private async Task <ConnectionData> HandleShutdownRequest(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var id       = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id;
            var response = new ShutdownBuildResponse(id);
            await response.WriteAsync(_stream, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            return(new ConnectionData(CompletionReason.ClientShutdownRequest));
Example #2
        public async Task ShutdownResponseWriteRead()
            var response = new ShutdownBuildResponse(42);

            Assert.Equal(BuildResponse.ResponseType.Shutdown, response.Type);

            var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
            await response.WriteAsync(memoryStream, CancellationToken.None);

            memoryStream.Position = 0;

            var read = await BuildResponse.ReadAsync(memoryStream, CancellationToken.None);

            Assert.Equal(BuildResponse.ResponseType.Shutdown, read.Type);
            var typed = (ShutdownBuildResponse)read;

            Assert.Equal(42, typed.ServerProcessId);
Example #3
            internal async Task <ConnectionResult> AcceptConnection(Task <Connection> task, bool accept, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                Connection connection;

                    connection = await task;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // Unable to establish a connection with the client.  The client is responsible for
                    // handling this case.  Nothing else for us to do here.
                    CompilerServerLogger.LogException(ex, "Error creating client named pipe");
                    return(new ConnectionResult(ConnectionResult.Reason.CompilationNotStarted));

                    using (connection)
                        BuildRequest request;
                            CompilerServerLogger.Log("Begin reading request.");
                            request = await BuildRequest.ReadAsync(connection.Stream, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                            CompilerServerLogger.Log("End reading request.");
                        catch (Exception e)
                            CompilerServerLogger.LogException(e, "Error reading build request.");
                            return(new ConnectionResult(ConnectionResult.Reason.CompilationNotStarted));

                        if (request.IsShutdownRequest())
                            // Reply with the PID of this process so that the client can wait for it to exit.
                            var response = new ShutdownBuildResponse(Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id);
                            await response.WriteAsync(connection.Stream, cancellationToken);

                            // We can safely disconnect the client, then when this connection gets cleaned up by the event loop
                            // the server will go to a shutdown state.
                            return(new ConnectionResult(ConnectionResult.Reason.ClientShutdownRequest));
                        else if (!accept)
                            // We're already in shutdown mode, respond gracefully so the client can run in-process.
                            var response = new RejectedBuildResponse();
                            await response.WriteAsync(connection.Stream, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                            return(new ConnectionResult(ConnectionResult.Reason.CompilationNotStarted));
                            // If we get here then this is a real request that we will accept and process.
                            // Kick off both the compilation and a task to monitor the pipe for closing.
                            var buildCancelled = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(cancellationToken);

                            var watcher = connection.WaitForDisconnectAsync(buildCancelled.Token);
                            var worker  = ExecuteRequestAsync(request, buildCancelled.Token);

                            // await will end when either the work is complete or the connection is closed.
                            await Task.WhenAny(worker, watcher);

                            // Do an 'await' on the completed task, preference being compilation, to force
                            // any exceptions to be realized in this method for logging.
                            ConnectionResult.Reason reason;
                            if (worker.IsCompleted)
                                var response = await worker;

                                    CompilerServerLogger.Log("Begin writing response.");
                                    await response.WriteAsync(connection.Stream, cancellationToken);

                                    CompilerServerLogger.Log("End writing response.");

                                    reason = ConnectionResult.Reason.CompilationCompleted;
                                    reason = ConnectionResult.Reason.ClientDisconnect;
                                await watcher;
                                reason = ConnectionResult.Reason.ClientDisconnect;

                            // Begin the tear down of the Task which didn't complete.

                            return(new ConnectionResult(reason, request.KeepAlive));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    CompilerServerLogger.LogException(ex, "Error handling connection");
                    return(new ConnectionResult(ConnectionResult.Reason.ClientException));