public virtual void Short_literal_generated_correctly()
        var typeMapping = new ShortTypeMapping("short", DbType.Int16);

        Test_GenerateSqlLiteral_helper(typeMapping, short.MinValue, "-32768");
        Test_GenerateSqlLiteral_helper(typeMapping, short.MaxValue, "32767");
Example #2
        public virtual void GenerateSqlLiteral_for_Short_works_for_range_limits()
            var typeMapping = new ShortTypeMapping("short", DbType.Int16);
            var literal     = typeMapping.GenerateSqlLiteral(short.MinValue);

            Assert.Equal("-32768", literal);

            literal = typeMapping.GenerateSqlLiteral(short.MaxValue);
            Assert.Equal("32767", literal);
Example #3
        void AddCustomizedMappings()
            // Mappings where we need literal string generation
            _baseClrMappings[typeof(string)] = _storeTypeMappings["text"] = new NpgsqlStringTypeMapping("text", NpgsqlDbType.Text);
            _storeTypeMappings["varchar"]    = new NpgsqlStringTypeMapping("varchar", NpgsqlDbType.Varchar);
            _storeTypeMappings["char"]       = new NpgsqlStringTypeMapping("char", NpgsqlDbType.Char);
            _storeTypeMappings["citext"]     = new NpgsqlStringTypeMapping("citext", NpgsqlDbType.Citext);
            _storeTypeMappings["json"]       = new NpgsqlStringTypeMapping("json", NpgsqlDbType.Json);
            _storeTypeMappings["jsonb"]      = new NpgsqlStringTypeMapping("jsonb", NpgsqlDbType.Jsonb);

            _baseClrMappings[typeof(char)]           = new CharTypeMapping("text", DbType.String);
            _baseClrMappings[typeof(DateTime)]       = _storeTypeMappings["timestamp"] = new DateTimeTypeMapping("timestamp", DbType.DateTime);
            _baseClrMappings[typeof(DateTimeOffset)] = _storeTypeMappings["timestamptz"] = new NpgsqlDateTimeOffsetTypeMapping("timestamptz", DbType.DateTimeOffset);
            _baseClrMappings[typeof(TimeSpan)]       = _storeTypeMappings["interval"] = new NpgsqlTimeSpanTypeMapping();
            _baseClrMappings[typeof(bool)]           = _storeTypeMappings["bool"] = new NpgsqlBoolTypeMapping();

            _baseClrMappings[typeof(decimal)] = new DecimalTypeMapping("numeric", DbType.Decimal);
            // Note that "decimal" in PostgreSQL is just an alias for numeric, PostgreSQL itself always reports numeric for column types.

            _baseClrMappings[typeof(Guid)]   = _storeTypeMappings["uuid"] = new GuidTypeMapping("uuid", DbType.Guid);
            _baseClrMappings[typeof(byte[])] = _storeTypeMappings["bytea"] = new NpgsqlByteArrayTypeMapping();

            // The following isn't necessary for int itself - a simple ToString() (the default) produces the right
            // literal representation. However, with an explicit int mapping the standard mapping would be returned
            // for enums, and there a simple ToString produces the enum *name*.
            // Example for test for enum literal: InheritanceNpgsqlTest.Can_query_just_roses
            _baseClrMappings[typeof(short)] = _storeTypeMappings["int2"] = new ShortTypeMapping("int2", DbType.Int16);
            _baseClrMappings[typeof(int)]   = _storeTypeMappings["int4"] = new IntTypeMapping("int4", DbType.Int32);
            _baseClrMappings[typeof(long)]  = _storeTypeMappings["int8"] = new LongTypeMapping("int8", DbType.Int64);

            // uint is special: there are three internal system uint types: oid, xid, cid. None are supposed to
            // be truly user-facing, so we don't want to automatically map uint properties to any of them.
            // However, if the user explicitly sets the properties store type to oid/xid/cid, we want to allow
            // that (especially since the xmin system column is important for optimistic concurrency).
            // EFCore doesn't allow a situation where a CLR type has no default store type, so we arbitrarily
            // choose oid.
            _baseClrMappings[typeof(uint)] = new NpgsqlBaseTypeMapping("oid", typeof(uint), NpgsqlDbType.Oid);