public void Should_Use_Default_Tool_Path_If_None_Is_Specified()
                // Given
                var fixture = new SignToolSignRunnerFixture();

                // When
                var result = fixture.Run();

                // Then
                Assert.Equal("/Working/tools/signtool.exe", result.Path.FullPath);
            public void Should_Call_Sign_Tool_With_Correct_Parameters()
                // Given
                var fixture = new SignToolSignRunnerFixture();

                // When
                var result = fixture.Run();

                // Then
                Assert.Equal("SIGN /t \"\" /f \"/Working/cert.pfx\" /p secret \"/Working/a.dll\"", result.Args);
Example #3
            public void Should_Throw_If_Settings_Are_Null()
                // Given
                var fixture = new SignToolSignRunnerFixture();
                var runner  = fixture.CreateRunner();

                // When
                var result = Record.Exception(() => runner.Run("./a.dll", null));

                // Then
                Assert.IsArgumentNullException(result, "settings");
Example #4
            public void Should_Throw_If_Assembly_Path_Is_Null()
                // Given
                var fixture = new SignToolSignRunnerFixture();
                var runner  = fixture.CreateRunner();

                // When
                var result = Record.Exception(() => runner.Run(null, new SignToolSignSettings()));

                // Then
                Assert.IsArgumentNullException(result, "assemblyPath");
Example #5
            public void Should_Call_Sign_Tool_With_Correct_Parameters_With_RFC6131_Timestamp_Uri_And_Sha256_Timestamp_Algorithm()
                // Given
                var fixture = new SignToolSignRunnerFixture();

                fixture.Settings.TimeStampDigestAlgorithm = SignToolDigestAlgorithm.Sha256;

                // When
                var result = fixture.Run();

                // Then
                Assert.Equal("SIGN /tr \"\" /td sha256 /f \"/Working/cert.pfx\" /p secret \"/Working/a.dll\"", result.Args);
Example #6
            public void Should_Call_Sign_Tool_With_Correct_Parameters_With_CertPath_And_No_Password()
                // Given
                var fixture = new SignToolSignRunnerFixture();

                fixture.Settings.Password = null;

                // When
                var result = fixture.Run();

                // Then
                Assert.Equal("SIGN /t \"\" /f \"/Working/cert.pfx\" \"/Working/a.dll\"", result.Args);
Example #7
            public void Should_Not_Throw_If_Password_Is_Null()
                // Given
                var fixture = new SignToolSignRunnerFixture();

                fixture.Settings.Password = null;

                // When
                var result = Record.Exception(() => fixture.Run());

                // Then
            public void Should_Call_Sign_Tool_With_Correct_Parameters_With_Store_Name()
                // Given
                var fixture = new SignToolSignRunnerFixture();

                fixture.Settings.StoreName = "Special Test Store";

                // When
                var result = fixture.Run();

                // Then
                Assert.Equal("SIGN /f \"/Working/cert.pfx\" /p secret /s \"Special Test Store\" \"/Working/a.dll\"", result.Args);
            public void Should_Call_Sign_Tool_With_Correct_Parameters_With_Use_Machine_Store()
                // Given
                var fixture = new SignToolSignRunnerFixture();

                fixture.Settings.UseMachineStore = true;

                // When
                var result = fixture.Run();

                // Then
                Assert.Equal("SIGN /f \"/Working/cert.pfx\" /p secret /sm \"/Working/a.dll\"", result.Args);
            public void Should_Call_Sign_Tool_With_Correct_Parameters_With_Sha256_Digest_Algorithm()
                // Given
                var fixture = new SignToolSignRunnerFixture();

                fixture.Settings.DigestAlgorithm = SignToolDigestAlgorithm.Sha256;

                // When
                var result = fixture.Run();

                // Then
                Assert.Equal("SIGN /fd sha256 /f \"/Working/cert.pfx\" /p secret \"/Working/a.dll\"", result.Args);
Example #11
            public void Should_Throw_If_Environment_Is_Null()
                // Given
                var fixture = new SignToolSignRunnerFixture();

                fixture.Environment = null;

                // When
                var result = Record.Exception(() => fixture.CreateRunner());

                // Then
                Assert.IsArgumentNullException(result, "environment");
            public void Should_Call_Sign_Tool_With_Correct_Parameters_With_DescriptionUri()
                // Given
                var fixture = new SignToolSignRunnerFixture();

                fixture.Settings.DescriptionUri = new Uri("");

                // When
                var result = fixture.Run();

                // Then
                Assert.Equal("SIGN /t \"\" /f \"/Working/cert.pfx\" /p secret /du \"\" \"/Working/a.dll\"", result.Args);
Example #13
            public void Should_Use_Default_Tool_Path_If_None_Is_Specified()
                // Given
                var fixture = new SignToolSignRunnerFixture();

                // When

                // Then
                    Arg.Is <FilePath>(p => p.FullPath == "/Working/Default/tool.exe"),
                    Arg.Any <ProcessSettings>());
Example #14
            public void Should_Call_Sign_Tool_With_Correct_Parameters()
                // Given
                var fixture = new SignToolSignRunnerFixture();

                // When

                // Then
                    Arg.Any <FilePath>(), Arg.Is <ProcessSettings>(p =>
                                                                   p.Arguments.Render() == "SIGN /t \"\" /f \"/Working/cert.pfx\" /p secret \"/Working/a.dll\""));
Example #15
            public void Should_Throw_If_File_System_Is_Null()
                // Given
                var fixture = new SignToolSignRunnerFixture();

                fixture.FileSystem = null;

                // When
                var result = Record.Exception(() => fixture.CreateRunner());

                // Then
                Assert.IsArgumentNullException(result, "fileSystem");
            public void Should_Throw_If_Assembly_Path_Is_Null()
                // Given
                var fixture = new SignToolSignRunnerFixture();

                fixture.AssemblyPath = null;

                // When
                var result = Record.Exception(() => fixture.Run());

                // Then
                Assert.IsArgumentNullException(result, "assemblyPath");
            public void Should_Throw_If_Settings_Are_Null()
                // Given
                var fixture = new SignToolSignRunnerFixture();

                fixture.Settings = null;

                // When
                var result = Record.Exception(() => fixture.Run());

                // Then
                Assert.IsArgumentNullException(result, "settings");
            public void Should_Call_Sign_Tool_With_Correct_Parameters_With_Description()
                // Given
                var fixture = new SignToolSignRunnerFixture();

                fixture.Settings.Description = "DescriptionTest";

                // When
                var result = fixture.Run();

                // Then
                Assert.Equal("SIGN /f \"/Working/cert.pfx\" /p secret /d \"DescriptionTest\" \"/Working/a.dll\"", result.Args);
Example #19
            public void Should_Throw_If_Process_Runner_Is_Null()
                // Given
                var fixture = new SignToolSignRunnerFixture();

                fixture.ProcessRunner = null;

                // When
                var result = Record.Exception(() => fixture.CreateRunner());

                // Then
                Assert.IsArgumentNullException(result, "processRunner");
            public void Should_Use_Provided_Tool_Path_If_Specified()
                // Given
                var fixture = new SignToolSignRunnerFixture();

                fixture.Settings.ToolPath = "/Working/other/signtool.exe";

                // When
                var result = fixture.Run();

                // Then
                Assert.Equal("/Working/other/signtool.exe", result.Path.FullPath);
Example #21
            public void Should_Throw_If_Password_Is_Null()
                // Given
                var fixture = new SignToolSignRunnerFixture();

                fixture.Settings.Password = null;

                // When
                var result = Record.Exception(() => fixture.RunTool());

                // Then
                Assert.IsType <CakeException>(result);
                Assert.Equal("SignTool SIGN: Password is required but not specified.", result.Message);
Example #22
            public void Should_Throw_If_No_Timestamp_Server_URL_Has_Been_Specified()
                // Given
                var fixture = new SignToolSignRunnerFixture();

                fixture.Settings.TimeStampUri = null;

                // When
                var result = Record.Exception(() => fixture.RunTool());

                // Then
                Assert.IsType <CakeException>(result);
                Assert.Equal("SignTool SIGN: Timestamp server URL is required but not specified.", result.Message);
            public void Should_Throw_If_Assembly_Do_Not_Exist()
                // Given
                var fixture = new SignToolSignRunnerFixture();


                // When
                var result = Record.Exception(() => fixture.Run());

                // Then
                Assert.IsType <CakeException>(result);
                Assert.Equal("SignTool SIGN: The assembly '/Working/a.dll' does not exist.", result?.Message);
            public void Should_Call_Sign_Tool_With_Correct_Parameters_With_Additional_Cert()
                // Given
                var fixture = new SignToolSignRunnerFixture();

                fixture.Settings.AdditionalCertPath = "/Working/ac.cer";

                // When
                var result = fixture.Run();

                // Then
                Assert.Equal("SIGN /f \"/Working/cert.pfx\" /p secret /ac \"/Working/ac.cer\" \"/Working/a.dll\"", result.Args);
Example #25
            public void Should_Throw_If_Certificate_File_Do_Not_Exist()
                // Given
                var fixture = new SignToolSignRunnerFixture();


                // When
                var result = Record.Exception(() => fixture.Run());

                // Then
                Assert.IsType <CakeException>(result);
                Assert.Equal("SignTool SIGN: The certificate '/Working/cert.pfx' do not exist.", result.Message);
            public void Should_Throw_If_Certificate_Path_And_Thumbprint_Are_Both_Specified()
                // Given
                var fixture = new SignToolSignRunnerFixture();

                fixture.Settings.CertThumbprint = "123";

                // When
                var result = Record.Exception(() => fixture.Run());

                // Then
                Assert.IsType <CakeException>(result);
                Assert.Equal("SignTool SIGN: Certificate path and Certificate thumbprint cannot be specified together.", result?.Message);
Example #27
            public void Should_Throw_If_Assembly_Do_Not_Exist()
                // Given
                var fixture = new SignToolSignRunnerFixture();


                // When
                var result = Record.Exception(() => fixture.RunTool());

                // Then
                Assert.IsType <CakeException>(result);
                Assert.Equal("SignTool SIGN: The assembly '/Working/a.dll' do not exist.", result.Message);
            public void Should_Throw_If_Additional_Certificate_File_Does_Not_Exist()
                // Given
                var fixture = new SignToolSignRunnerFixture();

                fixture.Settings.AdditionalCertPath = "/Working/ac.cer";

                // When
                var result = Record.Exception(() => fixture.Run());

                // Then
                Assert.IsType <CakeException>(result);
                Assert.Equal("SignTool SIGN: The additional certificate '/Working/ac.cer' does not exist.", result?.Message);
            public void Should_Throw_If_Certificate_Path_And_Thumbprint_Are_Null()
                // Given
                var fixture = new SignToolSignRunnerFixture();

                fixture.Settings.CertPath       = null;
                fixture.Settings.CertThumbprint = null;

                // When
                var result = Record.Exception(() => fixture.Run());

                // Then
                Assert.IsType <CakeException>(result);
                Assert.Equal("SignTool SIGN: One of Certificate path or Certificate thumbprint is required but neither are specified.", result?.Message);
            public void Should_Call_Sign_Tool_With_Correct_Parameters_With_Thumbprint()
                // Given
                var fixture = new SignToolSignRunnerFixture();

                fixture.Settings.CertPath       = null;
                fixture.Settings.Password       = null;
                fixture.Settings.CertThumbprint = "ThumbprintTest";

                // When
                var result = fixture.Run();

                // Then
                Assert.Equal("SIGN /t \"\" /sha1 \"ThumbprintTest\" \"/Working/a.dll\"", result.Args);