Example #1
        public List <cartitem> Getcoursecartitems()
            ShoppingCartActions actions = new ShoppingCartActions();

Example #2
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                var payPalCaller = new NVPAPICaller();

                var retMsg  = "";
                var token   = Session["token"].ToString();
                var payerId = "";
                var decoder = new NVPCodec();

                var ret = payPalCaller.GetCheckoutDetails(token, ref payerId, ref decoder, ref retMsg);
                if (ret)
                    Session["PayerId"] = payerId;

                    var myOrder = new Order();
                    myOrder.OrderDate  = Convert.ToDateTime(decoder["TIMESTAMP"]);
                    myOrder.Username   = User.Identity.Name;
                    myOrder.FirstName  = decoder["FIRSTNAME"];
                    myOrder.LastName   = decoder["LASTNAME"];
                    myOrder.Address    = decoder["SHIPTOSTREET"];
                    myOrder.City       = decoder["SHIPTOCITY"];
                    myOrder.State      = decoder["SHIPTOSTATE"];
                    myOrder.PostalCode = decoder["SHIPTOZIP"];
                    myOrder.Country    = decoder["SHIPTOCOUNTRYCODE"];
                    myOrder.Email      = decoder["EMAIL"];
                    myOrder.Total      = Convert.ToDecimal(decoder["AMT"]);

                    // Verify total payment amount as set on CheckoutStart.aspx
                    try {
                        var paymentAmountOnCheckout = Convert.ToDecimal(Session["payment_amt"].ToString());
                        var paymentAmountFromPayPal = Convert.ToDecimal(decoder["AMT"]);
                        if (paymentAmountOnCheckout != paymentAmountFromPayPal)
                    } catch (Exception) {

                    // Get DB context
                    var _db = new ProductContext();

                    // Add order to db

                    // Get the shopping cart items and process them.
                    using (var usersShoppingCart = new ShoppingCartActions()) {
                        var myOrderList = usersShoppingCart.GetCartItems();

                        // Add OrderDetail information to the db for each product purchased
                        foreach (var item in myOrderList)
                            // Create a new OrderDetail object
                            var myOrderDetail = new OrderDetail {
                                OrderId   = myOrder.OrderId,
                                Username  = User.Identity.Name,
                                ProductId = item.ProductId,
                                Quantity  = item.Quantity,
                                UnitPrice = item.Product.UnitPrice
                            // Add OrderDetail to db
                        // Set OrderId
                        Session["CurrentOrderId"] = myOrder.OrderId;

                        // Display Order information
                        var orderList = new List <Order>();
                        ShipInfo.DataSource = orderList;

                        // Display OrderDetails
                        OrderItemList.DataSource = myOrderList;
Example #3
        public void GetCartQuantity()
            ShoppingCartActions actions = new ShoppingCartActions();

            cartQuantity.InnerText = actions.GetCartItemsQuantity().ToString();
        public IEnumerable <CartItem> GetShoppingCartItems()
            var actions = new ShoppingCartActions();

        public async Task <ActionResult> Complete(OrderViewModel order)
                // TODO: Complete the payment processing via the gateway and update the order...
                NVPAPICaller gatewayCaller = new NVPAPICaller();

                string   token = "";
                string   finalPaymentAmount = "";
                NVPCodec decoder            = new NVPCodec();

                token = Session["token"].ToString();
                //PayerID = Session["payerId"].ToString();
                //finalPaymentAmount = Session["payment_amt"].ToString();
                finalPaymentAmount = order.Total.ToString("C2");

                bool ret = gatewayCaller.DoCheckoutPayment(finalPaymentAmount, token, ref decoder);
                if (ret)
                    // Retrieve PayPal confirmation value.
                    string PaymentConfirmation = decoder[NVPProperties.Properties.TRANSACTIONID].ToString();
                    order.PaymentTransactionId = PaymentConfirmation;

                    ProductContext _db = new ProductContext();
                    // Get the current order id.
                    int currentOrderId = -1;
                    if (Session["currentOrderId"] != null && Session["currentOrderId"].ToString() != string.Empty)
                        currentOrderId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["currentOrderID"]);
                    Order myCurrentOrder;
                    if (currentOrderId >= 0)
                        // Get the order based on order id.
                        myCurrentOrder = _db.Orders.Single(o => o.OrderId == currentOrderId);
                        // Update the order to reflect payment has been completed.
                        myCurrentOrder.PaymentTransactionId = PaymentConfirmation;
                        // Save to DB.

                        // Queue up a receipt generation request, asynchronously.
                        await new AzureQueueHelper().QueueReceiptRequest(currentOrderId);

                        // Report successful event to Application Insights.
                        var eventProperties = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                        eventProperties.Add("CustomerEmail", order.Email);
                        eventProperties.Add("OrderTotal", finalPaymentAmount);
                        eventProperties.Add("PaymentTransactionId", PaymentConfirmation);
                        TelemetryHelper.TrackEvent("OrderCompleted", eventProperties);

                    // Clear shopping cart.
                    using (ShoppingCartActions usersShoppingCart =
                               new ShoppingCartActions(cartId))

                    // Clear order id.
                    Session["currentOrderId"] = string.Empty;
                    var error = gatewayCaller.PopulateGatewayErrorModel(decoder);

                    // Report failed event to Application Insights.
                    Exception ex = new Exception(error.ToString());
                    ex.Source = "Contoso.Apps.SportsLeague.Web.CheckoutController.cs";

                    // Redirect to the checkout error view:
                    return(RedirectToAction("Error", error));
            catch (WebException wex)
                ExceptionUtility.LogException(wex, "CheckoutController.cs Complete Action");

                var error = new CheckoutErrorViewModel
                    ErrorCode = wex.Message

                if (wex.Response != null && wex.Response.GetType() == typeof(HttpWebResponse))
                    // Extract the response body from the WebException's HttpWebResponse:
                    error.LongMessage = ((HttpWebResponse)wex.Response).StatusDescription;

                // Redirect to the checkout error view:
                return(RedirectToAction("Error", error));
            catch (Exception ex)
                ExceptionUtility.LogException(ex, "CheckoutController.cs Complete Action");

                var error = new CheckoutErrorViewModel
                    ErrorCode = ex.Message

                // Redirect to the checkout error view:
                return(RedirectToAction("Error", error));

        public ActionResult Review(CheckoutViewModel data)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    NVPAPICaller gatewayCaller = new NVPAPICaller();

                    string   token   = "";
                    NVPCodec decoder = new NVPCodec();

                    // Call the gateway payment authorization API:
                    bool ret = gatewayCaller.DoCheckoutAuth(data.Order, ref token, ref decoder);

                    // If authorizaton is successful:
                    if (ret)
                        // Hydrate a new Order model from our OrderViewModel.
                        var myOrder = Mapper.Map <Data.Models.Order>(data.Order);
                        // Timestamp with a UTC date.
                        myOrder.OrderDate = DateTime.UtcNow;

                        // Get DB context.
                        ProductContext _db = new ProductContext();

                        // Add order to DB.

                        // Get the shopping cart items and process them.
                        using (ShoppingCartActions usersShoppingCart = new ShoppingCartActions(cartId))
                            List <CartItem> myOrderList = usersShoppingCart.GetCartItems();

                            // Add OrderDetail information to the DB for each product purchased.
                            for (int i = 0; i < myOrderList.Count; i++)
                                // Create a new OrderDetail object.
                                var myOrderDetail = new OrderDetail();
                                myOrderDetail.OrderId   = myOrder.OrderId;
                                myOrderDetail.ProductId = myOrderList[i].ProductId;
                                myOrderDetail.Quantity  = myOrderList[i].Quantity;
                                myOrderDetail.UnitPrice = myOrderList[i].Product.UnitPrice;

                                // Add OrderDetail to DB.

                            // Set OrderId.
                            Session["currentOrderId"] = myOrder.OrderId;
                            Session["Token"]          = token;

                            // Report successful event to Application Insights.
                            var eventProperties = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                            eventProperties.Add("CustomerEmail", data.Order.Email);
                            eventProperties.Add("NumberOfItems", myOrderList.Count.ToString());
                            eventProperties.Add("OrderTotal", data.Order.Total.ToString("C2"));
                            eventProperties.Add("OrderId", myOrder.OrderId.ToString());
                            TelemetryHelper.TrackEvent("SuccessfulPaymentAuth", eventProperties);

                            data.Order.OrderId = myOrder.OrderId;
                            if (data.Order.CreditCardNumber.Length > 4)
                                // Only show the last 4 digits of the credit card number:
                                data.Order.CreditCardNumber = "xxxxxxxxxxx" + data.Order.CreditCardNumber.Substring(data.Order.CreditCardNumber.Length - 4);
                        var error = gatewayCaller.PopulateGatewayErrorModel(decoder);

                        // Report failed event to Application Insights.
                        Exception ex = new Exception(error.ToString());
                        ex.Source = "Contoso.Apps.SportsLeague.Web.CheckoutController.cs";

                        // Redirect to the checkout error view:
                        return(RedirectToAction("Error", error));
                catch (WebException wex)
                    ExceptionUtility.LogException(wex, "CheckoutController.cs Complete Action");

                    var error = new CheckoutErrorViewModel
                        ErrorCode = wex.Message

                    if (wex.Response != null && wex.Response.GetType() == typeof(HttpWebResponse))
                        // Extract the response body from the WebException's HttpWebResponse:
                        error.LongMessage = ((HttpWebResponse)wex.Response).StatusDescription;

                    // Redirect to the checkout error view:
                    return(RedirectToAction("Error", error));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ExceptionUtility.LogException(ex, "CheckoutController.cs Review Action");

                    var error = new CheckoutErrorViewModel
                        ErrorCode = ex.Message

                    // Redirect to the checkout error view:
                    return(RedirectToAction("Error", error));

Example #7
        public IQueryable <Product> GetProducts(
            [QueryString("id")] int?categoryId,
            [RouteData] string categoryName)
            var _db = new WingtipToys.Models.ProductContext();

            bool isIntel = false;
            bool isAmd   = false;

            ShoppingCartActions actions = new ShoppingCartActions();
            List <CartItem>     items   = actions.GetCartItems();

            List <Product> products = new List <Product>();

            foreach (CartItem item in items)
                products.Add(_db.Products.SingleOrDefault(Product => Product.ProductID == item.Product.ProductID));

            //Filtere nach Mainboards
            List <Product> mainboards = new List <Product>();

            foreach (Product product in products)
                if (product.CategoryID == 1)
            IQueryable <Product> query = _db.Products;

            query = query.Where(p => p.CategoryID == 2);
            if (mainboards.Any())
                foreach (Product mainboard in mainboards)
                    if (mainboard.isIntel)
                        isIntel = true;
                    if (mainboard.isAmd)
                        isAmd = true;

                if (isIntel == false && isAmd == true)
                    query = query.Where(p => p.isAmd == true);
                else if (isIntel == true && isAmd == false)
                    query = query.Where(p => p.isIntel == true);
                else if (isIntel == false && isAmd == false)
                    query = query.Where(p => p.isIntel == false);
                    query = query.Where(p => p.isAmd == false);
                } //Falls beide true, dann einfach alles zurueckgeben

            //if (categoryId.HasValue && categoryId > 0)
            //  query = query.Where(p => p.CategoryID == categoryId);

            //if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(categoryName))
            //  query = query.Where(p =>
            //                      String.Compare(p.Category.CategoryName,
            //                      categoryName) == 0);
Example #8
        // The return type can be changed to IEnumerable, however to support
        // paging and sorting, the following parameters must be added:
        //     int maximumRows
        //     int startRowIndex
        //     out int totalRowCount
        //     string sortByExpression
        public List <WingtipToys.Models.CartItem> GetShoppingCartItems()
            ShoppingCartActions actions = new ShoppingCartActions();

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                NVPAPICaller payPalCaller = new NVPAPICaller();

                string   retMsg  = "";
                string   token   = "";
                string   PayerID = "";
                NVPCodec decoder = new NVPCodec();
                token = Session["token"].ToString();

                bool ret = payPalCaller.GetCheckoutDetails(token, ref PayerID, ref decoder, ref retMsg);
                if (ret)
                    Session["payerId"] = PayerID;

                    var myOrder = new Order();
                    myOrder.OrderDate  = Convert.ToDateTime(decoder["TIMESTAMP"].ToString());
                    myOrder.Username   = User.Identity.Name;
                    myOrder.FirstName  = decoder["FIRSTNAME"].ToString();
                    myOrder.LastName   = decoder["LASTNAME"].ToString();
                    myOrder.Address    = decoder["SHIPTOSTREET"].ToString();
                    myOrder.City       = decoder["SHIPTOCITY"].ToString();
                    myOrder.State      = decoder["SHIPTOSTATE"].ToString();
                    myOrder.PostalCode = decoder["SHIPTOZIP"].ToString();
                    myOrder.Country    = decoder["SHIPTOCOUNTRYCODE"].ToString();
                    myOrder.Email      = decoder["EMAIL"].ToString();
                    myOrder.Total      = Convert.ToDecimal(decoder["AMT"].ToString());

                    // Verify total payment amount as set on CheckoutStart.aspx.
                        decimal paymentAmountOnCheckout = Convert.ToDecimal(Session["payment_amt"].ToString());
                        decimal paymentAmourFromPayPal  = Convert.ToDecimal(decoder["AMT"].ToString());
                        if (paymentAmountOnCheckout != paymentAmourFromPayPal)
                            Response.Redirect("CheckoutError.aspx?" + "Desc=Amount%20total%20mismatch.");
                    catch (Exception)
                        Response.Redirect("CheckoutError.aspx?" + "Desc=Amount%20total%20mismatch.");

                    var cartId      = ShoppingCartActions.GetCartId();
                    var cartManager = new Logic.CartManager();
                    var orderSaved  = cartManager.AddOrder(myOrder);

                    var cartItems = cartManager.GetCartItems(cartId);

                    // Get the shopping cart items and process them.

                    // Add OrderDetail information to the DB for each product purchased.
                    for (int i = 0; i < cartItems.Count; i++)
                        // Create a new OrderDetail object.
                        var myOrderDetail = new OrderDetail();
                        myOrderDetail.OrderId   = myOrder.OrderId;
                        myOrderDetail.Username  = User.Identity.Name;
                        myOrderDetail.ProductId = cartItems[i].ProductId;
                        myOrderDetail.Quantity  = cartItems[i].Quantity;
                        myOrderDetail.UnitPrice = cartItems[i].Product.UnitPrice;

                        var cartItemSaved = cartManager.SaveOrderDetail(myOrderDetail);

                    // Set OrderId.
                    Session["currentOrderId"] = myOrder.OrderId;

                    // Display Order information.
                    List <Order> orderList = new List <Order> {
                    ShipInfo.DataSource = orderList;

                    // Display OrderDetails.
                    OrderItemList.DataSource = cartItems;
                    Response.Redirect("CheckoutError.aspx?" + retMsg);
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                NVPAPICaller paypalCaller = new NVPAPICaller();

                string   retMsg  = "";
                string   token   = "";
                string   PayerID = "";
                NVPCodec decoder = new NVPCodec();
                token = Session["token"].ToString();

                bool ret = paypalCaller.GetCheckoutDetails(token, ref PayerID, ref decoder, ref retMsg);

                if (ret)
                    Session["payerId"] = PayerID;

                    var myOrder = new Order();

                    myOrder.OrderDate  = Convert.ToDateTime(decoder["TIMESTAMP"].ToString());
                    myOrder.Username   = User.Identity.Name;
                    myOrder.FirstName  = decoder["FIRSTNAME"].ToString();
                    myOrder.LastName   = decoder["LASTNAME"].ToString();
                    myOrder.Address    = decoder["SHIPTOSTREET"].ToString();
                    myOrder.City       = decoder["SHIPTOCITY"].ToString();
                    myOrder.State      = decoder["SHIPTOSTATE"].ToString();
                    myOrder.PostalCode = decoder["SHIPTOZIP"].ToString();
                    myOrder.Country    = decoder["SHIPTOCOUNTRYCODE"].ToString();
                    myOrder.Email      = decoder["EMAIL"].ToString();
                    myOrder.Total      = Convert.ToDecimal(decoder["AMT"].ToString());

                        decimal paymentAmountOnCheckout = Convert.ToDecimal(Session["payment_amt"].ToString());
                        decimal paymentAmountFromPayPal = Convert.ToDecimal(decoder["AMT"].ToString());
                        if (paymentAmountOnCheckout != paymentAmountFromPayPal / 100)
                            Response.Redirect("CheckoutError.aspx?" + "Desc=Amount%20total%20mismatch.");
                    catch (Exception)
                        Response.Redirect("CheckoutError.aspx?" + "Desc=Amount%20total%20mismatch.");

                    ProductContext _db = new ProductContext();


                    using (ShoppingCartActions userShoppingCart = new ShoppingCartActions())
                        List <CartItem> myOrderList = userShoppingCart.GetCartItems();
                        foreach (var item in myOrderList)
                            var myOrderDetail = new OrderDetail();
                            myOrderDetail.OrderId   = myOrder.OrderId;
                            myOrderDetail.Username  = User.Identity.Name;
                            myOrderDetail.ProductId = item.ProductId;
                            myOrderDetail.Quantity  = item.Quantity;
                            myOrderDetail.UnitPrice = item.Product.UnitPrice;


                        Session["currentOrderId"] = myOrder.OrderId;

                        List <Order> orderList = new List <Order>();
                        ShipInfo.DataSource = orderList;

                        OrderItemList.DataSource = myOrderList;
                    Response.Redirect("CheckoutError.aspx?" + retMsg);
Example #11
        public List <CartItem> GetShoppingCartItems()
            ShoppingCartActions run = new ShoppingCartActions();

Example #12
        public List <CartItem> GetShoppingCartItems()
            var cartManager = new Logic.CartManager();

 public ShoppingCartActions GetCart(HttpContext context)
     using (var cart = new ShoppingCartActions(GetCartId())) {
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                // Verify user has completed the checkout process.
                if ((string)Session["userCheckoutCompleted"] != "true")
                    Session["userCheckoutCompleted"] = string.Empty;
                    Response.Redirect("CheckoutError.aspx?" + "Desc=Unvalidated%20Checkout.");

                NVPAPICaller payPalCaller = new NVPAPICaller();

                string   retMsg             = "";
                string   token              = "";
                string   finalPaymentAmount = "";
                string   PayerID            = "";
                NVPCodec decoder            = new NVPCodec();

                token              = Session["token"].ToString();
                PayerID            = Session["payerId"].ToString();
                finalPaymentAmount = Session["payment_amt"].ToString();

                bool ret = payPalCaller.DoCheckoutPayment(finalPaymentAmount, token, PayerID, ref decoder, ref retMsg);
                if (ret)
                    // Retrieve PayPal confirmation value.
                    string PaymentConfirmation = decoder["PAYMENTINFO_0_TRANSACTIONID"].ToString();
                    TransactionId.Text = PaymentConfirmation;

                    ApplicationDbContext _db = new ApplicationDbContext();
                    // Get the current order id.
                    int currentOrderId = -1;
                    var temp           = Session["currentOrderId"];
                    if (Convert.ToString(temp) != string.Empty)
                        currentOrderId = Convert.ToInt32(temp);
                    Order myCurrentOrder;
                    if (currentOrderId >= 0)
                        // Get the order based on order id.
                        myCurrentOrder = _db.Orders.Single(o => o.OrderId == currentOrderId);
                        // Update the order to reflect payment has been completed.
                        myCurrentOrder.PaymentTransactionId = PaymentConfirmation;
                        // Save to DB.

                    // Clear shopping cart.
                    using (ShoppingCartActions usersShoppingCart =
                               new ShoppingCartActions())

                    // Clear order id.
                    Session["currentOrderId"] = string.Empty;
                    Response.Redirect("CheckoutError.aspx?" + retMsg);
Example #15
        public List <CartItem> GetShoppingCartItems()
            ShoppingCartActions sca = new ShoppingCartActions();

Example #16
        public List <CartItem> GetShoppingCartItems()
            ShoppingCartActions actions = new ShoppingCartActions();

Example #17
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                // Verify user has completed the checkout process
                if (Session["UserCheckoutCompleted"].ToString() != "true")
                    Session["UserCheckoutCompleted"] = string.Empty;

                var payPalCaller       = new NVPAPICaller();
                var retMsg             = "";
                var token              = "";
                var finalPaymentAmount = "";
                var payerId            = "";
                var decoder            = new NVPCodec();

                token              = Session["token"].ToString();
                payerId            = Session["payerId"].ToString();
                finalPaymentAmount = Session["payment_amt"].ToString();

                var ret = payPalCaller.DoCheckoutPayment(finalPaymentAmount, token, payerId, ref decoder, ref retMsg);
                if (ret)
                    // Retrieve PayPal confirmation value
                    var PaymentConfirmation = decoder["PAYMENTINFO_0_TRANSACTIONID"];
                    TransactionId.Text = PaymentConfirmation;

                    var _db = new ProductContext();
                    // Get the current order id
                    var currentOrderId = -1;
                    if (Session["currentOrderId"].ToString() != string.Empty)
                        currentOrderId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentOrderId"]);
                    Order myCurrentOrder;
                    if (currentOrderId >= 0)
                        // Get the order based on order id
                        myCurrentOrder = _db.Orders.Single(o => o.OrderId == currentOrderId);
                        // Update the order to reflect payment has been completed
                        myCurrentOrder.PaymentTransactionId = PaymentConfirmation;
                        // Save to db

                    // Clear shopping cart
                    using (var usersShoppingCart = new ShoppingCartActions()) {

                    // Clear order id
                    Session["CurrentOrderId"] = string.Empty;