Example #1
        protected void Sign_Up(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SignUp_In c = new SignUp_In();

                c.SignUp(new User(emailId.Value, pswId.Value, fnameId.Value, lnameId.Value, mphoneId.Value, "Unknown"), pswrepeatId.Value);
            catch (Exception ex)
                error2.Text = ex.Message;
            unknownstatus.Visible = true;
            updateStatus.Text     = "<br /> Thank you for signing up to  Cavalry Associates " + "<br /> <br />" +

                                    "Your account is currently not active." + "<br /> " + "An administrator needs to activate your account before you can login.<br />";
Example #2
        protected void Sign_Up(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SignUp_In c = new SignUp_In();

                c.SignUp(new User(emailId.Value, pswId.Value, fnameId.Value, lnameId.Value, mphoneId.Value, "Unknown"), pswrepeatId.Value);
            catch (Exception ex)
                error2.Text = ex.Message;

            unknownstatus.Text = " Thank you for signing up to Cavalry Associates \r\n" +

                                 "We will do our best to respond to your inquiry as soon as possible";