Example #1
        public void SignTx()
            var tx = new SignTx();

            tx.InputsCount  = 2;
            tx.OutputsCount = 2;
            Utils.Write(tx, MessageType.MessageTypeSignTx);
Example #2
        static async Task SignBitcoinTransactionAsync()
            //get address path for address in Trezor
            var addressPath = AddressPathBase.Parse <BIP44AddressPath>("m/49'/0'/0'/0/0").ToArray();

            // previous unspent input of Transaction
            var txInput = new TxInputType()
                AddressNs  = addressPath,
                Amount     = 100837,
                ScriptType = InputScriptType.Spendp2shwitness,
                PrevHash   = "3becf448ae38cf08c0db3c6de2acb8e47acf6953331a466fca76165fdef1ccb7".ToBytes(), // transaction ID
                PrevIndex  = 0,
                Sequence   = 4294967293                                                                    // Sequence  number represent Replace By Fee 4294967293 or leave empty for default

            // TX we want to make a payment
            var txOut = new TxOutputType()
                AddressNs  = new uint[0],
                Amount     = 100837,
                Address    = "18UxSJMw7D4UEiRqWkArN1Lq7VSGX6qH3H",
                ScriptType = OutputScriptType.Paytoaddress // if is segwit use Spendp2shwitness

            // Must be filled with basic data like below
            var signTx = new SignTx()
                Expiry       = 0,
                LockTime     = 0,
                CoinName     = "Bitcoin",
                Version      = 2,
                OutputsCount = 1,
                InputsCount  = 1

            Log.Information($"TxSignature: {await _soterDevice.SignTransactionAsync(signTx, new List<TxInputType> { txInput }, new List<TxOutputType> { txOut })}");
Example #3
        public async Task SignBitcoinTransactionAsync()
            //get address path for address in Trezor
            var addressPath = AddressPathBase.Parse <BIP44AddressPath>("m/49'/0'/0'/0/0").ToArray();

            // previous unspent input of Transaction
            var txInput = new TxAck.TransactionType.TxInputType()
                AddressNs  = addressPath,
                Amount     = 100837,
                ScriptType = InputScriptType.Spendp2shwitness,
                PrevHash   = "797ad8727ee672123acfc7bcece06bf648d3833580b1b50246363f3293d9fe20".ToHexBytes(), // transaction ID
                PrevIndex  = 0,
                Sequence   = 4294967293                                                                       // Sequence  number represent Replace By Fee 4294967293 or leave empty for default

            // TX we want to make a payment
            var txOut = new TxAck.TransactionType.TxOutputType()
                AddressNs  = new uint[0],
                Amount     = 100837,
                Address    = "34i58jxXbcjHbHmo1Pdzx8UjqLphZuG8c1",
                ScriptType = TxAck.TransactionType.TxOutputType.OutputScriptType.Paytoaddress // if is segwit use Spendp2shwitness

            // Must be filled with basic data like below
            var signTx = new SignTx()
                Expiry       = 0,
                LockTime     = 0,
                CoinName     = "Bitcoin",
                Version      = 2,
                OutputsCount = 1,
                InputsCount  = 1

            // For every TX request from Trezor to us, we response with TxAck like below
            var txAck = new TxAck()
                Tx = new TxAck.TransactionType()
                    Inputs     = { txInput }, // Tx Inputs
                    Outputs    = { txOut },   // Tx Outputs
                    Expiry     = 0,
                    InputsCnt  = 1,           // must be exact number of Inputs count
                    OutputsCnt = 1,           // must be exact number of Outputs count
                    Version    = 2

            // If the field serialized.serialized_tx from Trezor is set,
            // it contains a chunk of the signed transaction in serialized format.
            // The chunks are returned in the right order and just concatenating all returned chunks will result in the signed transaction.
            // So we need to add chunks to the list
            var serializedTx = new List <byte>();

            // We send SignTx() to the Trezor and we wait him to send us Request
            var request = await TrezorManager.SendMessageAsync <TxRequest, SignTx>(signTx);

            // We do loop here since we need to send over and over the same transactions to trezor because his 64 kilobytes memory
            // and he will sign chunks and return part of signed chunk in serialized manner, until we receive finall type of Txrequest TxFinished
            while (request.request_type != TxRequest.RequestType.Txfinished)
                switch (request.request_type)
                case TxRequest.RequestType.Txinput:
                    //We send TxAck() with  TxInputs
                    request = await TrezorManager.SendMessageAsync <TxRequest, TxAck>(txAck);

                    // Now we have to check every response is there any SerializedTx chunk
                    if (request.Serialized != null)
                        // if there is any we add to our list bytes


                case TxRequest.RequestType.Txoutput:
                    //We send TxAck()  with  TxOutputs
                    request = await TrezorManager.SendMessageAsync <TxRequest, object>(txAck);

                    // Now we have to check every response is there any SerializedTx chunk
                    if (request.Serialized != null)
                        // if there is any we add to our list bytes


                case TxRequest.RequestType.Txextradata:
                    // for now he didn't ask me for extra data :)

                case TxRequest.RequestType.Txmeta:
                    // for now he didn't ask me for extra Tx meta data :)

            Debug.WriteLine($"TxSignature: {serializedTx.ToArray().ToHexCompact()}");
Example #4
        public async Task SignBitcoinTransactionAsync()
            //get address path for address in Trezor
            var addressPath = AddressPathBase.Parse <BIP44AddressPath>("m/49'/0'/0'/0/0").ToArray();

            // previous unspent inputs of Transaction
            var txInputs = new List <TxAck.TransactionType.TxInputType>()
                new TxAck.TransactionType.TxInputType()
                    AddressNs  = addressPath,
                    Amount     = 1790890,
                    ScriptType = InputScriptType.Spendp2shwitness,
                    PrevHash   = "797ad8727ee672123acfc7bcece06bf648d3833580b1b50246363f3293d9fe20".ToHexBytes(), // transaction ID
                    PrevIndex  = 0,
                    Sequence   = 4294967293                                                                       // Sequence  number represent Replace By Fee 4294967293 or leave empty for default

            // TX we want to make a payment
            var txOutputs = new List <TxAck.TransactionType.TxOutputType>()
                new TxAck.TransactionType.TxOutputType()
                    Amount     = 50000,
                    Address    = "34i58jxXbcjHbHmo1Pdzx8UjqLphZuG8c1",
                    ScriptType = TxAck.TransactionType.TxOutputType.OutputScriptType.Paytoaddress // always use Paytoaddress if Address is set
                new TxAck.TransactionType.TxOutputType()
                    Amount = 1790890 - 50000 - 1000,
                    // change output does not specify Address but uses AddressNs
                    AddressNs  = AddressPathBase.Parse <BIP44AddressPath>("m/49'/0'/0'/1/0").ToArray(),
                    ScriptType = TxAck.TransactionType.TxOutputType.OutputScriptType.Paytop2shwitness // must match all inputs

            // Must be filled with basic data like below
            var signTx = new SignTx()
                LockTime     = 0,
                CoinName     = "Bitcoin",
                Version      = 2,
                InputsCount  = (uint)txInputs.Count,
                OutputsCount = (uint)txOutputs.Count,

            // Cache of previous transactions. This dictionary must contain an entry for every PrevHash used in the transaction inputs above.
            var prevTxes = new Dictionary <string, TxAck.TransactionType>
                // Information taken from https://btc1.trezor.io/tx/797ad8727ee672123acfc7bcece06bf648d3833580b1b50246363f3293d9fe20
                // All the shown fields must be correctly filled out. For Bitcoin, others can be omitted.
                ["797ad8727ee672123acfc7bcece06bf648d3833580b1b50246363f3293d9fe20".ToUpper()] = new TxAck.TransactionType()
                    Version  = 1,
                    LockTime = 0,

                    Inputs =
                        new TxAck.TransactionType.TxInputType()
                            // address_n, script_type and amonout is unused in previous tx
                            PrevHash  = "0757c4c6247bbd46f718e6944735d3c5047c5e6f8bf0150506b5347b680b5812".ToHexBytes(),
                            PrevIndex = 0,
                            ScriptSig = "16001438865742de45fc9617e754fe0e413d2c6ef30124".ToHexBytes(),
                            Sequence  = 4294967295,
                    // For previous tx, BinOutputs are used instead of Outputs. They only have amount and script_pubkey.
                    BinOutputs =
                        new TxAck.TransactionType.TxOutputBinType()
                            Amount       = 1790890,
                            ScriptPubkey = "00146d4100c05c93a8f2bd7c1342df587ec90cb0ec43".ToHexBytes(),
                        new TxAck.TransactionType.TxOutputBinType()
                            Amount       = 1998443,
                            ScriptPubkey = "a914211b791fc53bad19ef17b3ddeeeb24e610a5ffd087".ToHexBytes(),

            // If the field serialized.serialized_tx from Trezor is set,
            // it contains a chunk of the signed transaction in serialized format.
            // The chunks are returned in the right order and just concatenating all returned chunks will result in the signed transaction.
            // So we need to add chunks to the list
            var serializedTx = new List <byte>();

            // We send SignTx() to the Trezor and we wait him to send us Request
            var request = await TrezorManager.SendMessageAsync <TxRequest, SignTx>(signTx).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // We do loop here since we need to send over and over the same transactions to trezor because his 64 kilobytes memory
            // and he will sign chunks and return part of signed chunk in serialized manner, until we receive finall type of Txrequest TxFinished
            var running = true;

            while (running)
                if (request.Serialized != null)
                    // if there is any we add to our list bytes

                // for clarity, use a new txAck object each time
                var txAck = new TxAck()
                    Tx = new TxAck.TransactionType()

                switch (request.request_type)
                case TxRequest.RequestType.Txinput:
                    var prevHash  = request.Details.TxHash;
                    var prevIndex = (int)request.Details.RequestIndex;

                    if (prevHash != null)
                        // retrieve input from specified previous tx
                        var prevtx = prevTxes[prevHash.ToHexString()];
                        // take one of the current transaction inputs

                    request = await TrezorManager.SendMessageAsync <TxRequest, TxAck>(txAck).ConfigureAwait(false);


                case TxRequest.RequestType.Txoutput:
                    var prevHash  = request.Details.TxHash;
                    var prevIndex = (int)request.Details.RequestIndex;

                    if (prevHash != null)
                        // retrieve **bin** output from specified previous tx
                        var prevtx = prevTxes[prevHash.ToHexString()];
                        // take one of the current transaction normal outputs

                    request = await TrezorManager.SendMessageAsync <TxRequest, object>(txAck).ConfigureAwait(false);


                case TxRequest.RequestType.Txextradata:
                    // This will never happen for Bitcoin.
                    // For Zcash, you need to pre-fill ExtraData and ExtraDataLen in the previous tx.
                    // This is somewhat complicated: basically, parse the raw transaction bytes up to Expiry field,
                    // and take all raw bytes beyond that.
                    // request.Details will contain offset and length, pick that chunk and put it into TransactionType.ExtraData that you send.
                    throw new NotImplementedException();

                case TxRequest.RequestType.Txmeta:
                    // This will only happen when txHash is set.
                    var prevtx = prevTxes[request.Details.TxHash.ToHexString()];
                    txAck.Tx = new TxAck.TransactionType()
                        Version    = prevtx.Version,
                        LockTime   = prevtx.LockTime,
                        InputsCnt  = (uint)prevtx.Inputs.Count,
                        OutputsCnt = (uint)prevtx.BinOutputs.Count,
                    request = await TrezorManager.SendMessageAsync <TxRequest, object>(txAck).ConfigureAwait(false);


                case TxRequest.RequestType.Txfinished:
                    // stop the loop
                    running = false;

            Debug.WriteLine($"TxSignature: {serializedTx.ToArray().ToHexCompact()}");