Example #1
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     Time.timeScale          = 1.0f;                           //Set this to 1 so the game plays in realtime
     state                   = Shots_Remaining.FIVE_REMAINING; //The player states of having 5 shots
     height                  = Height_Selected.LOW;            // The default selected height is LOW
     audioSource             = GetComponent <AudioSource>();
     thePlayer               = GameObject.Find("First Person Controller");
     hSliderValue            = 0.0f;                                                                      // The power bar slider starts off at 0.0 initially
     target                  = maxSliderValue;
     value                   = 1.0f;                                                                      //THis is the value at which the power bar will increase
     shotsRemaining          = 5;
     ball.transform.position = GameObject.Find("BallSpawnPoint" + numberOfShotsTaken).transform.position; //set the balls position
     activeHeight            = 1;
Example #2
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
         * If this bool is true, it means that the power of teh shot is at least 9.8/10. When this is the case, the
         * shot is taken in slow motion for added effect.
        if (slowMotion)
            Time.timeScale = 0.4f;

        if (!slowMotion)
            Time.timeScale = 1.0f;

        /*The distance between the player and the ball. If the player is close enough to the ball, they
         * can kick it. The PerformShot() functions is called.
        distance = Vector3.Distance(thePlayer.transform.position, ball.transform.position);
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0) || Input.GetButtonUp("xbox_a"))
            if (distance <= 5)

         * Pressing M toggles the sound on and off in the game. So does pressing x on xbox controller
        if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.M))
            AudioListener.pause = !AudioListener.pause;

         * This displays and hides the objective gui that is displayed in the bottom left hand corner of the screen

        if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.B))
            objective.enabled = !objective.enabled;

         * If the player presses Escape, it brings them to the main menu
        if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Escape))

         * If the player pressess I, it displays the Instructions. Can also press x on the xbox controller
        if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.I) || Input.GetButtonUp("xbox_x"))
            InstructionsDisplayed = !InstructionsDisplayed;

         * Pressing P or pressing the Start button on the xbox controller pasuses the game. I discovered that if you
         * have an interactive cloth in your game when you pause, it will cause the game to mess up and run at less
         * than 1 frame per second, so I use 2 methods I created called DisableAllCloths() and EnableAllCloths() to
         * disable and enable clothes while pausing and unpausing.
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.P) || Input.GetButtonDown("xbox_pause"))
            gamePaused = !gamePaused;

        if (gamePaused)

         * Here I make sure the game is not running in slow motion before I call EnableAllCloths() as this function
         * also affects the speed at which the game is run
        if (!gamePaused && !slowMotion)

        /*This is the bool that toggles whether the instructions are displayed or not
        if (InstructionsDisplayed)
            instructions.guiText.enabled = true;

        if (!InstructionsDisplayed)
            instructions.guiText.enabled = false;

        /*Once the player has taken all their shots, I call the EvaluatePlayer() method to see how they did. The
         * EvaluatePlayer() method will determine whether they have passed the level or not.
        if (shotsRemaining <= 0)

        /*If the ball has been kicked, I start a timer that lasts for 4 seconds. This gives the ball enough time to travel
         * towards the goal. Then, once the ball has stopped rolling, it is reset to the next position where the player takes
         * their next shot from


        /*Depending on how many shots the player has taken, I change the state.
        if (numberOfShotsTaken == 0)
            state = Shots_Remaining.FIVE_REMAINING;
        else if (numberOfShotsTaken == 1)
            state = Shots_Remaining.FOUR_REMAINING;
        else if (numberOfShotsTaken == 2)
            state = Shots_Remaining.THREE_REMAINING;
        else if (numberOfShotsTaken == 3)
            state = Shots_Remaining.TWO_REMAINING;
        else if (numberOfShotsTaken == 4)
            state = Shots_Remaining.ONE_REMAINING;
        else if (numberOfShotsTaken == 5)
            state = Shots_Remaining.NONE_REMAINING;

        /*If the ball somehow falls throw the ground and ends up out of the stadium, once it falls below the stadium,
         * NextShot() will be called, and the ball will be positioned ready for the next shot to be taken.
        if (ball.transform.position.y <= -5)

        /*This calls the PowerBar() function. This function moves the power slider from its minimum value to the maximum
         * value and vise versa

        //right click to select height
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(1) || Input.GetButtonUp("xbox_b"))
            activeHeight += 1;

        if (activeHeight > 3)
            activeHeight = 1;

        if (activeHeight == 1)
            height = Height_Selected.LOW;
        if (activeHeight == 2)
            height = Height_Selected.MEDIUM;
        if (activeHeight == 3)
            height = Height_Selected.HIGH;

        /*This switch statement lets me control the height that is selected by the player. If the selected height is
         * HIGH, then the MEDIUM, and LOW options are grayed out so it is clear which has been selected. THis is done
         * for the LOW and MEDIUM cases too. I also store the height of the shot so it can be used in
         * the PerformShot() function when the shot is taken.
        switch (height)
        case Height_Selected.HIGH:
            heightNotSelected   = low.color;
            heightNotSelected   = new Color(47, 47, 47);
            heightNotSelected.a = 0.1f;
            low.color           = heightNotSelected;

            heightNotSelected   = medium.color;
            heightNotSelected   = new Color(47, 47, 47);
            heightNotSelected.a = 0.1f;
            medium.color        = heightNotSelected;

            heightNotSelected   = high.color;
            heightNotSelected   = new Color(128, 128, 128);
            heightNotSelected.a = 1.0f;
            high.color          = heightNotSelected;

            shotHeight = 2.0f;

        case Height_Selected.MEDIUM:
            heightNotSelected   = low.color;
            heightNotSelected   = new Color(47, 47, 47);
            heightNotSelected.a = 0.1f;
            low.color           = heightNotSelected;

            heightNotSelected   = high.color;
            heightNotSelected   = new Color(47, 47, 47);
            heightNotSelected.a = 0.1f;
            high.color          = heightNotSelected;

            heightNotSelected   = medium.color;
            heightNotSelected   = new Color(128, 128, 128);
            heightNotSelected.a = 1.0f;
            medium.color        = heightNotSelected;

            shotHeight = 1.0f;

        case Height_Selected.LOW:
            heightNotSelected   = high.color;
            heightNotSelected   = new Color(47, 47, 47);
            heightNotSelected.a = 0.1f;
            high.color          = heightNotSelected;

            heightNotSelected   = medium.color;
            heightNotSelected   = new Color(47, 47, 47);
            heightNotSelected.a = 0.1f;
            medium.color        = heightNotSelected;

            heightNotSelected   = low.color;
            heightNotSelected   = new Color(128, 128, 128);
            heightNotSelected.a = 1.0f;
            low.color           = heightNotSelected;

            shotHeight = 0.2f;


        /*This switch statement allows me to control the GUITextures in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.
         * These GUI balls represent the amount of shots remaining. When the player takes a shot, I grey out a ball
         * so it is clear to them how many shots they have left.
        switch (state)
        case Shots_Remaining.FIVE_REMAINING:
            //Everything is automatically enabled on START() for this state so I neeto do nothing else

        case Shots_Remaining.FOUR_REMAINING:
            shotTakenColor        = shotsRemaining5.color;
            shotTakenColor        = new Color(47, 47, 47);
            shotTakenColor.a      = 0.1f;
            shotsRemaining5.color = shotTakenColor;

        case Shots_Remaining.THREE_REMAINING:
            shotTakenColor        = shotsRemaining5.color;
            shotTakenColor        = new Color(47, 47, 47);
            shotTakenColor.a      = 0.1f;
            shotsRemaining4.color = shotTakenColor;

        case Shots_Remaining.TWO_REMAINING:
            shotTakenColor        = shotsRemaining5.color;
            shotTakenColor        = new Color(47, 47, 47);
            shotTakenColor.a      = 0.1f;
            shotsRemaining3.color = shotTakenColor;

        case Shots_Remaining.ONE_REMAINING:
            shotTakenColor        = shotsRemaining5.color;
            shotTakenColor        = new Color(47, 47, 47);
            shotTakenColor.a      = 0.1f;
            shotsRemaining2.color = shotTakenColor;

        case Shots_Remaining.NONE_REMAINING:
            shotTakenColor        = shotsRemaining5.color;
            shotTakenColor        = new Color(47, 47, 47);
            shotTakenColor.a      = 0.1f;
            shotsRemaining1.color = shotTakenColor;