private bool checkSpaceport(Colony colony, ref ShipBuildErrorCode errorCode, ref int errorValue) { if (Core.Instance.colonyBuildings.Values.Any(building => building.colonyId == && building.buildingId == 17)) { return(true); } else { errorCode = ShipBuildErrorCode.Spaceport; Core.Instance.writeToLog("Spaceport missing! ColonyId: " + + " --- UserId: " + colony.userId.ToString()); return(false); } }
//checks versus enemies in Orbit private bool checkFreeOrbit(Field field, int userId, Tuple <byte, byte> systemXY, ref ShipBuildErrorCode errorCode, ref int errorValue) { User user = Core.Instance.users[userId]; //check if the user is at war, if yes, check if enemies are present in the targetField int relation = 2; Ship enemy = null; foreach (var contact in core.userRelations.getUserRelationsForUser(user)) { if (contact.Value == Relation.Hostile || contact.Value == Relation.War) { relation = 0; break; } } if (relation == 0) { enemy = systemXY == null?core.enemyAtTargetField(field, userId) : core.enemyAtTargetField(field, systemXY, userId); } if (enemy == null) { return(true); } else { errorCode = ShipBuildErrorCode.EnemyInSpace; errorValue =; return(false); } }
private bool checkTechnology(ShipTemplate template, int userId, bool fastBuild, ref ShipBuildErrorCode errorCode, ref int errorValue) { User user = Core.Instance.users[userId]; if (!user.hasGameObjectEnabled(5, template.hullid)) { return(false); } if (fastBuild) { foreach (var module in template.shipModules) { if (!user.hasModuleResearch(Core.Instance.Modules[module.moduleId])) { errorCode = ShipBuildErrorCode.Technology; errorValue = module.moduleId; return(false); } //foreach(Core.Instance.ResearchQuestPrerequisites } } return(true); }
//similar to Ship.createSpaceStation(), but not easily generalizable public bool build2(int shipTemplateId, int _userId, int _colonyId, bool fastBuild, ref int newShipId, ref ShipBuildErrorCode errorCode, ref int errorValue) { Core core = Core.Instance; GalaxyMap galaxyMap = null; // lock colony and field Colony colony = core.colonies[_colonyId]; if (colony == null) { return(false); } if (colony.userId != _userId) { return(false); } Field field = colony.field; ShipTemplate template = core.shipTemplate[shipTemplateId]; if (!(this.checkFreeOrbit(field, _userId, colony.systemXY(), ref errorCode, ref errorValue) && this.checkGoodsAvailability(colony, template, fastBuild, ref errorCode, ref errorValue) && this.checkSpaceport(colony, ref errorCode, ref errorValue) && this.checkTechnology(template, _userId, fastBuild, ref errorCode, ref errorValue) && this.checkUniqueness(field, template, colony.systemXY(), ref errorCode, ref errorValue))) { return(false); } //Lock List <Lockable> elementsToLock = new List <Lockable>(3); elementsToLock.Add(colony); elementsToLock.Add(field); //check for transcendence //ToDo: replace 220 with a sql data field if (template.hullid == 220 && core.GalaxyMap.transcendenceRequirement == 0) { galaxyMap = core.GalaxyMap; elementsToLock.Add(galaxyMap); } if (!LockingManager.lockAllOrSleep(elementsToLock)) { return(false); } newShipId = (int)Core.Instance.identities.shipLock.getNext(); try { //all checks again inside of lock if (!(this.checkFreeOrbit(field, _userId, colony.systemXY(), ref errorCode, ref errorValue) && this.checkGoodsAvailability(colony, template, fastBuild, ref errorCode, ref errorValue) && this.checkSpaceport(colony, ref errorCode, ref errorValue) && this.checkTechnology(template, _userId, fastBuild, ref errorCode, ref errorValue) && this.checkUniqueness(field, template, colony.systemXY(), ref errorCode, ref errorValue))) { return(false); } //everything checked and locked //now do the work Ship newShip = buildShip(newShipId, template, field, _userId, colony, fastBuild); newShip.SetTranscension(galaxyMap); //write SQL Core.Instance.dataConnection.insertShip(newShip); Core.Instance.dataConnection.saveColonyGoods(colony); } catch (Exception ex) { SpacegameServer.Core.Core.Instance.writeExceptionToLog(ex); } finally { //release the ressources LockingManager.unlockAll(elementsToLock); } return(true); }
private bool checkGoodsAvailability(Colony colony, ShipTemplate template, bool fastBuild, ref ShipBuildErrorCode errorCode, ref int errorValue) { Colony dummy = new Colony(; //add foreach (var good in colony.goods) { dummy.goods.Add(good.clone()); } dummy.goods.RemoveAll(good => good.amount < 0); //remove TemplateModules foreach (var module in template.shipModules) { if (!fastBuild) { dummy.addGood(core.Modules[module.moduleId].goodsId, -1, false); } else { foreach (var costs in core.Modules[module.moduleId].ModulesCosts) { dummy.addGood(costs.goodsId, -costs.amount, false); } } } //and remove shipHullCosts foreach (var good in Core.Instance.ShipHulls[template.hullid].ShipHullsCosts) { dummy.addGood(good.goodsId, -good.amount, false); } //check if (dummy.goods.Any(good => good.amount < 0)) { errorCode = ShipBuildErrorCode.GoodsAvailability; return(false); } return(true); }
//checks (if required) that the ship is unique for the coordinates (Transcendence construct needs it) private bool checkUniqueness(Field field, ShipTemplate template, Tuple <byte, byte> systemXY, ref ShipBuildErrorCode errorCode, ref int errorValue) { if (template.hullid != 220) { return(true); } //if in deep space, just check the field if (systemXY == null) { if (field.ships.Any(e => e.hullid == 220)) { errorCode = ShipBuildErrorCode.Uniqueness; errorValue = 1; return(false); } return(true); } //the same chck,l but now with system coordinates if (field.ships.Any(e => e.hullid == 220 && e.systemx == systemXY.Item1 && e.systemy == systemXY.Item2)) { errorCode = ShipBuildErrorCode.Uniqueness; errorValue = 1; return(false); } return(true); }