Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Run through all purchasing that takes place.
        /// </summary>
        public void BuyPhase()
            // go through each pop in order of priority
            foreach (var buyer in Populous.PopsByPriority)
                // go through their list of needs
                foreach (var needPair in buyer.TotalNeeds)
                    // Check that there is stuff that the pop
                    // can trade for goods
                    if (buyer.ForSale.All(x => x.Item2 <= 0))
                        break; // if they don't they stop
                    // get the product and amount
                    var need    = needPair.Item1;
                    var desired = needPair.Item2; // the units desired

                        // Check if the product is available to buy
                        if (ProductSupply.GetProductValue(need) <= 0)
                            // if nothing is available, add it to the shortfall.
                            Shortfall.AddProducts(need, desired);
                            continue; // and go to the next need
                    catch (KeyNotFoundException) // If it doesn't exist in the supply at all.
                        // Add it in at 0
                        // Subtract the missing product from shortfall.
                        Shortfall.AddProducts(need, desired);
                        continue; // and skip it here.

                    // Go to the market and buy what we can.
                    var reciept = BuyGoodsFromMarket(buyer, need, desired);

                    // process our reciept, getting how satisfied our need was.
                    var satisfaction = reciept.GetProductValue(need);

                    // Add satisfaction to our purchased good recorder
                    _purchasedGoods.AddProducts(need, satisfaction);

                    // Remove bought good from supply
                    ProductSupply.SubtractProducts(need, satisfaction);

                    // get the number of goods that couldn't be bought.
                    var shortfall = desired - satisfaction;

                    // add that to shortfall
                    Shortfall.AddProducts(need, shortfall);

            // with all buying done, get surplus supply available by removing bought goods.
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Readjust and Recalulate Prices.
        /// </summary>
        public void RecalculatePrices()
            // TODO Allow for this to be modified by variations
            // TODO Create a way to allow for faster Price changes, when supply/demand differences are large.
            // for each product in the market.
            foreach (var pair in ProductPrices)
                // Get the product
                var product = pair.Item1;

                double surplus;
                double shortfall;

                    // get surplus product not spent
                    surplus = Surplus.GetProductValue(product);

                    // get product that was desired to buy.
                    shortfall = Shortfall.GetProductValue(product);
                catch (KeyNotFoundException)
                    // if the item does not exist in surplus or shortfal, then it probably was not
                    // sold or desired in the market. Give it a boost to denote it's rarity, and try and encourage it.
                    ProductPrices.AddProducts(product, 0.01);
                // the amount of change to make to the good's price.
                double priceChange = 0;

                // If any surplus and shortfall exists, price was too high
                if (surplus > 0 && shortfall > 0)
                    priceChange += -0.01;
                else if (surplus > 0)
                    // If no shortfall but still surplus, try lowering price to sell it, oversupply is not good.
                    priceChange += -0.01;
                else if (shortfall > 0)
                { // if shortfall but no surplus, price is too low.
                    priceChange += 0.01;
                // In no surplus nor shortfall, then we have hit equilibrium.
                // No change in price.

                // add the change in price to the new price
                // TODO make this more flexible and reactive.
                // going in 0.01 ABS price unit sized steps is too small
                // and may make prices too stagnant
                var newPrice = ProductPrices.GetProductValue(product) + priceChange;

                // update to said price.
                ProductPrices.SetProductAmount(product, newPrice);