private void StartWatcher(ShellObject shellObject) { if (_watcher != null) { _watcher.Dispose(); } eventStack.Children.Clear(); txtPath.Text = shellObject.ParsingName; _watcher = new ShellObjectWatcher(shellObject, chkRecursive.IsChecked ?? true); _watcher.AllEvents += AllEventsHandler; _watcher.Start(); }
public void Load(ShellObject shellObject) { using (var stream = new FileStream(shellObject.ParsingName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { Populate(stream); } }
/// <summary> /// Internal constructor that takes in a parent ShellObject. /// </summary> /// <param name="shellObject"></param> internal ShellThumbnail(ShellObject shellObject) { if (shellObject == null || shellObject.NativeShellItem == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("shellObject"); shellItemNative = shellObject.NativeShellItem; }
public DriveItem(DriveInfo info) { Name = GetDriveInfoString(info); RootDirectory = info.RootDirectory.FullName; ShellObject = ShellObject.FromParsingName(RootDirectory); IsReady = info.IsReady; }
public ArchiveViewWindow(ShellObject loc, bool IsPreviewPaneEnabled, bool IsInfoPaneEnabled) { InitializeComponent(); archive = loc; this.Title = "View Archive - " + archive.GetDisplayName(DisplayNameType.Default); ShellVView.Child = Explorer; Explorer.NavigationOptions.PaneVisibility.Commands = PaneVisibilityState.Hide; Explorer.NavigationOptions.PaneVisibility.CommandsOrganize = PaneVisibilityState.Hide; Explorer.NavigationOptions.PaneVisibility.CommandsView = PaneVisibilityState.Hide; Explorer.NavigationOptions.PaneVisibility.Preview = IsPreviewPaneEnabled ? PaneVisibilityState.Show : PaneVisibilityState.Hide; Explorer.NavigationOptions.PaneVisibility.Details = IsInfoPaneEnabled ? PaneVisibilityState.Show : PaneVisibilityState.Hide; Explorer.NavigationOptions.PaneVisibility.Navigation = PaneVisibilityState.Hide; Explorer.ContentOptions.FullRowSelect = true; Explorer.ContentOptions.CheckSelect = false; Explorer.ContentOptions.ViewMode = ExplorerBrowserViewMode.Tile; Explorer.NavigationComplete += new EventHandler<NavigationCompleteEventArgs>(Explorer_NavigationComplete); Explorer.Navigate(loc); }
/// <summary> /// Internal constructor that takes in a parent ShellObject. /// </summary> /// <param name="shellObject"></param> internal ShellThumbnail(ShellObject shellObject) { if (shellObject == null || shellObject.NativeShellItem == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(shellObject)); } shellItemNative = shellObject.NativeShellItem; }
public static string Resolve(ShellObject shellObject, string fullPath) { if (shellObject == null) return fullPath; if (shellObject.IsLink) { var link = ShellLink.FromParsingName(fullPath); var shellPath = ((string)shellObject.Properties.GetProperty("System.ParsingPath").ValueAsObject); // var shellPath = ((string)shellObject.Properties.GetProperty("System.Link.TargetParsingPath").ValueAsObject); //Für .lnk Systemsteuerung/Verwaltung return shellPath == shellObject.Name ? fullPath : shellPath; } return fullPath; }
public void LoadDirectory(ShellObject obj) { obj.Thumbnail.FormatOption = ShellThumbnailFormatOption.IconOnly; obj.Thumbnail.CurrentSize = new Size(16, 16); this.PathImage.Source = obj.Thumbnail.BitmapSource; this.pathName.Text = obj.GetDisplayName(DisplayNameType.Default); = obj; path = obj.ParsingName; Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, (ThreadStart)(() => { if (obj.ParsingName == KnownFolders.Network.ParsingName || obj.ParsingName.StartsWith(@"\\")) { SetChildren(true); grid1.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; MenuBorder.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; } else { try { ShellContainer con = (ShellContainer)obj; List<ShellObject> joe = new List<ShellObject>(); foreach (ShellObject item in con) { if (item.IsFolder == true) { if (item.ParsingName.ToLower().EndsWith(".zip") == false && item.ParsingName.ToLower().EndsWith(".cab") == false) { joe.Add(item); } } } SetChildren(joe.Count > 0); } catch { SetChildren(false); } } })); }
internal static ImageSource GetIcon(ShellObject shell, IconSize size) { shell.Thumbnail.CurrentSize = new System.Windows.Size(16, 16); switch (size) { case IconSize.ExtraLarge: return shell.Thumbnail.LargeBitmapSource; case IconSize.Large: return shell.Thumbnail.MediumBitmapSource; case IconSize.Medium: return shell.Thumbnail.SmallBitmapSource; case IconSize.Small: return shell.Thumbnail.BitmapSource; } return null; }
/// <summary> /// Creates the ShellObjectWatcher for the given ShellObject /// </summary> /// <param name="shellObject">The ShellObject to monitor</param> /// <param name="recursive">Whether to listen for changes recursively (for when monitoring a container)</param> public ShellObjectWatcher(ShellObject shellObject, bool recursive) { if (shellObject == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("shellObject"); } if (_context == null) { _context = new SynchronizationContext(); SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(_context); } _shellObject = shellObject; this._recursive = recursive; var result = MessageListenerFilter.Register(OnWindowMessageReceived); _listenerHandle = result.WindowHandle; _message = result.Message; }
public ResizeImage(ShellObject file, string height, string width, string imagename) { InitializeComponent(); textBlock1.Text = imagename + ": " + file.GetDisplayName(DisplayNameType.Default); cvt = new Bitmap(file.ParsingName); textBlock2.Text = height + ": " + cvt.Height.ToString(); textBlock3.Text = width + ": " + cvt.Width.ToString(); spinner1.Value = 100; percsetting = true; textBox1.Text = cvt.Width.ToString(); textBox2.Text = cvt.Height.ToString(); percsetting = false; }
public Photo(string path) { // Debug.WriteLine("Photo[" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + "](" + path + ") started..."); FullPath = path; #if STORE_SHELLOBJECT _threadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId; _shellObject = ShellObject.FromParsingName(path); var x = DateTaken; var xx = Camera; #else // var shellObject = ShellObject.FromParsingName(path); using (var shellObject = ShellObject.FromParsingName(path)) { DateTaken = shellObject.Properties.GetProperty<DateTime?>(SystemProperties.System.Photo.DateTaken).Value; Camera = new Camera(shellObject); } #endif // Debug.WriteLine("Photo[" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + "](" + path + ") complete."); }
public int GetExifRotationInfo(string path) { if (!_shellsupport) return 1; _shellitem = ShellObject.FromParsingName(path); object res = 1; foreach (var item in _shellitem.Properties.DefaultPropertyCollection) { if (item.CanonicalName == "System.Photo.Orientation") { res = item.ValueAsObject; break; } } _shellitem.Dispose(); _shellitem = null; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); GC.Collect(); return Convert.ToInt32(res); }
public BitmapSource GetThumbnail(string path) { try { if (_shellsupport) { _shellitem = ShellObject.FromParsingName(path); BitmapSource ret = _shellitem.Thumbnail.LargeBitmapSource; _shellitem.Dispose(); _shellitem = null; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); GC.Collect(); return ret; } else return FailSafeThumbnail(path); } catch (Exception) { return FailSafeThumbnail(path); } }
internal PropertySystemDevices(ShellObject parent) { shellObjectParent = parent; }
void IInitializeWithItem.Initialize(object shellItem, Shell.AccessModes accessMode) => _shellObject = ShellObjectFactory.Create((IShellItem)shellItem);
internal PropertySystemComputer(ShellObject parent) { shellObjectParent = parent; }
/// <summary> /// Initialize a instance of the <see cref="ShellProperty{T}" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="propertyKey"></param> /// <param name="description"></param> /// <param name="shellObject"></param> /// <remarks> /// This constructor is used in <see cref="ShellPropertyFactory" />. /// Do not change the order of the parameters. /// </remarks> internal ShellProperty(ShellPropertyKey propertyKey, ShellPropertyDescription description, ShellObject shellObject) { Contract.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(propertyKey != null); Contract.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(shellObject != null); this.ShellObject = shellObject; this.PropertyKey = propertyKey; this.description = description; this.AllowSetTruncatedValue = false; if (this.Description.ValueType != typeof(T)) { throw new InvalidOperationException( String.Format(ErrorMessages.ShellPropertyUnmatchValueType, typeof(T), this.Description.ValueType)); } }
internal static string[] RetrieveData(string file) { string name, directoryname, fullname, creationtime, lastwritetime; FileInfo fileInfo; try { fileInfo = new FileInfo(file); name = fileInfo.Name; directoryname = fileInfo.DirectoryName; fullname = fileInfo.FullName; creationtime = fileInfo.CreationTime.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); lastwritetime = fileInfo.LastWriteTime.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); } catch (Exception) { name = string.Empty; directoryname = string.Empty; fullname = string.Empty; creationtime = string.Empty; lastwritetime = string.Empty; } var image = Preloader.Get(Navigation.Pics[Navigation.FolderIndex]).bitmapSource; var inchesWidth = image.PixelWidth / image.DpiX; var inchesHeight = image.PixelHeight / image.DpiY; var cmWidth = inchesWidth * 2.54; var cmHeight = inchesHeight * 2.54; var firstRatio = image.PixelWidth / UILogic.TransformImage.ZoomLogic.GCD(image.PixelWidth, image.PixelHeight); var secondRatio = image.PixelHeight / UILogic.TransformImage.ZoomLogic.GCD(image.PixelWidth, image.PixelHeight); string ratioText; if (firstRatio == secondRatio) { ratioText = $"{firstRatio}:{secondRatio} ({Application.Current.Resources["Square"]})"; } else if (firstRatio > secondRatio) { ratioText = $"{firstRatio}:{secondRatio} ({Application.Current.Resources["Landscape"]})"; } else { ratioText = $"{firstRatio}:{secondRatio} ({Application.Current.Resources["Portrait"]})"; } object bitdepth, dpiX, dpiY; string dpi; try { var so = ShellObject.FromParsingName(file); bitdepth = so.Properties.GetProperty(SystemProperties.System.Image.BitDepth).ValueAsObject; dpiX = so.Properties.GetProperty(SystemProperties.System.Image.HorizontalResolution).ValueAsObject; dpiY = so.Properties.GetProperty(SystemProperties.System.Image.VerticalResolution).ValueAsObject; so.Dispose(); } catch (Exception) { bitdepth = string.Empty; dpiX = string.Empty; dpiY = string.Empty; } if (bitdepth == null) { bitdepth = string.Empty; } if (dpiX == null) { dpi = string.Empty; } else { dpi = Math.Round((double)dpiX) + " x " + Math.Round((double)dpiY) + " " + Application.Current.Resources["Dpi"]; } return(new string[] { // Fileinfo name, directoryname, fullname, creationtime, lastwritetime, // Resolution image.PixelWidth + " x " + image.PixelHeight + " " + Application.Current.Resources["Pixels"], // DPI dpi, // Bit dpeth bitdepth.ToString(), // Megapixels ((float)image.PixelHeight * image.PixelWidth / 1000000) .ToString("0.##", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) + " " + Application.Current.Resources["MegaPixels"], // Print size cm cmWidth.ToString("0.##", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) + " x " + cmHeight.ToString("0.##", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) + " " + Application.Current.Resources["Centimeters"], // Print size inch inchesWidth.ToString("0.##", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) + " x " + inchesHeight.ToString("0.##", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) + " " + Application.Current.Resources["Inches"], // Aspect ratio ratioText }); }
public static bool CBZExport(string ComicPath, string Format, string OutDirectory = null, string NamePrefix = "") { var OutDir = OutDirectory ?? SelectDirectory((ShellContainer)ShellObject.FromParsingName(ComicPath), Main.Language); if (OutDir == null) { return(false); } string IndexPath = null, ChapPath = null; bool ChapsFound = false, IndexFound = false; ILanguage ActiveLang = null; foreach (var Language in Main.GetLanguagesInstance()) { string PossibleCoverPath = Path.Combine(ComicPath, Language.Cover) + ".png"; string PossibleIndexPath = Path.Combine(ComicPath, Language.Index) + ".html"; string PossibleChapterPath = Path.Combine(ComicPath, Language.Chapters); if (File.Exists(PossibleCoverPath)) { if (File.Exists(PossibleIndexPath)) { IndexPath = PossibleIndexPath; IndexFound = true; ActiveLang = Language; } if (Directory.Exists(PossibleChapterPath)) { ChapPath = PossibleChapterPath; ChapsFound = true; ActiveLang = Language; } } } if (!ChapsFound || !IndexFound) { return(false); } var Chapters = Directory.GetDirectories(ChapPath); bool OneShot = Chapters.Count() == 1; foreach (var Chapter in Chapters) { var ChapName = Path.GetFileName(Chapter.TrimEnd('\\', '/')); var ChapDir = Format == null ? Chapter : ExportChapter(Chapter, OutDir, Format, ActiveLang); if (ChapDir == null) { continue; } if (Format != null && Directory.GetFiles(ChapDir).Length == 0) { continue; } Main.Status = ActiveLang.Compressing; Main.SubStatus = ChapName; var FinalChapName = (OneShot ? Path.GetFileName(ComicPath.TrimEnd(' ', '\\', '/')) : ChapName); var Output = Path.Combine(OutDir, NamePrefix + FinalChapName + ".cbz"); if (File.Exists(Output)) { return(true); } CreateCBZ(ChapDir, Output); if (Format != null) { Directory.Delete(ChapDir, true); } } Main.Status = ActiveLang.IDLE; Main.SubStatus = ""; return(true); }
/// <summary> /// To avoid the 'Dispatcher processing has been suspended' InvalidOperationException on Win7, /// the ExplorerBorwser native control is initialized after this control is fully loaded. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> void ExplorerBrowser_Loaded( object sender, RoutedEventArgs e ) { // setup timer to update dependency properties from CLR properties of WinForms ExplorerBrowser object dtCLRUpdater.Tick += new EventHandler( UpdateDependencyPropertiesFromCLRPRoperties ); dtCLRUpdater.Interval = new TimeSpan( 100 * 10000 ); // 100ms dtCLRUpdater.Start( ); if (initialNavigationTarget != null ) { ExplorerBrowserControl.Navigate(initialNavigationTarget); initialNavigationTarget = null; } if (initialViewMode != null) { ExplorerBrowserControl.ContentOptions.ViewMode = (ExplorerBrowserViewMode)initialViewMode; initialViewMode = null; } }
public Card() { _isTextPresent = -1; _isImagePresent = -1; _isVideoPresent = -1; _isAudioPresent = -1; _isUrlPresent = -1; MetaData = new MetaData(); MetaData.Color = Colors.White; _decals = new ObservableCollection <Decal>(); #if !SILVERLIGHT AddText = new DelegateCommand(() => { TextDecal decal = new TextDecal(); AddDecal(decal); decal.DelaySelect(true); }, CanAddText); AddImage = new DelegateCommand <string>((path) => { ImageDecal Idecal = new ImageDecal(); CommonOpenFileDialog cfd = new CommonOpenFileDialog((string)Application.Current.FindResource("Resource_SaveDialogTitle_AddImage")); cfd.EnsureReadOnly = true; // Set the initial location as the path of the library cfd.InitialDirectoryShellContainer = KnownFolders.PicturesLibrary as ShellContainer; if (cfd.ShowDialog() == CommonFileDialogResult.Ok) { // Get the selection from the user. ShellObject so = cfd.FileAsShellObject; if (so.ParsingName != null) { ((ImageMetaData)Idecal.MetaData).Source = so.ParsingName; AddDecal(Idecal); Idecal.DelaySelect(true); } } }, CanAddImage); AddVideo = new DelegateCommand <string>((path) => { CommonOpenFileDialog cfd = new CommonOpenFileDialog((string)Application.Current.FindResource("Resource_SaveDialogTitle_AddVideo")); cfd.EnsureReadOnly = true; // Set the initial location as the path of the library cfd.InitialDirectoryShellContainer = KnownFolders.VideosLibrary as ShellContainer; if (cfd.ShowDialog() == CommonFileDialogResult.Ok) { // Get the selection from the user. ShellObject so = cfd.FileAsShellObject; if (so.ParsingName != null) { VideoDecal Idecal = new VideoDecal(); ((VideoMetaData)Idecal.MetaData).Source = so.ParsingName; AddDecal(Idecal); VideoControlDecal control = new VideoControlDecal(Idecal); Idecal.VideoControl = control; AddDecal(control); Idecal.DelaySelect(true); } } }, CanAddVideo); AddAudio = new DelegateCommand(() => { TextToSpeechDecal decal = new TextToSpeechDecal(); AddDecal(decal); decal.DelaySelect(true); }, CanAddAudio); AddUrl = new DelegateCommand(() => { InfoLinkDecal decal = new InfoLinkDecal(); AddDecal(decal); decal.DelaySelect(true); }, CanAddUrl); RemoveDecal = new DelegateCommand <Decal>((decal) => { if (decal == null) { decal = SelectedDecal; } if (decal != null) { decal.UnInitialize(); DeleteDecal(decal); } }); #endif }
public FileExplorerCommand() { _uploadService = new UploadService(); _canceledDownloads = new List <Guid>(); ProcessingEntriesChanged += OnProcessingEntriesChanged; _dtpProcessor = new DtpProcessor(); _dtpProcessor.RegisterFunction("GetRootElements", parameters => { var rootEntryCollection = new RootEntryCollection { RootDirectories = DirectoryHelper.GetNamespaceDirectories(), ComputerDirectory = DirectoryHelper.GetDirectoryEntry(DirectoryInfoEx.MyComputerDirectory, null), ComputerDirectoryEntries = DirectoryHelper.GetComputerDirectoryEntries() }; foreach (var driveInfo in DriveInfo.GetDrives()) { if ( rootEntryCollection.ComputerDirectoryEntries.All( x => x.Path != driveInfo.RootDirectory.FullName)) { rootEntryCollection.ComputerDirectoryEntries.Add( DirectoryHelper.GetDirectoryEntry( new DirectoryInfoEx(driveInfo.RootDirectory.FullName), null)); } } return(rootEntryCollection); }, typeof(RootEntryCollection), typeof(FileEntry), typeof(DirectoryEntry), typeof(DriveDirectoryEntry), typeof(ProcessingEntry)); _dtpProcessor.RegisterFunction("GetDirectories", parameters => { var path = parameters.GetString(0); var entries = DirectoryHelper.GetDirectories(new DirectoryInfoEx(path)); return(entries); }, typeof(DriveDirectoryEntry)); _dtpProcessor.RegisterFunction("GetPathContent", parameters => { var directories = parameters.GetValue <List <string> >(0); var requestFirstAllEntries = parameters.GetBool(1); var result = new List <List <IFileExplorerEntry> >(); for (int i = 0; i < directories.Count; i++) { var directory = directories[i]; if (i == 0 && requestFirstAllEntries) { var list = DirectoryHelper.GetDirectoryEntries(directory); result.Add(list); lock (ProcessingEntriesLock) { if (ProcessingEntries.TryGetValue(directory.NormalizePath(), out var processingEntries)) { foreach (var fileExplorerEntry in processingEntries.Cast <IFileExplorerEntry>()) { var existingEntry = list.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals(fileExplorerEntry.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (existingEntry != null) { list.Remove(existingEntry); } list.Add(fileExplorerEntry); } } } } else { if (directory.Length > 3) { try { result.Add(DirectoryHelper.GetDirectoriesFast(directory).Cast <IFileExplorerEntry>() .ToList()); continue; } catch (Exception) { // ignored } } result.Add( DirectoryHelper.GetDirectories(new DirectoryInfoEx(directory)) .Cast <IFileExplorerEntry>() .ToList()); } } return(result); }, typeof(PackedDirectoryEntry), typeof(DriveDirectoryEntry), typeof(FileEntry), typeof(ProcessingEntry)); _dtpProcessor.RegisterFunction("GetDirectory", parameters => { var path = parameters.GetString(0); return(DirectoryHelper.GetDirectoryEntry(new DirectoryInfoEx(path), null)); }, typeof(DriveDirectoryEntry)); _dtpProcessor.RegisterFunction("ExpandEnvironmentVariables", parameters => Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(parameters.GetString(0))); _dtpProcessor.RegisterFunction("RemoveEntries", parameters => { var entries = parameters.GetValue <List <EntryInfo> >(0); var failedList = new List <string>(); foreach (EntryInfo entry in entries) { try { if (entry.IsDirectory) { Directory.Delete(entry.Path, true); } else { File.Delete(entry.Path); } failedList.Add(null); } catch (Exception ex) { failedList.Add(ex.Message); } } return(failedList); }); _dtpProcessor.RegisterProcedure("RenameEntry", parameters => { var entry = parameters.GetValue <EntryInfo>(0); var newName = parameters.GetString(1); if (entry.IsDirectory) { Directory.Move(entry.Path, Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(entry.Path), newName)); } else { File.Move(entry.Path, Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(entry.Path), newName)); } }); _dtpProcessor.RegisterProcedure("CreateFolder", parameters => { var path = parameters.GetString(0); Directory.CreateDirectory(path); }); _dtpProcessor.RegisterProcedure("CreateShortcut", parameters => { var path = parameters.GetString(0); var info = parameters.GetValue <ShortcutInfo>(1); Type t = Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(new Guid("72C24DD5-D70A-438B-8A42-98424B88AFB8")); //Windows Script Host Shell Object object shell = Activator.CreateInstance(t); try { object lnk = t.InvokeMember("CreateShortcut", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, shell, new object[] { path }); try { t.InvokeMember("TargetPath", BindingFlags.SetProperty, null, lnk, new object[] { info.TargetLocation }); t.InvokeMember("Description", BindingFlags.SetProperty, null, lnk, new object[] { info.Description }); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.WorkingDirectory)) { t.InvokeMember("WorkingDirectory", BindingFlags.SetProperty, null, lnk, new object[] { info.WorkingDirectory }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.IconPath)) { t.InvokeMember("IconLocation", BindingFlags.SetProperty, null, lnk, new object[] { $"{info.IconPath}, {info.IconIndex}" }); } if (info.Hotkey != 0) { //FML var keyByte = (byte)(info.Hotkey); var modifierByte = (byte)(info.Hotkey >> 8); var key = (Keys)keyByte; var keys = new List <string>(); const byte HOTKEYF_SHIFT = 0x01; const byte HOTKEYF_CONTROL = 0x02; const byte HOTKEYF_ALT = 0x04; if ((modifierByte & HOTKEYF_ALT) == HOTKEYF_ALT) { keys.Add("ALT"); } if ((modifierByte & HOTKEYF_CONTROL) == HOTKEYF_CONTROL) { keys.Add("CTRL"); } if ((modifierByte & HOTKEYF_SHIFT) == HOTKEYF_SHIFT) { keys.Add("SHIFT"); } keys.Add(key.ToString().ToUpper()); t.InvokeMember("Hotkey", BindingFlags.SetProperty, null, lnk, new object[] { string.Join("+", keys.ToArray()) }); } t.InvokeMember("Save", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, lnk, null); } finally { Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(lnk); } } finally { Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(shell); } }); _dtpProcessor.RegisterFunction("GetDirectoryProperties", parameters => { var result = new DirectoryPropertiesInfo(); var directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfoEx(parameters.GetString(0)); if (directoryInfo.KnownFolderType != null) { result.DirectoryType = DirectoryType.SpecialFolder; result.SpecialFolderType = (SpecialFolderType)directoryInfo.KnownFolderType.Category; } var drive = DriveInfo.GetDrives() .FirstOrDefault(x => x.RootDirectory.FullName == directoryInfo.FullName); if (drive != null) { result.DirectoryType = DirectoryType.Drive; if (drive.IsReady) { result.DriveFormat = drive.DriveFormat; } else { result.DriveFormat = "Not ready"; } } result.CreationTime = directoryInfo.CreationTimeUtc; result.LastAccessTime = directoryInfo.LastAccessTimeUtc; result.LastWriteTime = directoryInfo.LastWriteTimeUtc; result.Attributes = (FileAttributes)directoryInfo.Attributes; return(result); }); _dtpProcessor.RegisterFunction("GetFileProperties", parameters => { var result = new FilePropertiesInfo(); var fileInfo = new FileInfoEx(parameters.GetString(0)); try { result.OpenWithProgramPath = FileHelper.AssocQueryString(AssocStr.Executable, fileInfo.Extension); result.OpenWithProgramName = FileHelper.AssocQueryString(AssocStr.FriendlyAppName, fileInfo.Extension); } catch (Exception) { // ignored } try { result.SizeOnDisk = FileHelper.GetFileSizeOnDisk(fileInfo.FullName); } catch (Exception) { // ignored } result.Size = fileInfo.Length; result.CreationTime = fileInfo.CreationTimeUtc; result.LastAccessTime = fileInfo.LastAccessTimeUtc; result.LastWriteTime = fileInfo.LastWriteTimeUtc; result.Attributes = (FileAttributes)fileInfo.Attributes; result.FileProperties = new List <FileProperty>(); try { var fileShellObject = ShellObject.FromParsingName(fileInfo.FullName); if (fileShellObject != null) { using (fileShellObject) { foreach (var prop in fileShellObject.Properties.DefaultPropertyCollection) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prop.CanonicalName)) { continue; } var valueString = ObjectToString(prop.ValueAsObject); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueString)) { continue; } var shellProperty = new ShellProperty { Name = prop.CanonicalName, FormatId = prop.PropertyKey.FormatId, PropertyId = prop.PropertyKey.PropertyId, Value = valueString }; var propertyNameSplitter = prop.CanonicalName.Split('.'); if (propertyNameSplitter.Length < 3) { shellProperty.Group = FilePropertyGroup.Details; } else { try { shellProperty.Group = (FilePropertyGroup) Enum.Parse(typeof(FilePropertyGroup), propertyNameSplitter[1]); } catch (Exception) { shellProperty.Group = FilePropertyGroup.Details; } } result.FileProperties.Add(shellProperty); } } } } catch (Exception) { // ignored } try { var fileVersionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(fileInfo.FullName); foreach (var prop in typeof(FileVersionInfo).GetProperties()) { var value = prop.GetValue(fileVersionInfo, null); if (value == null) { continue; } if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(string) && string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)value)) { continue; } if (prop.Name.EndsWith("Part")) { continue; } if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(bool) && !(bool)value) { continue; } string valueString; if (value is DateTime) { valueString = ((DateTime)value).ToUniversalTime().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } else { valueString = value.ToString(); } if (result.FileProperties.Any(x => x.Value == valueString)) { continue; } result.FileProperties.Add(new FileProperty { Name = prop.Name, Value = valueString, Group = FilePropertyGroup.FileVersionInfo }); } } catch (Exception) { // ignored } var executableExtensions = new[] { ".exe", ".scr", ".com" }; if ( executableExtensions.Any( x => string.Equals(x, fileInfo.Extension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) { try { var assemblyName = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(fileInfo.FullName).FullName; result.FileProperties.Add(new FileProperty { Name = "AssemblyName", Value = assemblyName, Group = FilePropertyGroup.Executable }); result.FileProperties.Add(new FileProperty { Name = "IsAssembly", Value = "True", Group = FilePropertyGroup.Executable }); } catch (Exception) { // ignored } try { result.FileProperties.Add(new FileProperty { Name = "IsTrusted", Value = AuthenticodeTools.IsTrusted(fileInfo.FullName).ToString(), Group = FilePropertyGroup.Executable }); } catch (Exception) { // ignored } } return(result); }, typeof(ShellProperty)); _dtpProcessor.RegisterFunction("CalculateHashValue", parameters => { var path = parameters.GetString(0); var type = parameters.GetValue <HashValueType>(1); HashAlgorithm hashAlgorithm; switch (type) { case HashValueType.MD5: hashAlgorithm = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider(); break; case HashValueType.SHA1: hashAlgorithm = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(); break; case HashValueType.SHA256: hashAlgorithm = new SHA256CryptoServiceProvider(); break; case HashValueType.SHA512: hashAlgorithm = new SHA512CryptoServiceProvider(); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } using (hashAlgorithm) using (var fileStream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) return(hashAlgorithm.ComputeHash(fileStream)); }); _dtpProcessor.RegisterProcedure("ExecuteFile", parameters => { var path = parameters.GetString(0); var arguments = parameters.GetString(1); var verb = parameters.GetString(2); var createNoWindow = parameters.GetBool(3); var process = new Process { StartInfo = { FileName = path, Arguments = arguments, Verb = verb, CreateNoWindow = createNoWindow } }; process.Start(); }); _dtpProcessor.RegisterFunction("RequestFileUpload", parameters => { var path = parameters.GetString(0); var hashValue = parameters.GetValue <byte[]>(1); var length = parameters.GetValue <long>(2); return(_uploadService.CreateNewUploadProcess(path, hashValue, length)); }); _dtpProcessor.RegisterProcedure("CancelFileUpload", parameters => { var guid = parameters.GetValue <Guid>(0); _uploadService.CancelUpload(guid); }); _dtpProcessor.RegisterFunction("FinishFileUpload", parameters => { var guid = parameters.GetValue <Guid>(0); return(_uploadService.FinishUpload(guid)); }); _dtpProcessor.RegisterFunction("InitializeDownload", parameters => { var path = parameters.GetString(0); var isDirectory = parameters.GetBool(1); var guid = parameters.GetValue <Guid>(2); FileInfo fileToUpload; if (isDirectory) { var directory = new DirectoryInfo(path); if (!directory.Exists) { return(new DownloadInformation(DownloadResult.DirectoryNotFound)); } fileToUpload = new FileInfo(FileExtensions.GetFreeTempFileName()); ResponseByte((byte)FileExplorerCommunication.ResponsePackagingDirectory, _connectionInfo); var fastZip = new FastZip(); fastZip.CreateZip(fileToUpload.FullName, directory.FullName, true, null, null); } else { var fi = new FileInfo(path); if (!fi.Exists) { return(new DownloadInformation(DownloadResult.FileNotFound)); } fileToUpload = fi.CopyTo(FileExtensions.GetFreeTempFileName()); ResponseByte((byte)FileExplorerCommunication.ResponseCopyingFile, _connectionInfo); } var fileStream = new FileStream(fileToUpload.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); byte[] hash; using (var md5CryptoService = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider()) hash = md5CryptoService.ComputeHash(fileStream); fileStream.Position = 0; new Thread(() => { const int bufferSize = 4096; try { using (fileStream) { int read; var guidData = guid.ToByteArray(); var buffer = new byte[bufferSize]; while ((read = fileStream.Read(buffer, 0, bufferSize)) > 0) { _connectionInfo.UnsafeResponse(this, read + 17, writer => { writer.Write((byte)FileExplorerCommunication.ResponseDownloadPackage); writer.Write(guidData); writer.Write(buffer, 0, read); }); if (_isDisposed) { return; } if (_canceledDownloads.Contains(guid)) { _canceledDownloads.Remove(guid); return; } } } } catch (Exception) { if (!_isDisposed) { ResponseBytes((byte)FileExplorerCommunication.ResponseDownloadFailed, guid.ToByteArray(), _connectionInfo); } } finally { fileToUpload.Delete(); } }).Start(); return(new DownloadInformation(fileToUpload.Length, hash)); }); _dtpProcessor.RegisterProcedure("CancelDownload", parameters => { var downloadGuid = parameters.GetValue <Guid>(0); _canceledDownloads.Add(downloadGuid); }); _dtpProcessor.RegisterFunction("DownloadToServer", parameters => { var path = parameters.GetString(0); var isDirectory = parameters.GetBool(1); if (!isDirectory) { var fileInfo = new FileInfo(path); if (!fileInfo.Exists) { return(DownloadResult.FileNotFound); } new Thread(() => { _connectionInfo.ClientInfo.ClientOperator.DatabaseConnection.PushFile(fileInfo.FullName, fileInfo.Name, DataMode.File); }).Start(); } else { var directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(path); if (!directoryInfo.Exists) { return(DownloadResult.DirectoryNotFound); } new Thread(() => { var tempFile = new FileInfo(FileExtensions.GetFreeTempFileName()); var fastZip = new FastZip(); fastZip.CreateZip(tempFile.FullName, directoryInfo.FullName, true, null); _connectionInfo.ClientInfo.ClientOperator.DatabaseConnection.PushFile(tempFile.FullName, directoryInfo.Name, DataMode.ZipArchive); tempFile.Delete(); }).Start(); } return(DownloadResult.Succeed); }); _dtpProcessor.RegisterFunction("GetFileThumbnail", parameters => { var filePath = parameters.GetString(0); var bigSize = parameters.GetBool(1); var thumbnail = bigSize ? WindowsThumbnailProvider.GetThumbnail(filePath, 300, 169, ThumbnailOptions.BiggerSizeOk) : WindowsThumbnailProvider.GetThumbnail(filePath, 100, 56, ThumbnailOptions.None); byte[] data; using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { thumbnail.Save(memoryStream, ImageFormat.Png); data = memoryStream.ToArray(); } Debug.Print("Thumbnail size: " + data.Length); return(data); }); _dtpProcessor.RegisterProcedure("CreateArchive", parameters => { var archiveOptions = parameters.GetValue <ArchiveOptions>(0); var processingEntry = new ProcessingEntry { Action = ProcessingEntryAction.Packing, CreationTime = DateTime.UtcNow, IsInterminate = true, LastAccess = DateTime.UtcNow, Name = Path.GetFileName(archiveOptions.ArchivePath), Path = archiveOptions.ArchivePath, Size = 0, Progress = 0 }; var normalizedFolderPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(archiveOptions.ArchivePath).NormalizePath(); var normalizedPath = archiveOptions.ArchivePath.NormalizePath(); var cancellationToken = new CancellationTokenEx(); lock (ProcessingEntriesLock) { if (ProcessingEntries.TryGetValue(normalizedFolderPath, out var processingEntries)) { processingEntries.Add(processingEntry); } else { ProcessingEntries.Add(normalizedFolderPath, new List <ProcessingEntry> { processingEntry }); } ProcessEntryCancellationTokens.Add(normalizedPath, cancellationToken); } ProcessingEntriesChanged?.Invoke(this, new ProcessingEntriesChangedEventArgs(normalizedFolderPath, processingEntry, EntryUpdateMode.Add)); new Thread(() => { try { ZipUtilities.CreateArchive(archiveOptions, processingEntry, cancellationToken, entry => { ProcessingEntriesChanged?.Invoke(this, new ProcessingEntriesChangedEventArgs(normalizedFolderPath, processingEntry, EntryUpdateMode.Update)); }); } catch (Exception) { cancellationToken.Cancel(); } finally { lock (ProcessingEntriesLock) { if (ProcessingEntries.TryGetValue(normalizedFolderPath, out var processingEntries)) { processingEntries.Remove(processingEntry); if (processingEntries.Count == 0) { ProcessingEntries.Remove(normalizedFolderPath); } } ProcessEntryCancellationTokens.Remove(normalizedPath); } } if (cancellationToken.IsCanceled) { try { File.Delete(archiveOptions.ArchivePath); } catch (Exception) { // ignored } return; } if (archiveOptions.DeleteAfterArchiving) { foreach (var entry in archiveOptions.Entries) { try { if (entry.IsDirectory) { Directory.Delete(entry.Path, true); } else { File.Delete(entry.Path); } } catch (Exception) { // ignored } } } }).Start(); });
internal PendingNavigation(ShellObject location, int index) { this.location = location; this.index = index; }
public ShellTreeContainerItem(ShellObject shellObj, ShellTreeContainerItem parent, IShellItemsOperation shellItemsOperation) : base(shellObj, parent, shellItemsOperation) { }
internal PendingNavigation(ShellObject location, int index) { Location = location; Index = index; }
static int ChangeFolder(ShellDebuggerModel model, IntPtr pidl, SBSP wFlags, IShellFolder folderTmp, IntPtr pidlTmp) { model.currentFolder = folderTmp; var Form = model.Form; FOLDERSETTINGS fs = new FOLDERSETTINGS(); IShellView lastIShellView = model.ShellView; IShellView2 lastIShellView2 = model.ShellView as IShellView2; if (lastIShellView != null) { lastIShellView.GetCurrentInfo(ref fs); } // Copy the old folder settings else { fs = new FOLDERSETTINGS(); fs.fFlags = ShellDebuggerModel.folderFlags; fs.ViewMode = ShellDebuggerModel.folderViewMode; } // Create the IShellView IntPtr iShellViewPtr; var shellViewGuid = typeof(IShellView).GUID; var hr = ShellObject.CreateViewObject(folderTmp, Form.Handle, ref shellViewGuid, out iShellViewPtr); if (hr != WinError.S_OK) { shellViewGuid = typeof(IShellView).GUID; hr = ShellObject.CreateViewObject(folderTmp, Form.Handle, ref shellViewGuid, out iShellViewPtr); } if (hr == WinError.S_OK) { model.ShellView = null; model.ShellView = (IShellView) // IShellView2 Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(iShellViewPtr); //if (model.ShellView == null) // model.ShellView = (IShellView) // Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(iShellViewPtr); // int CreateViewWindow2(SV2CVW2_PARAMS lpParams); var hWndListView = IntPtr.Zero; RECT rc = new RECT(0, 0, Form.ClientSize.Width, Form.ClientSize.Height); int res; model.lastViewPidl = IntPtr.Zero; var shellView = model.ShellView; try { // Create the actual list view. res = shellView.CreateViewWindow(lastIShellView, ref fs, model, ref rc, ref hWndListView); model.hWndListView = hWndListView; shellView.EnableModeless(true); } catch (COMException) { return(WinError.E_FAIL); } if (res < 0) { return(WinError.E_FAIL); } // Release the old IShellView if (lastIShellView != null) { lastIShellView.GetCurrentInfo(ref fs); lastIShellView.UIActivate(SVUIA_STATUS.SVUIA_DEACTIVATE); lastIShellView.DestroyViewWindow(); } // Set focus to the IShellView model.ShellView.UIActivate(SVUIA_STATUS.SVUIA_ACTIVATE_FOCUS); model.currentAbsolutePidl = pidlTmp; if (model.lastViewPidl != IntPtr.Zero) { // var lastItem = model.LastSelected; } //else //{ // // empty list //} } return(WinError.S_OK); }
private string SelectDirectory() => SelectDirectory((ShellContainer)ShellObject.FromParsingName(ChapPath), Language);
internal PropertySystemIdentityProvider(ShellObject parent) { shellObjectParent = parent; }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length != 1) { Console.WriteLine("GoPROMP4Renamer <source directory>"); return; } var sourceDir = new DirectoryInfo(args[0]); if (sourceDir.Exists == false) { Console.WriteLine($"GoPROMP4Renamer <source> does not exists - [{sourceDir.FullName}]"); return; } var fileInfos = sourceDir.EnumerateFiles("*.MP4", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Union(sourceDir.EnumerateFiles("*.JPG", SearchOption.AllDirectories)); foreach (FileInfo fileInfo in fileInfos) { DateTime?dateEncoded = null; if (string.Equals(fileInfo.Extension, ".MP4", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { ShellObject shellObject = ShellObject.FromParsingName(fileInfo.FullName); if (shellObject == null) { Console.WriteLine($"GoPROMP4Renamer - ParsingName for [{fileInfo.Name}] to ShellObject failed."); continue; } dateEncoded = shellObject.Properties.GetProperty(SystemProperties.System.Media.DateEncoded)?.ValueAsObject as DateTime?; if (dateEncoded == null) { Console.WriteLine($"GoPROMP4Renamer - System.Media.DateEncoded for [{fileInfo.Name}] returned null."); continue; } } else if (string.Equals(fileInfo.Extension, ".JPG", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { ShellObject shellObject = ShellObject.FromParsingName(fileInfo.FullName); if (shellObject == null) { Console.WriteLine($"GoPROMP4Renamer - ParsingName for [{fileInfo.Name}] to ShellObject failed."); continue; } dateEncoded = shellObject.Properties.GetProperty(SystemProperties.System.Photo.DateTaken)?.ValueAsObject as DateTime?; if (dateEncoded == null) { Console.WriteLine($"GoPROMP4Renamer - System.Media.DateEncoded for [{fileInfo.Name}] returned null."); continue; } } if (dateEncoded == null) { continue; } if (fileInfo.DirectoryName == null) { continue; } DateTime mediaCreated = dateEncoded.Value; FileInfo newFileInfo = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(fileInfo.DirectoryName, $"Img{mediaCreated:yyyyMMdd}_{mediaCreated:HHmmss}{fileInfo.Extension}")); if (newFileInfo.Exists) { Console.WriteLine($"GoPROMP4Renamer - Cannot rename [{fileInfo.Name}] => [{newFileInfo.Name}] - File already exists."); continue; } try { Console.WriteLine($"GoPROMP4Renamer - Rename file [{fileInfo.Name}] => [{newFileInfo.Name}]"); fileInfo.MoveTo(newFileInfo.FullName); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"GoPROMP4Renamer - Cannot rename [{fileInfo.Name}] => [{newFileInfo.Name}]"); Console.WriteLine($"- Type:{e.GetType()} : {e.Message}{Environment.NewLine}"); } } }
internal PropertySystemJournal(ShellObject parent) { shellObjectParent = parent; }
public CollisionDialog(List <CollisionInfo> _collisions, ShellObject SourceDestination, ShellObject Destination) { InitializeComponent(); this.collisions = _collisions; Contents = new ObservableCollection <CollisionItem>(); foreach (var item in _collisions) { Contents.Add(new CollisionItem() { DataContext = item }); } this.lblFromfolder.Text = SourceDestination.GetDisplayName(DisplayNameType.Default); this.lblTofolder.Text = Destination.GetDisplayName(DisplayNameType.Default); this.DataContext = this; }
/// <summary> /// Sets an item to appear as the initial entry in a <b>Save As</b> dialog. /// </summary> /// <param name="item">The initial entry to be set in the dialog.</param> /// <remarks>The name of the item is displayed in the file name edit box, /// and the containing folder is opened in the view. This would generally be /// used when the application is saving an item that already exists.</remarks> public void SetSaveAsItem(ShellObject item) { if (item == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("item"); } InitializeNativeFileDialog(); IFileSaveDialog nativeDialog = GetNativeFileDialog() as IFileSaveDialog; // Get the native IShellItem from ShellObject if (nativeDialog != null) { nativeDialog.SetSaveAsItem(item.NativeShellItem); } }
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) { if (m.Msg == (int)WindowsAPI.WndMsg.WM_CONTEXTMENU) { this.Browser.IsRenameStarted = true; ShellObject[] dirs = this.Browser.SelectedItems.ToArray(); ContextShellMenu cm1 = new ContextShellMenu(this.Browser, this.Browser.SelectedItems.Count > 0 ? ShellViewGetItemObject.Selection : ShellViewGetItemObject.Background); cm1.ShowContextMenu(Cursor.Position);//new System.Drawing.Point(GetCursorPosition().X, GetCursorPosition().Y)); return; } if (m.Msg == (int)WindowsAPI.WndMsg.WM_EXITMENULOOP) { //this.IsRenameStarted = false; } if (m.Msg == 78) { //var r = (WindowsAPI.NMHDR*)(IntPtr)lParam; WindowsAPI.NMHDR nmhdr = new WindowsAPI.NMHDR(); nmhdr = (WindowsAPI.NMHDR)m.GetLParam(nmhdr.GetType()); switch ((int)nmhdr.code) { case WNM.LVN_GETINFOTIP: //TODO: Write here the code for the tooltip flyout break; case WNM.NM_CUSTOMDRAW: if (!this.Browser.NavigationLog.CurrentLocation.IsSearchFolder) { if (nmhdr.hwndFrom == this.SysListviewhandle) { var nmlvcd = WindowsAPI.PtrToStructure <WindowsAPI.NMLVCUSTOMDRAW>(m.LParam); var index = (int)nmlvcd.nmcd.dwItemSpec; var hdc = nmlvcd.nmcd.hdc; Guid IIFV2 = typeof(IShellItem).GUID; IFolderView2 fv2 = this.Browser.GetFolderView2(); IShellItem item = null; try { fv2.GetItem(index, ref IIFV2, out item); } catch (Exception) { } object ext = null; ShellObject itemobj = null; if (item != null) { itemobj = ShellObjectFactory.Create(item); ext = itemobj.Properties.System.FileExtension.Value; } Color?textColor = null; if (this.Browser.LVItemsColorCodes != null && this.Browser.LVItemsColorCodes.Count > 0) { if (ext != null) { var extItemsAvailable = this.Browser.LVItemsColorCodes.Where(c => c.ExtensionList.Contains(ext.ToString())).Count() > 0; if (extItemsAvailable) { var color = this.Browser.LVItemsColorCodes.Where(c => c.ExtensionList.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(ext.ToString().ToLowerInvariant())).Select(c => c.TextColor).SingleOrDefault(); textColor = color; } } } switch (nmlvcd.nmcd.dwDrawStage) { case CDDS_PREPAINT: m.Result = (IntPtr)CDRF_NOTIFYITEMDRAW; break; case CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT: // call default procedure in case system might do custom drawing and set special colors if (textColor != null) { nmlvcd.clrText = ColorTranslator.ToWin32(textColor.Value); Marshal.StructureToPtr(nmlvcd, m.LParam, false); m.Result = (IntPtr)(CDRF_NEWFONT | CDRF_NOTIFYPOSTPAINT | CDRF_NOTIFYSUBITEMDRAW); } else { m.Result = (IntPtr)(CDRF_NOTIFYPOSTPAINT | CDRF_NOTIFYSUBITEMDRAW); } break; case CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT | CDDS_SUBITEM: // before a subitem drawn if ((nmlvcd.nmcd.uItemState & (WindowsAPI.CDIS.HOT | WindowsAPI.CDIS.DROPHILITED)) != 0 || 0 != WindowsAPI.SendMessage(this.SysListviewhandle, WindowsAPI.LVM.GETITEMSTATE, index, (int)WindowsAPI.LVIS.LVIS_SELECTED)) { // hot, drophilited or selected. if (nmlvcd.iSubItem == 0) { // do default to draw hilite bar m.Result = (IntPtr)CDRF_DODEFAULT; } else { // remaining region of a hilted item need to be drawn m.Result = (IntPtr)CDRF_NOTIFYPOSTPAINT; } } else if ((nmlvcd.iSubItem == 0 && nmlvcd.nmcd.uItemState.HasFlag(WindowsAPI.CDIS.FOCUS))) { // if the subitem in selected column, or first item with focus m.Result = (IntPtr)CDRF_NOTIFYPOSTPAINT; } else { if (textColor != null) { nmlvcd.clrText = ColorTranslator.ToWin32(textColor.Value); Marshal.StructureToPtr(nmlvcd, m.LParam, false); m.Result = (IntPtr)CDRF_NEWFONT; } else { m.Result = (IntPtr)CDRF_DODEFAULT; } } break; case CDDS_ITEMPOSTPAINT: //base.WndProc(ref m); if (nmlvcd.clrTextBk != 0) { var iconBounds = new WindowsAPI.RECT(); iconBounds.Left = 1; WindowsAPI.SendMessage(this.SysListviewhandle, WindowsAPI.LVM.GETITEMRECT, index, ref iconBounds); //using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromHdc(nmlvcd.nmcd.hdc)) //{ // graphics.Clip = new Region(iconBounds.ToRectangle()); ; // graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, new Rectangle(iconBounds.left, iconBounds.bottom - 20, 20, 20)); //} if (itemobj.IsShared) { if (this.Browser.ContentOptions.ViewMode == ExplorerBrowserViewMode.Details || this.Browser.ContentOptions.ViewMode == ExplorerBrowserViewMode.List || this.Browser.ContentOptions.ViewMode == ExplorerBrowserViewMode.SmallIcon) { small.DrawOverlay(hdc, 1, new Point(iconBounds.Left, iconBounds.Bottom - 16)); } else { if (this.Browser.ContentOptions.ThumbnailSize > 180) { jumbo.DrawOverlay(hdc, 1, new Point(iconBounds.Left, iconBounds.Bottom - this.Browser.ContentOptions.ThumbnailSize / 3), this.Browser.ContentOptions.ThumbnailSize / 3); } else if (this.Browser.ContentOptions.ThumbnailSize > 64) { extra.DrawOverlay(hdc, 1, new Point(iconBounds.Left + 10, iconBounds.Bottom - 50)); } else { large.DrawOverlay(hdc, 1, new Point(iconBounds.Left + 10, iconBounds.Bottom - 32)); } } } } m.Result = (IntPtr)CDRF_SKIPDEFAULT; break; } if (itemobj != null) { itemobj.Dispose(); } return; } } break; } //base.WndProc(ref m); } //return; // Perform whatever custom processing you must have for this message //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(m.ToString()); // forward message to base WndProc base.WndProc(ref m); }
public static string GetVideoDuration(string filePath) //nice { using (var shell = ShellObject.FromParsingName(filePath)) { //for the strings later on .. string vh; string vm; string vs; //get time from video as timespan (check that file is video before getting here ) IShellProperty prop = shell.Properties.System.Media.Duration; var t = (ulong)prop.ValueAsObject; TimeSpan rawTime = TimeSpan.FromTicks((long)t); //only use hours, convert for everything else float vidHours = (float)rawTime.TotalHours; float vidMinutes = vidHours * 60; float vidSeconds = vidMinutes * 60; //convert these to strings vh = vidHours.ToString(); vm = vidMinutes.ToString(); vs = vidSeconds.ToString(); //if anything is a single digit, fix that (under 1, under 9) : if (vidHours <= 9) { if (vidHours <= 1) { //its less than 1, make it 00: vh = "00"; } else { //less than 9 (single digit), prepend a 0: vh = "0" + vidHours.ToString(); } } if (vidMinutes <= 9) { if (vidMinutes <= 1) { vm = "00"; } else { vm = "0" + vidMinutes.ToString(); } } if (vidSeconds <= 9) { if (vidSeconds <= 1) { //its less than 1, make it 00: vs = "00"; } else { //less than 9 (single digit), prepend a 0: vs = "0" + vidSeconds.ToString(); } } //string vidTime = vh[0].ToString() + vh[1].ToString() + ":" + vm[0].ToString() + vm[1].ToString() + ":" + vs[0].ToString() + vs[1].ToString(); //only get 2 digits, fill in 0's where only 1 number exists string vidTime = vh[0].ToString() + vh[1].ToString() + ":" + vm[0].ToString() + vm[1].ToString() + ":" + vs[0].ToString() + vs[1].ToString(); //only get 2 digits, fill in 0's where only 1 number exists return(vidTime); } }
private static ImageSource LoadInternal(string path) { Logger.WoxDebug($"load from disk {path}"); ImageSource image; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { image = GetErrorImage(); return(image); } var key = "EmbeddedIcon:"; if (path.StartsWith(key)) { return(Image.EmbeddedIcon.GetImage(key, path, 32)); } if (path.StartsWith("data:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { try { image = new BitmapImage(new Uri(path)) { DecodePixelHeight = 32, DecodePixelWidth = 32 }; } catch (Exception e) { e.Data.Add(nameof(path), path); Logger.WoxError($"cannot load {path}", e); return(GetErrorImage()); } image.Freeze(); return(image); } var normalImage = ImageExtensions.Any(e => path.EndsWith(e)); if (!Path.IsPathRooted(path) && normalImage) { path = Path.Combine(Constant.ProgramDirectory, "Images", Path.GetFileName(path)); } var parent1 = new DirectoryInfo(Constant.ProgramDirectory); var parent2 = new DirectoryInfo(DataLocation.DataDirectory()); var subPath = new DirectoryInfo(path); Logger.WoxTrace($"{path} {subPath} {parent1} {parent2}"); var imageInsideWoxDirectory = IsSubDirectory(parent1, subPath) || IsSubDirectory(parent2, subPath); if (normalImage && imageInsideWoxDirectory) { try { image = new BitmapImage(new Uri(path)) { DecodePixelHeight = 32, DecodePixelWidth = 32 }; } catch (Exception e) { e.Data.Add(nameof(path), path); Logger.WoxError($"cannot load {path}", e); return(GetErrorImage()); } image.Freeze(); return(image); } if (Directory.Exists(path)) { try { // can be extended to support guid things var shell = ShellObject.FromParsingName(path); image = shell.Thumbnail.SmallBitmapSource; } catch (Exception e) { e.Data.Add(nameof(path), path); Logger.WoxError($"cannot load {path}", e); return(GetErrorImage()); } image.Freeze(); return(image); } if (File.Exists(path)) { try { // // // var shell = ShellFile.FromFilePath(path); // // // small is (32, 32) image = shell.Thumbnail.SmallBitmapSource; image.Freeze(); return(image); } catch (ShellException e1) { try { // sometimes first try will throw exception, but second try will be ok. // so we try twice // Error while extracting thumbnail for C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Steam\\Steam.lnk var shellFile = ShellFile.FromFilePath(path); image = shellFile.Thumbnail.SmallBitmapSource; image.Freeze(); return(image); } catch (Exception e2) { Logger.WoxError($"Failed to get thumbnail, first, {path}", e1); Logger.WoxError($"Failed to get thumbnail, second, {path}", e2); image = GetErrorImage(); return(image); } } } image = GetErrorImage(); return(image); }
public static void ShowDeleteDialog(string[] sourceItemsCollection, Window win, bool isMoveToRB) { var confirmationDialog = new FODeleteDialog(); if (sourceItemsCollection.Count() == 1) { ShellObject item = ShellObject.FromParsingName(sourceItemsCollection[0]); item.Thumbnail.CurrentSize = new Size(96, 96); confirmationDialog.MessageCaption = string.Format("{0} {1}", win.FindResource("btnDeleteCP"), win.FindResource((item.IsLink ? "txtShortcut" : item.IsFolder ? "txtAccusativeFolder" : "txtFile")) as string); var itemTypeName = win.FindResource((item.IsLink ? "txtShortcut" : item.IsFolder ? "txtAccusativeFolder" : "txtFile")) as string; confirmationDialog.MessageIcon = item.Thumbnail.BitmapSource; confirmationDialog.MessageText = isMoveToRB ? string.Format((string)win.FindResource("txtConfirmDeleteObject"), itemTypeName, win.FindResource("txtRecycleBin")) : string.Format((string)win.FindResource("txtConfirmRemoveObject"), itemTypeName); confirmationDialog.FileInfo = item.Name + "\n"; if (item.IsFolder) { confirmationDialog.FileInfo += string.Format("{0}: {1} ", win.FindResource("btnODateCCP") as string, item.Properties.GetProperty("System.DateCreated").ValueAsObject); } else if (item.IsLink) { var targetPath = item.Properties.GetProperty("System.Link.TargetParsingPath").ValueAsObject as string; confirmationDialog.FileInfo += string.Format("{0}: {1}\n({2}) ", win.FindResource("txtLocation") as string, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(targetPath), Path.GetDirectoryName(targetPath)); } else // file { var fileInfo = string.Format("{0}: {1}\n", win.FindResource("txtType"), item.Properties.System.ItemTypeText.ValueAsObject); if (item.Properties.System.ItemAuthors.Value != null) { fileInfo += string.Format("{0}: {1}\n", win.FindResource("btnAuthorCP"), string.Join(";", item.Properties.System.ItemAuthors.Value)); } string[] sizes = { "B", "KB", "MB", "GB" }; var len = (ulong)item.Properties.System.Size.ValueAsObject; int order = 0; while (len >= 1000 && order + 1 < sizes.Length) // using SI system, not IEC { order++; len = len / 1000; } // Adjust the format string to your preferences. For example "{0:0.#}{1}" would // show a single decimal place, and no space. string result = String.Format("{0:0.##} {1}", len, sizes[order]); fileInfo += string.Format("{0}: {1}\n", win.FindResource("txtFileSize"), result); fileInfo += string.Format("{0}: {1}\n", win.FindResource("btnODateModCP") as string, item.Properties.GetProperty("System.DateModified").ValueAsObject); confirmationDialog.FileInfo += fileInfo; } } else { confirmationDialog.MessageCaption = win.FindResource("txtDeleteSeveralItems") as string; confirmationDialog.MessageText = isMoveToRB ? string.Format((string)win.FindResource("txtConfirmDeleteObjects"), sourceItemsCollection.Count()) : string.Format((string)win.FindResource("txtConfirmRemoveObjects"), sourceItemsCollection.Count()); } confirmationDialog.Owner = win; if (confirmationDialog.ShowDialog() == true) { var tempWindow = new Shell.FileOperations.FileOperation(sourceItemsCollection, String.Empty, OperationType.Delete, isMoveToRB); var currentDialog = win.OwnedWindows.OfType <FileOperationDialog>().SingleOrDefault(); if (currentDialog == null) { currentDialog = new FileOperationDialog(); tempWindow.ParentContents = currentDialog; currentDialog.Owner = win; tempWindow.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; currentDialog.Contents.Add(tempWindow); } else { tempWindow.ParentContents = currentDialog; tempWindow.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; currentDialog.Contents.Add(tempWindow); } } }
public void SetIcon(ShellObject obj) { obj.Thumbnail.CurrentSize = new System.Windows.Size(128, 128); pbIcon.Image = BitmapSourceToBitmap2(obj.Thumbnail.BitmapSource); }
internal ShellProperties(ShellObject parent) { ParentShellObject = parent; }
void NavigateExplorerBrowser(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs args) { IKnownFolder folder = (IKnownFolder)((ListBox)sender).SelectedItem ?? (IKnownFolder)ShellObject.FromParsingName(KnownFolders.Desktop.ParsingName); UpdateProperties(folder); }
public void DriversSelectionChanged(object x) { TreeOfFolders.Clear(); try { foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in new DirectoryInfo(x.ToString()).GetDirectories().OrderBy(y => y.Name).ToArray()) { ShellObject shellFolder = ShellObject.FromParsingName(dir.FullName.ToString()); BitmapSource shellThumb = shellFolder.Thumbnail.SmallBitmapSource; Folder folder = new Folder { Name = dir.ToString(), Icon = shellThumb, FullName = dir.FullName, }; try { folder.CountOfFolders = new DirectoryInfo(dir.FullName).GetDirectories().Length.ToString(); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex) { folder.CountOfFolders = "Отказано в доступе"; } try { folder.CountOfFiles = new DirectoryInfo(dir.FullName).GetFiles().Length.ToString(); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex) { folder.CountOfFiles = "Отказано в доступе"; } try { folder.CreationTime = dir.CreationTime.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex) { } folder.Children.Add(new Folder { Name = "*", Icon = null, FullName = dir.FullName }); TreeOfFolders.Add(folder); } foreach (FileInfo file in new DirectoryInfo(x.ToString()).GetFiles().OrderBy(y => y.Name).ToArray()) { Icon icon = (System.Drawing.Icon)System.Drawing.Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(file.FullName.ToString()); if (file.Extension.ToLower() == ".jpg" || file.Extension.ToLower() == ".jpeg" || file.Extension.ToLower() == ".bmp" || file.Extension.ToLower() == ".png") { TreeOfFolders.Add( new CustomImage { Name = file.ToString(), Icon = icon.ToImageSource(), FullName = file.FullName.ToString(), Size = ByteSize.FromBytes(file.Length).ToString(), CreationTime = file.CreationTime.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) } ); } else { TreeOfFolders.Add( new CustomFile { Name = file.ToString(), Icon = icon.ToImageSource(), FullName = file.FullName.ToString(), Size = ByteSize.FromBytes(file.Length).ToString(), CreationTime = file.CreationTime.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) } ); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(@ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a generic ShellProperty. /// </summary> /// <param name="propKey">PropertyKey</param> /// <param name="shellObject">Shell object from which to get property</param> /// <returns>ShellProperty matching type of value in property.</returns> public static IShellProperty CreateShellProperty(PropertyKey propKey, ShellObject shellObject) { return(GenericCreateShellProperty(propKey, shellObject)); }
internal PropertySystemContact(ShellObject parent) { shellObjectParent = parent; }
internal PropertySystemDocument(ShellObject parent) { shellObjectParent = parent; }
//New tab from ShellObject private void NewTab(ShellObject navTarget) { //Add a delay for creating new tabs System.Timers.Timer aTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(); aTimer.Interval = 500; aTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(delegate(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e) { tabCreateEnabled = true; }); aTimer.Enabled = true; if (!tabCreateEnabled) { tabControl.SelectedIndex = tabControl.Items.Count - 1; } else { tabCreateEnabled = false; ExplorerBrowser expBrowser = new ExplorerBrowser(); expBrowser.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; expBrowser.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top; expBrowser.Height = (this.Height - 57) > 0 ? (this.Height - 57) : this.Height; expBrowser.Width = this.Width; expBrowser.NavigationTarget = navTarget; expBrowser.AllowDrop = true; expBrowser.ViewMode = ExplorerBrowserViewMode.Icon; StackPanel expPanel = new StackPanel(); expPanel.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch; expPanel.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch; expPanel.Margin = new Thickness(-5, 0, 0, 0); expPanel.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(245, 246, 247)); WrapPanel expControls = new WrapPanel(); expControls.Height = 34; expControls.Width = this.Width; Button backButton = new Button() { Width = 29, Height = 29, Margin = new Thickness(32, 0, 12, 0), VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, Template = (ControlTemplate)FindResource("GlassButton"), Content = new Image() { Width = 29, //back: 20 Height = 29, //back: 20 VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center, Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/images/back2.ico")) } }; Button forwardButton = new Button() { Width = 29, Height = 29, Margin = new Thickness(12, 0, 12, 0), VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, Template = (ControlTemplate)FindResource("GlassButton"), Content = new Image() { Width = 29, //forward: 20 Height = 29, //forward: 20 VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center, Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/images/forward2.ico")) } }; TextBox addressBar = new TextBox() { VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, Width = this.Width - 250, Margin = new Thickness(29, 3, 0, 0), AcceptsReturn = false }; forwardButton.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown += delegate(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { expBrowser.NavigationLogIndex += 1; }; backButton.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown += delegate(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { expBrowser.NavigationLogIndex -= 1; }; addressBar.KeyDown += delegate(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.Key == Key.Enter || e.Key == Key.Return) { tryNavigate(expBrowser, addressBar); } }; addressBar.LostKeyboardFocus += delegate(object sender, KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e) { try { expBrowser.NavigationTarget = ShellObject.FromParsingName(addressBar.Text); } catch (Exception _e) { addressBar.Text = expBrowser.NavigationTarget.ParsingName; } }; expControls.Children.Add(backButton); expControls.Children.Add(forwardButton); expControls.Children.Add(addressBar); expPanel.Children.Add(expControls); expPanel.Children.Add(expBrowser); CloseableTabItem tabItem = new CloseableTabItem() { MinWidth = 100, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch, Content = expPanel, Header = "Test1", }; tabControl.Items.Add(tabItem); tabControl.SelectedIndex = tabControl.Items.Count - 1; expBrowser.Loaded += delegate(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { tabItem.Header = expBrowser.NavigationTarget.Name; }; expBrowser.ExplorerBrowserControl.NavigationComplete += delegate(object sender, Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Controls.NavigationCompleteEventArgs e) { tabItem.Header = e.NewLocation.Name; addressBar.Text = e.NewLocation.ParsingName; if (expBrowser.ExplorerBrowserControl.NavigationLog.CanNavigateBackward) { backButton.IsEnabled = true; } else { backButton.IsEnabled = false; } if (expBrowser.ExplorerBrowserControl.NavigationLog.CanNavigateForward) { forwardButton.IsEnabled = true; } else { forwardButton.IsEnabled = false; } }; browsers.Add(tabItem, expBrowser); } }
internal PropertySystemImage(ShellObject parent) { shellObjectParent = parent; }
/// <summary> /// Creates and initializes the native ExplorerBrowser control /// </summary> protected override void OnCreateControl() { base.OnCreateControl(); if (this.DesignMode == false) { explorerBrowserControl = new ExplorerBrowserClass(); // hooks up IExplorerPaneVisibility and ICommDlgBrowser event notifications ExplorerBrowserNativeMethods.IUnknown_SetSite(explorerBrowserControl, this); // hooks up IExplorerBrowserEvents event notification explorerBrowserControl.Advise( Marshal.GetComInterfaceForObject(this, typeof(IExplorerBrowserEvents)), out eventsCookie); // sets up ExplorerBrowser view connection point events viewEvents = new ExplorerBrowserViewEvents(this); NativeRect rect = new NativeRect(); rect.Top = ClientRectangle.Top; rect.Left = ClientRectangle.Left; rect.Right = ClientRectangle.Right; rect.Bottom = ClientRectangle.Bottom; explorerBrowserControl.Initialize(this.Handle, ref rect, null); // Force an initial show frames so that IExplorerPaneVisibility works the first time it is set. // This also enables the control panel to be browsed to. If it is not set, then navigating to // the control panel succeeds, but no items are visible in the view. explorerBrowserControl.SetOptions(ExplorerBrowserOptions.ShowFrames); explorerBrowserControl.SetPropertyBag(propertyBagName); if (antecreationNavigationTarget != null) { BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker( delegate { Navigate(antecreationNavigationTarget); antecreationNavigationTarget = null; })); } } Application.AddMessageFilter(this); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a generic ShellProperty. /// </summary> /// <param name="propKey">PropertyKey</param> /// <param name="shellObject">Shell object from which to get property</param> /// <returns>ShellProperty matching type of value in property.</returns> public static IShellProperty CreateShellProperty(PropertyKey propKey, ShellObject shellObject) => GenericCreateShellProperty(propKey, shellObject);
void DoAction(string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0 || args[0].Contains("?")) { Usage(); return; } if (args[0].Equals("-get", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { if (args.Length != 3) { Usage(); return; } string propertyName = args[1]; string fileName = Path.GetFullPath(args[2]); IShellProperty prop = ShellObject.FromParsingName(fileName).Properties.GetProperty(propertyName); DisplayPropertyValue(prop); } else if (args[0].Equals("-set", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { if (args.Length != 4) { Usage(); return; } string propertyName = args[1]; string value = args[2]; string fileName = Path.GetFullPath(args[3]); IShellProperty prop = ShellObject.FromParsingName(fileName).Properties.GetProperty(propertyName); SetPropertyValue(value, prop); } else if (args[0].Equals("-info", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { if (args.Length != 2) { Usage(); return; } string propertyName = args[1]; ShellPropertyDescription propDesc = SystemProperties.GetPropertyDescription(propertyName); ShowPropertyInfo(propertyName, propDesc); } else if (args[0].Equals("-enum", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { if (args.Length < 2) { Usage(); return; } string fileName = null; string filter = null; if (args.Length > 2) { filter = args[1]; fileName = Path.GetFullPath(args[2]); } else { fileName = Path.GetFullPath(args[1]); } EnumProperties(fileName, filter); } else { Usage(); return; } }
/// <summary> /// Clears the Explorer Browser of existing content, fills it with /// content from the specified container, and adds a new point to the Travel Log. /// </summary> /// <param name="shellObject">The shell container to navigate to.</param> /// <exception cref="System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException">Will throw if navigation fails for any other reason.</exception> public void Navigate(ShellObject shellObject) { if (explorerBrowserControl == null) { antecreationNavigationTarget = shellObject; } else { HRESULT hr = explorerBrowserControl.BrowseToObject(shellObject.NativeShellItem, 0); if (hr != HRESULT.S_OK) { if (hr == HRESULT.RESOURCE_IN_USE) { if (NavigationFailed != null) { NavigationFailedEventArgs args = new NavigationFailedEventArgs(); args.FailedLocation = shellObject; NavigationFailed(this, args); } } else throw new COMException("BrowseToObject failed", (int)hr); } } }
void IInitializeWithItem.Initialize(Shell.IShellItem shellItem, Shell.AccessModes accessMode) { _shellObject = ShellObjectFactory.Create(shellItem); }
/// <summary> /// Clears the Explorer Browser of existing content, fills it with /// content from the specified container, and adds a new point to the Travel Log. /// </summary> /// <param name="shellObject">The shell container to navigate to.</param> /// <exception cref="System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException">Will throw if navigation fails for any other reason.</exception> public void Navigate(ShellObject shellObject) { if (shellObject == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("shellObject"); } if (explorerBrowserControl == null) { antecreationNavigationTarget = shellObject; } else { HResult hr = explorerBrowserControl.BrowseToObject(shellObject.NativeShellItem, 0); if (hr != HResult.Ok) { if ((hr == HResult.ResourceInUse || hr == HResult.Canceled) && NavigationFailed != null) { NavigationFailedEventArgs args = new NavigationFailedEventArgs(); args.FailedLocation = shellObject; NavigationFailed(this, args); } else { throw new CommonControlException(LocalizedMessages.ExplorerBrowserBrowseToObjectFailed, hr); } } } }
private int GetAndCheckValues(string fileName, State state, bool useCodePack = false) { int errors = 0; CPropertyHandler handler = null; if (!useCodePack) { handler = new CPropertyHandler(); handler.Initialize(fileName, 0); } foreach (var saved in savedProps) { IShellProperty prop = ShellObject.FromParsingName(fileName).Properties.GetProperty(saved.Name); object objVal; if (useCodePack) { objVal = prop.ValueAsObject; } else { var value = new PropVariant(); handler.GetValue(new TestDriverCodePack.PropertyKey(prop.PropertyKey.FormatId, prop.PropertyKey.PropertyId), value); objVal = value.Value; } bool bSame = false; Type t = objVal != null?objVal.GetType() : null; if (t == typeof(Int16) || t == typeof(Int32) || t == typeof(UInt16) || t == typeof(UInt32) || t == typeof(bool)) { bSame = objVal.Equals(saved.Value); } else if (t == typeof(string)) { bSame = (string)objVal == (string)saved.Value; } else if (t == typeof(string[])) { string[] oss = (string[])objVal; string[] sss = (string[])saved.Value; bSame = true; if (oss.Length == sss.Length) { for (int i = 0; i < oss.Length; i++) { if (oss[i] != sss[i]) { bSame = false; break; } } } else { bSame = false; } } else if (t == typeof(Int32[]) || t == typeof(UInt32[])) { int[] os = (int[])objVal; int[] ss = (int[])saved.Value; bSame = true; if (os.Length == ss.Length) { for (int i = 0; i < os.Length; i++) { if (!os[i].Equals(ss[i])) { bSame = false; break; } } } else { bSame = false; } } else if (t == typeof(DateTime)) { DateTime save = (DateTime)(saved.Value); DateTime read = (DateTime)objVal; // Compare this way because exact ticks don't survive a round trip to text, and legibility // is more useful than serializing just a number of ticks bSame = save.Year == read.Year && save.Month == read.Month && save.Day == read.Day && save.Hour == read.Hour && save.Minute == read.Minute && save.Second == read.Second && save.Millisecond == read.Millisecond; } else { bSame = (saved.Value == null && objVal == null); } if (!bSame) { state.RecordEntry(String.Format("Mismatch for property {0}: expected {1}, got {2}", saved.Name, saved.Value != null ? ToDisplayString(saved.Value) : "Null", objVal != null ? ToDisplayString(objVal) : "Null")); errors++; } } if (!useCodePack) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(handler); // preempt GC for CCW } return(errors); }
void explorerBrowser1_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.explorerBrowser1.SelectedItems != null && this.explorerBrowser1.SelectedItems.Count == 1) { // Set our new current item currentItem = explorerBrowser1.SelectedItems[0]; // Update preview UpdatePreview(); } }
public override bool RunBody(State state) { RequirePropertyHandlerRegistered(); RequireContextHandlerRegistered(); RequireExtHasHandler(extension); state.RecordEntry(String.Format("Starting mass property setting on '{0}'...", extension)); //Create a temp file to put metadata on string fileName = CreateFreshFile(1, extension); savedProps = new List <SavedProp>(); // Give all writable properties random values, according to their type foreach (var propDesc in state.PropertyDescriptions.Where(p => !p.TypeFlags.HasFlag(TestDriverCodePack.PropertyTypeOptions.IsInnate))) { // These properties don't seem to be writeable. Don't know why, but they don't appear anyway in the list // of usable properties at if (propDesc.CanonicalName == "System.History.UrlHash" || propDesc.CanonicalName == "System.DuiControlResource" || propDesc.CanonicalName == "System.OfflineFiles.CreatedOffline" || propDesc.CanonicalName == "System.PropList.XPDetailsPanel" || propDesc.CanonicalName == "System.SDID" || propDesc.CanonicalName == "Windows.Registry.Type") { continue; } // Use API Code Pack to set the value, except for strings, because the Code Pack blows when setting strings of length 1 !! // Still use Code Pack elsewhere for its nullable type handling IShellProperty prop = ShellObject.FromParsingName(fileName).Properties.GetProperty(propDesc.CanonicalName); SetPropertyValue(fileName, propDesc, prop); } state.RecordEntry(String.Format("{0} property values set on {1}", savedProps.Count, fileName)); // Go around again, using the Handler directly to read all the values written and then check them int errors = GetAndCheckValues(fileName, state); state.RecordEntry(String.Format("{0} properties read back, {1} mismatches", savedProps.Count, errors)); if (errors > 0) { return(false); } // Use ContextHandler to export all the values var contextHandler = new CContextMenuHandler(); var dobj = new DataObject(); dobj.SetFileDropList(new StringCollection { fileName }); contextHandler.Initialize(new IntPtr(0), dobj, 0); contextHandler.QueryContextMenu(0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // This fails, but that's ok //export the metadata CMINVOKECOMMANDINFOEX cmd = new CMINVOKECOMMANDINFOEX(); cmd.lpVerb = new IntPtr((int)ContextMenuVerbs.Export); var cw = new CommandWrapper(cmd); contextHandler.InvokeCommand(cw.Ptr); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(contextHandler); // preempt GC for CCW // Create new file and import values to it string fileName2 = CreateFreshFile(2, extension); // rename metadata file RenameWithDelete(MetadataFileName(fileName), MetadataFileName(fileName2)); state.RecordEntry("Metadata exported, starting to import onto new file and check..."); // Get a new handler and import contextHandler = new CContextMenuHandler(); dobj = new DataObject(); dobj.SetFileDropList(new StringCollection { fileName2 }); contextHandler.Initialize(new IntPtr(0), dobj, 0); contextHandler.QueryContextMenu(0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // This fails, but that's ok cmd = new CMINVOKECOMMANDINFOEX(); cmd.lpVerb = new IntPtr((int)ContextMenuVerbs.Import); cw = new CommandWrapper(cmd); contextHandler.InvokeCommand(cw.Ptr); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(contextHandler); // preempt GC for CCW // Go around one last time, reading and checking the imported values // We don't use the Code Pack because of it's boolean value bug errors = GetAndCheckValues(fileName2, state, false); state.RecordEntry(String.Format("{0} properties read back, {1} mismatches", savedProps.Count, errors)); // Clean up files - checks if they have been released, too // Leave files around for analysis if there have been problems if (errors == 0) { File.Delete(fileName); File.Delete(fileName2); File.Delete(MetadataFileName(fileName2)); } return(errors == 0); }
public FilePropertyProvider(ShellObject shellObject) { _shellObject = shellObject; Items = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, PropertyItem>(); }
private void BtnNavUp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Browser.Navigate(ShellObject.FromParsingName(Directory.GetParent(txtNav.Text).FullName)); }
public void DoSearch(string SearchCriteria) { if (backgroundSearchThread != null) backgroundSearchThread.Abort(); if (Explorer.NavigationLog.CurrentLocation.IsSearchFolder) { if (BeforeSearchFolder == null) { BeforeSearchFolder = Explorer.NavigationLog.CurrentLocation; } } else { BeforeSearchFolder = Explorer.NavigationLog.CurrentLocation; } if (SearchCriteria != "") { backgroundSearchThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(DoSimpleSearch)); backgroundSearchThread.IsBackground = true; // ApartmentState.STA is required for COM backgroundSearchThread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); backgroundSearchThread.Start(SearchCriteria); } }
/// <summary> /// Single instance callback handler. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The sender.</param> /// <param name="args">The <see cref="SingleInstanceApplication.InstanceCallbackEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> private void SingleInstanceCallback(object sender, InstanceCallbackEventArgs args) { string StartUpLocation = KnownFolders.Libraries.ParsingName; RegistryKey rk = Registry.CurrentUser; RegistryKey rks = rk.OpenSubKey(@"Software\BExplorer", false); StartUpLocation = rks.GetValue(@"StartUpLoc", KnownFolders.Libraries.ParsingName).ToString(); if (args == null || Dispatcher == null) { return; } Action <bool> d = (bool x) => { var win = MainWindow as MainWindow; if (win == null) { return; } var hwnd = (HwndSource.FromVisual(win) as HwndSource).Handle; win.ApendArgs(args.CommandLineArgs); if (x) { ShellObject sho = null; if (args != null && args.CommandLineArgs != null) { if (args.CommandLineArgs.Length > 1 && args.CommandLineArgs[1] != null && args.CommandLineArgs[1] != "-minimized") { if (args.CommandLineArgs[1] != "t") { if (args.CommandLineArgs[1] == "nw") { MainWindow g = new MainWindow(); g.Show(); return; } else { win.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; if (win.WindowState == WindowState.Minimized) { WindowsAPI.ShowWindow(hwnd, (int)WindowsAPI.ShowCommands.SW_RESTORE); } String cmd = args.CommandLineArgs[1]; if (cmd.IndexOf("::") == 0) { sho = ShellObject.FromParsingName("shell:" + cmd); } else { sho = ShellObject.FromParsingName(args.CommandLineArgs[1].Replace("\"", "")); } } } else { win.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; if (win.WindowState == WindowState.Minimized) { WindowsAPI.ShowWindow(hwnd, (int)WindowsAPI.ShowCommands.SW_RESTORE); } sho = win.GetShellObjectFromLocation(StartUpLocation); } } else { win.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; if (win.WindowState == WindowState.Minimized) { WindowsAPI.ShowWindow(hwnd, (int)WindowsAPI.ShowCommands.SW_RESTORE); } sho = win.GetShellObjectFromLocation(StartUpLocation); } if (!isStartMinimized || win.tabControl1.Items.Count == 0) { sho.Thumbnail.FormatOption = ShellThumbnailFormatOption.IconOnly; sho.Thumbnail.CurrentSize = new Size(16, 16); ClosableTabItem newt = new ClosableTabItem(); newt.Header = sho.GetDisplayName(DisplayNameType.Default); newt.TabIcon = sho.Thumbnail.BitmapSource; newt.PreviewMouseMove += newt_PreviewMouseMove; newt.TabSelected += win.newt_TabSelected; newt.Path = sho; win.CloneTab(newt); } else { int RestoreTabs = (int)rks.GetValue(@"IsRestoreTabs", 1); if (RestoreTabs == 0) { win.tabControl1.Items.Clear(); sho.Thumbnail.FormatOption = ShellThumbnailFormatOption.IconOnly; sho.Thumbnail.CurrentSize = new Size(16, 16); ClosableTabItem newt = new ClosableTabItem(); newt.Header = sho.GetDisplayName(DisplayNameType.Default); newt.TabIcon = sho.Thumbnail.BitmapSource; newt.PreviewMouseMove += newt_PreviewMouseMove; newt.TabSelected += win.newt_TabSelected; newt.Path = sho; win.CloneTab(newt); } if (args.CommandLineArgs.Length > 1 && args.CommandLineArgs[1] != null) { String cmd = args.CommandLineArgs[1]; if (cmd.IndexOf("::") == 0) { sho = ShellObject.FromParsingName("shell:" + cmd); } else { sho = ShellObject.FromParsingName(args.CommandLineArgs[1].Replace("\"", "")); } sho.Thumbnail.FormatOption = ShellThumbnailFormatOption.IconOnly; sho.Thumbnail.CurrentSize = new Size(16, 16); ClosableTabItem newt = new ClosableTabItem(); newt.Header = sho.GetDisplayName(DisplayNameType.Default); newt.TabIcon = sho.Thumbnail.BitmapSource; newt.PreviewMouseMove += newt_PreviewMouseMove; newt.TabSelected += win.newt_TabSelected; newt.Path = sho; win.CloneTab(newt); } } rks.Close(); rk.Close(); win.Activate(); win.Topmost = true; // important win.Topmost = false; // important win.Focus(); // important } } }; Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(d, true); }