Example #1
        public ActionResult AuthorizeCallback(string code, string userCode)
            var redirectUri = "http://" + Request.Url.Authority + this.Url.Action("AuthorizeCallback", new { userCode = userCode });

            var sharpSquare = new SharpSquare(clientID, clientSecret);

            var accessToken = sharpSquare.GetAccessToken(redirectUri, code);

            // need this in order to make calls to API
            // it's redundant because token is already set in GetAccessToken() call but it helps to understand the workflow better.
            UserLoginInfo u1 = new UserLoginInfo();

            using (CheckinDatasetEntities4 db = new CheckinDatasetEntities4())
                var UserLogID = (from p in db.UserLoginInfo
                                 where p.USERNAME == User.Identity.Name
                                 select p.USERLOGINID).FirstOrDefault();
                string token = accessToken;
                db.Token.Add(new Token()
                    TOKENACID   = token,
                    USERLOGINID = UserLogID

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
Example #2
        protected void Session_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var request = HttpContext.Current.Request;
            var uriBuilder = new UriBuilder
                Host = request.Url.Host,
                Path = "/Home/Index",
                Port = 80,
                Scheme = "http",
            if (request.IsLocal)
                uriBuilder.Port = request.Url.Port;

            var redirectUri = uriBuilder.Uri.AbsoluteUri;

            // Code that runs when a new session is started
            if (HttpContext.Current.Session["SharpSquare"] != null) return;
            Logger.Error("redirectUri:" + redirectUri);
            var sharpSquare = new SharpSquare(ClientId, ClientSecret);
            var autenticateUrl = sharpSquare.GetAuthenticateUrl(redirectUri);
            Session["AutenticateUrl"] = autenticateUrl;
            Session["RedirectUri"] = redirectUri;
            Session["SharpSquare"] = sharpSquare;
Example #3
        protected void Session_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var request = HttpContext.Current.Request;
            var uriBuilder = new UriBuilder
                Host = request.Url.Host,
                Path = "/Home/Index",
                Port = 80,
                Scheme = "http",
            if (request.IsLocal)
                uriBuilder.Port = request.Url.Port;

            var redirectUri = uriBuilder.Uri.AbsoluteUri;

            // Code that runs when a new session is started
            if (HttpContext.Current.Session["SharpSquare"] != null) return;
            Logger.Error("redirectUri:" + redirectUri);
            var sharpSquare = new SharpSquare(ClientId, ClientSecret);
            var autenticateUrl = sharpSquare.GetAuthenticateUrl(redirectUri);
            Session["AutenticateUrl"] = autenticateUrl;
            Session["RedirectUri"] = redirectUri;
            Session["SharpSquare"] = sharpSquare;
 public VenuesService()
     var clientId = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FourSquareClientID"];
     var clientSecret = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FourSquareClientSecret"];
     this._queryService = new SearchQueryService();
     this._sharpSquare = new SharpSquare(clientId, clientSecret);
 public HomeService()
     this._clientId = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings[HomeConstant.ClientId];
     this._clientSecret = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings[HomeConstant.ClientSecret];
     this._sharpSquare = new SharpSquare(this._clientId, this._clientSecret);
     this._db = new FoursquareClientAssignmentContext();
Example #6
        public VenuesService()
            var clientId     = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FourSquareClientID"];
            var clientSecret = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FourSquareClientSecret"];

            this._queryService = new SearchQueryService();
            this._sharpSquare  = new SharpSquare(clientId, clientSecret);
Example #7
        public ActionResult UserClicksAuthenticate()
            var redirectUri = "http://" + Request.Url.Authority + this.Url.Action("AuthorizeCallback", new { userCode = "userCode" });
            //var redirectUri = "http://www.muhammetkaya.com/redirect_url" + this.Url.Action("AuthorizeCallback", new { userCode = "userCode" });
            var sharpSquare = new SharpSquare(clientID, clientSecret);
            var authUrl     = sharpSquare.GetAuthenticateUrl(redirectUri);

            return(new RedirectResult(authUrl, permanent: false));
Example #8
 public FoursquareHelper(string clientId, string clientSecret)
         _sharpSquare = new SharpSquare(clientId, clientSecret);
     catch (Exception ex)
 public FoursquareHelper(string clientId, string clientSecret)
         _sharpSquare = new SharpSquare(clientId, clientSecret);
     catch (Exception ex)
        private List <Venue> GetBarData(string latitude, string longitude, string radius)
            var sharpSquare = new SharpSquare(clientId, clientSecret);

            // let's build the query
            Dictionary <string, string> parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "ll", latitude + "," + longitude }, // Coords
                { "radius", radius },
                { "categoryId", categoryIdBar }

Example #11
        public void handleCallback()
                string clientId = "CLIENT_ID";
                string clientSecret = "CLIEND_SECRET";
                string redirectUri = "REDIRECT_URI";
                SharpSquare sharpSquare = new SharpSquare(clientId, clientSecret);

            catch (Exception  e)

 public virtual ActionResult Authorize(string code)
     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(code))
         return Json("Failed to authenticate");
     var api = new SharpSquare(ClientId, ClientSecret);
     string token = api.GetAccessToken(RedirectUrl, code);
     var user = api.GetUser();
     // todo store token to user
     using(var context = new FourWarContext())
         var user = context.Users.Create();
         user.OAuthToken = token;
          * */
     return RedirectToAction(MVC.Home.Index());
        public ActionResult venues()
            SharpSquare sharpSquare = new SharpSquare(clientId, clientSecret);
            BancoContext db = new BancoContext();
            int lastid = 0;
            Dictionary<string, string> parametros = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            List<Banco.Models.Venue> lisVenue = db.Venues.Where(w => w.updated.Year < 1950).ToList();

            foreach (Banco.Models.Venue ven in lisVenue)
                    FourSquare.SharpSquare.Entities.Venue v = new FourSquare.SharpSquare.Entities.Venue();
                    lastid = ven.Id;
                    v = sharpSquare.GetVenue(ven.SquareId);
                    ven.checkincount = (int)v.stats.checkinsCount;
                    ven.tipcount = (int)v.stats.tipCount;
                    ven.rate = v.rating;
                    if (v.price != null)
                        ven.tier = v.price.tier;
                    ven.likes = (int)v.likes.count;
                    ven.updated = DateTime.Now;
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (e.Message == "O servidor remoto retornou um erro: (403) Proibido.")
                        ViewBag.Message = e.Message;
            return View();
 public virtual ActionResult Authenticate()
     var api = new SharpSquare(ClientId, ClientSecret);
     string authenticateUrl = api.GetAuthenticateUrl(RedirectUrl);
     return Redirect(authenticateUrl);
 public PlaceController()
     _placeService = new PlaceService();
     _FSClient = new SharpSquare(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FourSquareClientId"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FourSquareClientSecret"]);
Example #16
 public FourSquareService(IOptions <FourSquareOptions> options)
     _sharpSquare = new SharpSquare(options.Value.Smartbot_Foursquare_ClientId, options.Value.Smartbot_Foursquare_ClientSecret);
        public ActionResult PreencherUsuarios()
            SharpSquare sharpSquare = new SharpSquare(clientId, clientSecret);
            BancoContext db = new BancoContext();
            int lastid = 13027;
            Dictionary<string, string> parametros = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            List<Banco.Models.User> lisUser = db.Users.Where(w => w.Sexo == null && w.Id > lastid).ToList();

            foreach (Banco.Models.User usuario in lisUser)
                    FourSquare.SharpSquare.Entities.User us = new FourSquare.SharpSquare.Entities.User();
                    lastid = usuario.Id;
                    us = sharpSquare.GetUser(usuario.SquareId);
                    usuario.Sexo = us.gender;
                    usuario.countAmigos = (int)us.friends.count;
                    usuario.countCheckin = (int)us.checkins.count;
                    usuario.countTip = (int)us.tips.count;
                    usuario.cidadeNatal = us.homeCity;
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (e.Message == "O servidor remoto retornou um erro: (403) Proibido.")
            return View();
        public ActionResult PreencheCategorias()
            SharpSquare sharpSquare = new SharpSquare(clientId, clientSecret);
            List<Banco.Models.Venue> venues = db.Venues.Include("Categories").Where(w => w.Id > 5734).ToList();
            foreach (Banco.Models.Venue v in venues)
                if (v.Categories == null || v.Categories.Count == 0)
                    FourSquare.SharpSquare.Entities.Venue venSquare = sharpSquare.GetVenue(v.SquareId);
                    if (venSquare.categories != null)
                        foreach (FourSquare.SharpSquare.Entities.Category c in venSquare.categories)
                            Banco.Models.Category cat;
                            cat = db.Categories.FirstOrDefault(f => f.SquareId == c.id);
                            if (cat == null)
                                cat = new Banco.Models.Category();
                                cat.Name = c.name;
                                cat.SquareId = c.id;
                                if (v.Categories.Where(w => w.SquareId == c.id) == null || v.Categories.Where(w => w.SquareId == c.id).Count() == 0)

            ViewBag.Message = "Preenche Categorias dos estabelecimentos.";
            return View();
        public ActionResult AdicionarTips()
            SharpSquare sharpSquare = new SharpSquare(clientId, clientSecret);
            List<Banco.Models.Tip> tiplist = new List<Banco.Models.Tip>();
            List<Banco.Models.User> userlist = new List<Banco.Models.User>();
            List<Banco.Models.Venue> venuelist = new List<Banco.Models.Venue>();
            Dictionary<string, string> parametros = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            List<FourSquare.SharpSquare.Entities.Venue> venues = new List<FourSquare.SharpSquare.Entities.Venue>();
            List<FourSquare.SharpSquare.Entities.Tip> tips = new List<FourSquare.SharpSquare.Entities.Tip>();
            parametros.Add("limit", "500"); // tentando pegar ateh 500 venues e tips

            for (double lon = -43.2652; lon < -43.2475; lon += 0.0005)

                parametros.Add("limit", "50");
                parametros.Add("ll", "-22.8707," + lon.ToString().Replace(',', '.'));
                venues = sharpSquare.SearchVenues(parametros);

                foreach (FourSquare.SharpSquare.Entities.Venue v in venues)
                    Banco.Models.Venue ven;
                    ven = db.Venues.FirstOrDefault(f => f.SquareId == v.id);
                    if (ven == null && venuelist.FirstOrDefault(f => f.SquareId == v.id) == null)
                        ven = new Banco.Models.Venue();
                        ven.SquareId = v.id;
                        ven.lat = -22.8707;
                        ven.lon = lon;
                    ven.Name = v.name;
                    parametros.Add("limit", "500");
                    tips = sharpSquare.GetVenueTips(v.id, parametros);
                    foreach (FourSquare.SharpSquare.Entities.Tip t in tips)
                        Banco.Models.Tip tip;
                        //Verifica de tip já foi adicionada anteriormente no banco
                        tip = db.Tips.FirstOrDefault(f => f.SquareId == t.id);
                        if (tip == null && tiplist.FirstOrDefault(f => f.SquareId == t.id) == null)
                            //Se é uma tip nova cria uma e adiciona no context
                            tip = new Banco.Models.Tip();
                            tip.SquareId = t.id;
                            tip.Venue = ven;

                        //sendo tip nova ou não atualiza os campos
                        tip.Description = t.text;
                        Banco.Models.User user;
                        user = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(f => f.SquareId == t.user.id);
                        if (user == null && userlist.FirstOrDefault(f => f.SquareId == t.user.id) == null)
                            user = new Banco.Models.User();
                            user.SquareId = t.user.id;
                            user.Name = t.user.firstName;
                        if (user == null && userlist.FirstOrDefault(f => f.SquareId == t.user.id) != null)
                            user = userlist.FirstOrDefault(f => f.SquareId == t.user.id);
                        tip.User = user;
            ViewBag.Message = "Venues, tips e users adicionados ao banco com sucesso.";
            return View();
 public FoursquareClient(IProvideFoursquareConfiguration configuration)
     this.configuration = configuration;
     client = new SharpSquare(configuration.ClientId, configuration.ClientSecret);
Example #21
 public FourSquareService(string clientId, string clientSecret)
     _sharpSquare = new SharpSquare(clientId, clientSecret);
    public List<FourSquareDataModel.Venue> GetVenuesNearBuilding(string modelId, string buildingId)
      if (!IW360OAuth.IsAuthorized) return null;
      Building building = GetModelBuilding(modelId, buildingId);
      if (building.geometry.Type != AiwGeometryType.Polygon) return null;

      // from the polygon of the building on IW360,
      // let calculate the center point (avarage)
      AiwPolygon pl = building.geometry as AiwPolygon;
      int i = 0;
      double avarageLat = 0;
      double avarageLng = 0;
      foreach (AiwLineString ls in pl.LinearRings)
        foreach (AiwCoordinate coord in ls.Coordinates)
          avarageLat += coord.Y;
          avarageLng += coord.X;
      avarageLat /= i;
      avarageLng /= i;

      // now use the avarage point to get venus from Four Square
      SharpSquare square = new SharpSquare(FOURSQUARE_CLIENTID, FOURSQUARE_CLIENTSECRET);
      Dictionary<string, string> requestParams = new Dictionary<string, string>();
      requestParams.Add("ll", string.Format(new CultureInfo("en-US"), "{0},{1}", avarageLat, avarageLng));
      requestParams.Add("radius", "500");
      requestParams.Add("intent", "browse");
      List<Venue> venues = square.SearchVenues(requestParams);

      // the venus from Four Square will come with lots of data
      // let's simplify and add some interesting data
      List<FourSquareDataModel.Venue> simplifiedVenues = new List<FourSquareDataModel.Venue>();
      foreach (Venue v in venues)
        FourSquareDataModel.Venue venueSummary = new FourSquareDataModel.Venue();
        venueSummary.name = v.name;
        venueSummary.id = v.id;
        venueSummary.distance = v.location.distance;
        venueSummary.address = v.location.address;
        venueSummary.url = v.url;
        venueSummary.foursqlat = v.location.lat;
        venueSummary.foursqlng = v.location.lng;
        venueSummary.iw360lat = avarageLat;
        venueSummary.iw360lng = avarageLng;


      // and finally order by distance from the center of the building
      var simplifiedVenuesOrder = from FourSquareDataModel.Venue v in simplifiedVenues orderby v.distance ascending select v;

      return simplifiedVenuesOrder.ToList(); // will serialize to JSON
 public FourSquareService()
     _FourSquare = new SharpSquare(_ClientId, _ClientSecret);
 //private List<object> GetFriends(SharpSquare sharpSquare)
 private SharpSquare GetClient()
     var sharpSquare = new SharpSquare(FourSquareClientId, FourSquareClientSecret);
     return sharpSquare;
        private List<Venue> GetVenues(SharpSquare sharpSquare, string latitude, string longitude, string type)
            var parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>
                                     {"ll", string.Join(",", latitude, longitude)},
                                     {"categoryId", m_eventTypes[type.ToLower()]}

            return sharpSquare.SearchVenues(parameters);
Example #26
 public FourSquareFactory()
     _sharpSquareClient = new SharpSquare(clientId, clientSecret);
Example #27
 public Swarm(string clientID, string clientSecret)
     this.ClientID     = clientID;
     this.ClientSecret = clientSecret;
     client            = new SharpSquare(ClientID, ClientSecret);