Example #1
        internal static unsafe void Initialize(OpenXRHmd hmd)
            baseHMD = hmd;

            // make actions
            for (int i = 0; i < HAND_PATH_COUNT; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                    ActionCreateInfo action_info = new ActionCreateInfo()
                        Type       = StructureType.TypeActionCreateInfo,
                        ActionType = GetActionType((HAND_PATHS)i),

                    Span <byte> aname    = new Span <byte>(action_info.ActionName, 32);
                    Span <byte> lname    = new Span <byte>(action_info.LocalizedActionName, 32);
                    string      fullname = ((HAND_PATHS)i).ToString() + "H" + j.ToString() + '\0';
                    SilkMarshal.StringIntoSpan(fullname.ToLower(), aname);
                    SilkMarshal.StringIntoSpan(fullname, lname);

                    fixed(Silk.NET.OpenXR.Action *aptr = &MappedActions[j, i])
                    hmd.Xr.CreateAction(hmd.globalActionSet, &action_info, aptr);

            string allInputDetected = "";

            // probe bindings for all profiles
            for (int i = 0; i < InteractionProfiles.Length; i++)
                ulong profile = 0;
                hmd.Xr.StringToPath(hmd.Instance, InteractionProfiles[i], ref profile);

                List <ActionSuggestedBinding> bindings = new List <ActionSuggestedBinding>();
                // for each hand...
                for (int hand = 0; hand < 2; hand++)
                    // for each path we want to bind...
                    for (int path = 0; path < HAND_PATH_COUNT; path++)
                        // list all possible paths that might be valid and pick the first one
                        List <string> possiblePaths = PathPriorities[path];
                        for (int pathattempt = 0; pathattempt < possiblePaths.Count; pathattempt++)
                            // get the hand at the start, then put in the attempt
                            string final_path = hand == (int)TouchControllerHand.Left ? "/user/hand/left" : "/user/hand/right";
                            final_path += possiblePaths[pathattempt];

                            ulong hp_ulong = 0;
                            hmd.Xr.StringToPath(hmd.Instance, final_path, ref hp_ulong);

                            var suggest = new ActionSuggestedBinding()
                                Action  = MappedActions[hand, path],
                                Binding = hp_ulong

                            if (IsPathSupported(hmd, profile, &suggest))
                                // note that this controller has a touchpad/thumbstick
                                switch ((HAND_PATHS)path)
                                case HAND_PATHS.ThumbstickX:

                                case HAND_PATHS.TrackpadX:

                                if (LogInputDetected)
                                    allInputDetected += "\nGot " + final_path + " for " + InteractionProfiles[i];

                                // got one!

                // ok, we got all supported paths for this profile, lets do the final suggestion with all of them
                if (bindings.Count > 0)
                    ActionSuggestedBinding[] final_bindings = bindings.ToArray();
                    fixed(ActionSuggestedBinding *asbptr = &final_bindings[0])
                        InteractionProfileSuggestedBinding suggested_bindings = new InteractionProfileSuggestedBinding()
                            Type = StructureType.TypeInteractionProfileSuggestedBinding,
                            InteractionProfile     = profile,
                            CountSuggestedBindings = (uint)final_bindings.Length,
                            SuggestedBindings      = asbptr

                        OpenXRHmd.CheckResult(hmd.Xr.SuggestInteractionProfileBinding(hmd.Instance, &suggested_bindings), "SuggestInteractionProfileBinding");

            if (LogInputDetected)
Example #2
        private unsafe void Prepare()
            // Create our API object for OpenXR.
            Xr = XR.GetApi();


            uint propCount = 0;

            Xr.EnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties((byte *)null, 0, &propCount, null);

            ExtensionProperties[] props = new ExtensionProperties[propCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < props.Length; i++)
                props[i].Type = StructureType.TypeExtensionProperties;

                fixed(ExtensionProperties *pptr = &props[0])
                Xr.EnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties((byte *)null, propCount, ref propCount, pptr);

                List <string> AvailableExtensions = new List <string>();
                for (int i = 0; i < props.Length; i++)
                    fixed(void *nptr = props[i].ExtensionName)
                    AvailableExtensions.Add(Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(new System.IntPtr(nptr)));

                for (int i = 0; i < Extensions.Count; i++)
                    if (AvailableExtensions.Contains(Extensions[i]) == false)

                InstanceCreateInfo instanceCreateInfo;

                var appInfo = new ApplicationInfo()
                    ApiVersion = new Version64(1, 0, 9)

                // We've got to marshal our strings and put them into global, immovable memory. To do that, we use
                // SilkMarshal.
                Span <byte> appName = new Span <byte>(appInfo.ApplicationName, 128);
                Span <byte> engName = new Span <byte>(appInfo.EngineName, 128);
                SilkMarshal.StringIntoSpan(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName, appName);
                SilkMarshal.StringIntoSpan("FocusEngine", engName);

                var requestedExtensions = SilkMarshal.StringArrayToPtr(Extensions);
                instanceCreateInfo = new InstanceCreateInfo
                    applicationInfo: appInfo,
                    enabledExtensionCount: (uint)Extensions.Count,
                    enabledExtensionNames: (byte **)requestedExtensions

                // Now we're ready to make our instance!
                CheckResult(Xr.CreateInstance(in instanceCreateInfo, ref Instance), "CreateInstance");

                // For our benefit, let's log some information about the instance we've just created.
                // skip this, as it crashes on Oculus runtime and is not needed

                /*InstanceProperties properties = new();
                 * CheckResult(Xr.GetInstanceProperties(Instance, ref properties), "GetInstanceProperties");
                 * var runtimeName = SilkMarshal.PtrToString((nint)properties.RuntimeName);
                 * var runtimeVersion = ((Version)(Version64)properties.RuntimeVersion).ToString(3);
                 * Console.WriteLine($"[INFO] Application: Using OpenXR Runtime \"{runtimeName}\" v{runtimeVersion}");*/

                // We're creating a head-mounted-display (HMD, i.e. a VR headset) example, so we ask for a runtime which
                // supports that form factor. The response we get is a ulong that is the System ID.
                var getInfo = new SystemGetInfo(formFactor: FormFactor.HeadMountedDisplay);
                CheckResult(Xr.GetSystem(Instance, in getInfo, ref system_id), "GetSystem");