/// <summary>
        /// 确认订舱
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bpObj"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private int ComSpace(AllocationBillNo bpObj)
            if (bpObj.ShipPlanList == null || bpObj.ShipPlanList.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("没有可以订舱的出运明细单");
            ShipPlanDetailHead shipPlan = null;

            using (ISession session = Session.Open())
                foreach (ShipPlanDetailHead.EntityKey shipPlankey in bpObj.ShipPlanList)
                    shipPlan = shipPlankey.GetEntity();
                    if (shipPlan.IsSpace)
                        throw new Exception("出运明细单" + shipPlan.DocNo + "已订舱");
                    if (shipPlan.Status == DocumnetSate.ApprovedSate)
                        shipPlan.ComSpaceAssessor = UFIDA.U9.Base.Context.LoginUser;
                        shipPlan.ComSpaceDate     = DateTime.Now;
                        shipPlan.IsSpace          = true;
                        throw new Exception("只有审核状态的出运明细单才可以确认订舱");
        /// <summary>
        /// 取消订舱
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bpObj"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private int CancelSpace(AllocationBillNo bpObj)
            if (bpObj.ShipPlanList == null || bpObj.ShipPlanList.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("没有可以订舱的出运明细单");
            ShipPlanDetailHead shipPlan = null;

            using (ISession session = Session.Open())
                foreach (ShipPlanDetailHead.EntityKey shipPlankey in bpObj.ShipPlanList)
                    shipPlan = shipPlankey.GetEntity();
                    if (!shipPlan.IsSpace)
                        throw new Exception("未订舱,无需取消订舱");
                    if (shipPlan.IsSpace)
                        shipPlan.ComSpaceAssessor = "";
                        shipPlan.ComSpaceDate     = DateTime.MinValue;
                        shipPlan.IsSpace          = false;
 /// <summary>
 /// 取消明细发票号分配
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bpObj"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private int CancelAllocationBill(AllocationBillNo bpObj)
     using (ISession session = Session.Open())
         foreach (ShipPlanDetailHead.EntityKey head in bpObj.ShipPlanList)
             ShipPlanDetailHead shipPlan = head.GetEntity();
             if (shipPlan != null)
                 if (shipPlan.ShipPlanState == AllEnumBE.ShipPlanStateEnum.ShipPlan)
                     //throw new Exception("出运明细单" + shipPlan.DocNo + "已出运不能取消发票号分配");
                 if (shipPlan.ShipPlanState == AllEnumBE.ShipPlanStateEnum.IssuedStorage)
                     throw new Exception("出运明细单" + shipPlan.DocNo + "已下发仓库不能取消发票号分配");
                 foreach (ShipPlanDetailLine line in shipPlan.ShipPlanDetailLine)
                     if (line.IsShipping)
                         //throw new Exception("出运明细单" + shipPlan.DocNo + "已预装柜不能取消发票号分配");
                     if (line.IsWms)
                         throw new Exception("出运明细单" + shipPlan.DocNo + "已同步WMS不能取消发票号分配");
                 if (shipPlan.IsSpace)
                     //throw new Exception("出运明细单" + shipPlan.DocNo + "已订舱不能取消发票号分配");
                 if (shipPlan.IsAgvFee)
                     throw new Exception("出运明细单" + shipPlan.DocNo + "已费用分摊不能取消发票号分配");
                 shipPlan.IsAllocation  = false;
                 shipPlan.BillNoItemKey = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// 出运明细发票号分配
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bpObj"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private int AllocationBill(AllocationBillNo bpObj)
            ShipPlanDetailHead.EntityList headList = null;
            if (bpObj.BillNoItemHead.ID <= 0)
                //默认加载出运明细单.单据状态=审核中 and 出运明细单.已分配发票号=false的所有出运明细单;
                headList = ShipPlanDetailHead.Finder.FindAll("Status=1 and IsAllocation=0");
                headList = ShipPlanDetailHead.Finder.FindAll("BillNoItem=" + bpObj.BillNoItemHead.ID + "");
            using (ISession session = Session.Open())
                //foreach (ShipPlanDetailHead head in headList)
                //    head.IsAllocation = false;
                //    head.BillNoItemKey = null;
                PackagingTypeEnum parkEnum = null;
                int      count = 0;
                long     currenty = 0, org = 0, saleMan = 0;
                DateTime shipPlanDate = DateTime.Now;
                foreach (ShipPlanDetailHead.EntityKey head in bpObj.ShipPlanList)
                    ShipPlanDetailHead shipPlan = head.GetEntity();
                    if (count > 0)
                        if (parkEnum != null && parkEnum != shipPlan.PackagingType)   //出运明细单必须是同一种装柜方式;
                            throw new Exception("出运明细单" + shipPlan.DocNo + "不为同一种装柜方式");
                        if (shipPlan.Currency != null && currenty != shipPlan.Currency.ID)
                            throw new Exception("出运明细单" + shipPlan.DocNo + "与其他明细单不为同一种币种");
                        if (shipPlan.GetOrderOrg != null && org != shipPlan.GetOrderOrg.ID)
                            throw new Exception("出运明细单" + shipPlan.DocNo + "与其他明细单不为相同接单组织");
                        if (shipPlan.SaleMan != null && saleMan != shipPlan.SaleMan.ID)
                            throw new Exception("出运明细单" + shipPlan.DocNo + "与其他明细单不为同一个业务员");
                        if (shipPlanDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") != shipPlan.ShipPlanDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))
                            throw new Exception("出运明细单" + shipPlan.DocNo + "与其他明细单出运日期不同");

                    parkEnum = shipPlan.PackagingType;
                    if (shipPlan.Currency != null)
                        currenty = shipPlan.Currency.ID;
                    if (shipPlan.GetOrderOrg != null)
                        org = shipPlan.GetOrderOrg.ID;
                    if (shipPlan.SaleMan != null)
                        saleMan = shipPlan.SaleMan.ID;
                    shipPlanDate = shipPlan.ShipPlanDate;

                    shipPlan.IsAllocation  = true;
                    shipPlan.BillNoItemKey = bpObj.BillNoItemHead;

                    if (shipPlan.Status == AllEnumBE.DocumnetSate.ApprovingState)
                        shipPlan.Status    = AllEnumBE.DocumnetSate.ApprovedSate;
                        shipPlan.AuditDate = DateTime.Now;
                        shipPlan.Assessor  = UFIDA.U9.Base.Context.LoginUser;

                //	确认分配后,修改发票号组状态为“已分配”,记录写到BE里面
                //BillNoItemHead heand = BillNoItemHead.Finder.FindByID(bpObj.BillNoItemHead.ID);
                //if(heand != null)
                //    heand.BillNoItemStates = BillNoItemEnum.IsAllot;