene)
            BEPUikBone connectionA = null;
            BEPUikBone connectionB = null;

            SimObject other = instance.getOtherSimObject(ConnectionASimObjectName);

            if (other == null)
                throw new BEPUikBlacklistException("Cannot find ConnectionA SimObject named '{0}'", ConnectionASimObjectName);

            connectionA = other.getElement(ConnectionABoneName) as BEPUikBone;
            if (connectionA == null)
                throw new BEPUikBlacklistException("Cannot find ConnectionA bone named '{0}' in '{1}'", ConnectionABoneName, ConnectionASimObjectName);

            other = instance.getOtherSimObject(ConnectionBSimObjectName);
            if (other == null)
                throw new BEPUikBlacklistException("Cannot find ConnectionB SimObject named '{0}'", ConnectionBSimObjectName);

            connectionB = other.getElement(ConnectionBBoneName) as BEPUikBone;
            if (connectionB == null)
                throw new BEPUikBlacklistException("Cannot find ConnectionB bone named '{0}' in '{1}'", ConnectionBBoneName, ConnectionBSimObjectName);

            SimElement element = createConstraint(connectionA, connectionB, instance);

            if (element != null)
        internal override void createProduct(SimObjectBase instance, BEPUikScene scene)
            var otherObject = instance.getOtherSimObject(this.BoneSimObjectName);

            if (otherObject != null)
                var bone = otherObject.getElement(this.BoneName) as BEPUikBone;
                if (bone != null)
                    instance.addElement(new BEPUikDragControl(bone, scene, this, instance));
                    Log.Default.sendMessage("Cannot add BEPUikDragControl {0} to SimObject {1} because the Sim Object does not contain a bone named {2}.", LogLevel.Warning, BEPUikInterface.PluginName, Name, BoneSimObjectName, BoneName);
                Log.Default.sendMessage("Cannot add BEPUikDragControl {0} to SimObject {1} because the Sim Object does not exist.", LogLevel.Warning, BEPUikInterface.PluginName, Name, BoneSimObjectName);