Example #1
        static IEnumerable <SimEvent> CondTester(SimEnvironment env)
            var aProc = env.Process(AProcess(env));
            var cond  = env.AllOf(env.Timeout(5, "VAL_T"), aProc);

            yield return(cond);

            Console.WriteLine("ALL: {0}", cond.Value.Select(x => x.Value).Aggregate((s1, s2) => s1 + ", " + s2));

            aProc = env.Process(AProcess(env));
            cond  = env.AnyOf(env.Timeout(5, "VAL_T"), aProc);
            yield return(cond);

            Console.WriteLine("ANY: {0}", cond.Value.Select(x => x.Value).Aggregate((s1, s2) => s1 + ", " + s2));

            aProc = env.Process(AProcess(env));
            var aTime = env.Timeout(5, "VAL_T");
            ConditionEval <Timeout <string>, SimProcess> pred =
                c => c.Ev1.Succeeded && c.Ev2.Succeeded && c.Ev1.Value.Equals("VAL_T") && c.Ev2.Value.Equals("VAL_P");

            cond = env.Condition(aTime, aProc, pred);
            yield return(cond);

            Console.WriteLine("CUSTOM: {0}", cond.Value.Select(x => x.Value).Aggregate((s1, s2) => s1 + ", " + s2));
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        ///   Customer arrives, is served and leaves.
        /// </summary>
        private static SimEvents Customer(SimEnvironment env, string name, Resource counter, double timeInBank)
            var arrive = env.Now;

            Console.WriteLine("{0:00.0000} {1}: Here I am", arrive, name);

            using (var req = counter.Request())
                var patience = env.Random.NextDouble(MinPatience, MaxPatience);
                // Wait for the counter or abort at the end of our tether
                yield return(req.Or(env.Timeout(patience)));

                var wait = env.Now - arrive;
                if (req.Succeeded)
                    // We got to the counter
                    Console.WriteLine("{0:00.0000} {1}: Waited {2:0.000}", env.Now, name, wait);

                    var tib = env.Random.Exponential(1.0 / timeInBank);
                    yield return(env.Timeout(tib));

                    Console.WriteLine("{0:00.0000} {1}: Finished", env.Now, name);
                    // We reneged
                    Console.WriteLine("{0:00.0000} {1}: RENEGED after {2:0.000}", env.Now, name, wait);
Example #3
 protected SimEvents Interrupter(SimProcess victim, String value, Double timeout = 0)
     while (true)
         yield return(Env.Timeout(timeout));
Example #4
        static IEnumerable <SimEvent> Process(SimEnvironment env)
            var a    = env.Timeout(3, "A");
            var b    = env.Timeout(5, "B");
            var c    = env.Timeout(7, "C");
            var cond = a.And(b.Or(c));

            yield return(cond);

            foreach (var e in cond.Value)
Example #5
        static IEnumerable <SimEvent> Worker(SimEnvironment env)
            Console.WriteLine("{0}: Carico la macchina...", env.Now);
            yield return(env.Timeout(LoadTime));

Example #6
        static SimEvents Go(SimEnvironment env, int id)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} Starting", env.Now, id);
            yield return(env.Timeout(100));

            Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} Arrived", env.Now, id);
Example #7
        static Timeout <string> NewTarget(SimEnvironment env)
            var delay  = env.Random.DiscreteUniform(1, 20);
            var target = env.Random.Choice(Targets);

            return(env.Timeout(delay, target));
        /// <summary>
        ///   A process which consumes messages.
        /// </summary>
        static IEvents MessageConsumer(string name, SimEnvironment env, Store <Message> inPipe)
            while (true)
                // Gets event for message pipe.
                var getEv = inPipe.Get();
                yield return(getEv);

                var msg = getEv.Value;

                if (msg.Timestamp < env.Now)
                    // If message was already put into pipe, then
                    // MessageConsumer was late getting to it.
                    // Depending on what is being modeled, this may, or may not,
                    // have some significance.
                    Console.WriteLine("LATE Getting Message: at time {0:.0}, \"{1}\" received message \"{2}\"", env.Now,
                                      name, msg.Content);
                    // MessageConsumer is synchronized with MessageGenerator.
                    Console.WriteLine("At time {0:.0}, \"{1}\" received message \"{2}\"", env.Now, name, msg.Content);

                // Process does some other work, which may result in missing messages.
                yield return(env.Timeout(Rand.Next(4, 8)));
Example #9
 public SimEvents Fight(SimEnvironment env, Player target)
     Console.WriteLine("Three {0} attempting to escape!", target.Name);
     while (true)
         if (_random.Next(0, 10) < 2)
             // Checks for hit on player
             target.Damage += 1;     // Hit! Increment damage to player
             if (target.Damage <= 5) // Target survives...
                 Console.WriteLine("Ha! {0} hit! Damage = {1}", target.Name, target.Damage);
                 if (target.Lives - 1 == 0)
                     Console.WriteLine("No more {0} left!", target.Name);
                     Console.WriteLine("Now only {0} {1} left!", target.Lives - 1, target.Name);
         yield return(env.Timeout(1));
Example #10
        protected IEnumerable <SimEvent> WaitForSend(object packet, int packetLen)
            var w = G.Latency + packetLen / G.Bandwidth;

            Logger.InfoFormat("Sending {0}, waiting for {1}", packet, Ts(w));
            yield return(Env.Timeout(w));
Example #11
 static IEnumerable <SimEvent> Clock(SimEnvironment env, string name, double tick)
     while (true)
         Console.WriteLine("{0} {1:0.0}", name, env.Now);
         yield return(env.Timeout(tick));
Example #12
        static SimEvents Person(SimEnvironment env, string name)
            Console.WriteLine("Hi, I'm {0} and I will wait for {1} minutes!", name, WaitTime);
            // The process will stop its execution for WaitTime time units.
            yield return(env.Timeout(WaitTime));

            Console.WriteLine("Ok, {0}'s wait has finished at {1}. Bye :)", name, env.Now);
Example #13
            SimEvents Start()
                while (true)
                    Console.WriteLine("Start parking and charging at {0}", _env.Now);
                    const int chargeDuration = 5;
                    // We may get interrupted while charging the battery
                    yield return(_env.Process(Charge(chargeDuration)));

                    if (_env.ActiveProcess.Interrupted())
                        Console.WriteLine("Was interrupted. Hope, the battery is full enough ...");
                    Console.WriteLine("Start driving at {0}", _env.Now);
                    const int tripDuration = 2;
                    yield return(_env.Timeout(tripDuration));
Example #14
        /// <summary>
        ///   Generates new cars that arrive at the gas station.
        /// </summary>
        private static SimEvents CarGenerator(SimEnvironment env, Resource gasStation, Container fuelPump)
            foreach (var i in Enumerable.Range(0, int.MaxValue))
                yield return(env.Timeout(env.Random.Next(MinInter, MaxInter)));

                env.Process(Car("Car " + i, env, gasStation, fuelPump));
Example #15
        static IEvents SayHello(SimEnvironment env)
            while (true)
                yield return(env.Timeout(2.1));

                Console.WriteLine("Hello World at {0}!", env.Now);
Example #16
 static SimEvents Execute(SimEnvironment env, int finish)
     while (env.Now < finish)
         // Creates a new Customer and activates it (with default parameters).
         env.Process(Customer.Buy(env, "Marta"));
         Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", env.Now, "Marta");
         yield return(env.Timeout(10));
        private static IEvents SayHello(SimEnvironment env, char id)
            while (true)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} - Sleeping at {1}, real {2}...", id, env.Now, env.RealTime.WallClock.UtcNow);
                yield return(env.Timeout(3));

                Console.WriteLine("{0} - Awake at {1}, real {2}", id, env.Now, env.RealTime.WallClock.UtcNow);
Example #18
        static IEnumerable <SimEvent> Spawner(SimEnvironment env, Tally rec)
            var queue = Sim.Resource(env, 2);

            while (true)
                env.Process(Person(env, queue, rec));
                yield return(env.Timeout(env.Random.Next(2, 5)));
Example #19
        private const int MaxPatience       = 3;  // Max. customer patience

        /// <summary>
        ///   Source generates customers randomly.
        /// </summary>
        private static SimEvents Source(SimEnvironment env, int number, double interval, Resource counter)
            foreach (var i in Enumerable.Range(0, number))
                var n = string.Format("Customer{0:00}", i);
                var c = Customer(env, n, counter, timeInBank: 12.0);
                var t = env.Random.Exponential(1.0 / interval);
                yield return(env.Timeout(t));
Example #20
        static IEnumerable <SimEvent> Machine(SimEnvironment env)
            while (true)
                var worker = env.Process(Worker(env));
                yield return(worker);

                Console.WriteLine("{0}: Eseguo il comando {1}", env.Now, worker.Value);
                yield return(env.Timeout(WorkTime));
Example #21
        static IEnumerable <SimEvent> Person(SimEnvironment env, Resource queue, Tally rec)
            using (var req = queue.Request()) {
                var startTime = env.Now;
                yield return(req);

                rec.Observe(env.Now - startTime);
                var workTime = env.Random.Next(3, 10);
                yield return(env.Timeout(workTime));
Example #22
 static SimEvents PersonSpawner(SimEnvironment env, Resource postOffice)
     while (true)
         // We first start a new "Person" process...
         env.Process(Person(env, postOffice, env.Random.Choice(Names)));
         // And then we sleep for nearly SpawnFrequency minutes.
         var waitTime = env.Random.Exponential(1.0 / SpawnFrequency);
         yield return(env.Timeout(waitTime));
Example #23
        /// <summary>
        ///   Arrives at the gas station after a certain delay and refuels it.
        /// </summary>
        private static SimEvents TankTruck(SimEnvironment env, Container fuelPump)
            yield return(env.Timeout(TankTruckTime));

            Console.WriteLine("Tank truck arriving at time {0}", env.Now);

            var amount = fuelPump.Capacity - fuelPump.Level;

            Console.WriteLine("Tank truck refueling {0:.0} liters.", amount);
            yield return(fuelPump.Put(amount));
Example #24
        static IEnumerable <SimEvent> Person(SimEnvironment env, string gender, Resource toilet)
            using (var req = toilet.Request()) {
                yield return(req);

                Console.WriteLine("{0:0.00}: {1} --> Bagno", env.Now, gender);
                yield return(env.Timeout(env.Random.Exponential(1.0 / AvgTimeInToilet)));

                Console.WriteLine("{0:0.00}: {1} <-- Bagno", env.Now, gender);
Example #25
        public static SimEvents Buy(SimEnvironment env, string name, double budget = 40)
            Console.WriteLine("Here I am at the shop {0}", name);
            for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                yield return(env.Timeout(5)); // Executed 4 times at intervals of 5 time units

                Console.WriteLine("I just bought something {0}", name);
                budget -= 10;
            Console.WriteLine("All I have left is {0} I am going home {1}", budget, name);
        static IEnumerable <SimEvent> PressureSensor(SimEnvironment env, char tag, IRecorder pressureRecorder)
            while (true)
                yield return(env.Timeout(MonitoringTime));

                // Read the pressure value and record it.
                var pressure = env.Random.Normal(1000, 50);
                Console.WriteLine($"Pressure sensor for machine {tag} has recorded a pressure of {pressure:.00} bar");
        static IEnumerable <SimEvent> TemperatureSensor(SimEnvironment env, char tag, IRecorder temperatureRecorder)
            while (true)
                yield return(env.Timeout(MonitoringTime));

                // Read the temperature value and record it.
                var temperature = env.Random.Poisson(100);
                Console.WriteLine($"Temperature sensor for machine {tag} has recorded a temperature of {temperature} °F");
Example #28
        static IEnumerable <SimEvent> Process(SimEnvironment env)
            var t1 = env.Timeout(3);
            var t2 = env.Timeout(7);
            var c1 = env.AllOf(t1, t2);

            yield return(c1);

            Console.WriteLine(env.Now);               // 7
            Console.WriteLine(c1.Value.Contains(t1)); // True
            Console.WriteLine(c1.Value.Contains(t2)); // True

            t1 = env.Timeout(3);
            t2 = env.Timeout(7);
            var c2 = env.Condition(t1, t2, c => c.Ev1.Succeeded || c.Ev2.Succeeded);

            yield return(c2);

            Console.WriteLine(env.Now);               // 10
            Console.WriteLine(c2.Value.Contains(t1)); // True
            Console.WriteLine(c2.Value.Contains(t2)); // False
Example #29
        public static IEnumerable <SimEvent> Run(SimEnvironment env, Stats stats)
            var currProc = Process.GetCurrentProcess();

            while (true)
                yield return(env.Timeout(G.MemoryRecordingFrequency));

                var procMemInMb = currProc.WorkingSet64 / (1024 * 1024);
        /// <summary>
        ///   A process which randomly generates messages.
        /// </summary>
        static IEvents MessageGenerator(string name, SimEnvironment env, BroadcastPipe <Message> outPipe)
            while (true)
                // Waits for next transmission.
                yield return(env.Timeout(Rand.Next(6, 10)));

                // Messages are time stamped to later check
                // if the consumer was late getting them.
                var content = string.Format("{0} says hello at {1:.0}", name, env.Now);
                yield return(outPipe.Put(new Message(env.Now, content)));